What Is Bill Goldberg's Problem?

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Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Quoted From Wrestlezone.com
'Alex Marvez has an interview up with Bill Goldberg, promoting his new Bullrun show. In the interview, Goldberg says the following about TNA.

"If (TNA) were smart, they would give me what I wanted to put them on the map. It would take the right price, the right schedule and mainly the right working environment . . . Obviously they're not (offering that), so good riddance."'

Now if he did say this on the show, the guy is either dillusional or more of an asshole than he comes across as. He honestly thinks that he alone would put TNA on the map? Kurt Angle is quite honestly one the best pure atheletes, and one of the biggest stars in pro wrestling and he didn't make the impact that I thought he would make. So what makes Goldberg think that he alone would do that? The guys ego has got way outta control. Any comments?
Goldberg need's to remember that he suck's. 9 year's ago he made an impact because he wrestled short squash match's. So he would be good on iMPACT. But on PPV he would show how worthless he is. Goldberg was a big name but nowhere near as big as Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley or even Angle himself. Is there even that much of a demand for a Goldberg return? The only Goldberg match I would want to see in vs. Austin. And that's only because I want to se WCW's biggest star vs. WWF's biggest star. And it was 8 year's ago when I wanted to see that match.
I agree if you ask me Goldberg needs to get over himself. First off he wasn't even that big to begin with. I mean he had the big push (undefeated streak) in WCW that they decided to give to him to work him up; which they could have given to, well fankly a number of other people who would have done just as well. Second he was only in WWE for a short time; definitely not long enough to make an impact (no pun intended). Conclusively, he is an ass hole, is a pro-football failure and TNA is most-likely better of with out him considering their younger talent is freaking amazing and doesn't need to feel pushed aside and the older respectful and good-hearted talent like: (angle, sting, steiner, jarret, christian, nash, vkm etcc) are doing a great job at pushing them all over. Nash has especially shown a change of heart and personality with his role in the X-Division; I think they are using him in an excellent way but need him to uses more mic time; hopefully when they get two hours this will happen. So Golderberg, enjoy your short time of fame you had because I doubt TNA will ever take you in and if he thinks he deserves more money thatn someone like sting or angle he is out of his freaking mind and a psychological evalutation would be best suited for him.
I was thinking the same thing as all of the previous posters when I saw the statement he made. Honestly, I don't think any one person could put TNA "on the map", as Goldberg put it, and if there is anyone who could do it, it's definitely not Goldberg.

I never was a big fan of him to be honest, and I always thought he was overrated. And I never liked that superman way he had about him. Like how he could just run through a big chunk of security guards no sweat, or how about the time The Rock beat the crap out of him with a chair, hitting him in the head repeatedly and Goldberg just kept getting up and shaking his head like he just woke up from a bad dream. Newsflash, Goldberg...when you get hit in the head with a steel chair the proper way to sell it is to go down and stay down!

That guy bugs the crap out of me.
I did like him and had some respect left intact for him before I read this.

What an idiot, TNA is better wrestling product than the WWE.
WWE has better finance than TNA.

Thats why he isn't in TNA, and has only been in WWE. He is a money - orientated idiot IMO.
The Jackass was a nobody in WCW, it was cause of a "legend" by the name Hulk freakin Hogan that got him the undefeated streak in WCW. The guy is absolute scum.He didnt deserve a world title run in WWE. I personally wouldnt watch TNA if he was in it. He reminds of another guy, you know Ultimate Warrior, little to no talent the right "look" so youre booked to the top, same goes for Batista.
Fuck him I hope to never see him in a wrestling ring again or on my TV for that matter.
Arrogant twat, i cant believe how goldberg is so delusional about his own talents, he would not put TNA on the map, he is past it, the only reason he was in demand for a sprint in WWE was because he hadnt been there before and we wanted to see him face austin and rock and undertaker, but in TNA he has already faced the top stars there, with the exceptions like Styles/Daniels and joe and LAX etc, But he has already faced Sting, Jarrett, Christian, Rhyno, Angle on multiple occasions.

The reason i guess Kurt didnt bump TNA as much as people would have hoped is because the people that appreciated how Kurt works were already TNA fans and the Less active WWE never appreciated his pure althletic abilty so much to follow....

Besides that...Goldberg is a bag of shit...would hate to see him do anything more than a one/two shot deal with TNA.
I agree if you ask me Goldberg needs to get over himself. First off he wasn't even that big to begin with. I mean he had the big push (undefeated streak) in WCW that they decided to give to him to work him up; which they could have given to, well fankly a number of other people who would have done just as well. Second he was only in WWE for a short time; definitely not long enough to make an impact (no pun intended). Conclusively, he is an ass hole, is a pro-football failure and TNA is most-likely better of with out him considering their younger talent is freaking amazing and doesn't need to feel pushed aside and the older respectful and good-hearted talent like: (angle, sting, steiner, jarret, christian, nash, vkm etcc) are doing a great job at pushing them all over. Nash has especially shown a change of heart and personality with his role in the X-Division; I think they are using him in an excellent way but need him to uses more mic time; hopefully when they get two hours this will happen. So Golderberg, enjoy your short time of fame you had because I doubt TNA will ever take you in and if he thinks he deserves more money thatn someone like sting or angle he is out of his freaking mind and a psychological evalutation would be best suited for him.

I whole-heartedly agree with what you say. There is plenty of fresh young talent that TNA would be better to give television time to. Guys like Samoa Joe and Eric Young deserve more TV time than this idiot.
He has Hulk Hogan Syndrome where he thinks he is actually good but in reality he sucks and is way past his prime, but for Goldberg he never really had a prime his abilities always sucked he was just a product of good booking and hype.
Hmm..I had a post about Goldberg up but it got locked. Now this one is up and it doesn't...that doesn't make much sense but oh well. I think Goldberg has let his ego get the best of him. WCW should of never let him have that undefeated streak. It went straight to his head and from that day forward he didn't believe he should ever be beat by anyone. The deal he wants isn't just about money, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to lose either and TNA won't allow that. I think TNA should stay away from Goldberg and go after other more realistic wrestlers.

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The last thing TNA needs at the moment is another ex-WWE/ex-WCW talent. It needs to be TNA, not frikkin' WWE Lite!! Goldberg sucks, his undefeated streak meant nothing. If TNA were smart they'd ring Goldberg up and say, "Hey Bill, yea it's TNA. We were just wondering if you would come on board. We think you'd be great jobbing to Shark Boy, you piece of **** Austin rip-off".

*Loads machine gun and unloads the entire magazine into a Russo effigy*

Make a gimmick outta that,

Mr. Sam

P.S. Am I banned?
It's astounding how much someone with Goldberg's minsicule talent-base thinks of himself. Especially when it comes to how much he THINKS he's worth. His whole WWE tenure was a load of dung. His streak in WCW was a joke that completely devalued the entire WCW Title scene and made his contemporaries look moot (anyone remember the 10-second main event against Wight on Nitro that got smoked by RAW's title match?), and what's worse is that he was pushed through the roof and couldn't back up shit past a five-minute devouring in the ring. He never had more than a small handful of matches that were worth pissing on, and he wasn't the reason they were good. He was a lousy anomaly that got pushed in a company that lost momentum and didn't know what the hell to do with itself because too many rich assholes like Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, and Kevin Nash were trying to steer a ship that Eric Bischoff's dumb ass should've been in control of. Nash still deserves a kick to the nuts for booking the predominance of Goldberg's big wins and then booking the belt to himself at Starrcade. God, Goldberg sucks. He just sucks. Hard.
Goldberg is full of shit. I'm sick of him doing the stupid interviews about TNA and MMA. The truth is, He has already faced the main-eventers of TNA in WCW or WWE and guys like Styles or Daniels wouldn't mix with a guy like Goldberg. Goldberg, being the bitch he is, would ask for creative control and would try to re-make the undefeated streak. To be quite honest, I think he's one of the reasons why WWE jumped ahead in ratings. Nobody wants to see a guy go over 150 something times. You get fed up with it. Now he thinks he's some huge star, when in reality, TNA's better without him. Goldberg would do to TNA like Russo did to WCW. Just a waste of time and money. They're in financial trouble as it is and they don't need this huge guy coming in.
although i like goldberg a lot and i would love to see him come back, i think he has his head way too far up his ass. He is 40 years old, and he wants more money then angle. then again i think he would help tna get some publicity because he can obviously get interviews in large papers and radio shows, but in the end the money he wants and the matches and creative control hes gonna want will hurt TNA in the end
Typical WWE/WCW has been thinks the whole stinkin world revolves around him and his shit don't stink. At least Scott Steiner is actually contibuting to the good of the company the same with Kurt Angle Goldberg is just an meglomaniac like Hogan just looking for that one more day in the spotlight and a big pay off nothing more nothing less.:guns: :rasta:
He has Hulk Hogan Syndrome where he thinks he is actually good but in reality he sucks and is way past his prime, but for Goldberg he never really had a prime his abilities always sucked he was just a product of good booking and hype.

That right there I can agree with.
The problem with Goldberg is that he is not 1/10 as good as he thinks he is.

When in his prime, he won boring squash matches in a sub-par wrestling organization. He had a long undefeated streak because he was a big fish in a very little pond.

His shortcomings became very obvious when he arrived in a real wrestling organization. Unable to carry a match (remember Lesnar vs Goldberg). Unable to cut a promo without grunting and spitting all over the place. Great entrance with music and pyro, but not much of substance after that.

What could he bring to TNA? An over-priced and egotistical wrestler who thinks the wrestling world revolves around him. But TNA has already filled that niche with Kurt Angle. But at least Angle is still in his prime; Goldberg is well past his prime, and his prime wasn't that shit hot to begin with.

I say leave Goldberg where is is, on the sidelines.
Goldberg would just be another old name they bring back that would wear off in a matter of a month or so. Look at Steiner, Sting, Nash, Angle. None of which has really boosted TNA (ratings that is).
Well in all fareness Goldberg thinks he put WCW on the map (but was actually the Nash & Hall) so he obviously thinks he can put TNA on the map.
He is quite delusional to think so, but I believe he could make a huge impact on TNA's credibility with quite a few former superstars at the forefront.
First off if Goldberg only wants to wrestle for the money than no wretling company should hire him. Ecspeacialy a company like TNA who thribes (sp?) on guys that genuinely love the industry.

n second Goldberg wouldnt fit into TNA anyway. What would they have him do? prob. either squash the x-division or feud w/ Joe. N quite frankly joe just needs to win the title already. off course they could have Goldberg have a legends match w/ either angle or sting, but then wat? it just wouldnt work.
Goldberg sucks and to me I will only remember him for him and Brock being booed out of the building at Wrestlemania 20 in a match that sucked major ass.I agree with the first part that amboy said.If he is only wrestling for the money,not the will,passion,or desire to do it then they should never hire him.
I would just like to say that all of you goldberg and batista and hogan haters are absolutely out of your mind. Apparently they have some sort of talent and ability, otherwise their respective pushes would have fizzled and they would have been flash in the pan nobodies. Instead here are all of you idiots still talking about them. All that does is show they made an impact on yuou in some way. Maybe he does have an ego. Personally, I think it couldn't hurt TNA to bring him in. Abyss, Joe, Steiner, Angle, a GOOD program with Sting, Nash, or Jarrett. Hell he'd probably even put over a few younger guys. He must have done something right to have been so popular. Get over yourselves and quit acting like you know the business and just appreciate wrestling for what it should be...entertainment.
I would just like to say that all of you goldberg and batista and hogan haters are absolutely out of your mind. Apparently they have some sort of talent and ability, otherwise their respective pushes would have fizzled and they would have been flash in the pan nobodies. Instead here are all of you idiots still talking about them. All that does is show they made an impact on yuou in some way. Maybe he does have an ego. Personally, I think it couldn't hurt TNA to bring him in. Abyss, Joe, Steiner, Angle, a GOOD program with Sting, Nash, or Jarrett. Hell he'd probably even put over a few younger guys. He must have done something right to have been so popular. Get over yourselves and quit acting like you know the business and just appreciate wrestling for what it should be...entertainment.

hmmm im pretty sure i didnt even mention batista or hogan. plus i never said i hated goldberg infact i liked him when he was wrestling, i only said i dont think he belongs in tna n he shouldnt wrestle just for money. seshhhhhhh.
i personally liked goldberg in WCW he dominated everyone ... but 173 - 0 thats just ridiculous ... i mean Samoa Joe as good as he is for a big guy never got that ... you don't see goldberg flying around the place like a cruiserweight ... Joe does whats best for business not himself ... another perfect example of loyalty is AJ Styles ... you have to believe vince mcmahon has said something about AJ in the past oddly enough AJ stays with TNA while his abilities would easily get him into WWE ... personally i think Goldberg is only in the business for himself and not the companies he works for ...
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