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What is the obsession with suprises?


Pre-Show Stalwart
There have been an increasing amount of threads recently calling for the WWE to spring more suprises on the fans. While I along with most wrestling fans like been suprised or swerved by something WWE does in a storyline. I believe they should be kept to a minimum. Otherwise you end up with a product that resembles the failed WCW product of it's last 3 years, where swerves not only dont have their desired effect, they actualy turn viewers off. Logically the less suprises/shocks they spring, the greater effect they will have when they are used.

Do you agree with this view, or do you still think WWE doesn't suprise fans enough?
It's spelt Surprise.

Anyway! The whole attitude era was based around surprises, leaving fans to wonder what DX or Austin would do next. And that worked out pretty well for the WWE.
While how predictable the product is isn't what the shows are all about, there's also the wrestling itself and the wrestlers, the surprises are what give us those "OMG" moments. It's what makes must-see TV. CM Punk cashing money in the bank, Orton punting Vince, Edge being in 2 chamber matches, while it may be a matter of opinion, very few people will deny that these surprises made the shows much more interesting to watch.
They gotta find a medium. If they throw huge surprises at us weekly they'll drastically lose shock value. If they dont do many at all they'll get stale, like they were for several years up until recently.
Because wwe run a weekly broadcast they need cliffhangers 2 keep us coming back week after week 2 c wot will happen next, maybe they don't do that enough but I don't think that's the issue, its the lack of real shock moments, until recently I can't remember watching a ppv that ended and I'm thinking wot the hell jus happened, while I'm not a cena fan I thot his return at the rumble was incredibly well done, as was edge's return late last year, while I agree that too many surprises is a bad thing I feel maybe more shock endings 2 ppv's and the odd raw/smackdown would be good, my favourite shock of all time was wrestlemania an austin's heel turn, who can't say some of there most memorable wrestling moments were things they totally didn't see coming??
I agree keep it in the middle. But the last few years (04-05 to early 08) have been predictable. If I were a betting man in those years I'd be rich. Almost everything that happened didn't catch me off guard. WWE has really come along lately.
everything is good in moderation and that goes for surprise. but knowing what going to happen is also good somtimes like at nwo shawn micheals JBL match wto end knew how it was going to end but it was still a very cool moment.
I don't think every little thing should be a surprise, like if Noble pinned Triple H and Mae Young headlined Wrestlemania, but they need to have alot of swerves and not the same predictible crap every week. They are doing much better now, but the surprises are still kinda predictible. Like Vickie last night mentioning how her family would face Cena. It was a surprise, but we kinda all guessed Chavo. So we predicted the surprise. They need to keep it to important surprises and storyline twists, not stupid things we cand predict anyways, like that.
I don't think every little thing should be a surprise, like if Noble pinned Triple H and Mae Young headlined Wrestlemania, but they need to have alot of swerves and not the same predictible crap every week. They are doing much better now, but the surprises are still kinda predictible. Like Vickie last night mentioning how her family would face Cena. It was a surprise, but we kinda all guessed Chavo. So we predicted the surprise. They need to keep it to important surprises and storyline twists, not stupid things we cand predict anyways, like that.

Totally agree.
There should be surprises and clues for day to day stuff that we can guess, or work out. It makes us feel special sometimes. (Smarks?) Christians return, we all knew it would happen, and I was guessing when and where for weeks. I was wrong in the end, but thats obviously a change in plan, as it was obvious it should have been him attacking Jeff Hardy not Matt. Y2J's return, we knew really, but there was an element of doubt for some.

Then there should definitely be those big surprises, mostly on PPV but with some random ones thrown in here and there too. No warning Just an OMG moment. So we have to tune in week after week to see if anything happens, just in case.

Thats how I prefer it to be. I want to think I'm clever and that I found spoilers, and then sometimes I want to be wrong and get a good surprise.
More surprises..I don't know about that. WWE can go ahead and spring surprises on us all they want but that doesn't mean they'll be exciting or that anyone will even care. It can't just be about quantity but more a balance of quantity & quality.

Remember when Vince was blown up in his limo? Remember when Undertaker hung Big Bossman in Hell in a Cell? I even remember back in the WCW days when Hogan threw the Big Show off a building. What was mostly surprising about these moments was that WWE thought anyone would buy that crap.

Bottom line: We need to see more surprises that make some kind of sense and more OMG moments during matches. Someone making their umpteenth comeback just doesn't do it for me anymore.
The WWE has been surprising the fans enough, especially last year and so far this year. I personally don't see the need for even more surprises.

The WWE has been a bit surprise crazy lately, mainly due to storylines being spoiled on the internet. While I think it's fine to change a story because it's been leaked online, I don't think it's always necessary. After all, just because it's a surprise doesn't automatically mean that it's good.

Look at the whole illegitimate son angle. Everyone pretty much knew it'd be Kennedy, and when he got suspended, instead of just waiting for him to come back, they swerved the fans and said it was Hornswoggle. A surprise? Most definately. Does that mean this was a good thing? Absolutely not, in fact it was beyond dumb.

Basically if the WWE did more suprises, then they'd have half-assed ones just for the sake of surprise (Like Orton being Kelly Kelly's lover. WTF). When surprises are rare, there's more effort put into them (I assume) so they're bigger and actually make sense.
Look at the whole illegitimate son angle. Everyone pretty much knew it'd be Kennedy, and when he got suspended, instead of just waiting for him to come back, they swerved the fans and said it was Hornswoggle. A surprise? Most definately. Does that mean this was a good thing? Absolutely not, in fact it was beyond dumb.

Basically if the WWE did more suprises, then they'd have half-assed ones just for the sake of surprise (Like Orton being Kelly Kelly's lover. WTF). When surprises are rare, there's more effort put into them (I assume) so they're bigger and actually make sense.

The whole surprises thing is hit and miss. If we want to have good surprises that'll keep us glued to the tv and make us want to see what happens next, we will occasionally have to take some crap surprises. We can't have a constant stream of great surprises. No writers are that good, in wrestling or otherwise.
I agree because they should just be held for unexpected moments like when John Cena returned at the 2008 Royal Rumble or Jeff Hardy winning the WWE Championship at Armageddon or just recently with Christian's return out of nowhere on ECW
What would be great is if the WWE did keep tabs on the internet, and when something was predicted to happen, they change it. Like Christian. Like it or not, it was brilliant. It makes us second guess ourselves. Wrestling is getting predictable, so its nice to have surprises, especially when no one sees them coming.
I would love to see more supriese, I've been watching WWE for over 20 years and i'm sick of the hated boss, one sided boss, the two an 3 on ones against the boss's husband and all the fake marriages and blah blah blah, we all know vickie got the job because of eddie dying, she is NOT ON ANY BOARD AT WWE, SHE IS NOT A REAL GM, SHE IS ONLY A CHARACTER AS SHE WILL NEVER OWN MORE THAN 2% OF WWE STOCK!!! The fans are not stupid so give the show back to the McMahon's! or get rid of the damn dumb GM's its always the same! they start out with no favorism then jump to heel and it's so old, you know HHH is facing Orton at WM and stepahie will turn on HHH, or Shane will! You know Vickie is going to screw Cena until stephanie gets back to give him his rematch. Your gonna see 2 on 1's and 3 on 1's for the next 4 weeks with cena getting beatdown and only getting close to catching edge! The rest of WM will have a bunch of lame matches probably Koslov fighting taker and taker giving him is first loss cuz JBL will interfere in HBK's match causing HBK to face JBL in JBL's wrestling God in my hometown match! IF TAKER LOOSES AT WM I'LL STOP WATCHING. And whoever I haven't mentioned will be in the MITB match with the rest in a battle royal, Jericho will get beat down by Austin for interrupting the HOF ceremony at WM. There is your WM spoiler, sorry to ruin the Big SHow! But that is what you will see, well at least until WWE see's this post.!!!! :ass:
If you want to be surprised don't look at the internet or at least read headlines that resemble spoilers. During the late 90's before internet news sites got big surprises were often. Recent events like Orton and Vince, Edge and the EC chamber, etc. are all a shock because they were live and "spur of the moment."

WWE can't build up a program with out it being leaked nowadays. Of course speculation on how an event will turn out is what makes things fun. So case in point, don't read certain headlines or ignore some news and you won't be swerved.

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