What if TNA never existed?

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The Best At Everything I Do
We all know the amount of talent on the tna roster. new guys like aj, joe, daniels, mcmg, jay lethal, matt morgan, hernandez, eric young, desmond wolf, amazing red....robert roode....geez i can keep going on. then you have the veterans who signed with tna like sting, booker, kurt angle, kevin nash, steiner etc. but what if there was no tna and wwe was the only big promotion to go to? we all know how vince likes his wwe...extra PG with a side of locker room politics.

Question here is...which tna stars might have made it in wwe...and which stars might have made it either elsewhere or not made it at all?
I'm pretty sure eeryone on the roster could have made it in "WWE or elsewhere"...Most of them have been successful there, or at the very least, had tryouts. I'll post which ones I think have no future anywhere.

Kiyoshi is having a rough go in TNA, and would be a horrible choice to go to WWE. I don't know of any indy feds he'd be able to go to either, and gain any success, because he's not known well enough to just appear and draw crowds. He'd be forced back to Japan, and who knows what would happen.

I'd also go with some of the "bottom tier" Knockouts. Christy and Lacey would be fine, because they have huge tits and a smile, but someone like Traci would pretty much be done for. There's nothing she'd be able to do in the WWE, and she's possibly too old to work in the indys as a wrestler.
theres like a billion threads on this subject,which TNA star would you like in WWE blah blah blah

if there was no TNA,I bet all my money that 98% of TNAs roster would NOT get signed by WWE

most of the veterans would have been in WWE or just retired,Kurt would probably still be in WWE,he probably would have taken a long leave from WWE(like jericho) and then come back later

sorry I can't see WWE hiring any of TNA's talent
If there were no TNA, who would have put together a No. 2 promotion? I can't imagine that no one would have tried, and it's hard to imagine that a different group would have done worse.

Of course it's very easy to imagine a different group going under very quickly, like XWF and WWA did.

Would someone have put together talent, booking and either a television deal or some alternative marketing strategy?

Or would Ring of Honor be on Spike TV on Thursdays?
Since I don't feel TNA is anywhere near what WWE is right now, or even has been(mainly booking issues for me), I look at TNA as sort of a proving ground, or a growing stage in a wrestlers career. TNA allows for wrestlers who aren't WWE bound yet to get exposure, to hone their craft, and work on their mic skills.

So if TNA didn't exist, it would take away exposure, and the ability to work in front of a televised crowd. This could hurt a lot of these guy's name recognition. For instance, most of us know who guys like Abyss are, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels. Look at AJ, WWE passed him up once, but now with exposure on TNA and world title reigns, WWE might definitely be interested in the future.

Also, if TNA didn't exist, where would guys like Angle, Christian, and Jeff Hardy, to name a few, have gone when they were burnt out on WWE's road schedule or tired of WWE politics? They couldn't have gotten paid as much for a lesser schedule anywhere else. Look at Hardy too, he went to TNA, came back to WWE and went on to be a world champ.

So in conclusion, I feel TNA is necessary. I may not particularly care for their product, but they allow more exposure for wrestlers, and they give chances where WWE would not.
If tna were gone then wrestling would get boring. I mean think about it WWE brings good story line but has no action anymore. TNA on the other hand u got guys doing flips and moves you wouldn't believe. Unfortunetly story line is a piece of shit. Obviously most of the guys would be wrestling in japan like AJ,Lethal,Morgan and others. Joe would still be in ROH kicking ass where ever he went until wwe got smart to get him to replace umaga or somebody like that. Daniels wouldn't even be anywhere.
If TNA didnt exist, I honestly dont think much would be different today. Possibly one of their top guys like AJ Styles or Chris Daniels may have made it through developmental into the WWE. In all likelihood there would be some other promotion trying to get off the ground with some financial backing and whether it was successful or not, who knows. In the grand scheme of things, if TNA doesnt improve at this point and eventually folds, it really wont leave much of a lasting legacy in the business as it had really pissed away alot of potential by bad booking and bad business decisions. As a casual fan who watched wrestling since I was 5 and followed both WWF and WcW when they were around, I can honestly say that although I have given them a chance and watched some shows, I just cant take anything they do seriously or get emotionally involved. Sorry!
I would say most of the guys would end up in the Indies or ROH. Very few would be in WWE. AJ, Daniels, and Joe might of had a contract, but I'm sure they would of been forgotten on ECW after a few months. Morgan wouldn't be The Blueprint, he would probably be Festus. Rhino, Jarrett, Nash, Steiner, Booker, and Foley would have never been hired back.

Kurt Angle would be the only person WWE would have on their roster. I think Robert Roode would of been hired, maybe even Storm. One thing that would happen for sure though is that we would of missed out on all the great matches in TNA. Wrestling would of been even less popular then it is now, because there would be no alternatives.

WWE may not acknowledge TNA, but I think they monitor the show enough to know what they are doing wrong as far as pushing talent. I honestly think if TNA didn't exist, then wrestling would be even less popular. Believe it or not, WWE needs TNA. They need fresh competition to create an interest in the business again.
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