What is the REAL reason Steve Austin does not get back in the ring one more time

The man is financially secure, has health issues, has plenty outside ventures and gets money just by showing up and Stunning someone. Is it that shocking that he'd only wrestle one final match "if the stars were aligned"?

The man knows he's nowhere near the capacity he was once at. There's more chance that a match with CM Punk (what the fuck is people's infatuation with that match up?) will just end up being subpar. Why do it when there are som many negatives and such little positives?
I have to believe Steve Austin is done with wrestling, because he wants to be done with wrestling. He's celebrated as one of the all-time greats, I'm sure he has enough money, and you have to consider the poor shape his body is in. If I remember correctly, he didn't want to appear on Raw 1,000, because he didn't want to be seen on crutches after his knee surgery.

Plus, I would also point to his Wrestlemania 19 match with Rock as an example of Austin being in unbearable pain. As Rock continued to drill him with the series of Rock Bottom's at the end, you could clearly see Austin writhing in pain, and that match happened in 2003. I can't imagine his body being in better shape now.

But IF Austin is going to come back, the dream match is with Cena, not Punk (I've read all the posts supporting Austin/Punk in the past, and I still don't get the obsession some people have with that match up). Two faces of their generation, who are polar opposites of each other character wise. That's the dream match up.
At first I thought he might be a little nervous about whether or not he could still deliver what the fans expect from him. But his most recent interview makes it sound more like he's holding out for a major payday.
Well, there's no reason to put him on the same card as the Rock, so until Rock has his last match( presumable against Brock at WM this year), Austin wont be back.

I heard something about SCSA didn't want to share the card with The Rock. I don't think it's because he doesn't like The Rock but feels if he has his last match he wants it to be special and have some other returning star to take away from he attention of it. If The Rock doesn't agree to WM 30, which is likely to happen we will finally have SCSA return and face CM Punk.
Seems like he is in thesame boat as Edge.
Maybe in 7-8 years we will all be talking about Edge wanting to come back for one more match.
But the man is just injured and doesnt want to risk hurting himself after playing it safe for the past 10 years. Plus it would take a hell of alot of time to train and make himself look good again in the ring.
Before anything else, i don`t think this has to do with the Rock like many people said, wether you like it or not, if Austin wanted, he would be in the same PPV as the Rock, and Austin would get far more attention that the Rock hands down, someone said earlier that Austin did not want to be second to the Rock, Austin is not a selfish primadonna like the Rock, Austin is not trying to get all the atention, we all know that the Rock is allways going to be 2nd. to Austin, i agree with most people that has to be because he does not want to get injured taking an unnecesary risk, but if he was to have one more match, knowing the type of person Austin is, it would be against someone who needs the rub for his career to really take off, Austin as great ahs he his, he doesn`t mind putting people over, unlike the Rock who returned and basicly demanded to be the WWE champion, Austin is not like that, he actually cares for other people, at this moment everything pionts at CM Punk if he were to have one more match, but i think he`s actually waitting for someone who needs it far more than Punk, either that or he would actually wrestle Punk and do what Foley did for Triple H and get his career to another level, like an earlier poster said, only Austin knows what he wants.......

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