TNA Mid-card Belt

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So all good wrestling promotions have thier mid-card belts, WWE have the US title and Intercontinental, WCW had the US title as well and ECW had the television title. These titles always gives depth to the mid-card wrestlers and gives them something to fight for, so with all this talent in TNA and so many big stars on the horrizon would it be a good thing for TNA to introduce a new mid-card belt? Or would it not do them any good at all?

If they did produce it, what would it be called?

And who would be the first champ?
Well, in my own opinion, I think that adding a singles mid-card belt to the fray would more then likely help TNA. Being a wrestling fan of almost twenty years, I have to admit that seeing a two hour show that revolves around the dudleys pwn'n the X division title, Tomko and AJ's mix matched tag team championships, and Angle this, Angle that, putting another one into the mix would take more attention offa Angle.

That, and having all the talent just feuding over rats and crap like that... don't get me wrong, the whole misty thing's kinda weird, and it's a bit better then goldust in my opinion... but meh, a T.V. title would be pimp..... Kaz would pwn that...
Well TNA is unconventional so i think the title will be the spike title or something like that. TNA has a history of giving all titles to a face to start it i.e. gail kim, aj styles, ken shamrock, who were all faces at the time, so Kaz probably wins the belt, but roode takes it soon after. BTW with the current state of TNA this won't happen, even though it makes sense.
The only way a TV title would work is if they limited the World Title to occassional TV defenses and saved it for PPVs.

Like WCW did in the early days. You'd have to shell out the money to see Ric Flair vs. Sting for the title...but Arn Anderson defending the TV title every week on tv was the norm.

You'd have Kurt Angle and his next big opponent build on TV but the pay off wouldn't be until PPV. I think thats better for the buisness anyway. Think about it. YOu have Booker T., Christian Cage, Samoa Joe and AJ Style all wanting a title shot but they'd have to wait in line so you could space out the storylines over the coarse of the year instead of a new contender every 30 days.

The TV title in TNA on Robert Roode's waist he would be out every week defending it against Eric Young, Rhino, Kaz, Judas Masias, Abyss...and so forth.

IT builds two title that are important.

The X Division Title is a Division title. A specialty and deserves its own airtime as wella s the womens and tag.
Honestly, I like how things are now... Yes, even the women's division...

I mean the X-Division Championship is a title that is pretty nice to do. For people like Samoa Joe and Hernandez, who are big like the heavyweights, but can really fly. It gives people something to strive for, like the World title gives people something... The X-Division title has a nice background because the reason for X-Division is that there's No Weight Limit...

The Tag team division, obviously, the reason for it is for the tag teams they have there... Aj Styles & Tomko are a good tag team, and it sucks that TNA is making them have problems. But who knows, maybe this is TNA's version of MVP & Matt Hardy tag team...

And the Women's Division, this is great especially with them having the belt on Awesome Kong. This gives us one of those unstoppable champions... And seriously, someone said something about women stripping each other... No, never, in a million years would I ever want to see that woman naked... But yeah, Awesome Kong is pretty cool. Not the normal sticks that most promotions go for, and she can really draw in heat... I say she would do great with the X-Division or World title if given the chance too
they need a mid card title

theres so many guys that cant get the world title that could make a decent champion

its like this TNA has way to many mid carders that just fight left over talent and the occasional main eventer

theses guys could duke it out for a mid card title

not to say that x division is a low card title but its a multi card title it should have main eventers all the way to low carders duking it out for the title

could be something special if you ask me instead of the x divison being full of high flyers

x division isnt about high flying or 300 pound guys being athletic its about ability technical high flying submission mat based powerhouse ect

its about being good at something you know

you could have Steiner as champion because he has a natural talent for mat and powerbased moves

it should be about wrestling ability and talent have the guys that have a natural talent duke it out

Kurt Angle who is technically gifted could be a good champion but so could a guy like Homicide for example

a mid card belt for mid carders like Kaz and James Storm Robert Roode ect
low card dosnt need a belt
I don't think the X-Division can be considered a midcard belt. It's more like a cruiserweight title than a midcard belt. TNA definately needs some kind of midcard championship. They rely too much around the Heavyweight title that Kurt Angle and his opponents are taking all the TV time. If their was a midcard belt then people would have something else to invest their interest in. You would have 5 championships but at the same time, each has their own set of wrestlers and fans. Plus, it would sort of be like a steping stone for someone getting ready to fued for the Heavyweight Championship. Sort of like Jeff Hardy is doing right now in WWE.
Relying on the top title is what every promotion does. Raw, spends the majority of their time pushing the WWE Champion. Smackdown, pushes Edge and the World Championship. ECW doesn't because not many people watch ECW, honestly... Those fans are Smackdown fans who get a one-hour bonus...

The X-Division does have a lot of high flyers, but not ALL X-Division Champions have had that ability... The one right before Jay Lethal didn't... That's Kurt just incase you guys forgot...

I mean yeah, he had it all for a little while so they can build a storyline, but the point is it proves that you don't need that type of wrestling style to get the belt...
They could just turn the X div title in to the mid card b having the MCMG and jay lose and thus make the x title extinct i hope they don't do that just becuse the x div is what made TNA cool to watch but they could turn it in to a TV title build it like the x title with no weight class not to sure on my wrestling history but did WCW or ECW ever have a weight limit of the TV title? The point being though that just because the x div title is gone doesn’t mean they couldn't go out and have a x div style match plus with the way TNA has been doing the x div it feels to me more like the C-weight title on smackdown there but not a special thing even though a lot of the guys where great in teh ring they didn't get the time which is what TNA has been doing just relabel the x div title as the TV title you get the mid card title but use the x div stars actually is all I hope they do
I think they do need a mid-card title because they have changed as a company over the last 2 years or so. It used to be that you were either Heavyweight, X-Division or Tag Title contender, the X-Division had more star power, AJ, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Petey Williams (before he got buried) and so on. The heavyweight division was smaller too, Abyss, Jarrett, Raven. Nowadays there are far more heavyweights, Sting, Angle, Cage, Steiner, Mesias, Booker T, Tomko. Now that's fine, but the X-Division has also matured so to speak, AJ and Joe have outgrown it and are now heavyweights while other X-Division talents have left the company. With less people of a lower calibre are in contention for their former mid-card belt and far more of a higher calibre gunning for their main title it creates an inbalance.

There needs to be a second-level belt, and that doesnt mean the X-Division needs to get sacrificed, it's just because those top-level talents can't work an X-style match, it's not about weight limits so it's not like the crusierweight division which is expected to be lower card. Just those heavyweight guys work a different style of match and need their own belt. I think the problem with TNA at the moment is they have too many guys with nothing to do, Joe & Booker for example. Robert Roode is damn good but he isnt good enough to hold the main belt, a solid mid-card title reign could make him though.
I agree that a mid-card belt would be an excellent stepping stone for those guys looking at the main event from the outside....but face it, TNA has one two-hour show a's enough to push the X Division, Tag, Women's, and World title matches in one night. If they added another belt, it would just water down the value of the belts, and practically every match would be a title match on a night of Impact.
Plus, the promos, interviews, and backstage segments add time as well. But, if TNA had another show it would be plausible..unless they moved a title to be exclusive on Xplosion, but that is unlikely. The X Division is what made TNA, and another belt over that would make it seem less valuable.
This is not to take away from the value of the talent, who deserve more shots at gold, but looking at it from a business and TV standpoint...there is only so much TNA can do at this point....
I think that there is a possiblility of TNA scrapping the X Division all toghether, if Team 3D wins, no more X Division right, and that opens up TNA for a new championship, but then again, that kind of defeats the purpose, doesnt it, well, either way, I think a new title would give people like Robert Roode and Eric Young and James Storm a championship to hold, since the X division is over crowded. It provides another stepping stone before they job to Angle.
To be honest, a mid-card belt will always be a fantastic idea and maybe they should do it, but you have to understand where the creative team is coming from to do such a direction as this. Talent is coming and going like we change underwear and also they are not so quick to put someone over unless they feel its a last resort and could show "promise" in the future (Kaz). Why do think you only see Angle in everything you see? I still say Joe is the future of the company, but go so far with him. That whole stole the belt thing was awesome and he proved he can be somebody in that league. AJ Styles was the first Triple Crown winner in TNA, what happened to that? Now Booker is in (don't get me wrong he one of my favorites) and he might get a top spot faster than Joe. I might be wrong, but TNA hasn't failed me yet. I feel they should have like a top five like set up. I seen something like that in a magazine and the better you are the faster you rise to the top. The fueds here could be endless if they did it right. I could see a five man battle royal for a number 1 contender spot. So its either a mid-card belt or do a ranking system.
I pray to whoever's up in the heavens every night for a mid card title. I honest to god think it'll give the Robert Roode's, James Storm's, Kazarian, Booker T, Rellik Black Reign and anyone else a shot at greatness without engaging in dumbass monster house angles (Super Eric vs. Reign/Rellik) Mid card title woild be the greatest thing to happen to wrestling since Kurt Angle
If they let their in house talent truly have the spotlight I don't think there'd be a need for another title. Because then some of the in house talent would seriously vie for the main title and then some of the names brought in can duke it out without having to have a title because they've accomplished so much and they have name recognition. But it is hard to see a mid card title in the future due to the roster turnover rate but maybe the roster wouldn't turn over so much if there was a mid card title. So really I'm pretty much split on this issue.
THe Mid-card title is something LONG overdue.
But I do agree with the statement about the lower tallent not needing a title.

you have GREAT tallent like Roode, Morgan, Storm, and to spice it up throw Steiner, Nash, Booker, Rhino into the mix.

X-division is being labeled as a cruserwieght division which is wrong. not saying those guys should not get a shot at the belt but there are other talent that can sell the tickets if they are champs and not to mention it will establish the belt in 5-10 years looking back.

I also think Sharkboy deserves a run, b/c he is KILLER on house shows and is entertaining to watch.
X-division should have a harcore match every now and then, and be headlining Impacts.

so either use it for crusierweights only and get a mid card (i sugesst either TV title or a North American title (lots of Canadian/Mexican guys there)

there is WAY too much underutilzed mid card tallent to let to by!
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