Wrestling is fake...and your point is?

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I cop this from the dumb asses at school "ahh loser its fake" yeah so is terminator 2 you ***********!

common really you cant not like wrestling because its fake thats a dumb reason, thats like saying you dont like any ol' movie because thats fake 2 and I also hate it when they say "its fat guys touching each other in underwear" so they might wear inderwear big deal and there not fat I want all those losers to try and take on the great kahli because that would shut them up
Nah, wrestling's not fake, it's "fixed". It's a drama of action, it's a drama of sport, and it's a drama of excitement. Ignorant people claim it's "fake". But those same ignorant people are also unwilling to take a move, even though it is "fake". Well then it wouldn't hurt right? After all, it's all fake.
I f****** hate it when somebody calls this great business "fake," and my trainer feels the same way. Everybody who knows me, KNOWS not to bash the sport(yes, SPORT) that I love and have the priveledge to participate in every weekend.

I remember one time at a show, we had these three punks sitting in the front row(no doubt stole the seats from appreciating fans) and I guess they had nothing better to do because they were bashing us through the whole damn show. Durring my match which happened to be a special No DQ match, I had thrown my opponent to the outside after telling him "in a couple of seconds kick me in the gut just before I hit you," and I had conveniently aimed him to their side.. So anyways.. I climbed out the other side of the ring and grabbed a steel chair, walked to the side my opponent was on and I lifted the chair up to hit him when he kicked me like I had wanted, and that's when I dropped the chair into his hands and took an earth shattering chairshot(it did hurt like a son of a bitch, but it got a good reaction lol). He laid me out, and mind you we're directly in front of these idiots who are luckily sitting behind a guardrail. So he went for the pin after taunting and whatnot and I got my shoulder up at 2 1/2, and I was STILL hearing these guys bashing us. So I slowly picked myself up by the guardrail to where I was looking directly at them and that's when my opponent kicked me in the upper back which "made me" spit at the one in the middle, and you can imagine how they reacted to that...I mean they were dressed like "gangstas."

In the end they were kicked out of the building for fighting with REAL fans.. it turned out great for all of us.

My point is don't judge it if you don't know it.. Basically just shut up and don't come to a wrestler or wrestling fan's territory, it's that simple! Stick to your Chuck Liddell(did I spell that right?) and your Mayweather fights.. you're better off there.
UFC is good, but i would never order it just for the fact that the match could end at anypoint. For those who say wrestling is fake tell them to watch the Danbury fall when new jack almost was killed, or tell them to step in the ring with kurt angle.
I agree. I think the Canadian Destroyer is a sick move that looks really great but i imagine like any piledriver, if it does not connect right then it could cause a serious injury.

Luckily Petey Williams is tht damn good that it has not happened (to my knowledge)
Wrestling isn't fake, its predetermined to a degree, ive seen countless injuries including brock lesnars concussion, the blue meannie severly injured by john bradshaw, vader eye knocked out of its soocket, saying that wrestling is fake is a misnomer and a fallacy.
T he matche s ar e predetermined but fake is in correct and insulting.
These guys get hurt more than your so called legitimate athletes like football players.
As a fan of wrestling and MMA, I think I can add my two cents here.

I always get the "you know wrestling is fake" line all the time, I also get told "UFC is much better because its real" and it shocks them when I tend to know more about the UFC and MMA than they do. Its quite funny actually.

The reason I love MMA, and the UFC inparticular, is because of the realism. I like how unpredictable it is. I like watching a fight knowing it could end at any second. I like the reason that I get UFC for free 24 hours later on Bravo so I am not paying to see the fights anyway (although I did go to watch UFC 75 in London and it was a great night out, as much fun as I have had at any wrestling event I have been to).

As for the reason I like wrestling, is because I don't pay for that either. I like how when I watch a TNA PPV on Bravo 2 I know I am going to see 3 hours of wrestling, I know there can be short matches, but it is likely if its on PPV, its going at least 10 minutes. Being that I refuse to pay for WWE events, I can't comment on the numerous non-finishes and poor matches, but at least they go 3 hours (or close to it)

Each have its own good points, and as I said, I like them both. But do as I do, next time someone tells you its fake, kick them square in the balls and then lock in an ankle lock and twist, let them tell you its fake when their ankle is throbbing (worked on my brother).
Thank God I aren't the only person to get this. 'It's Fake'. Yaa I know. I watch it - you don't, so shut up. They act as if the whole thing is fake; they don't really hit each other, they don't really jump off the top of the ropes. It isn't true.
Yes I know the storylines are fake, most people do. Yet what isn't fake is the wrestlers putting their bodies on the line day in and day out for our entertainment. I've heard so many wrestlers say it isn't about the money but the passion, and I believe them. To say in general wrestling is fake is disrespectful to these guys.
"Wrestling is fake." But when you really think all that's fake is the storylines. They are scripted. The only other thing that's fake is that some moves are altered so the wrestlers don't kill themselves, but yet make the move look impressive. The rest of this business is 100% real. They do jump off the top rope, they do fall of 20 foot ladders, they do fall of huge cells. It's all real. Every match you see is for you. These men/women put their bodies on the line every single match, for you! Like Becca said, the wrestlers don't do it for money, they don't do it for stardom, they do it because they're passionate at what they do. So it really annoys me when somebody who has no idea about this business says it's fake. Because it's not, at least not all of it.
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