What is wrong with CM Punk?


That's all folks.
CM Punk. One of the best well rounded performers in the WWE.

His talking ability is some of the best to date, he sports a unique arsenal of great moves, and he is very, very over. After watching RAW this Monday night, I realized how much of a huge following the guy has. Maybe even on par with Zack Ryder’s following. Punk is a hit.

Not only is punk a great performer, but CM Punk's character is a very smart business move. The WWE has always been hammered with accusations of drug promoting and steroid use. CM Punk can give the company good publicity if pushed right. CM Punk serves as an ambassador to the WWE proving they do not promote drug use.

The question I’m getting at, why the fuck isn’t this talented individual getting pushed? No, this isn't another 'OMG, why isn't Christian getting a world championship" thread that use to pop up every now and then a few years back. CM Punk is the complete package and in my eyes, should get pushed to a reasonable level.

Why isn't CM Punk being pushed?

What's wrong with him?

Can Punk fix this?
Why isn't CM Punk being pushed?
In fairness, he's after beating the WWE Champion. Beating the WWE Champion usually entitles you to a WWE Championship match. It is heavily speculated that CM Punk is "unhappy" in the WWE due to the fact he hasn't recieved a higher placement, among guys like Cena and Orton, so I'm presuming since he beat Cena on RAW that they're looking to push him towards the WWE Championship. I'd prefer Punk to be Champion than Cena, R-Truth or Alberto Del Rio. But it seems like he'll be getting what reports say, he wanted.

What's wrong with him?
Nothing. I've watched Punk since he was going around ROH basically doing the Straight Edge Society gimmick there, and then a few years later he rehashed it and brought it to the mainstream of the WWE. He is talented in all fields, nobody can criticize him on anything in my opinion. Maybe he hasn't "the look", but he has something, because as you said he has a large fanbase which has increased significantly from the end of the SES and the "Straight Edge Savior" gimmick.

Can Punk fix this?
I'm sure he can, and it looks like he is with the victory over Cena, but I guess it isn't in his hands, it's in WWE's. Once again, the guy has it all, the chants last Monday on RAW during the match with John were thunderous, they were larger than the "Lets Go Cena!" chants. Really, all he could do was demand, and there are no reports that he did that, all there was is that if he were to get a push out of the blue towards the WWE Championship that it was a sign he and WWE had discussed his role in the company. It seems like it is coming, and much like you, I hope it is.
He doesn't fit the WWE mold, basically. Punk's had amazing successes in the WWE and I'm sure that, if he sticks around, he'll have very many more. I see him kind of like I see Chris Jericho. He's a star with a huge fan following, but he'll never be "THE GUY." He'll always be "upper midcard," sometimes a World Champion, sometimes a bit lower. It's not that he doesn't have the talent, because he does. He's great in the ring, knows how to work a crowd, and he's stellar on the mic, but he's just not fit to be the face of the company.

It may seem a bit contradictory that a guy on Punk's level won't get a huge push, but, like I said, he doesn't fit the WWE mold. He doesn't fit their image, or what they want to be. Yes, his straight edge beliefs make him a good person for children to look up to, but when you compare him with John Cena, who's more likely to be the face of the company? The guy who's all tattooed up, or the clean cut, all-American guy in Cena? It's wrong, yes, but that's just how it is. I love CM Punk, but he'll never be what the fans want him to be.
Why isn't he being pushed?

Why would you push a guy who you aren't sure will be with the company in a couple months? Don't get me wrong, CM Punk will resign with the WWE. He isn't going to TNA/IW. But he'll do it on terms he can agree with. It would be foolish of him to give away his intellectual property to the WWE; he doesn't have to, and in today's star-deprived WWE, they need him just as much as he needs the WWE.

In the meantime, it makes no sense to push a guy when you expect him to be taking a break soon. Part of the negotiation process is going to involve him being out of work for a bit; it's the WWE trying to say "we don't NEED you, so you should sign on our terms". You squeeze someone's balls a bit to see if they flinch.

What's wrong with him?

Nothing. Besides the fact that he's a bit of a condescending douchebag in person, but with his world view I could see why he wasn't my biggest fan. Phil, in the extreme offchance you read here, no hard feelings on my behalf. I know you don't give a fuck, and I'm not around anymore. (I'm the "hired help's dealer", if you remember that.)

Can Punk fix this?

What's there to fix? He's a top superstar in the WWE. It's like being in Def Leopard; so what if you aren't Pink Floyd? You're still Def Leopard.
- People just don't get it, do they? CM Punk is trying to put the New Nexus over, especially Mason Ryan. If anyone can out anybody over, it is a man of CM Punk's caliber. Now, I don't think the WWE writers are doing their best job on putting these guys over, but I believe Punk needs to exert more effort on it.

- I do not believe that CM Punk needs the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship (or a program with the titleholder) to be very effective. He is already over with the crowd, and he is one of the Superstars whose value will NOT drop wherever you position him on the roster. You can pit him against Evan Bourne and lose ten times, but he still can be inserted easily into a feud with John Cena.

- What is wrong with CM Punk? He needs to get his act together. Stop being selfish for a while and do his job. If he goes for John Cena now, then who will he go for afterwards? Randy Orton? Rey Mysterio?
I 100% agree with you but lets be fair here the only one that Vince has molded to be the face is Cena for right now and its completely unfair but anyway man great post agree 100%
CM Punk is the Best All Around wrestler today and the WWE would be idiots to not re-sign him. Judging by this week's win over Cena (which was clean of a win as I have seen over Cena in months) it seems the WWE is doing everything possible to keep Punk happy. Perhaps it is a sign of things to come and we will see a CM Punk vs Cena feud going into Summer Slam.

If Im the WWE I make Punk Champion till Summer Slam.
Why isn't CM Punk being pushed?

He isn't being pushed? I'm confused. My definition of "being pushed" must differ from the rest of you, since no one in this thread is disputing the idea.

He appears on TV every week, he's involved in the all the PPVs, he's been cast as the leader of the two groups he's been in, and he's had unique storylines written for him. How is that not being pushed? I'll bet there are tons of wrestlers who wish they could get 1/4 of the push Punk is getting.

We've been reading that he feels he's not being treated as a top star. Again, I don't know what that means. Is it money? Does he equate star treatment with money?............Is it that he thinks he should be the world champion?.............Is it that the stage crew isn't genuflecting before him when he walks by?

Look, if all this "time off" stuff is just about money, it's at least understandable. If it's about having some time off, that makes sense, too. Admittedly, we don't know what's really going on behind the scenes and all we can do is speculate.

But I truly don't buy the notion that he's not being pushed, because he is.....and has been since he arrived in WWE.
I don't think there's anything wrong with CM Punk. I think the WWE can't figure out what to do with him. Putting him as the nexus leader hasn't done anything,well the nexus idea wasn't the best in the first place. I think what he needs to do is just step away for a bit, figure out what to do with the character, and come back months later after his contract is up. He could be like a Jericho and reinvent himself in some way. What way would that be, I'm not sure.
He isn't being pushed? I'm confused. My definition of "being pushed" must differ from the rest of you, since no one in this thread is disputing the idea.

He appears on TV every week, he's involved in the all the PPVs, he's been cast as the leader of the two groups he's been in, and he's had unique storylines written for him. How is that not being pushed? I'll bet there are tons of wrestlers who wish they could get 1/4 of the push Punk is getting.

We've been reading that he feels he's not being treated as a top star. Again, I don't know what that means. Is it money? Does he equate star treatment with money?............Is it that he thinks he should be the world champion?.............Is it that the stage crew isn't genuflecting before him when he walks by?

Look, if all this "time off" stuff is just about money, it's at least understandable. If it's about having some time off, that makes sense, too. Admittedly, we don't know what's really going on behind the scenes and all we can do is speculate.

But I truly don't buy the notion that he's not being pushed, because he is.....and has been since he arrived in WWE.

He is? If he's getting pushed, it's the most gradual push in history. CM Punk has been in the same position in the company for some time now. Ever since he feuded with Big Show a few years back on Smackdown, he has't done much at all. Just because you're on tv every week, and the leader of a faction who no one cares about anymore, does not mean you're getting pushed. You can pretty much use the argument of 'having something to do' for alot of the superstars in the WWE but CM Punk is bit beyond that. The point of the thread was to discuss why he isn't getting pushed harder.
CM Punk is in a state of constant-push, no? He's always on TV, occasionally main eventing. WWE have him wrestling on every PPV. He has his own stable. I would say he is being pushed. But I agree, not to the degree that he should be, considering his immense talent.

Punk has it all. A great character that is constantly evolving. Great mic skills (I'd go as far as to call him the best talker in WWE today). He has a great look (not a hugely marketable look, but he's different which is great). And of course his wrestling ability. He has an ability to have a good match with anyone. It's hard to believe that a lack of talent would be the root of the state he's in. I don't believe it's to do with ideas for him, either. CM Punk is such a versatile and complex character. It's hard to believe that creative would have nothing for him. There are so many things you could do with Punk. Probably more so than many other people on the roster.

This leads me to think that his problem may be a backstage one. Punk has always been outspoken. He's openly criticised WWE on Twitter, for example. I'm sure he gets the politics of WWE, but he doesn't appear to conform to it in the same way that John Cena and The Miz do. There's the infamous story where he talked back to The Undertaker, for example. Of course I don't know any of this for sure, but this is what I've picked up from interviews, rumours, following him on Twitter, etc. I think this is a more likely reason for his stagnant position in WWE than anything else.
Why isn't CM Punk being pushed?
It's really quite simple, he's either taking a break (more logical) or he's leaving. Like other people touched on, you don't push someone who is just going to leave but rather do some other entertaining stuff in the mean time.

What's wrong with him?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with CM Punk. What is wrong with you (just teasing, lol)? But no, as per the above you can't put all your eggs into a basket you don't know will be there. It's not smart business sense and not smart booking. Give the man some entertaining stuff into September for now until you know he signs or you know he's leaving regardless of long term or short term.

Can Punk fix this?
Assuming you mean by "fixing" you mean how can he be pushed? Quite simple actually, sign the contract and get extended. I'm quite sure Punk realizes what's going on with the WWE and himself better then ANY of us do.

Now as a fan, I quite honestly want him to be extended, and hope he doesn't take a leave cause, I'm a "greedy" fan lol. HOWEVER, I respect him as a human and as a performer and if leaving is what's best for him. Or if taking a sometime off is what's best I can accept it. He deserves the break, he's been in the business a long time for being only 32. He deserves to be compensated for his talents. You can call it arrogance or ignorance but I call it as a man trying to get the best compensation for his talents. This may be a lower level reference but it's like Rob Scuderi of the Pittsburgh Penguins (Pens fans know who he is). He left not because he didn't like our organization but rather the Los Angeles Kings were going to compensate him better and there's nothing wrong with that.

No matter what happens, I just hope he can entertain us all sooner rather than later.
Why isn't CM Punk being pushed?
It's really quite simple, he's either taking a break (more logical) or he's leaving. Like other people touched on, you don't push someone who is just going to leave but rather do some other entertaining stuff in the mean time.

What's wrong with him?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with CM Punk. What is wrong with you (just teasing, lol)? But no, as per the above you can't put all your eggs into a basket you don't know will be there. It's not smart business sense and not smart booking. Give the man some entertaining stuff into September for now until you know he signs or you know he's leaving regardless of long term or short term.

Can Punk fix this?
Assuming you mean by "fixing" you mean how can he be pushed? Quite simple actually, sign the contract and get extended. I'm quite sure Punk realizes what's going on with the WWE and himself better then ANY of us do.

Now as a fan, I quite honestly want him to be extended, and hope he doesn't take a leave cause, I'm a "greedy" fan lol. HOWEVER, I respect him as a human and as a performer and if leaving is what's best for him. Or if taking a sometime off is what's best I can accept it. He deserves the break, he's been in the business a long time for being only 32. He deserves to be compensated for his talents. You can call it arrogance or ignorance but I call it as a man trying to get the best compensation for his talents. This may be a lower level reference but it's like Rob Scuderi of the Pittsburgh Penguins (Pens fans know who he is). He left not because he didn't like our organization but rather the Los Angeles Kings were going to compensate him better and there's nothing wrong with that.

No matter what happens, I just hope he can entertain us all sooner rather than later.
CM Punk is the Best All Around wrestler today...

CM Punk kicks ass! But Bobby Roode is the the best wrestler. Just sayin', facts are facts, these are opinions.

At this point in his career CM Punk could potentially put over someone to be even bigger than he is! I'm not saying better but you don't necessarily need to be in World Whatchamacallit Entertainment.

Go for it Punk, you straight edge asshole! Don't ever open your mind man
There's nothing to fix really. He needs a break. I've noticed lately he's been putting out sub-par matches and he just looks burnt out. I don't ever recall him taking a break since he's been with the company, I think he needs to re-evaluate his status with the WWE because at this point there isn't really a spot for him. CM Punk is a wrestler, not a sports entertainer. That's probably the reason why he isn't being pushed. It's a pity, as I believe he's a great heel.
CM Punk is a wrestler, not a sports entertainer. That's probably the reason why he isn't being pushed. It's a pity, as I believe he's a great heel.

Wait, the guy who entertains people night in and night out isn't an entertainer? That doesn't sound like the reason he's not getting a harder push. Wrestlers are entertainers. The guy cuts a great promo and is totally in tuned to all the twitter and whatnot. It seems the guy was made for the WWE. Saying he isn't a sports entertainer is bogus buddy.
Wait, the guy who entertains people night in and night out isn't an entertainer? That doesn't sound like the reason he's not getting a harder push. Wrestlers are entertainers. The guy cuts a great promo and is totally in tuned to all the twitter and whatnot. It seems the guy was made for the WWE. Saying he isn't a sports entertainer is bogus buddy.

Calm down man. I realise CM Punk is a sensitive subject among us smarks, but in my opinion he's just a different breed. He's not meant to appeal to the casuals. I get an indy feel when I see how he works matches. He's even stated himself he likes to be called a wrestler than entertainer. Dig deep into to his twitter posts as it was a while ago.
honestly, backstage politics are the only thing that COULD be wrong with him because other than that, he's got it all. no he isnt big, but he makes up for it with his in-ring skills and his mic work. in my book he's one of the best all around WWE superstars in the company. he is best with a mic. anyways, he's pushed, just not pushed to the WWE title, though (IF he re-signs) he should get a WWE title push.
I glad there's a thread on this.

It's pretty much inexplicable how a superstar so talented isn't getting more and why he's stuck with a bunch of future nobodys within Nexus. It's inexplicable how he isn't getting pushed, it's just one of the few things that bug the fuck out of me in WWE right now.

There's more or less nothing wrong with him, I mean let's compare him with the face of the company:
He can wrestle, Cena can't. I don't suppose that means anything to WWE's "target audience" though.
He's Straight Edge, Cena has obviously been on steroids at least one point in his life which simply means CM Punk has a better image.
Cena gets more heat than almost every heel, both older and younger fans would support CM Punk.

Well, he's very held back with Nexus and I don't think where going to see any of his true potential when stuck with a failing angle/stable. If he turned face again I'm almost positive that he'll get louder pops than Cena, similar to Orton in his old tweener role.
Why isn't CM Punk being pushed?

Being pushed doesn't mean being champion. He's a phenomenal athlete but right now he's not in Championship contention. That doesn't mean he's not being pushed, if he's on RAW every week and is in a fued than that's good enough. Besides, he's just beat the WWE Champion!

What's wrong with him?

Absolutely nothing is wrong with CM Punk. Like I said in the last part he's a phenomenal talent, but he's just not in the main storyliie of RAW, doesn't mean anything's wrong with him, it just mean's he's not in contention for the WWE Championship. If he doesn't leave later this year I can see him maybe having a fued with Cena in the fall.

Can Punk fix this?

There's nothing he has to fix, well only his contract situation. If he hasn't signed a new contract than that's the only thing he can do to "fix" whatever you think he need's to fix.
I actually think Punk's win over Cena is the beginning of a push for him. Frankly, I don't see R-Truth coming out of Capitol Punishment with the WWE Championship which leads me to believe that Punk will be next in line for a title shot. As Punk has been on television every week and picking up wins here and there, I do believe that he is being pushed although not to the extent I would like. I'm a huge Punk fan. He's really got it all. Top notch promo skills, excellent in-ring ability, and a good look. Not physically jacked up but a good look. Perhaps not marketable though and I think that's the problem. Compared to the clean cut and muscular John Cena, a bearded and tattooed CM Punk probably won't appeal to the general public or at least the demographic that WWE is targeting. Crock nailed it earlier: Punk doesn't fit the WWE mold. In addition, Punk supposedly has a backstage attitude and has made no secret taking shots at WWE on Twitter.

But let's not lose hope! After all, he DID win against Cena on Monday. That alone is enough to convince me he's in line for a championship shot at some point in the near future.
Yeah I cant say anything bad about CM Punk. He's a great performer whether what situation he's put in. He's one of the most varietal wrestlers around and I think the real reason why he's not being pushed is maybe because of his beef with him keeping his name. I don't know, but maybe.

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