What is with the internal WWE hate for Christian?

IT Factor

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I have noticed ever since Christian has returned from injury[now injured AGAIN] that more and more he is being buried on commentary. More specifically from JBL each week. First it was the ugly comments and then it was mostly skinny jokes. And although I laughed my ass off when Christian responded on commentary calling JBL "David Spade in a fat suit", I still think they are continually burying Christian.

I realize that Vince McMahon has never cared for Christian and that most of the spiteful commentary is probably being fed to JBL via Vinnie Mac. But you have to wonder, what exactly is McMahon's problem with Christian? Injury issues aside, Christian is a hard worker and someone who is over with audiences as either a heel or a face. Is he weird looking? Kinda, but no more so than most of the usual faces on WWE television. Christian obviously puts effort into his appearance aside from his physique[not a steroid user] and yet the burying continues. I always thought Edge looked more weird than Christian, yet he got pushed more based on size. And while Christian isn't exactly The Rock or Steve Austin, he does have that intangible that you cannot teach which connects him with fans. He seems to have a good grasp on psychology and has consistently great matches. To me, it seems awfully childish and redundant than Christian is being targeted. If Vince had a problem, it seems like they would work it out behind-the-scenes and not air it out on television. I understand they cannot make him WWE World Heavyweight Champion because of injury problems, but still, why the hate?
You're joking? Right? You can't be serious. You can't. Can you?

Having a heel loud mouth announcer call someone ugly is burying them? Ignoring how most would define burying, simply acknowledging a wrestler is promoting them. JBL could be spending Christian matches talking about the WWE Network, Wrestlemania, Cena, Total Divas, Scooby Doo, UT, Lesnar, Shield, DB, HHH, Orton, Batista, and the many other things and people that make WWE more money but they give Christian his time and acknowledgement. They've employed the guy well past his expiration date. He was recently in a title match. He went to the #2 competitor and WWE took him back.

Don't get me wrong, I have always liked Christian. Not the blind love some Canadians give him but he is an entertaining performer. But if WWE cut him tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised. There are probably ten guys who could take his spot and make WWE more money. Vince and WWE love Christian, they must fucking love the guy for everything they have given him since he returned from TNA.

Calling someone ugly equates to burying them maybe in the gay porn industry. Not that pro wrestling is that much different from gay porn.
You're joking? Right? You can't be serious. You can't. Can you?

Nope, just making valid points here

Having a heel loud mouth announcer call someone ugly is burying them? Ignoring how most would define burying, simply acknowledging a wrestler is promoting them. JBL could be spending Christian matches talking about the WWE Network, Wrestlemania, Cena, Total Divas, Scooby Doo, UT, Lesnar, Shield, DB, HHH, Orton, Batista, and the many other things and people that make WWE more money but they give Christian his time and acknowledgement. They've employed the guy well past his expiration date. He was recently in a title match. He went to the #2 competitor and WWE took him back.

Having a heel loud mouth announcer taking shots at someone's physical appearance on a weekly basis is my very definition of burying. Do you hear JBL taking shots at anyone else's appearance being ugly? You can't exactly explain away the recent comments as just being that of a loudmouth heel announcer. When it happens once, it is a heel simply pointing something out. When it happens on a weekly basis it seems to be a clear cut pattern of bias. Surely, you aren't suggesting it is merely a case of random coincidence are you? Because that would be borderline ignorance or at the very least being oblivious to the obvious. WWE employing Christian "past his expiration date" is irrelevant although it is a nice deflection point. Also, him going to TNA before going back to WWE is another irrelevant point. Obviously, WWE sees enough in Christian to warrant hiring him back again or they wouldn't have. Seems like you'd rather ignore the blatantly obvious than admit it.

Don't get me wrong, I have always liked Christian. Not the blind love some Canadians give him but he is an entertaining performer. But if WWE cut him tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised. There are probably ten guys who could take his spot and make WWE more money. Vince and WWE love Christian, they must fucking love the guy for everything they have given him since he returned from TNA.

So let me get this straight, because I am pointing out valid points I am showing "blind love" for Christian? BTW, I am NOT Canadian :wtf: I think Christian is a great talent who has been underrated for a good majority of his career and wonder why he seems to be targeted specifically. I wonder how that works in reverse? What if The Undertaker were currently being called ugly on each telecast he appears in? How do you think he'd respond, storyline or not? It'd be construed as disrespectful in any light whether it is storyline or legit. WWE is known for taking shots at those they don't like and I believe Christian happens to fall within that category. I am sensing a pattern here: you dislike Christian because you perceive that he is being given too much based on being injured, going to TNA, or whatever the excuse happens to be which is irrelevant. The fact is, WWE signed him again. If he weren't worth anything he wouldn't have been.

Calling someone ugly equates to burying them maybe in the gay porn industry. Not that pro wrestling is that much different from gay porn.

Very weird comparison. Again, it sounds very much like a cop out and a way to excuse what is being said weekly about Christian. I do agree on one thing, WWE isn't much different than gay porn because McMahon LOVES big guys. That's about where the similarity ends.....
I thought it was supposed to be an inside joke for smarks concerning the rumor that came out about McMahon wanting hating Christian's face and wanting to do an angle where he had a blue dot over his face.

I think JBL even mentioned that they should cover up his face at one point.

As far as this burying him I don't buy it. I am not sure what else Christian should be used for at this point in his career. I think his position is fine where it is.
Christian is boring plain and simple. He had a good run in 2011, but not everybody gets to have a run at the top
Nope, just making valid points here

Having a heel loud mouth announcer taking shots at someone's physical appearance on a weekly basis is my very definition of burying.

Well if you are going to define things in your own terms than this discussion is definitely pointless instead of most likely pointless.

Do you hear JBL taking shots at anyone else's appearance being ugly?

No, but I mostly ignore commentary.

You can't exactly explain away the recent comments as just being that of a loudmouth heel announcer.

That's a strange comment coming from someone who is explaining those comments as 'burying' and WWE hating Christian.

When it happens once, it is a heel simply pointing something out. When it happens on a weekly basis it seems to be a clear cut pattern of bias.

Or it could be an attempt at making something and someone more entertaining. Ask JTG how much he would hate being called ugly a few weeks in a row. How much would Justin Gabriel be angry if was being called ugly week after week on Raw? Do you think Damien Sandow feels like he dodged a bullet not having to work that EC title match if it means JBL lays off his appearance? HHH must hate Christian for giving him the opportunity to work with his weight lifting buddy.

Surely, you aren't suggesting it is merely a case of random coincidence are you?

No, I am saying Vince and WWE love Christian and you are making something out of nothing.

Because that would be borderline ignorance or at the very least being oblivious to the obvious. WWE employing Christian "past his expiration date" is irrelevant although it is a nice deflection point. Also, him going to TNA before going back to WWE is another irrelevant point. Obviously, WWE sees enough in Christian to warrant hiring him back again or they wouldn't have.

Because they love him and consider him a part of the WWE family.

Seems like you'd rather ignore the blatantly obvious than admit it.

Right back at you.

So let me get this straight, because I am pointing out valid points I am showing "blind love" for Christian?

Not sure what valid points you made but I never said you have blind love for Christian. Don't get me wrong though, you may have blind love for Christian and you are definitely wrong in your opinion of this situation.

BTW, I am NOT Canadian :wtf:

Good to know in case I go to work for US Customs but I never said you were.

I think Christian is a great talent who has been underrated for a good majority of his career and wonder why he seems to be targeted specifically.

He's a very good talent who at times could have been reasonably been given more. But he has also given a ton and it is reasonable to say that WWE could have cut ties with him at many points in his career but they don't because they love him.

I wonder how that works in reverse? What if The Undertaker were currently being called ugly on each telecast he appears in? How do you think he'd respond, storyline or not? It'd be construed as disrespectful in any light whether it is storyline or legit.

First off UT is not a menopausal woman and Christian is not a twelve year old girl. Do you really think they are that uptight with their looks?

Secondly it makes sense for JBL to cut on Christian. Christian isn't a larger than life character with a 21 year WM winning streak. He lacks that background. JBL is drawing attention to Christian, that is a good thing. Talking about Nikki getting back with John during Christian's match would be bad for Christian. Not putting Christian on TV would be really bad.

WWE is known for taking shots at those they don't like and I believe Christian happens to fall within that category.[/quote[

Why would you pay someone you hate? Why would you continue to pay them after umpteen years? Why would you put them on TV almost every week? Why would you give him a victory over three other stars so they could be in the main event of an online show you are using to help bring people to your new state of the art online network?

I am sensing a pattern here: you dislike Christian because you perceive that he is being given too much based on being injured, going to TNA, or whatever the excuse happens to be which is irrelevant.

Where in the pattern does the fact that I said "I have always liked Christian" fit in? I'm even willing to admit that I was one of those smarks who got all hot and bothered by his loss to Orton the SD after his title win. Christian is and has been a guy I enjoy watching.

The fact is, WWE signed him again. If he weren't worth anything he wouldn't have been.

Which shows you that WWE love him.

Very weird comparison. Again, it sounds very much like a cop out and a way to excuse what is being said weekly about Christian. I do agree on one thing, WWE isn't much different than gay porn because McMahon LOVES big guys. That's about where the similarity ends.....

I hope you learned something about professional wrestling from this discussion or at least something about gay porn.
Yet another silly thread - my participation on this boards has not been the same since morons started dominating the non-spam area, but let's go at it another time. Vince McMahon finds Christian to be very skinny and with a bad look, it's something like an internal joke but no way shape or form does that mean that the company is burying him.

As of right now he is the biggest canadian draw in the WWE if I'm not mistaken and that will surely make him be a somehow relevant and important asset for the company, but although Vince is a business man, he doesn't forget that Christian had a big role in TNA and loyalty means a lot for Vince. Some may think that Christian's World Hvt. Championship was out of loyalty for Edge and you have other examples, like rewarding The Miz in 2010 and stuff and although it's business, it doesn't mean that Vince has to like it and rightfully so, it's his company.

But Christian is also in the later years of his career and he is a future WWE Hall of Famer for everything he gave, mainly in the tag team division. He's a veteran and he is treated as such, by having a permanent role on TV and with WWE's confidence on giving him 15+ minute matches with different set of guys. He has been used in a way that he should by putting other guys over and that is not a bad role for him at this point, and while that he's making a lot of money. But Vince calling him ugly is a bad thing? He's a heel, he better be ugly. I wouldn't mind my boss thinking I'm ugly and telling it on TV as part of a TV Show while I would be happily married, a father, with a big career and a worldwide recognition. People, Vince McMahon is not the devil okay? He's paying the guy and giving him IC title shots and rivalries with other big enough names like Sheamus. He would be burying him if he didn't use him at all or made him lose on Superstars to Fandango.
Its not that the internal hate of christian,I actually like him.. Its just its hard,to get use to a guy for a bit only for him to go back on the shelf with an injury.. This is becoming quite tragic... Christian from my understanding is very well liked,up until recently he was very dependable,someone who could always fill a void when needed.. Its clear his body is breaking down on him,he never violated a wellness policy according to my knowledge,its just he keeps getting injured..

As far as JBL goes,he is the heel announcer,what is he supposed to do?? Getting ribbed on is a way of acceptance in pro-wrestling,if there not talking about you,you dont matter! Christian is a warrior and puts on great matches when healthy... But him being healthy,has been a distant past
If you think JBL calling him "ugly" on commentary is burying him, I'd sure hate to see what you'd be calling it if Bobby Heenan was still at the broadcast table.
Having a heel loud mouth announcer taking shots at someone's physical appearance on a weekly basis is my very definition of burying.

Sorry, but this is a wonky definition. Heel commentators are generally portrayed as jerks and bullies. These commentators have always picked on certain wrestlers. I don't know how many times Jesse Ventura, Bobby Heenan, Jerry Lawler, etc., have regularly attacked certain wrestlers' appearances. This commentary also doesn't necessarily reflect the real-life opinions of the commentator or the WWE.

Christian is regularly allowed to wrestle decent-length matches on major WWE shows despite his current flaws and numerous injuries. I wouldn't consider that burying or hatred by any means. If they really hated and wanted to bury Christian, they'd do a lot more than call him ugly.

Should JBL just Be A Star and start being nice to Christian? ;)
As much as Vince Mcmahon and the WWE claim that TNA is not competition I am sure deep inside they do see/or at least saw TNA as a potential threat down the line.

You have to remember Christian's history with the WWE before he left the first time. Christian was getting pretty hot at the time and he was pretty much doing it on his own without help from creative. My understanding is that the people backstage wanted to demote him because they couldn't take credit for his success. Christian got frustrated and jumped shipped to TNA, this was the first time someone decided to ever leave WWE for TNA on their own free will. Plus it was a time Christian was a pretty hot commodity and did generate a good deal of interest in TNA.

If think the way WWE handled Christian when he returned (which was really poorly) is for a couple of reasons
1. ) To get back at Christian for leaving the WWE for TNA and
2. ) To use Christian as a whipping boy to kill TNA's credibility. When a former World Champion of another promotion can't even beat the Champion of your 3rd Tier brand, you know WWE's is sending out a message saying "TNA sucks they can't even beat ECW".

Christian is a very good talent. Perhaps not main event level but he always had potential to be an upper mid carder/fringe main event talent. But over the years WWE has pretty much sapped any enthusiasm the fans could have for Christian.

Sure people attribute some success with his 2011 run, which was the best most fans could hope for knowing the circumstances. But remember Christian held the title for only 2 or 3 days, then won it again via a DQ stipulation only to lose it again next month. Not exactly an ideal run even if you are a cowardly heel Champion (heck The Miz was a cowardly heel Champion and had a much better run than Christian).
uh...what? So many issues with this.

1. You don't know what goes on backstage. "Always known Vince to not be fond of Christian".....REALLY? So that's why he's been on the roster for the better part of 15ish years? Stop acting like you know what goes on backstage.

2. He's not being buried. I don't think a lot of you know what burying means. Losing quickly then being taken off TV, that's buried. Winning a fatal fourway for a spot you fit in (not like he's main event over) is not buried.

3. JBL is a heel who talks junk on most babyfaces.

To the guy above me....you REALLY think that WWE wants to kill TNA's crediblity? TNA does that on their own routinely. Christian is booked to how over he is. He was given a long, drawn out feud with Randy Orton and was booked as perfectly as a chicken heel can be booked. He's a midcard lifer. That's due to his talent, not because of a hidden agenda.
Christian is boring plain and simple. He had a good run in 2011, but not everybody gets to have a run at the top

I agree. I think at this point of his career, he could be a good tag team partner with an up and comer or he could stay in midcard and put over talent like Big E/Roman Reigns
When Triple H tore shreds off Chris Masters on Raw for his skinnier appearance when he returned to the company after a lay off from the steroids, it was universally accepted that Triple H was indeed burying Masters for no apparent reason but to humour himself and his backstage buddies. JBL I dont think anybody takes seriously, he is comedy gold generally. If Vince wanted to bury Christian, he would keep him off tv when he is injury free, he wouldnt have him winning number 1 contender matches for titles on Raw. Injuries unfortunately are a part of contact sport and Christian seems to get his fair share, but he is 40 or 41 now and the years of ladder matches may have caught up with him. Personally, I think he needs to change his look and attitude, he hasnt changed since he got a haircut in what, 2003???? 11 years wearing the same outfits with the same persona, same in TNA.....I think Christian isnt favoured by McMahon because he is pretty bland and doesnt look intimidating.

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