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What if wrestling was not fake?


Dark Match Jobber
So I was wondering what if wrestling was real fighting like the UFC who could be the champion? Who could be the major stars? Because who know's the current rosters real fighting abilties. The only person I can think of to be the Worlds champion would be The Big Show, Steven Regal whom used to have real fights in england could be a star? imo. What do you think? Would HHH, Cena & Orton Still be a major stars? Some have Military backrounds like Orton could he use anything that he was taught to rise to where he's is at?
Err, none. Because if they were really that hard then they'd be doing MMA fighing already. I'd guess anyway. Look at how much Lesnar got paid for his 2nd fight with Mir and look at what he was getting paid in 2004. It's a no brainer.

I also think Regal was tough before all his drug problems, not so much now.
HHH would have paralysed Randy Orton from the neck down for sexually assaulting his wife. And people would cheer CM Punk and not the drug addict. Inferno Matches would be so much better.
Honestly you can never tell, but the people like Shelton Benjamin with practice and skills as a mat wrestler could do well for themselves. Like I said though, any strong athletic person could make it in a MMA ring, as long as they have the right mindset.

Sure people like Show and Batista are big and strong, but how would they really feel in a proper, painful submission hold, do they have a strong chin, or would they crumple after a few solid punches to the face. You can never know this kind of stuff till you try.

I'm sure there are enough athletic guys in the WWE to make some MMA stars, but I wouldn’t like to guess who they would be.

Hell with the right kind of training, and a good mindset someone like Evan Bourne or Jamie Noble could end up doing better than any of the heavyweights.
Y 2 Jake brings up a valid point about the payoffs they would receive in the UFC so lets just assume the pay scales are equal to each other.
Err, none. Because if they were really that hard then they'd be doing MMA fighting already.

Maybe working in the business they do, but its not a given. Remember WWE "wrestlers" are athletes and performers, they are not fighters. Not everyone would be willing to become a fighter just to get a payoff.

I would'nt get in an MMA ring regardless of the skill/training I had even if I was getting $1million per match......(and yes I do mean that)
i dont think its valid to say that the WWE stars arent as tough or would be in MMA bc the payoff is better bc in life a ton of people do things more bc they love their job Vs. the pay....Stars such as Cena claim to have a love for the business so why would they leave and do something else? Doesnt make sence...

on to the question at hand IMO Jericho would be a tough guy and probably Smackdowns Champ. taker/micheals would be plaued with injuries and probably retired by now....ditto HHH because of his knee injuries bc if WWE was real then in matches wrestlers would attack the knee and weaken him that way. Batista would probably be gone too bc he is all muscle and no technical. You would probably see guys like Benjamin legitimatly beat guys like batista bc of his actual mat skill and stamina. Big show would be a powerhouse but again not enough stamina and mat skill would be his downfall. The roster would be slimmer on top whilst "bottom heavy" meaning guys like Swagger, Benjamin and the younger guys who have amature backround would be your top guys and the bigger muscular guys like HHH, batista wouldnt be so tough!
The title is definatly something that might piss some people off. But other than that, if you talking about who might be the best wrestler, minus the kayfabe, then Big Show would be a name that comes to mind. Him, Batista, Triple H, basically the big guys. Although Khali wouldn't be as good, because Big Show is a huge guy, but he has muscle and isn't as fragile as Khali might be. Khali having not very strong legs...

If it wasn't kayfabe then Hardcore matches would be a LOT more interesting, promos would be more interesting and the wrestlers will be wondering why camera-guys are following them around, LOL.
If wrestling was real you would be seeing alot of different guys in the WWE right now. I guarantee no one would of ever heard of names like HHH, Orton, Cena, The Rock, Hogan if wrestling was in fact real.
The buildup to matches would be alot better as there would be that element of realism. Its alot easier to get into a fight when the 2 guys fighting really don't like eachother. Any one who ever competed in a ladder match would probably be dead though.
Basically wrestling would be a mix of ROH and UFC, and your top guy would be the Big Show (assuming they actually would let him wrestle, which they might not do) and if not him I see someone like Low Ki doing well for himself if wrestling was real, you know a wrestler who seems like he could actually defend himself outside the ring (Honestly I bet half the IWC could beat up Cena in real life, he's big, but he also looks like he hasn't been in too many fights).
This is a good thread idea, but it's hard to determine. When watching other sports, you can see how "good" an athlete is from insider reports and watching them mature during the events. It's too difficult to determine who would be the best at something if we've never seen their experience. That's like taking NFL players and seeing who would be the best at baseball. Since they're athletes, you would assume that one might be better than the other, but it's apples and oranges. The same goes for pro-wrestling versus MMA.

the following would be successful:
*Chris Jericho: good wrestler/tough competitor/smart
*The Big Show: big strong wrestler/superior size
*Mark Henry: big strong wrestler/superior size
*KANE: tall strong wrestler
*Shelton Benjamin: talented "real" wrestler
*Kurt Angle: talented "real" wrestler/smart

the following would NOT be successful:
*HHH: injury prone
*Shawn Micheals: his back would have shortened his career
*John Cena: never would have a prayer, even though he's strong
*Batista: injury prone
*Edge: injury prone
First off wrestling IS NOT FAKE , wrestlers are injuried and have their careers ended come on people , "Human Suplex Machine" TAZ broke his neck came back only to retire due to the nagging neck injuries . "Stone Cold" Steve Austin , Rhino , Hurricane Helms , Scotty 2 Hotty , Edge and Kurt Angle have all suffered broken necks so there is no way anyone can say that wrestling is FAKE that is complete bullshit !!

It is an insult to anyone who has ever wrestled (like myself) to say that it is all FAKE or PHONY , or an act wrestlers get hurt , injuried and have their careers ended due to injuries that occur ing the fixed in ring action . Now as far as who would be a star if wrestlign was more like UFC the #1 star would be TAZ (if he could still compete) Kurt Angle would be my second choice because he is a great ground wrestler has knowledge of submissions , I think Samoa Joe , Charlie Haas , Shelton Benjamin , Ezekal Jackson , William Regal , and Finlay would all make great MMA fighters .
Big Show would actually be one of the top guys,not because of his size,but because he trained in boxing,and if someone that big and strong punches you,you're gonna get knocked the hell out.Also,Batista and Booker T got in a real fight,and apparently Booker kicked his ass.I think Shelton would be the top guy,or Swagger.
I wouldn't used the word fake for wrestling either, I normally would refer to it as "staged". "Fixed" works too.

I really don't know who the best fighters would be. Obviously Big Show comes to mind...I would imagine Shelton Benjamin might win more matches.

But the bottom line is, if pro wrestling weren't staged, it would suck. Honestly, I'm surprised no one in this thread has said that yet.

The reason it would suck is because it would lose pretty much everything that makes it pro wrestling. It would just become an awkward version of UFC with a few bells and whistles. Any exciting storyline that you could ever think of would be impossible, hardly anything interesting would ever happen, you wouldn't get most of the cool spots that we're treated to in both regular and gimmick matches...cruiserweight matches...forget it...and the beatdowns that happen outside of actual matches would get all of the superstars arrested. Arguably worst of all, there would never be such a thing as a "People's Elbow".

Honestly, there are so many things that would be wrong with it, I don't think I could even list them all. Pro wrestling could never work as a real sport.
Big Show would be your top star. He's a fucking mammoth of a man, and he's trained as a boxer to boot. Honestly, he wouldn't even need the boxing skills, he could just fucking kill you without any kind of legit fighting skills.
if wrestling was real,it would be completly botched night in and night out because the opponent wouldnt allow the move to be done,and it would look like crap
Real pro wrestling would be catch wrestling which would be freestyle wrestling with submissions. However this would be like watching submission wrestling and would just become filled with and dominated by the world class BJJ, Wrestling, Sambo, and Judo guys who normally compete at grappling events. None of the current guys would have a chance against these guys because some do have legit wrestling backgrounds and might be good, but not world class good. Now if we are gonna add striking then it already exists, it's called MMA and would resemble the beginnings of the UFC and Vale Tudo where everything goes: eye gouging, ball strikes, etc. Say goodbye to weekly TV shows and seeing the same superstars every week. To say guys like Big Show would dominate is just stupid when guys like Choi Hong-man and Akibono who do compete in MMA have gotten their asses kicked pretty good regardless of their size, especially Akibono.
If wrestling wasn't scripted it'd basically be amateur wrestling, that's it. Most of the guys wouldn't have jobs save for the ones who started in amateur wrestling prior to pro. It wouldn't make money, it wouldn't be on tv, most of the big stars would've had careers as bouncers/security/day-time tv actors. So if pro-wrestling wasn't predetermined it wouldn't exist.
A few of the guys have had training in different styles of combat fighting. Batista himself is quite trained at it, and would dominate, never mind this injury business. Multiple wrestlers have had mat training, such as Charlie Hass, and Shelton Benjamin. Big Show trained in boxing recently, And Chris Jericho has the legendary story of taking an angry Bill Goldberg down.
What if wrestling wasn’t fake? That is an interesting question. You mentioned that they would be fighting like the UFC does so I am going to assume that the matches would not be pre-determined.

If the WWE was like the UFC then I could see a few guys thriving. Some of the wrestlers in the WWE have different types of backgrounds and others have trained in different things. For example like someone mentioned, The Big Show is trained in boxing, The Undertaker and Kane have done MMA training, Jack Swagger is a 2 time All-American, Vladimir Kozlov is actually trained in quite a few different things. There are others that have different types of training so I could definitely see some of them being successful. As to who would be the champion, I can’t really give an honest opinion because I don’t know how much any of those wrestlers have been trained in whatever it is that they were trained in. But if I had to guess, it would probably be Kozlov just because he is trained in different things like freestyle wrestling, judo, sambo just to name a few. Some of the things he is trained in some wrestler don’t even know about as far as I know so he would have an advantage.
Jericho would be world Champion, because he's proved time in and time out that he can take out the biggest dog in the fight. He's notorious for choking out other wrestlers in the back "cough Goldberg cough"

Someone mentioned that Orton would be paralysed for the neck down due to his attack on Steph, I doubt it. Triple H would of been done after his much needed punt in the skull at WM23 in that Triple Threat with Orton(c) vs Cena vs Big Show.

Jeff Hardy would be dead, as would Kane, Cena, Golddust, Undertaker, Henry, Vince.....this list could go on for a while.

Hardy would of died at least 3 times by now due to his jumping off the top of the TitianTron onto tables into a pit trick.

Kane would of burnt to death, oh and so would Good Old Jr from when Kane lit him on fire in an interview, as well as Edge from his match with Undertaker at Summerslam when he go chokeslammed to hell and then then the area he landed in caught on fire.

Taker would of been buried Vince, Henry and countless other wrestlers alive

Golddust and Cena would of been shocked to death.

It'd be like one of those survial game show movies, where the winners got to live, but if they lost well they lost everything including their life

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