What if Desmond Wolfe Went to WWE Instead?

Apologies if a similar thread has been posted.

Before signing with TNA, Nigel McGuinness was very close to completing a contract with the WWE, but he failed his pre-entry physical and shortly after decided to sign with TNA.

He had one of the hottest debuts in TNA. Since debuting his popularity has skyrocketed and he is one of the top young wrestlers in the company alongside the Pope, and will most likely be TNA World Champion some day, if not in the near future

My question is what would have become of Desmond had he actually gone to the WWE? Would he have made an immediate impact? Would he have been on NXT like Daniel Bryan? or Would he have been squandered like we have seen WWE do to ROH and Independent Talent in the past?
I'm not sure what could be with Desmond/Nigel if he was in WWE. I almost don't think he would've started off with the same 'bang' he did in TNA had he stayed/gone to WWE. That was quite a hell of a way to get started with that feud with Kurt Angle. That speaks volumes with being that new and Angle putting you over like that. It almost seems like there is too much political agendas and who knows who backstage and who you have to be friends with in order to get a good push in order to make it in WWE. Do I think he would've been as successful in WWE? Probably not, everyone has times where they lull. I really find it hard that he would get quite the rub from HHH or HBK, as much as I adore them, especially with the egos that could possibly get in the way when you also take into account with Drew, Sheamus, and other upstarts that seem to be catching their eyes as well. It would be too much of a battle for attention. I think he's honestly better off with TNA, and this will pass and he will work out whatever is going on, this happens in all companies, people say or do something to piss off someone and of course they have to pay their dues to show they are a team player.
He would probably be in the first or second round of NXT and eventually become apart of the Nexus. I think Wolfe would have been known as the same alias he is known as in TNA. I think that Michael Cole would call Wolfe an "internet darling" and harp on him. Maybe Wolfe would have received the Danielson treatment. He would probably lose a few matches and be eliminated in NXT despite his popularity. He would have been the one who was fired instead of Danielson. Then he could be in Danielson's spot right now working the Indy circuit.

I don't think we would see much more out of Wolfe in WWE then in TNA. He is probably a jobber in TNA now, but at least he had some great matches as a credible opponent against Kurt Angle and Pope in the beginning of his run in TNA. In WWE he would either be eliminated from NXT, fired, a member of Nexus, or possibly jobbing on Superstars.
He could have ended up in the position Drew McIntyre is in now, I would much prefer to see Wolfe/McGuinness than Drew personally.

But....knowing how the WWE treat ex-indie stars, he would probably still be in FCW and struggling to make the roster...maybe on NXT

I think he is in a better place in TNA right now, and can come to WWE when his star power is higher, he will have more opportunities in TNA
If he'd gone to the WWE instead...hmmm...well, I don't really see how the WWE could really use him any worse than TNA has. If he had come to the WWE, I could have seen him be on NXT and have been part of The Nexus. I don't believe he would have started off in WWE with quite the same bang he had in TNA, but that bang did fizzle out rather quickly.

I think that Wolfe would have been used pretty well in the WWE. I know that many within the IWC absolutely hate to give the WWE credit for anything even when it stares them right in the face.
He would be on the NXT thing and then he'll be released I think because Vince will think hes too small.

Such is the call of the smark :rolleyes: That's why Evan Bourne and Rey have been getting pushes lately, right? They're big fellas...it makes sense now.

Now if Desmond Wolfe would have went to the 'E instead, I would definitely see him taking part in the first NXT pretty much rendering him a member of Nexus. Whether or not he would recieve a boost afterwards is pretty much anyone's guess but quite frankly I think he would be midcarding and in a good spot on Raw. To me he was just as popular as Bryan Danielson in the indie scene so he would have had similar fan support. And in time would probably be up there with R-Truth and JoMo.

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