What is the one feud that you really want to see?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
Everybody has been complaining about all of the stale feuds in the WWE. Cena vs. Show, Orton vs. HHH, Cena vs. Orton, Edge vs. Hardy, etc. So instead of complaining, what is the one feud you would love to see, that hasn't happened yet? I would love to see a legit feud over the IC title between Jericho and John Morrison. They are both great wrestlers, who have tons of ability, and can throw some crazy spots into a match. Both have very good mic skills, and I personally think it would be a feud that the fans would like to see. A feud with Jericho might also further Morrison's career. So what do you think?
I would love to see a Brian Kendrick vs. Shawn Michaels' feud.

Just like Kendrick would. Kendrick could get a huge push from this feud, he looks similar to HBK when he first started. He is small, has his "own" charisma, walks around like someone that doesn't give a crap what the fans think of him, just like Shawn Michaels started being the Heartbreak Kid.

It would make sense to them to feud, and there would be greats between them, Michaels although I don't like him outside the ring, inside the ring can pull out of anyone great matches and Kendrick wouldn't be different.
Nobody seems to be happy with the lame feuds in the WWE. I would love to see a legit feud between Shawn Michaels and John Morrison. They are both tremendous wrestlers, who have ability coming out of their ears. These two can throw some crazy spots into a match. Michaels has better mic skills but Morrison is coming along, and I personally think it would be a feud that the fans would like to see. The pop both these guys get is awesome! A feud with Michaels will also further Morrison's career. A way of passing the torch so to speak. Morrison does remind me of Michaels back in the day. So what do you think?
taker vs punk. what a feud that would be. punk will get owned

swagger vs cena. have swagger go to raw nd punk out cena

tag match legacy vs hart dynasty. i would turn hart dynasty face nd challenge legacy for the tag tittles
personally i would love to see Evan Bourne vs Rey Mysterio, with mysterio being the heel. it would be a new side of Rey Rey and these two could put on some amazing matches.

they could feud over who the better high flyer is
I have said this one in different ways but I would realy love to see McMahon vs. Bischoff. Find away to give Bischoof power, he should have bought Raw from trump and went head to head with the boss. I believe if done right would sell alot of tickets.
Jericho vs Morrison would be great just like HBK vs Kendrick. I wanna Jericho vs Shelton although I wanna say theve had a mini feud somewhere around 04 or 05 I don't remember. Morrison would be golden against Jericho and HBK vs TBK...come on think about where that could possibly go. I'm liking the Cena vs Miz feud and if that keeps rolling like it's going now, that could be quite a feud for the year.
This is a bit of a cross promotional feud but i'd quite like to see Kurt Angle and Jack Swagger feud. The All American American and the Olympic gold medallist would put on some fantastic technical matches.

Also i think a Chris Jericho/Undertaker feud could be good, not too sure how to set it up tho, it'd be a great feud for the undertaker to retire on.
I personally would love to see Taker vs a heel John Cena. The promos would be awesome and despite what most think of Cena deep down we know the ring action would be top notch too
I am glad kip mentioned it Undertaker vs. Jericho is the most obvious choice that can actually happen since they are on the same brand. The buildup and matches would be legendary!

Another fued that might interest me in the future on RAW would be Miz vs HHH, but there some key factors that would be needed to make this work.
If they let the Miz get some personal jabs in on HHH like the ones on Cena, also If HHH would put the Miz over in a match or two (doubt it)

I think the HBK/Kendrick fued would be great and set up a good story line where they fued for a while HBK gets a few wins over Kendrick then when Kendrick finally gets a win over HBK, HBK desides to take Kendrick under his wing and really turn him into a good wrestler and a perfect version of HBK.

other possible Fueds
Cena v Festus were Cena finally cures Festus's catatonic state he goes into when bell rings. (It don't have to be Cena just someone who could do it.)

Ezekiel Jackson v Mark Henry

Brothers of Destruction Kane and Undertaker v Legacy

Carlito v Primo

oh another fued that would be the i gues you could call em the new oddities Goldust, Hornswaggle, and Festus V Legacy
well personaly i would like to see rey mysterio vs jeff hardy the would be an exiting match or maybe cena vs shawn micheals.
Edge vs Jericho, just for the promos alone, I'd kill to see them in an extended feud. The in-ring action would be nice as well! I would like to see Paul Burchill actually have a freaking feud! Tyson Kidd & the Hurricane would be fun. Hey, why not make it a newly turned Paul & Katie Lea teaming with Helms to battle The Hart dynasty! It would make for some great action every week! I really wanna see MVP vs Orton for the WWE title! MVP deserves that push & he already showed he can hang With Orton on Raw!
how about Y2J vs Cena we have not seen it since 2005 and a match on Raw a while back by the way that was really good. these guys click well in the ring together.

Another feud i would like is Morrison vs Punk for world tittle. imagine what these two did as rookies with ECW tittle times 10. they are way more groomed now and better on mic. they have already put on good matches before so let them go big time.

Edge vs Christan these two in a tittle match would be awsome. throw in the Hardys and make it fatal four way then you have a monster old Tag Teams going at it in singles feuds against each other.

Taker vs HHH these two seem to stay as far away from each other as possiable. maybe because they do not get along. i do not know but they had a hell of match at WM in 2001.
The television feud I would be most interested in seeing right now would be John Cena and Vince McMahon. Vince wrestled Cena once on Raw several years ago, in a "1 Arm Tied Behind Your Back" match, but other than that, this was the only time these two really came close to feuding. Even that was more so a bi-product of Cena feuding with Triple H more so than Cena feuding with Vince himself.

But I think that would produce some interesting television. Vince better do it soon too, before he gets entirely too old to step into the ring. He's already getting there now, hence the need for all these handicap matches he's been involved in.
edge vs christian for whc...2 ,,brothers'' fighting for the greatest prize on sd...that would be awesome...also rey vs morrison to see who's better highflyer...jeff vs bourne would be good...edge christian vs hart dynasty as old school vs new school(although i highly doubt that edge and christian will reunite)
Keeping in mind that AJ Styles wrestled for the WWE for a short period of time I would love to see a Rey Mysterio Vs Evan Bourne Vs AJ Styles 3 way feud.

Think about it 3 of the best High Flyers in the buisness today. Think about the spots they would do in any match they had.

I have no idea how this would start but I would end it at one of the big 4 PPVs (RR, WM, SuSl, SuSe) in a hardcore No DQ type match where they would be able to showcase what Cruiserwieght Wrestling could be today. I would pay to see a PPV if this match was on it no matter what the rest of the card was
I´d really like to see an intense feud between CM Punk, Edge and Chris Jericho over the World-title.

A feud filled with awesome promos and great TV-matches and even better PPV-matches.

They could even throw a little bit Christian in there and it could be an awesome feud.

The reason for that is that all of them are actually the best performers in the WWE at the moment.
im going with the jericho - taker feud. i think those 2 could put on a classic, or close enough to one. and why are some of you so high on brian kendrick? i dont see anything appealing about the guy and i find him boring. the fact that some of you put his name in the same sentence as HBK is blasphemous. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves
I'm going to have to go with an Edge VS. Christian feud.

Yes, I'm very well aware that these two have had a feud before, but it was over a mid-card title, and it was really a one-off feud, when you consider that the only meaningful match these two had was the ladder match at No Mercy. These two are capable of having a long, six month feud over any of the world title's of their choice. These two have history together. Hell, they were one of the greatest tag teams, at one point. And remember that segment that these two had at Backlash? The fans still realize the implications of a feud between these men, and it got one of the bigger pops of the night. They're destined to have great matches... I don't think either man would consider anything less. Christian seems to be playing the role of a face extremely well. And yes, Edge is leaning towards tweener status at the moment... But that just seems oh so boring. I love seeing Edge as a heel. And perhaps this could be his last feud before coming back as a heel.

Here's how I imagine it... Remember when Shawn came back in 2002, and Triple H teased reforming DX? It's a very similar thing. Edge comes up to a newly drafted Christian (whatever brand they're on. Doesn't make much of a difference to me), and welcomes him back. He hands him a pair of those huge sunglasses, and Edge asks him to be his tag team partner that night against... Well, anyone, really. Doesn't matter all too much to me. Anyway, they tag, win their match, and give everyone the great reunion that some people have been waiting for. They hug, Edge raises Christian's hand, things along that matter.

Next week, they're back to regular E&C... Edge channels his inner 2000, and becomes to bleache blond incarnation of Theodore Logan. He tells Christian that they're going to the ring tonight again for a shot at the tag team titles, but before the match, he wants to do a five second pose. They come out in some type og gimmicky stuff to represent the town. They do their typical Edge and Christian banter on the mic, and give the crowd a good laugh. When it's time for the five second pose, Edge strikes at Christian. He spears him, and procedes to grab two chairs. He gives Christian a con-chair-to, and takes Christian out of action for, I don't know, a month. At least until the next pay per view.

Next PPV, Edge has a shot at whatever World Title. Doesn't really matter to me. Christian costs him the belt, and teases to do a con-chair-to Edge, before some heel mid-carder comes out to attack Christian. We then have Edge and this mid-card heel going against Christian. Personally, I'm biased, and I've already said how much I love Dolph Ziggler, so I'd use him. Dolph could act as an enforced to Edge, making sure Christian doesn't get to him until the time is right. Then, when this feud has hit its crescendo, you have Christian beat Dolph, earning a match against Edge.
how about Y2J vs Cena we have not seen it since 2005 and a match on Raw a while back by the way that was really good. these guys click well in the ring together.

Really, I'm pretty sure they had a feud around survivor series 2008.

Anyway back to the topic, I would have to choose John Morrison vs The Miz. Just because these 2 never fought each other after breaking up and it would be a great match with great promos.
I would have to say maybe a Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger feud because both are great wrestlers and can it can be a feud that doesn't have to be for a title, but just for the heck of it.

Another feud I would like to see is Gregory Helms and Tyson Kidd, a feud between these 2 would make for some great action in ECW like when they put Kofi Kingston and Shelton Benjamin. Or you could even add Evan Bourne into the mix to make it a 3-way dance.

Shawn Michaels feuding with Goldust would be good. Make Goldust a big star again would be what WWE needs. New faces in the spot light instead of the same old people we see all the time like Triple H and Craptista, I mean Batista. I mean Goldust is still a good wrestler and a match with Shawn Michaels would make him into bigger than what he is. Maybe not a main eventer, but a mid carder for the U.S. or Intercontinental Title.

Shelton Benjamin and Edge would be one of the best feuds in awhile if they actually did it with Shelton Benjamin turning face and just having a feud. They could even ass Charlie Haas and Christian into the mix if they wanted too, and it would still make for a good feud between the 2 teams.

:undertaker2: Undertaker :undertaker2: and Mike Knox should be a good feud and make up for how crappy the feud between The Undertaker and The Big Show.
A feud I would love to see would be Benjamin vs. Bourne. Bourne and Benjamin together would put on some phenomenal matches and help showcase their talent. HBK vs. Morrison would be an awesome feud as well especially with the similarities the 2 share.
John Morrison and the miz their feud could be epic. Give them some time to get more established and we'll see it happen. It could get to the level that HHH and HBK did Between 2002 and 2004. Then they could have a reunion and be Like DX in 2006 but except heels.
If I could pick any two to watch feud, it'd be Bret vs Angle. Just the matches alone would be worth it. I don't care about the promos at all in that one.

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