What is so good about Jack Swagger?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Jack Swagger, what is it about him that has put him at the top of SmackDown as the World Champion? Am I missing something here? Jack Swagger goes from hardly being on tv at all, to winning MITB, and then the World Title. What in the blue hell is going on here?

Yeah, I get the idea of placing new people in the main event spot. But at least have someone that the fans can buy as a champion. How many times have we read on here, about Swagger being bereted by fans while he is on the mic? I don't think its because he draws heat as a wrestler, its just that nobody buys him as a champ.

When he was ECW Champ, I bought it. Only because I saw that as just another mid-card belt, and nothing to special. He had a good run with that too. I thought his matches with Christian were very well done.

Personally, if I had to take one of these new guys that were in MITB, and give them the belt...Drew McIntyre would have been my choice. How many people would agree with me there? Yeah he has not been around that long, and he still has allot to prove. But, IMO, he has GREAT mic skills, knows what he is doing in the ring...better then some of the guys that have been there awhile, and so much more. Im not saying that he is my favorite wrestler, not by far....though his entrance theme is badass....He just would have been the better choice.

Right now, if WWE wants to make Swagger more convincing, I think he a good run against someone well established as a Champ would be a good idea. To bad Jericho got moved to RAW. I think that a Jericho vs Swagger fued would have been great for Swagger. But o'well.

Don't get me totally wrong. I am not totally against Swagger. I do see potential in him. I just think that giving him the World Title now, so suddenly, was a mistake.
Yeah, I don't get Swagger either. Thing is, he isn't all that great. His mic skills are very subpar and in reality, he's going end up in the category of The Great Kahli, Kane, Sheamus & a few others who just happened to "win" the title.
Let's see, Swagger faced Orton, and now he's going up against Big show. One, he beat Orton fairly (as far as I can remember), and if he comes out fairly against Big Show, I think we could see a nice title run going, as those two guys have been hard to beat from John Cena's perspective, rather then shortly promoted Jack Swagger.

I'm going to give Swagger a chance, but I don't think he's going to last long, considering theres a little Deja Vu back from Sheamus' title run.
Yeah, I don't get Swagger either. Thing is, he isn't all that great. His mic skills are very subpar and in reality, he's going end up in the category of The Great Kahli, Kane, Sheamus & a few others who just happened to "win" the title.

Wait a minute, did you just put Sheamus in the same category as The Great Khali? So the guy who's still improving and just took out one of the biggest names in the company (HHH) is going to job. Right. Cause something tells me that isn't happening.

On to the topic at hand. Swagger's mic skills are improving. He's getting better. In fact, last week on SmackDown, he drew so much heat, it was hard for him to be heard (and he worked that crowd brilliantly). As for in the ring, he's a great in ring perfromer. He's not had a single poor match since WrestleMania. All of his matches have been solid at least. And several of them were very good: His one on one match Orton on Raw was good, his match with Undertaker was excellent and the triple threat with Jericho and Edge was good also. Fact is, Swagger's a good performer and has the potential to be great.
its a little thing called "new talent",the guy is a genuine athlete with potential to be great and you lot shit on him! why? If it was a bonafide main eventer in this spot 90% of the IWC would be bitching about it.Yes he hasnt been booked well so far but give this "true" athlete a chance and view him without anyone elses view hanging over your shoulder.He will grow on you.
Sounds like much ado bout nothing Swagger is on a great role and so is Sheamus the key is confidence jack is a great wrestler and as someone said already hasn't had a bad match since wrestlemania most of u stay in the grey just because somebody wasn't champ in a year doesn't mean he isn't destined to do great things
What's great about Swagger? Nothing. He's not World Champion material. Just another guy we're FORCED to hate/like, FORCED to perceive as big time just because he has a shiny belt. WWE's desperate for stars and the only way to do it, excuse me, the LAZY way to do it is to put a belt on random people, hoping that the fans will immediately boo/cheer like little drones.

That's the guy who kept jobbing to Santino a while back. The guy who barely won a match ( if he wasn't facing Evan Bourne ).

A title taken away from Chris Jericho, pretty much the best in the entire WWE right now. Another ruined title run for Chris. He never got a decent reign. And now? Now Swagger has it and I forced myself into watching 2 episodes of SD. This and last week's. I am officially done with watching WWE ever again. The simplicity of the product is mind numbing. The promos are just terribly obvious.

"CM Punk, I will beat you!"

- Fans go nuts for god knows what reason -

"No Rey, you will not"

- Booo "

"Yes I will and I wll shave your head."

- Yeaaaah, Wooo, clap clap clap -

"No you will not it is pure"

- Booo -

"We will face off again and I will beat you"

- Orgasm -

Really? That's it? Swagger's no different. The guy is a great mid-carder, but him being World Champ without any build up is a slap in the face to any real wrestling fan. It hurts my intelligence.
There's nothing good about Jack Swagger...YET.I'm not saying if you give him a few more years of development that he won't find his way,but the fact is right now he is definitely NOT ready to be world champion.The problem is that he's not believable to me as a top guy.I was not one of the people who complained when the likes of Edge,Batista,or Taker were champion because at least they did their job well and were believable to be in that spot.

if Swagger would've gotten a build-up similar to Drew McIntyre,I feel like he wouldn't be getting as much heat from everybody here.And besides that,the guy's mic skills need a lot of work.Not that what he's saying is bad,but my advice would be for him to speak up more,and use different tones of voice.

but then again....that's just MY opinion.
Well let's see...he's a good athlete, he's not a roid freak, he's good on the mic, he puts on good matches, he generates great heat...I mean, other than that, what's to like about the guy?

Whenever a young wrestler in the WWE gets a really big push, he gets shit all over and I don't really know why. Too many people are hung up on the fact that Swagger got the WHC so quickly. The IWC bitches about the WWE being too predictable and they bitch even more whenever the WWE does something that's upredictable. Some fans are just not the least bit realistic. What I mean by that is you can't have something that's unpredictable these days and have it follow the lines of the traditional pro wrestling formula. In this case, giving Swagger a long build up before winning the WHC would not equal unpredictability.

The internet has all but destroyed the mystique and secrets of pro wrestling. The IWC wants to see young stars, but crap all over them if any little thing with their build up doesn't go along with what they think should happen. The IWC wants upredictability, yet they surf the internet searching for spoilers for upcoming tv shows, matches, upcoming angles and future storylines. Then, when they've found what they're looking for, they'll complain about how predictable it is. Of course it's going to be predictable when you view the results of something before it actually airs or takes place.

I personally like how Jack Swagger has been booked overall. The story with Swagger's character has been someone that was going nowhere fast, gained an opportunity to make an impact by participating in the MITB match at WM, wins the MITB, cashes it in and wins the title. Swagger is a young talent that's thrust into a heavy spot and the WWE has given viewers an impression that Swagger is vulnerable. He's lost a few matches while champion and it's further reinforced this perceived vulnerability. He hasn't been this ultra dominant force that runs roughshod over everyone placed in front of him. Doing the opposite of what's being done to him heads him down the road of becoming another John Cena or Batista and, quite frankly, I don't want another one of those guys.
Swagger is a VERY accomplished Amateur wrestler and he shows it in his matches. His moveset is a little basic because of his amateur background, but so is Kurt Angle's. I don't remember any one complaining when Angle would hit his basic looking angle slam or hit suplexes. Jack is the kind of guy who doesn't need flashy moves. He works the abdomen all match and his finisher...finishes the job. The reason he gets heat when he's on the mic is from his speech impediment, which honestly is a little funny. I was hoping him and Mike Tyson would get in an argument the night he hosted. Jack Swagger is a great wrestler if used right, and he's being used perfectly now. His Red White and Blue Bomb is very shitty (sit out belly to back drop) and he does need a new signature to help (like the Orton Stomp, AA spinebuster, etc) but his finisher is perfect. I don't see how people can not like this guy's ring work
What's great about Swagger? Nothing. He's not World Champion material. Just another guy we're FORCED to hate/like, FORCED to perceive as big time just because he has a shiny belt. WWE's desperate for stars and the only way to do it, excuse me, the LAZY way to do it is to put a belt on random people, hoping that the fans will immediately boo/cheer like little drones.

That's the guy who kept jobbing to Santino a while back. The guy who barely won a match ( if he wasn't facing Evan Bourne ).

A title taken away from Chris Jericho, pretty much the best in the entire WWE right now. Another ruined title run for Chris. He never got a decent reign. And now? Now Swagger has it and I forced myself into watching 2 episodes of SD. This and last week's. I am officially done with watching WWE ever again. The simplicity of the product is mind numbing. The promos are just terribly obvious.

"CM Punk, I will beat you!"

- Fans go nuts for god knows what reason -

"No Rey, you will not"

- Booo "

"Yes I will and I wll shave your head."

- Yeaaaah, Wooo, clap clap clap -

"No you will not it is pure"

- Booo -

"We will face off again and I will beat you"

- Orgasm -

Really? That's it? Swagger's no different. The guy is a great mid-carder, but him being World Champ without any build up is a slap in the face to any real wrestling fan. It hurts my intelligence.

Bye. Go to TNA. Honestly, everything any promotion does is force what they want down our throats. Same with any TV show. The viewer doesn't pick what goes on, the producers do. :flipa:

Anyways, I'm giving Swagger a chance. I believe he deserves one. People bitch about the "lack of new main eventers". In the past 6 months, we've had two NEW champions to the scene, and had Kofi, R-Truth, Evan Bourne (it was a squash match during Sheamus's run) and Morrison fighting for the title. Nobody is going to just debut and automatically be compared to Flair, Bret, or HBK's accomplishments. So just chill and see how it plays out.

And honestly, I'm glad they kept him buried for a while. 8 months ago I wouldn't have dreamed of the guy holding the title this soon. Good for him.
his run as ECW champion is what caught everyones attention....he has a unique look, a certain sound, swagger if you will (pun intended), that makes him head and shoulders above the rest right now who havent won a world title....he is a 2 time 2 time all american american lmao.....he can wrestle his ass off and hes only been around for a year and a half.....the kid has a great future whether you wanna be apart of it or not....you will be the same a hole who complains about him now and jumps on his bandwagon when everyone else does....just look at randy orton.....on one liked randy in the beginning.....obviously i was his biggest fan since his first match with hardcore holly but i digress....swagger is full of potential yet to be realized, and when it is realized he will be at the top for a long time...
I don't care for Swagger at all, I think he can do a good match, but he's terrible on the mic, between his lisp to his annoying voice, to his boring promos about his boy scout days. But I can't side with you for one reason. You said out of all the new guys in the MitB match, McIntyre should've won instead of Swagger. McIntyre is awful. If anyone in that match should have won that's one of the new guys, you better believe the popular consensus pick would be Kofi. Kofi would be a better champ than Swagger for a few reasons.
1. He's better on the mic
2. He's very good in the ring
3. He wasn't jobbing to guys like Santino
4. He's been in a high-profile feud
5. It would be a rare time that instead of having some boring character, we would have a black champion for once. Last time we had a black world champion, no I don't count ECW, was Booker T, or as he was then, a black guy who acted British, King Booker.
Swagger isn't good yet, and maybe he will be, but he isn't World Champion material yet. Neither is Kofi. Swagger, if anything, should be United States Champion. Miz hasn't defended the damn thing in months, and Swagger is always talking about being the "All-American American." Sure, Swagger can do good in the ring, he put on a great match with Cena at the 09 draft, but let's be honest with ourselves, just because someone is good in the ring but bad on the mic, should they be champion. Well, if that was indeed the case, then Shelton would still be in the WWE and in the Main Event. They need to cool it with Swagger, as he's been essentially a bitch as champion.
Swagger is the next Kurt Angle :| YES I SAID IT KURT ANGLE

HE is the best WRESTLER(the true meaning) on SD :|

Are you people going complain when Morrison becomes world champ?

You ask for new talent and when it comes you complain
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Simply put, the wrestling. When you look at purely in ring action, Swagger is one of the best in the company. Easily top 5 in the company. He's had quality matches with Christian, Hardy, Cena, Orton, Taker, Dreamer, Morrison and several others in a very short time period. You want good matches? He's your guy.

Add that to the fact that he has "the look" and is improving on the mic each and every week, and you got yourself a main eventer. The WWE is concerened with the future, at least they're showing that they are. Swagger is the cornerstone.
A legit heavywight, All American wrestler in his 20's is not a believable world champ? Lets look at some of the other wrestlers who have worn the belt on the rosterand could be the mix..

Rey Mysterio He's 5'3.
Undertaker His athletic background basketball and he's close to 50.
Jericho he's like 5'7 maybe, over 40 and played a little hockey.
HHH Teenage bodybuilder who's pushing 40
Cena High school football player who's around 30.
Edge mid thirties who's had to take massive time off the last 8 years due to injuries.
CM Punk legimately weighs less than 200lb no real atheletic background
Big Show Around 40, bench warmer at 7 feet tall college basketball player, fat.

I'm pretty sure Swagger looks more believable if the WWE was legit comp than these guys.
I think they see Kurt Angle style potential in him. Im not saying he is as good as kurt but he has a wrestling background. I see them pushing him similarly and I think it will benefit him.
I'm willing to admit that at first I didn't see much in the way of Swagger. I figured he was just another guy that was going to fade away into the background and when he was transfered from ECW to Raw, I thought I was seeing it happening. Still, there was always something about him. Yeah, he's young, arrogant, annoying, and very much a stuffed shirt. Then, so was Kurt Angle which is someone Swagger is constantly being compared to. In my opinion, Swagger was the WWE's attempt at creating another Kurt Angle from the beginning, and I think they're doing a pretty good job at it.

Swagger isn't at Triple H or Cena level yet, obviously, but he's climbing and he's getting close. He's certainly made a name for himself by capturing his first Heavyweight Title and that actually has an added bonus for the fans: Title holders are instant targets and who wouldn't want to see various wrestlers taking shots at Swagger?

Now, I'll be the first to say that his promos leave something to be desired, even though I have to say his primary problem is letting the audience's constant booing get to him. He needs to have a talk with Vickie Guerrero and learn how to either deal with it or, as she does, capitalize on it. Maybe he'll start saying "Excuse Me!"

...On second thought, maybe not.
Jack Swagger is by far one of the better clean wrestlers WWE has put on the show for a few years ever since Kurt Angle left, his amateur background is really helping him.

Jack Swagger has a giant future in front of him, he's getting a good amount of airtime, and while he certainly was jobbing a month or two's time ago, that doesn't make up for the fact that he's had some decent title defenses already, and some great matches with pretty much anybody they put in front of him, his matches with John Morrison are some of the match of the week nominations that's been going on as of late on this forum.

Jack Swagger is a great talent overall, and that's what's so good about him.
your missing something, he aint the first, look at sheamus, first ppv, and for the wwe champion...and he won, swagger been here more longer, added prestiege to the ecw champion...he then had that thing going about the royal rumble, that for me was the start, then winning the mitb, then obviously from there he won the world title.

look at kane after a year he won his first and only title to have the shittest reign...khali won it, just because there was an injury, after that nothing....with swagger though, you can tell he is gonna go far, same with sheamus...swagger a heel cleanly defeated orton...after losing like 4 matches in a row...this is where they will start to build this guy to the next level...
Jack Swagger, what is it about him that has put him at the top of SmackDown as the World Champion? Am I missing something here? Jack Swagger goes from hardly being on tv at all, to winning MITB, and then the World Title. What in the blue hell is going on here?

Yeah, I get the idea of placing new people in the main event spot. But at least have someone that the fans can buy as a champion. How many times have we read on here, about Swagger being bereted by fans while he is on the mic? I don't think its because he draws heat as a wrestler, its just that nobody buys him as a champ.

When he was ECW Champ, I bought it. Only because I saw that as just another mid-card belt, and nothing to special. He had a good run with that too. I thought his matches with Christian were very well done.

Personally, if I had to take one of these new guys that were in MITB, and give them the belt...Drew McIntyre would have been my choice. How many people would agree with me there? Yeah he has not been around that long, and he still has allot to prove. But, IMO, he has GREAT mic skills, knows what he is doing in the ring...better then some of the guys that have been there awhile, and so much more. Im not saying that he is my favorite wrestler, not by far....though his entrance theme is badass....He just would have been the better choice.

Right now, if WWE wants to make Swagger more convincing, I think he a good run against someone well established as a Champ would be a good idea. To bad Jericho got moved to RAW. I think that a Jericho vs Swagger fued would have been great for Swagger. But o'well.

Don't get me totally wrong. I am not totally against Swagger. I do see potential in him. I just think that giving him the World Title now, so suddenly, was a mistake.

I don't see anything in Swagger, McIntyre or Sheamus. These days, well, calling me a casual watcher would probably be stretching it, but I still know who most of the wrestlers are.

But with these 3, I see Swagger as someone who given time to develop could be alright, but with the other two, I don't see anything. Neither can cut a promo, neither are all that good in the ring and neither have an interesting 'look'. Granted Sheamus with his red hair and pale skin is different, I think of Conan O'Brien when I see him.

Maybe I've been out of the loop for too long, but this new crop of wrestlers to come in seem even less interesting than the "generic marine/tribal tattoo look" group that came in about 6-8 years ago.
Wasnt it just a few months ago that people were begging for Swagger to go to SD and show what he can do? Get put in bigger feuds and do something? Well fast forard, Swagger does just that and what happens? The IWC starts shitting brick and complaining....SHOCKER!

Simply put Swagger is one of the best wrestlers (amateur or pro) in the company and goes out and proves it nightly. Isn't that what people were complaining about that WWE pushes guys with all flash and no real ability. Well Swagger has it people, and if you don't see it then you can go back to watching such great athletic stars like Khali.
His entire match leading into his insane Vader Bomb and his laydown gutwrench powerbomb is what is so good about Swagger.
I see nothing in Jack Swagger, and I never understood the hype behind him since his ECW days, either. I'm glad I'm not the only one, as if I was I'm sure the consensus would be that I'm nothing more than a TNA smark who knows nothing about the WWE or it's developmental characters, and that I'm certainly not experienced enough to make such a claim, and normally I'd be fine with that, but I just don't see the "it" factor in this kid at all, just like I don't see it in Kofi Kingston, The Miz, John Morrison or a number of the WWE's young and "budding" superstars. As Zeven_Zion noted earlier, I feel he's just another in a long line of characters who the audience is forced to love or hate, not one who they actually legitimately love or hate.

What I find funniest is that we get labeled as nit-pickers when these types of things happen, but no one realizes that we're asking for new talent – talent being the operative word in that statement, not new. I don't care if Swagger is a "new" talent, because he's talentless. He can mat wrestle, but he's astoundingly awful on a stick, and in the contrived world of the WWE where scripted promos are what guide nearly every feud, that's the single most important factor in developing a character to the point of stardom. The same goes for guys like Morrison and Kingston who are equally as poor on the mic. The only one of the four who's acceptable IMO is The Miz, and I still just can't pinpoint what it is about him that is so good other than the fact that he's able to draw heat, and I'm still not entirely sure that heat is legit or forced because people don't actually want to hear him speak at all (really, really?! REALLY!? Yes, really).
Hey I like what I am reading. I am actually glad this is NOT a total slam fest on Swagger. Like I said in my original post, he has potential. If he doesnt screw up, he could have a very long and successful career. Only time will tell on this. I think my biggest bitch about Swagger and the title is that you hardly ever saw him on tv prior to Mania. Yeah here and there, but nothing that would make you go..."O hey look....its that blonde guy with the speech problem." Seriously, thats what I called him one night, because it had been so long I totally forgot he even existed. That is not his fault, that was just poor booking. But again, I feel Swagger has potential. He could play out to be a legit champ in the near or distant future. If he does great, I am happy for him. If not, o'well I hope he enjoyed his time in the sun.

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