What is your favorite Royal Rumble of all-time?


Championship Contender
I'm talking about just strictly the battle royal, not the pay-per-view as a whole.

Mine was 1992 when the WWF Championship was declared vacant and the winner of the Rumble would become new Champion. What an epic finish with the last 4 being Flair, Savage, Hogan and Sid. The details are fuzzy, but If I remember correctly, Sid eliminated Savage. It could have been Flair, correct me if I'm wrong. Next, Sid walked up to Hogan from behind and tossed him over rope as he was struggling for position with Flair. Hogan couldn't believe it because they were supposed to be "brothers". Sid could be heard saying, "It's every man for himself...big man!" Then somehow Hogan grabbed ahold of Sid's hand and tried to pull him out. Flair snuck up from behind and tossed Sid over and became new WWF Champion.

Sid and Hogan had to be separated by a bunch of refs as Flair celebrated and Heenan went wild in the announcer's booth. Epic Rumble with a great finish.

An even better finish I can remember though was 1995 when the British Bulldog thought he eliminated Shawn Michaels, but only one of his feet hit the floor. The other swayed back and forth, just inches from the floor, then he pulled himself back up over the top rope, ran up behind Davey Boy who was on the 2nd rope celebrating with his music playing, and knocked him over the top rope. Then the refs reversed the decision and declared Shawn the winner. Awesome.
For me is Royal Rumble 2010 i know it wasn't the best but i'm a huge Edgehead so i was jumping all over the place when he won.
Mine has to be the 2002 Royal Rumble for a number of reasons.

They had A LOT of superstars making their returns in the match. Guys like Val Venis, Mr. Perfect, The GodFather, Goldust, and more importantly Triple H. I feel like it gave the match itself such a better feeling. It really gave it that "anybody can win" feel cause you never knew who was coming out next.

The commentary between JR and King was enjoyable as always, but they always seem to be in true form during the Royal Rumble.

Everybody knew all the superstars that were entered. There wasn't that "Who's That" person like there is with most Rumble Matches.

The showdown between Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin.....enough said. Austin was in the ring waiting, the buzzer sounded and as soon as Triple H's music hit.....WOW. The whole crowd was jacked for this moment and of course the commentary was on point as always.

And who can forget THE Moment of the Royal Rumble:


The way Kurt Angle thought he won and Triple H just eliminated him.

I felt like from top to bottom, it was plain entertaining. There wasn't really a lull in the action at all. I rank it at the top of my list. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go watch it right now.
Both as a whole and simply the match itself: 2001.

The PPV as a whole is one the best the WWF ever did. But since that is not what was asked, I won't go into detail. But look at the card and tell me how that isn't, just on paper, one of the best ever.

But the Rumble match itself was such a great match. Kane eliminating a 11 guys was awesome, and the ending with Austin completing his comeback from neck surgery was phenomenal. 1992 was a close second, but I'll take 2001.
Royal Rumble 2000! OMG, I'm surprised nobody put that yet. From start to finish it was an awesome event. You had Hunter vs Cactus for the WWF title in a street fight which brought the very best out of both men. It really put HHH on the map. Plus, the Royal Rumble match itself was very fun. You had all of these cool characters (Val, Godfather, Kane, DX, etc) meshing together having a very interesting battle. Plus, you had a freakin' dance in the middle of the rumble with Too Cool! Plus it was in MSG, my favorite arena (especially when the stage is set up the way it was). You had that tag team tables match with the Hardys and the Dudleys. If you ask me, this is the 2nd best ppv of all time behind WM 17!
I gotta go with Royal Rumble 2003 if its only for the rumble match

I know its definitely not the best rumble match but its the best to me personally because i loved Brock Lesnar and was very happy to see him win! and i knew he and Angle would have a classic at Mania 19 and they definitely delivered!
i have 2...first and foremost is the 1995...alot of things took place...HBK entering at #1 and winning. Him causing the creation of the Shawn Michaels rule.

Then there was the rumble Maven eliminated Taker. Ive always been a big Taker mark. But just his expression after being eliminated was beautiful. Then Mavens expression of "oh shit, im a dead man now!" and the brutal beating Taker administered there after
1992 is one of my favorites, but my favorite was 2004. Yea you knew Benoit was going to win, but it has such talent in the rumble and the ending when he eliminated Big Show was epic, using his momentum to get him over.

I also like 2006 for some reason, Im not really sure why but it had a lot of exciting spots, and Im not a big Mysterio fan so it's not him winning. But it was just exciting from beginning to end with the constant back and forth between HHH and Mysterio throughout the match.
Mine has to be the 2002 Royal Rumble for a number of reasons.

They had A LOT of superstars making their returns in the match. Guys like Val Venis, Mr. Perfect, The GodFather, Goldust, and more importantly Triple H. I feel like it gave the match itself such a better feeling. It really gave it that "anybody can win" feel cause you never knew who was coming out next.

The commentary between JR and King was enjoyable as always, but they always seem to be in true form during the Royal Rumble.

Everybody knew all the superstars that were entered. There wasn't that "Who's That" person like there is with most Rumble Matches.

The showdown between Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin.....enough said. Austin was in the ring waiting, the buzzer sounded and as soon as Triple H's music hit.....WOW. The whole crowd was jacked for this moment and of course the commentary was on point as always.

And who can forget THE Moment of the Royal Rumble:


The way Kurt Angle thought he won and Triple H just eliminated him.

I felt like from top to bottom, it was plain entertaining. There wasn't really a lull in the action at all. I rank it at the top of my list. As a matter of fact, I think I'll go watch it right now.

I was at that Royal Rumble here in Atlanta with my Dad and Best Friend so that one will always hold a special place with me. When Maven Eliminated Undertaker the entire Phillips Arena including myself just exploded and I must have said Oh my god about a hundred times. Even after we left everybody kept saying Where's Maven? Plus seeing Mr Perfect,Val Venis,Godfather,and Goldust all Return was great.

We were also at the 2010 Royal Rumble the night Edge came back to win the Rumble. So those two will always be two of my Favorite Royal Rumbles.

Honorable Mentions-1992,1994,1995,1997,2000,2001,2004,2008.
well i gotta go with 2008 at MSG just cuz i was there...when Cena came out and had his duel with HHH that was intense...i was just new to the WWE that year, and never got to see Cena, and right when he came out I hated him cuz he beat HHH...never forgive
My favorite royal rumble is the 92 one when that rumble had lots of former world champs, the story telling was excellent how it played out with feuds. My favorite part when heels faced heels in rumble, the one i recall is jake roberts and ric flair when flair and roberts team together and then roberts short arm close line flair, undertaker grabed flair from the throat in the air, and good commentating by monsoon and heenan,especially heenan said when piper came out saying no, no ,no, any body but piper and when hogan and sid came out too when heenan said no, no,no classic stuff.
I was a big fan of the 1994 Rumble. There were alot of 'mini attractions' within the event itself. I believe Diesel started the trend of throwing multiple guys out rapidly and waiting alone in the ring showing dominance early. There was an entrant who didn't show up at all, leading people to believe it was the injured Bret Hart. Even though it wasn't even a feud at the time, the crowd went crazy when Michaels and Jannetty went toe to toe in the middle of the ring. there was a stalled entrance, and when the curtain moved to show Bret limping to the ring, the crowd went NUTS. And finally, the Hart/Luger ending had the crowd in suspense. Though lacking in 'big names,' this Rumble in my opinion was awesome.
I'm gonna have to say my favourite Rumble match was from the 89 Rumble.

See, Demolition is one of my favourite tag teams ever, only second to the Hart Foundation.

And when they drew numbers 1 and 2, I was going nuts, not knowing what to expect.

Then when they shook hands, I very briefly felt a slight bit of disappointment, as I started to think they were going to wait out the clock and wait for the next entrant. But that quickly faded as I saw them start trading fists with each other. I was beaming after that, because that's more their style.

But the fun didn't end there, because Andre was the next out, and now they could focus on him. And then there was the "accidental" elimination of Savage by his partner Hogan, thus marking the beginning of the end for the Mega Powers. And it was won by Big John Studd who was the first winner of the 30 man Rumble format, when he eliminated Dibiase.

Good stuff in my book.
I have 3 rumble match favorites.
1992- Ric Flair being the first single digit number to win the Rumble match, and the only man to win the WWF/E Championship winning the Rumble. Plus the names in the match are Historical(Warlord,Randy Savage,Hulk Hogan,Sid Justice,Rowdy Piper,Ted Dibease,British Bulldog,Undertaker,Jake Roberts,Jim Duggan, etc...) Not to mention the card was a great Wrestling Card maybe one of the best from top to bottom.

1994- Bret Hart is my favorite of all-time so his only rumble win has to be one of my favorites, especially the story leading up to the two winners. Both were made to look like they wouldnt even make it into the rumble, and both entered with impact(Brets a lil impact seeing he was "kayfabe" hurt with an ankle injury earliar in the night). This Rumble also had some good names like Shawn Michaels, Diseal, Bam Bam Bigelow, Randy Savage, Hell even Jeff Jarrett was in this rumble match and Scott Steiner lol...

1997- I attended this Rumble match andit was amazing as a 10 yr old kid watching your Hero get screwed yet again for the second time in a row. Stone Cold solidified himself as a SUPERSTAR winning this rumble even though he cheated to do it. But he was number 4 and that was impressive seeing the clock was 2:30 each entrant. At the time I swore Bret was gonna win and when he threw Austin out i 4sure thought it was gonna happen. But we all know what happen Mankind and Terry Funk were on the outside refusing to leave and the refs were tied up with them as Austin was thrown over, he came back in and took out Vader and Undertaker(who wrestled earliar in the night) and Bret taking out Fake Diseal(Kane) and Austin jus swoops him over 3 seconds later and the refs claim him as the official winner. After this Bret was Furious and cussing out Vince Mcmahon(I was right there) Even Jim Ross admitted to Bret that he threw him over the rope. This was also my first lesson in Life that LIFE ISNT FAIR. But yea not alot of good names in this one other than OWEN Hart, a young Hunter Hearst Helsmley, and The Rocks first Rumble. Another moment i liked about this one is when Jerry Lawler got eliminated in 4 seconds. Classic and the undercard and Main event(Shawn Michaels in his hometown of San Antonio vs. "Psyco" Sid for the WWF/E Championship)...

Honaroable mentions- 2011 and 2001....

Also want to point out ever since watching Wrestling at the age of 2 the Royal Rumble has always been my favorite match of all time...
I was a big fan of the 1994 Rumble. There were alot of 'mini attractions' within the event itself. I believe Diesel started the trend of throwing multiple guys out rapidly and waiting alone in the ring showing dominance early. There was an entrant who didn't show up at all, leading people to believe it was the injured Bret Hart. Even though it wasn't even a feud at the time, the crowd went crazy when Michaels and Jannetty went toe to toe in the middle of the ring. there was a stalled entrance, and when the curtain moved to show Bret limping to the ring, the crowd went NUTS. And finally, the Hart/Luger ending had the crowd in suspense. Though lacking in 'big names,' this Rumble in my opinion was awesome.

The entrant who never showed up was Brodus Clay. WWE didnt think it was the right time for him to debut so they held him off that card.

My favorite Royal Rumble was the 1992 Royal Rumble for all the reasons listed above. I loved at the end when Sid tossed Hogan over. The crowd went nuts and popped big for Sid. Hogan got booed out of the building when he and Sid got in each others faces at the end. Of course good ol WWE didnt want that so all videos got dubbed with boos for Sid and cheers for Hogan which ticked me off when I was young.
I would say 1995 due to the great finish, but the fact that it was one of the shortest Rumbles in history, with only 1 minute between entrants, kind of cheapened the whole "first man to enter at #1 and win" deal with Shawn Michaels because the entire Rumble only lasted 39 minutes. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase lasted 45 minutes in 1990. Rick Martel lasted 52 minutes in 1991. Ric Flair lasted 60 minutes in 1992. And Bob Backlund lasted 61 minutes in 1993. So while "entering at #1 and winning the match" sounds good on paper it doesn't change that he was only in the ring for a little over half an hour. Even the next year a young rookie, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, was in the match for 48 minutes.

My favorite was 1997. You had the rise of Austin, the continuation of the very slow, and yet very well done heel turn for Bret Hart, and you had a young and healthy Undertaker starting to rise up to become the dominate force that he would be in the years to come (be honest, he main evented more major shows in 1997 than he had done in the first 6 years of his WWF career and heading into 1997 he was seen as an upper mid-carder at best)... it was just a classic rumble match, and the look on Austin's face when Bret Hart's music hit after he had been dominating the match for nearly 10 minutes told the whole story of their feud up to that point... great stuff
There been some great Rumbles over the years in terms of match quality and entertainment. However, you sort of knew who would win with it being after a comeback (SCSA 01', HHH 02') or a 'defy the odds type' (Lesnar 03', Benoit 04', Mysterio 06'). But the ones where it wasn't so clear who would win are the big pulls for me. Was good to see Taker 07' finally get a Rumble victory. Also the SURPRISE returns like Cena 08' & Edge 10'.
Wow, this is like asking me what I'm going to have for lunch ten weeks from now (A: Sloppy Joe, shrimp cocktail and a milkshake). Anywho my favorite Royal Rumble match if I had to pick would be 2007. Taker is easily in my favorite all time, probably number two behind Bret Hart. Him finally winning the Rumble was awesome, plus it won me some money. The Rumble itself was solid from what I remember. The final showdown between Rated RKO, Taker, and HBK was fantastic and even better when it was just Taker/HBK. Foreshadowing to 08 when Taker/HBK started it and then they had their two epic Mania matches. Plus minor moments like Sabu going through the table, a great showing from a young CM Punk, and Benjamin saving himself in a very creative Rumble spot. Great stuff across the board.
My personal favourite would have to be 2004, well actually I have 2, 2004 when Benoit won, RIP. And the 2008 one simply because I'm a John Cena fanatic. Winning the rumble elevated Cena to new levels and he became the top guy. And that first beat hit, the roof blew off the MSG with the infamous controversial reaction that John Cena receives every time he steps foot into an arena. But that reaction he got was just amazing.
The one Ric Flair won. It was the best match overall and was great to see Naitch get the WWF belt. I also liked the early one where John Studd won, maybe because it was the first rumble I saw.

Ok...ok fine. I didn't, I'm kidding. But I think one I haven't seen mentioned that is one of my favorites and highly underrated is the 1991 Royal Rumble. It had a phenomenal flow: started off with the Hitman and Dino Bravo followed by Valentine (who lasted for like 45 minutes) and Martel came in shortly after lasting about 52-53 minutes setting the record that Flair broke the next year. Then you had guys like Jake the Snake, Hogan, Perfect, a young young Shane Douglas, Undertaker in his first rumble looking unstoppable, Davey Boy, the Road Warriors, Snuka, Earthquake at his peak, and Savage no-showing the rumble to further his feud with Warrior. It was a well-paced match and no real big lags where there only 1 or 2 guys in the ring until the end. Highly underrated and if you haven't seen it, you're missing out.
2004 for me was the best Royal Rumble!!! From that hellish encounter between trips and HBK who could forget that match?? It ended in a draw where both superstars gave it their all!! Benoit going the distance winning the royal rumble to me that rumble had it all!!! Brock V Holly in a well just a fight to the finish where brock beat the snot out of holly. To me this rumble had it all even hot looking Nidia!! At least i think shes hot
Mine was the very first one. the one that Hacksaw Jim Duggan won, my reasons are as follows. it was the first, it was on USA network, not a 40 dollar PPV, and Bret Hart looked great in it!
Iam one of the only people here who have watched the royal rumble since it started in 1988 and my top 3 rumbles would have to go like this :

3. Royal rumble 1998 - This is a awesome rumble for many reasons and one of the best . The first bit was pritty cool when catcus jack and chainsaw charlie (terry funk) where just hitting each other in the head with steel chairs AND THEY GOD DAMN WANTED TO GET HURT. After that more people started coming in and it began to feel more like a rumble , Terry funk also did stay in quite a long time. Another awesome bit was the rock lasted 50 minutes and it came down to him and stone cold , witch was funny cause they main evented wrestlemania against each other. Honstly i wanted the rock to win because of how long he lasted . very good rumble though.

2. Royal rumble 2001 this was known mainly for kane elimanating 11 other peole over 1/3 of the rumble witch i thought was amazing. Another cool bit was when kane got the tony honk man's guitar and smashed it onto his head. Another bit i liked was when the rock elimantied ricshki and the big show. It finnaly got down to kane and stone cold and stone cold steve austin won witch was a bit of a surprice because i thought kane was going to win for sure , and a very good royal rumble.

1. Royal rumble 1992 famous for the first time a wwe title was on the line for the winner of the royal rumble , i cant remember this rumble that well cause it was 20 years ago but flair lasted over 1 hour witch was increbible i think and this rumble made him get a big push. The ending was good too when hulk hogan already elimanted by sid juctice came back to help flair win. WOOOOOO , best rumble ever perfect. Thank you flair. WOOOOOOOOOO.

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