What is this shit


Where it at doe?
Ok well I rented out the new american pie ( book of love) the other day, and with the outcome of the movie, I was fucking pissed off. That is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, let alone from a series that i actually like. American pie 1,2 and 3 were very good. Very funny, rude etc etc then number 4 killed it. Then came out Naked Mile and Beta House, which i was impressed with seeing as I thought it was going to be just as shit as band camp, but know. So I was excited for the 7th one and yet it sucked ass. The story line was cramped up, the main story had like a 2 minute thing in the movie and stifler sucked shit, no wicked facial expressions or nothing. Just a plain simple face. FUCK!

Am I right, or am I the only one who watched it because Im a teenage boy who likes movies like that...
American Pie hasn't been good since the second one. The third one was ok but not as good as the others. I haven't seen Band Camp but heard they were recycling bits from the previous films. I saw The Naked Mile and they were scraping the barrel for ideas on that one (liked the midgets though) , saw a bit of Beta House and that was crap.

Essentially though there's only so much you can do with guys trying to lose their virginity
The franchise has gone down hill just like National Lampoons, its good for DVD sales but thats it really.

I watched book of love and enjoyed small parts of it, they had some good jokes but as you said the main storyline was short and not so sweet, I would rather of had them focus on the gem of rebuilding the bible then just loads of other stuff that just reminded me of the damn first one being retold through a different cast.

Plus it had that annoying little midget from Eastenders in there to, she did nothing but talk about her imaginary boyfriend and puns, it would have been worth it if she took her clothes off but no, they cant even do that right.

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