Wrestling angles/story lines that really annoyed you...

I totally forgot about WWE mismanaging DDP, but while we're at it lets just go with the entire Invasion farce. There were ways to make those they had seem credible. Booker T was also mismanaged to hell and when Steve Austin joined the WCW/ECW Alliance it was a joke. Vince's ego destroyed that angle, WWE could have lived off it for years.

I still think that since Booker and Page were the two biggest names that came over they should have been built up to be world beaters.
Matt Hardy heel turn on Jeff Hardy January 2009. The angle had built for months and then the pay off was it was Matt Hardy. It was meant to be Christian; as a way of introducing Christian back to WWE. The IWC found out it was meant to be Christian and it ruined his return because WWE changed plans. Instigated by, ironically, THAT moron Vince Russo. He wrote the stupid angle for the Main Event Maffia to kick Christian out of the group via a beatdown (he may have left before- I pay little attention to TNA because it is the worst TV show ever in wrestling) and they told the world that Christian was going back to WWE. That was stupid. Sure it damaged Christian's impact for his return for anyone who watches TNA, but it also said "WWE is a better promotion. Even our former world champion is going back there. So we shall give them some free advertising for their show".

The whole lot of this SUCKED and that was sad cos I was genuinely excited for Captain Charisma to return.

I actually liked this story.

Firstly, who said that it would be Christian? That was someone on the net who read that Chirstian had re-signed with WWE, Jeff Hardy had an attacker, and the person put 2+2 and got 5.

WWE never promised it was Christian. Having it be Matt was actually brilliant! No-one saw it coming, and it was more personal. The photos of the Hardys as children, doing everything together, added more gravity to the tragedy of the falling-out, and is a much better sibling feud than the current Bella one (even you must admit that). They should have given more time to the feud, and having Matt go back face two months later made it fizzle out, but the idea was worth doing. Besides, if Christian had returned later in the night at the RR match, then people would have been happy anyway.
Anything with Bret Hart in WCW. I couldn't make heads or tails of the whole damn thing and after reading Bret's book and listening to his interviews neither could he!!

- One week he was face, then the next week he was heel.

- He was fighting Hogan and the NWO then he joined up with Hogan and the NWO but he was never "officially" in.

-He was relegated to the U.S. title. Here was the former WWF Champion battling for the U.S. Strap. It was almost as if they wanted to make point that Bret was second tier to guys like Hogan, Nash, and Flair.

-He was never a main event during his first couple years there it was only AFTER Hogan and Nash gave up power that Bret was given main event status.

- He was never in any meaningful feuds. Hogan v. Bret seemed like a no brainer at the time but they never touched but once on Nitro.

Bret got the US strap because Goldberg was correctly given the world title. Also, Bret headlined multiple Nitros and pay-per-views in 1998. This idea that WCW buried Bret is baffling to me. He was a top guy from the second he got there, and his storylines sucked like everyone else's.
Katie Vick, I've tolerated a lot in professional wrestling. The post-Monday Night War landscape was tough to watch for me, but I still did what I could to stay tuned. There were some bright spots for me in the post-Attitude Era and WCW's sale to the WWF. But once WWF got the "F" out and became WWE, is when I started to shake my head at what I was seeing and Katie Vick is something I'll always associate with that period in history because we were only a few months removed from the name change.

I mean the whole necrophelia angle belongs nowhere in pro wrestling. People can bitch all they want about The Fingerpoke Of Doom, David Arquette winning the WCW World Title and so on. But if you can honestly decry those storylines but have no issue with Katie Vick then it's simple:



Same goes for the McMahon limo death...I mean they turned that into an actual Eddie and Owen style tribute when it was presented as if Mr. McMahon was actually dead. I mean fucking get real. It's sad that it took a real life tragedy in the wake of the Chris Benoit murder suicide to get them to put a stop to that shit. But I mustn't forget to say that while these "legit looking" McMahon mini-eulogies were happening, Sherri Martel was actually pronounced dead and got nothing but a mere thumbnail on WWE's website while Vince's likeness soaked up the site's main page.

So people can bitch all they want about WCW and who had power, but face it, you're a gullible fool if you believe everything you hear about backstage and how it affects an angle. I'm not saying egos aren't involved in wrestling, I think it's safe to say they are.

But what I just mentioned shows the true lows wrestling has sadly sunk to in the last decade, plain and fucking simple.
Bret got the US strap because Goldberg was correctly given the world title. Also, Bret headlined multiple Nitros and pay-per-views in 1998. This idea that WCW buried Bret is baffling to me. He was a top guy from the second he got there, and his storylines sucked like everyone else's.

OK, did he feud with Hogan? (who had the World title for most of '98)

Did he feud with Nash? (the top babyface before Goldberg)

Did he feud with Goldberg? (after Goldbrg won the title in the summer?)

Tell me any MEANINGFUL storylines and feuds Bret Hart was involved with before the one with Goldberg in 1999?

Yes he was at the top of the card OF COURSE he was at the top of the card, but they didn't have ANY meaning at all. He was just there. He was Hogan's "sidekick" in the black and white, yet he didn't feud with the Wolfpack. He would side with Hogan then turn on Hogan. Yet they didn't feud. It was confusing.

He wasn't a solid heel or face. He was in between. One week he would be a babyface, the next week heel. One week feuding with Booker T, the next Luger. It had no rhyme or reason. By the time he had his feud with Sting, I was confused. Was he NWO or not?

That is the definiton of being buried. He was NOT PUSHED, plain and simple.

Why didn't he feud with Hogan right off the bat after he "interfered" at Starrcade '97. Why didn't he feud with Sting? Why didn't he feud with Nash? He was a NON-FACTOR.
Bret got the US strap because Goldberg was correctly given the world title. Also, Bret headlined multiple Nitros and pay-per-views in 1998. This idea that WCW buried Bret is baffling to me. He was a top guy from the second he got there, and his storylines sucked like everyone else's.

Another thing for me about the US Title, it was never seen in the same way as WWE's IC Title. It was always a title a main eventer could go back to.

I still think that since Booker and Page were the two biggest names that came over they should have been built up to be world beaters.

I agree, had they booked those two correctly WCW could have been seen as a force right from out the gate.
One of the worst ones in recent years for me was the Hornswoggle as Vince's son storyline in WWE. It was supposedly going to be Kennedy who was Vince's son in the storyline, who would have gotten a huge push with his Money In the Bank cash-in and also being revealed as the one behind Vince's limo exploding. Instead we got the Hornswoggle storyline which ended up being just embarrassing to watch. The match with JBL and Finlay at Wrestlemania 24 at the end exceeded expectations, but 90% of everything else this feud brought us was rather awful.

Then there's the angle from TNA where Abyss was given Hulk Hogan's WWE Hall Of Fame ring. He started coming out to Hogan's old music and a ring from the federation's main rival was supposed to help him win matches....? That one still makes no sense. Aside from Claire Lynch it was probably the worst storyline I've seen in TNA and that's saying a lot. Speaking of Claire Lynch.... That for me set a new standard, the storyline every wrestling storyline never wants to be as bad as. Horrible promos, a story that never made sense to begin with, it dragged on for too long, and ultimately amounted to nothing. A colossal waste of everyone's time.

The current Bella VS Bella feud in WWE is coming dangerously close to making this list. It's already the front runner for the worst feud of this year and it's been torture to endure trying to watching it considering neither know how to wrestle and Brie couldn't provide a good promo if her life depended on it. Last but not least we have Kevin Nash texting himself to attack CM Punk at Summerslam 2011. Most of the rest of that angle wasn't awful enough to make this list for me but that single moment is one of the biggest head scratchers in wrestling history.
Hulk Hogan vs. the Dungeon of Doom in 1995.

It's one thing to have characters, but to have characters that portray a shark, a yeti, and a 'Zodiac Man' feuding with the biggest wrestler in the world was, and still is, absurd. Other than the Giant getting a great push out of the deal, NOTHING came from this besides another case of not being able to kill Hulkamania.

Also, David Arquette winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title, then turning heel and giving the belt to Jarrett. That is the single worst storyline in wrestling history. What was left of WCW's fan base bailed after that angle, and it showed in the attendance and ratings for Nitro and Thunder.

As far as WWE goes, I'm not fond of Vince and Shane vs. HBK and God angle. HBK made a real life decision to change his lifestyle and Vince turns it into storyline fodder. Just insensitive to some real life issues that HBK had going on and made amends for and showed that nothing was off limits to Mr. McMahon when he wanted to push the envelope.
Hulk Hogan vs. the Dungeon of Doom in 1995.

It's one thing to have characters, but to have characters that portray a shark, a yeti, and a 'Zodiac Man' feuding with the biggest wrestler in the world was, and still is, absurd. Other than the Giant getting a great push out of the deal, NOTHING came from this besides another case of not being able to kill Hulkamania.

Yeah this was a horrible idea, nothing wrong with having a stable of wrestlers wanting to destroy the good guy but everything sbout this storylibe sucked. I'm sure there were more DOD run in finishes than there ever were nWo ones.

Also, David Arquette winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title, then turning heel and giving the belt to Jarrett. That is the single worst storyline in wrestling history. What was left of WCW's fan base bailed after that angle, and it showed in the attendance and ratings for Nitro and Thunder..

Even Arquette didn't think it was a good idea at the time.
The current Bella VS Bella feud in WWE is coming dangerously close to making this list. It's already the front runner for the worst feud of this year and it's been torture to endure trying to watching it considering neither know how to wrestle and Brie couldn't provide a good promo if her life depended on it. Last but not least we have Kevin Nash texting himself to attack CM Punk at Summerslam 2011. Most of the rest of that angle wasn't awful enough to make this list for me but that single moment is one of the biggest head scratchers in wrestling history.

:lmao: It's storylines like that which make me feel dumber for watching wrestling.

Yeah I could mention all the terrible angles, but that would be too easy. Instead I will say, a storyline that annoyed me was the entire post Eddie Guerrero death storyline. This involved Rey Mysterio's big push, Chavo Guerrero's push, Vickie's push (which last around 7 years of painful segments), and Randy Orton verbally bashing Eddie in a rather disturbing manner.

I know I know, it resulted in a great feel good moment at Wrestlemania 22 when Rey won the title, and make no mistake I am a Mysterio fan, but for me it was just too much, too soon. Plus, his push felt artificial in the sense that you knew without Eddie's death, Mysterio wouldn't be put in that position. Same thing goes with Chavo and his stupid ECW Championship reign which began at the expense of CM Punk of all people.

Last but certainly not least, this resulted in the push of Vickie Guerrero. Without a doubt one of the most annoying characters of the last 10 years. After the first 3 years it wasn't even heat she was gaining, it was just a "get the fuck off my television" attitude people had towards her. On top of that, she was presented as a cougar, being the girlfriend of guys like Edge and Dolph Ziggler. Not a good look for someone married to a guy who died at the expense of this very industry.

Vince got his laugh so nothing else matters though.
One of the worst ones in recent years for me was the Hornswoggle as Vince's son storyline in WWE. It was supposedly going to be Kennedy who was Vince's son in the storyline, who would have gotten a huge push with his Money In the Bank cash-in and also being revealed as the one behind Vince's limo exploding. Instead we got the Hornswoggle storyline which ended up being just embarrassing to watch. The match with JBL and Finlay at Wrestlemania 24 at the end exceeded expectations, but 90% of everything else this feud brought us was rather awful.

Then there's the angle from TNA where Abyss was given Hulk Hogan's WWE Hall Of Fame ring. He started coming out to Hogan's old music and a ring from the federation's main rival was supposed to help him win matches....? That one still makes no sense. Aside from Claire Lynch it was probably the worst storyline I've seen in TNA and that's saying a lot. Speaking of Claire Lynch.... That for me set a new standard, the storyline every wrestling storyline never wants to be as bad as. Horrible promos, a story that never made sense to begin with, it dragged on for too long, and ultimately amounted to nothing. A colossal waste of everyone's time.

The current Bella VS Bella feud in WWE is coming dangerously close to making this list. It's already the front runner for the worst feud of this year and it's been torture to endure trying to watching it considering neither know how to wrestle and Brie couldn't provide a good promo if her life depended on it. Last but not least we have Kevin Nash texting himself to attack CM Punk at Summerslam 2011. Most of the rest of that angle wasn't awful enough to make this list for me but that single moment is one of the biggest head scratchers in wrestling history.

If I am honest the Anonymous GM turning "Horny" was more annoying, when it was so well set up for either Michael Cole or returning Heyman or Bischoff... The moment they got the "he's under the ring" you just knew it was Hornswoggle and while it did go on too long it was the only half decent stab at a GM they had had for a long time.
The entire Sting/Hogan Starrcade '97 match has bothered me since I watched it live at the age of 7 years old. What bothered me even more than the fucked up finish was the fact that Hogan got 95% of the offense in the match, and after Sting had been destroying the nWo single handedly for pretty much the entire previous 9 months. This should have went down exactly like Brock/Cena SS '14 did. Sting dismantling Hogan and beating him clean right in the middle of the ring.

I just get filled with rage whenever I see this match.
I'm going to have to add a reply to my own thread lol

Hollywood Hogan rams an ambulance which is carrying the Rock with a truck more than once.

The Rock lives first of all. Wrestles with tape on his ribs for about a week then forgets all about it and is Hogan's friend a few weeks later!
WCWs who was driving the hummer angle, who the hell was driving it? They never told us

I'm going to have to add a reply to my own thread lol

Hollywood Hogan rams an ambulance which is carrying the Rock with a truck more than once.

The Rock lives first of all. Wrestles with tape on his ribs for about a week then forgets all about it and is Hogan's friend a few weeks later!

Although what followed didn't make sense that was the best thing WWE did with the nWo.
Agree with those already mentioned.
One that bothered me was Piggy James. Full disclosure Iam a Mickie fan. But on what planet would she have called fat? I get the whole LayCool as Mean Girls schtick I liked them but come on Piggy James? Maybe in Vince's mind she was fat but not in the real world. They could have built that feud around Mickie's popularity and LayCool be jealous or something else but fatsuits and pig jokes didn't make aense
What was the point of Kane being WWE(F) champion for 24hrs?

I've always been irritated by that one!

Because it was the Monday Night Wars, and Austin winning the title the following night on RAW and drawing a big rating was more important than Austin losing the title the night earlier on PPV. Also, often when there's a new champion on PPV it leads to higher ratings the next night. It was all done to pop the RAW rating vs Nitro.

One angle that annoyed me was the anonymous GM. What was the point? I didn't really watch WWE during this era but I've seen pieces of it and I just don't understand what the point was. And it was actually Hornswoggle? Seemed like an April Fool's joke.

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