What if Punk does go after the IC title

In reality Punk is not winning that IC title. Punk as IC champion does nothing beneficial for him at this stage in his career. He is one of the elite in wwe and needs to continue doing his big time things.

And why would you want to waste time trying to elevate the value of IC title now? Its not gonna work if the title is not being booked on TV regularly and defended consistently. Most of all is there even a midcard divsiion of wrestlers existed that wants to compete for the titles? The IC title has been shitted on for many years and a single feud aint gonna bring the "prestige" back easily.

Unify the IC with the US title. Get Rid of the so called world heavyweight championship. And then the IC title would be in positioned to bring its prestigious back.

I agree that the belts need to be unified, but I think the midcard belts need to be built up BEFORE the unification happens. That way, when the World Heavyweight Title is taken out of the picture, whoever's left standing as the unified midcard champion, whether that be Punk, or if Punk were to job the IC Title to someone like Dean Ambrose, that person already be established

And even if Punk is "too good" for the IC belt, the person who holds it and builds the belt up during this period should still be someone who the casual fan sees as "important". Maybe someone like Christian, Ziggler, or Miz, or give it to Sheamus when he comes back.
I think that would be great for business, so its probably not going to happen :rolleyes:

But serously, it makes so much sense to have Punk take on Curtis Axel for the IC title. For one, the IC title could use the upgrade of being around the waist of an actual superstar. Rarely can guys in the midcard make the title interesting. Dolph Ziggler was the last man to give the title some prestige and even guys like Wade and The Miz who deserve the strap around their waists seem to fade from the limelight when crowned champions. The IC used to be a title for hight profile superstars opposite to the WWE champion. Guys like Razor Ramon, The Rock, and Chris Jericho made the title interesting because they were accomplished stars adding prestige to the title, not lower card stars looking for a bump because they have a title around their waist. Punk would give the title some of its former glory. Also, if the angle with Heyman is going to continue, they need a way to make it work through the ppv. Brock Lesnar cant work night of champions because he's rarely ever there to hold a championship. Axel vs Punk is the only logical match for the ppv.
Putting it on Punk does nothing for him or the "prestige" of the IC belt. It has alway been the mid-card belt leave it that way. Putting it on a top guy onlyakea it harder to believe a mid-carder can win it. Then when Punk does drop it he looks weak. Could they do more with the IC and US titles? Yes and it is a simple as defending them in proper feuds.
When was the last time Axel or Ambrose had a real feud with another mid-carder and defended the belt? Instead you get Ambrose vs RVD with no real back story. The problem they have no "prestige" isn't the guys holding them but the lack of commitment from the writers to utilize the titles properly.
So you're suggesting that CM Punk becomes a nobody and wins the IC title? No thanks. John Cena would never go after the IC title! it's a useless, worthless title that no one cares about, that's the harsh truth behind it all.

I think that CM Punk should feud with Heyman and Axel without the title on the line. CM Punk has already mentioned that he wants to be back in the title picture. I would say if we don't see CM Punk vs Axel at NOC, he will be added to the WWE title match at Night of Champions because you cannot leave your number 2 babyface off of the card. If times get desperate, you can always throw him in the World title picture with RVD and Del rio.

The World Heavyweight Title would arguably be a bigger step down for Punk than the IC Title would. Imo, it's okay for Punk to go after the IC belt, but the World Title is already established as being the charity belt/consolation prize, and thus it would reflect worse on Punk than the midcard titles would.
The concept of Punk bringing more legitimacy to the IC crown is interesting. At times, it seems the last time the title was important was when Ultimate Warrior held it. Having CM Punk wearing the crown would surely bring the title increased exposure.

Still, as long as John Cena was the champion, I figured the plan was for Punk to win the WHC. That way, it would keep the two men apart as they tended to their own gardens.....and lead to a build-up for a title consolidation match between Cena and Punk. If done correctly, it would have been huge.

Now, with Cena out for a long time, the company might decide to have Punk go for the WWE Championship. At this time, Orton and Punk aren't at odds, but it still would be heel vs. face (although it's difficult to tell with those two, isn't it?) and it's hard to believe the two aren't going to meet somewhere down the line, especially with Cena out of the picture.

With Punk's degree of creative control, what would he say about being sent after the IC title, especially with both major belts ripe for the taking?

One thing for sure; the field is wide open for Punk.

WHAT.?????? The last time the title was important was when Warrior held it???? Are you outside of your mind or have you just started watching the Mania box set and only made it that far. Since Warrior held the belt, let's look at some who have held the belt: Perfect, Hart, Bulldog, HBK, Razor, Deisel, Jericho, Austin, Rock, HHH. That's just a few, and of those 7 went on to be WWE and/or World Champ. Six ended up being the 'face of the company'. Of the rest, Perfect is generally one of the best never to win the big one, Bulldog had what is generally considered the best match in Summerslam history, and Razor was central in one of the most important angles in wrestling history. In each of those situations with those ten guys, they were involved in meaningful feuds and matches for that title that kept its value in line with history, and some were the biggest matches on the card.
WHAT.?????? The last time the title was important was when Warrior held it???? Are you outside of your mind or have you just started watching the Mania box set and only made it that far. Since Warrior held the belt, let's look at some who have held the belt: Perfect, Hart, Bulldog, HBK, Razor, Deisel, Jericho, Austin, Rock, HHH. That's just a few, and of those 7 went on to be WWE and/or World Champ. Six ended up being the 'face of the company'.

Most definitely, and you have to throw Mysterio and Jericho in here as well with their awesome feud over the belt in 2009, including an absolute classic at the Bash in 2009. From Wrestlemania 2009 until Mysterio dropped the belt to Morrison due to suspension, the IC title was extremely prestigious.

But to answer the question, this is an easy one. Punk just challenging for the belt brings a large amount of credibility. It's been Punk's M.O., actually, kind of like Jericho. He moves easily from champion back to the "mid-card" and makes every feud feel important. Even with Axel being as boring as watching paint dry, I cared about him because he had an awesome brawl with Punk on Raw.

If I managed to care about Axel because he fought Punk on Raw, I think I could care about him challenging Axel for the title.

Even if he shouldn't and won't win it.
I've never understood the "so-and-so is too big for the __________ Championship" argument. In my eyes a wrestler is never "too big" to win a championship. Being a champion is never a step down in someone's career. If winning a World championship meant never winning any other title again, why wouldn't every wrestler just retire immediately after winning their first World title? It's a completely absurd argument in my book.
My one objection would be that he doesn't really need it, whereas midcarders being IC champ need it to get over.

Punk came off a record reign as WWE champion. That would suggest that winning the IC title would be easy enough for him. It would also suggest that if he should win it, he'd be able to defend it easily enough.

If Punk got screwed repeatedly, it might work, since Punk is face now. There has to be some reason why a main-eventer doesn't win, to create tension. Another option would be Punk successfully defending it week-in, week-out against a variety of midcarders, but that would only bury the midcarders around Punk. Orton, Bryan, Vince and family (and eventually Cena) are already in a battle and there isn't room for Punk.

So if Punk does go after Axel, I'd have him get screwed out of it a couple of times.
Punk won't win it will be some kinda of set up were Brock or maybe a new heyman guy well come out or heyman will interfere
I think a new guy screws Punk over, hopefully Hero.

I don't think it's a downgrade. As someone else mentioned, HHH held it when he was teaming with Austin.

Every situation is different. Punk cares about getting to Heyman.
No! No! No!

Punk winning the IC title would not be good for him OR the title.

What needs to happen is for Axel to retain his title with quality match after quality match. Look no further than RVD defending the ECW TV title for almost 2 years. That is the blue print for bringing prestige to a mid card title...or for any title for that matter.

Punk should continue kicking ass in the main event scene and should return to the WWE title picture come Mania season.
No! No! No!

Punk winning the IC title would not be good for him OR the title.

What needs to happen is for Axel to retain his title with quality match after quality match. Look no further than RVD defending the ECW TV title for almost 2 years. That is the blue print for bringing prestige to a mid card title...or for any title for that matter.

Punk should continue kicking ass in the main event scene and should return to the WWE title picture come Mania season.
No, a guy holding a title for a long time building credibility is incredibly archaic. Also, why would you compare the late 90s ECW audience to the current WWE audience? You're marketing to a much more diverse group now.

You make a title mean something though meaningful feuds. This could help establish Axel as somebody, so whoever he feuds with next will be elevated and thus, the rivalry there and thus, the IC Title.
My one objection would be that he doesn't really need it, whereas midcarders being IC champ need it to get over.

Punk came off a record reign as WWE champion. That would suggest that winning the IC title would be easy enough for him. It would also suggest that if he should win it, he'd be able to defend it easily enough.

If Punk got screwed repeatedly, it might work, since Punk is face now. There has to be some reason why a main-eventer doesn't win, to create tension. Another option would be Punk successfully defending it week-in, week-out against a variety of midcarders, but that would only bury the midcarders around Punk. Orton, Bryan, Vince and family (and eventually Cena) are already in a battle and there isn't room for Punk.

So if Punk does go after Axel, I'd have him get screwed out of it a couple of times.

It wouldn't bury them.

If Punk is successfully defending the title, it makes the belt look good. And if midcarders are putting on solid matches and lose in a strong, competitive effort against a former WWE Champion, it makes them look better.
No! No! No!

Punk winning the IC title would not be good for him OR the title.

What needs to happen is for Axel to retain his title with quality match after quality match. Look no further than RVD defending the ECW TV title for almost 2 years. That is the blue print for bringing prestige to a mid card title...or for any title for that matter.

Punk should continue kicking ass in the main event scene and should return to the WWE title picture come Mania season.

Axel doesn't have the capability to do that. Punk does. And if not Punk, then it has to be someone like Ziggler, Ryback, Miz, Christian or if he weren't injured, Sheamus. It needs to be someone the casual fans already see as "important", and Axel does not fit that bill.
Looking back on history, I don't see Punk winning the IC title hurting him and I don't consider it a "step down."

HHH was the WWE world title holder in 2000 and was the IC title holder in 2001. The IC title is doing nothing for Axel. It's rarely ever brought up and he hardly ever defends it. Giving Punk the title and a promo that he's going to make it credible again makes sense.

I know this will NEVER happen given the fact that the IC title has gone down so much in value since 2001, but Punk having it would help.
If a top WWE superstar - CM Punk, goes after the Intercontinental Championship, then it makes it worthy and no longer meaningless.

If CM Punk wins it (maybe just for a month or so) that will bring back prestige and relevance.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. There is no doubt, that the IC Championship has a reason for Punk because it needs someone like him to increase it's prestige. However, Punk doesn't have a reason to go after the mid card title, after having been, in Heyman's humble words, your reigning defending WWE Champion for 434 consecutive days, and having put on a classic with Undertaker at Wrestle-mania, he's accomplished feats that put him on par with people like Cena.

What would happen if Punk did go after the title?
Then, many would feel that Punk would be losing his increasing momentum. He's been on a rise, ever since he lost the title to the Rock. The WWE would be wanting to make use of that momentum, but I'm not sure that giving him the IC Title would be productive.

Here's a list of the last 10 IC Champions
132 Cody Rhodes 1 August 9, 2011 236 Sacramento, CA SmackDown Aired on August 12, 2011 on tape delay. [151]
133 Big Show 1 April 1, 2012 28 Miami Gardens, FL WrestleMania XXVIII [152]
134 Cody Rhodes 2 April 29, 2012 21 Rosemont, IL Extreme Rules This was a tables match. [153]
135 Christian 4 May 20, 2012 64 Raleigh, NC Over the Limit [154]
136 The Miz 1 July 23, 2012 85 St. Louis, MO Raw 1000 [155]
137 Kofi Kingston 4 October 16, 2012 74 Memphis, TN Main Event Aired on October 17, 2012 on tape delay. [156]
138 Wade Barrett 2 December 29, 2012 99 Washington, D.C. Raw Aired on December 31, 2012 on tape delay. [157]
139 The Miz 2 April 7, 2013 1 East Rutherford, NJ WrestleMania 29 Match aired live on YouTube and WWE.com as part of the WrestleMania 29 pre-show. [158]
140 Wade Barrett 3 April 8, 2013 69 East Rutherford, NJ Raw [159]
141 Curtis Axel 1 June 16, 2013 66+ Rosemont, IL Payback This was a Triple Threat match that also included The Miz.

Imagining CM Punk in the same league as these guys is very hard. It'd feel that the WWE would be forcing the championship up a level, without the smooth transition that should be there.

Further more, in order for CM Punk to bring relevance and excitement to the title, who would he feud with for the title? If it's a mid carder, its a long jump from being toe to toe with his last few opponents with names that include Cena, Rock, Taker, Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar.

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