What is the most disturbing film you have ever seen? (Spoilers)

The title says it all. I want to know what the most disturbing movie you have seen. Im sure there will be some smart ass choices in this thread, if it gets off the ground but hopefully there are some legit ones.

As for my choice, it is really quiet simple. My choice is Cannibal Holocaust. Not to many people that I know have seen this movie or have any intention on seeing this movie. When I first heard about it I couldnt believe what I was hearing. It sounded like a lot of big talk and I thought the movie wouldnt pan out the way I thought it would. Boy oh boy was I wrong. Truly the most disturbing movies I have ever seen and not for the human on human violence.

The reason this movie is so disturbing to me was the use of animal violence. There were six species of animals that were legitamitly killed on screen. A snake, spider, pig, monkey, muskrat and turtle were all killed. The monkey death had to be shot twice meaning that there were two monkeys killed and ive heard the same about the turtle death. I didnt mind the snake and spider deaths so much since they dont make sounds or bleed profussly. However, the other three deaths were very eye opening and in some cases eye closing. I was in disbelief in the way the pig was killed. The actors kicked and tortured it until finally one of them shot it. It was extremely hard to listen to the pig make sounds of obviously being in pain. The monkey was another were sad death. They cut the monkeys head off, which is very graphic. But the most graphic death came in the form of the turtle execution. The actors grabbed a turtle from the water and proceeded to cut it open in front of the camera and remove its organs. There have only been two times that a scene in a movie has actually made me want to throw up and this was one of those scenes. A truly graphic moment.

The human scenes were also quiet disturbing in there own right. One woman is blugoned to death with a handful of mud with sharp sticks in it. Now that may not sound so bad but take into account that she was being blugeoned in her vagina area. It was difficult to watch but not the worst. Another girl is raped by the film makers and then impaled on a pole. This scene was quiet disturbing afterwards when I read that the director was rumored to have actually killed her on screen for that scene. I later read that they just had her sit on a bike seat and hold a pole in her mouth but then again they couldnt contact her to see if she was alive because she was a native that they used for filming. Another man was bit on the leg and had his leg amputated which ive seen before but was still very graphic considering this movie came out in 1980 or around there. The film makers are all killed in the end with the girl being raped on screen and another one of them being castrated. The camera caught all of this. But the hardest scene to watch was when the film makers rounded an entire village into a hut and lit it on fire. They didnt allow anyone to leave and it seemed like they were all burned to death. The screams were just horrifying. I hope it was just really good film magic and will believe that till the day I die.

The director, Ruggero Deodato, was put on trial when the film was released. The crime brought against him was for making a snuff film in which he killed his actors to make the film. This wasnt the case, but he had the actors sign contracts that said they wouldnt be seen in film for up to a year after the film was released. He had to bring them out of hiding just to save his own ass from going to jail. As I mentioned before he also was alledged of murdering a native girl which he could not prove besides some pictures of her hanging out with the cast during filming. The animal cruelty also brought about a lot of criticism and got the film banned in many countries. It is also regarded as the one of the most controversial films ever.

This movie hit a nerve with me and made me really question reality from really good movie magic. I did quiet a bit of research into this film before I actually brought myself around to watching it. I in know way thought it would be as graphic as it was, especially for its time, and it certainly didnt dissapoint me in shock value. A truly disturbing film and probably the most disturbing I have ever seen.

This is a great idea for a thread, and it also provided me with a new movie in my list of my life, and an experience I will not forget.

I ''acquired'' Cannibal Holocaust after I read your first post. Me and my fiance watched this together, and we both got alot more from it, than just the gore.

The gore itself, is of course, one of the biggest aspects of the film that is blunt and most mentioned. For controversy purposes, and it is shocking, but not the main point.

The story itself is where you get lost in the ideals. The way the film makers (Characters), Are portrayed, and how they use the most deplorable ways to gather good ''Footage'', the rape of the native woman, the killing many of the native people, and the fact that the people who financed the crew to make the movie, Only cared to be disturbed when they witnessed the deaths of the ''White'' film creators, which showed the racism that was evident in them.

I believe that the animal cruelty, which I do NOT agree with, was a necessary but ugly need to have the watchers question what indeed was real or fake.

Most of the animals were consumed, it was proven, only one of the deaths were not clean and quick. It is NOT right AT ALL, I am speaking that it was a ugly usage of realism to gain the attention and imagery that he wanted to get across.

It is in my opinion the most disturbing, but honestly, but most of the disturbing images of the ''Last road'' footage, and the ideals of documentaries gone wrong, as well as the fact of Racism that is shown towards the ''Uncivilized'', but not by the Real life director but the character film crew.

It is a disturbing piece of genius, that is never going to gain the notoriety for the right reasons. It was a little to real for people, and as well as the story was, and how I believe it should be viewed for more than the controversy, but with a open mind, and a viewing of how messed up humanity can be some times, and not in regards to the foreign natives, but how civilized are we, really.
I've just seen the trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 and, I've got to admit, that film disturbs me already. Mainly because I've heard that the infant in the film gets possessed and, as the first one freaked the shit out of my wife, don't think watching the second one would do any good...especially with a 7 month old who's starting to walk in the house
The original Last house on the left. Me and my mates thought it would be great to watch it on Halloween last year and although it wasn't scary it was deeply disturbing. The "piss yer pants" scene is still stuck in my mind for all the wrong reasons aswell as the dude who got his testicle bitten off. Fresh
xfearbefore briefly hit on my pick back on the first page. Aftermath. It's a short film, 30 minutes long and I don't remember there being much if any dialogue at all in the film. I watched it recently streaming on Netflix. Not sure if anyone besides myself and X have seen this film but I recommend, if you have a Netflix account and thirty minutes to spare, checking it out.
"The Killer Inside Me" starring Casey Affleck, Jessica Alba, Kate Hudson, and Simon Baker.

Affleck plays a small town sheriff who is engaged to Kate Hudson, but falls in love with a prostitute(Alba). The problem is, Affleck was sexually abused as a child, and has no concept of what love is. When he's sent to arrest Alba, he beats her to death in the most vicious, cruel scene Ive ever seen in a movie. The man on woman violence was bad enough, but the way he did it, and the fact they showed every last bit of it, made it so disturbing to me. He later kills his fiancee in a similar manner.

As I stated, it was the grotesque manner of the way they displayed the man on woman violence that did it for me. If not bad enough, Affleck's character kept saying "I love you" over and over as he beat Alba to death. It was just a sick way of displaying a perverse feeling for women, and the manner in which they were treated as punching bags and quite meaningless just turned my stomach. I think they were going for one thing in this film, but came across in a completely different way, which was callous and cold in the depiction and brutality of violence against women.
Human Centipede hands down. I watched it with my friends at 9 at night.3 vomited.2 left the room and went to sleep.And me and one other stayed and up watched the rest.Me and her almost left but we managed to keep it together...It was a dare to see who could last the longest.

I dont watch horror films, as I dont see the point of getting disturbed and scaring myself for enjoyment, but thats just me. My gf always wants to watch them but I point blank refuse.

Quick question for you guys though....what the hell is the human centipede about?! I have heard it mentioned, but I am pretty confused by it.

Can someone help me out?
Well this is what my friend told me

Well three people(two girls and a guy) get captured by this doctor guy. The second girls mouth is sewed to the first girls anus and the first girls mouth is sewn to the guys anus.Only teh guy can walk as the girls have their kneecaps taken out.The girl at the end only eats the shit of the first girl and the first girl eats the shit of the man and the man is only fed dog food.In the end, the guy dies and one of the girls dies.
Oh God...

I don't watch too many horror movies anymore, just because I am a giant pussy. But for me Hostel was bad. The scene that is particularly disturbing is when the dude cuts the kids heels and then the kid tries to walk and the heels split....yikes.

I found the Saw movies pretty rough too. The last one I watched was saw 3, and I actually pulled my hat over my eyes about 1/4 of the way through the movie.

I thought that Rob Zombie's remake of the original Halloween was really messed up too. Seriously, that movie fucked me up for about 2 weeks. The gore wasn't bad, but the psychology and plot give me chills. The beginning of the movie showed what led to Michael Myers being so evil...it made me sympathize with him. But then he beat that kid to death with a hockey stick and tied up his step-dad and cut his throat. The idea that a little kid could be so evil played with my head. Also, the scene in the mental hospital when the guards are raping the girl in front of Michael was so wrong.

Again, let me reiterate, I am now a giant pussy and don't watch movies that I think will mess with my head. :)
Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom is by far the most fucked up movie to me.

For those of you who haven't seen it. 4 Rich guys have a huge mansion in Italy, kidnap hundreds of virgins (male and female), and rape the shit out of them for 120 Days then send them out to be prostitutes. The way they go about everything in the movie is truly disturbing. It's so proper and non-nonchalant. They have servants and armed guards and other staff at the mansion. Each day before dinner and older woman tells a fucked up sex story to everyone like its story time or something. At one point when the woman is telling a story one of the rich guys says she should use more detail, like the texture of the dick and the rhythm of the anal. Oh yeah when they rape 'em, they anally rape them because the pussy is "expected". Supposedly no one come to save them either, it just happens.

Stopped watching it about half way through mainly because it was pretty much 2 hours of anal rape and shit. What I don't understand is people praising this movie as true art, I appreciate the idea and the balls it takes to make such a film, but seriously, the shits fucked up.

Also props to the poster who mentioned Toe Tag Productions, those August Underground movies realism is what disturbed me so much.
Props to the poster for a great thread too ;).


Quick question for you guys though....what the hell is the human centipede about?! I have heard it mentioned, but I am pretty confused by it.

A scientist or whatever surgically pairs people together ass to mouth to form a giant human centipede.

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