What if CM Punk DID come back to the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
This is about the 239th CM Punk thread since he AWOL from the WWE after this years Royal Rumble.

CM Punk has stated in recent interviews that he is indeed "retired" from pro wrestling. But when those bills start to add up you need to be doing something with yourself besides spending the money going to sporting events every week. Since then CM Punk has married AJ Lee (in real-life that is) with her working a full-time schedule with the WWE as the diva's champion. But sometimes I can but help to think, what if CM Punk DID come back to the WWE?

Now I'm not saying that what CM Punk did was a work. But if the Punker returns to the E it could come off as a work to some. Remember 4 years ago when Daniel Bryan got fired from the WWE for choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his own tie? Just after some months Daniel Bryan was back in the WWE come Summerslam as nothing had happen at all. Now what if CM Punk made the same kind of return to the company kinda like hoe Daniel Bryan did at a big WWE pay per-view?

I can see Punk returning to the WWE in next years Royal Rumble or even as a mystery partner at this years Survivor Series if done right.
However the Daniel Bryan incident is completely different. Fans were unhappy DB was let go so they rehired him.

His marriage to AJ is really the only thing giving the slightest chance of him returning, like 0.000000001% chance, however i could see him making a suprise appearance in the rumble, but even still thats a long long long shot
I agree that it'd be nice but as Punk himself said "you've become what you hate." Punk himself complained about part time talent, so he'd have to stay. If he came back at the Rumble he physically can't win or he's a hypocrite. Plus he'd be taking a push away from somebody else(Reigns, Rollins, Cesaro, Bray, Ambrose). If anything he comes back and loses the Rumble, maybe eliminated by Rollins?! Set up a match for Mania where Rollins beats Punk. He can main event Mania in a few years maybe...but not next year. I'd rather have Slater main event Mania because at least he stays.

But if Punk came back and started a feud with Rollins that'd be great. No matter what Punk would be cheered when he came back. So feud with Rollins, help him reach new heights plus I feel like they'd match up really well I think.

In about May he can feud with Cesaro. I imagine they'll still have Cesaro as a heel and then bam! Double turn. Make Cesaro the face he needs to be and turn Punk heel because his work is better when he's heel. Of course, Cesaro goes over Punk again.(Punk is low on the rung if he returns, so pay his dues).

At about SummerSlam you have him feud with Ambrose. Now this feud will end tied 1-1-1. I don't care how it happens but neither goes over.

Survivor Series he's a part of the traditional tag team match which will feature:Reigns, Ambrose, Batista, Cena, Cesaro versus Rollins, Bray, Orton, Punk and some other heel. Which will have the heels going over.

Punk feuds with Batista who will be a face. Punk will end up going over on this feud and if WWE is ready to pull the trigger, Punk beats Batista at the Rumble and wins the Rumble.

14 months of build to give him his Mania moment. He doesn't have to win. At this point I say don't even give him the title. Punk is a multiple time world champ, and he's done everything but had his Mania moment.
He'll be back eventually I believe. Everybody comes back eventually. Let him recharge, regain focus. He loves wrestling, he's great at it, WWE would love him back. It was Punk ignoring WWE's calls, not the other way round. These things take time.

If Bret Hart can return, anybody can.
The problem with comparing Bryan & Punk is that it's apples & oranges. In the case of Bryan, reportedly, Vince thought that he & all the members of Nexus did a fantastic job and had no issue with what happened. However, allegedly, a big sponsor of WWE at the time took issue with it and Bryan was let go. Personally, and I have no evidence to back this up as it's just a feeling, I'm not so sure that Bryan was ever legitimately let go in the sense that all ties were severed. I think it was more along the lines of them telling him "we're gonna take you off TV for a while, you can work some indie shows and we'll bring you back once the heat has died down." Internet fans were indeed outraged and were all over WWE like a cheap suit. Again, I don't see that Bryan had any legit heat with the company as he became WWE United States Champion less than 2 months after popping back up.

In CM Punk's case, however, the guy just flat out quit. He walked out, reportedly, about half an hour before the post Royal Rumble episode of Raw went on the air and hasn't been seen in WWE since. His contract officially expired sometime last month and, again, if reports are right, WWE doesn't really want him back at this time. I don't think there's any real sliver of hope left that this is some kind of work, it's gone on for much too long and sentiment for CM Punk among a lot of fans has dwindled.

We still don't even know what the 100% full story behind this is, and there's a good chance we never will. If Punk was unhappy and wanted to leave, I understand that he needed to do what he felt was best for himself. At the same time, the way he left was pretty unprofessional in my eyes and had me wondering if it was part of a calculated business move on his part in which he hoped that ratings would tank, resulting in him gaining leverage upon negotiating a more lucrative deal.

From what we've all read & heard about, Punk, allegedly, did complain about various part timers coming back. However, and again this is all based just on reports, complaining about one thing or another seemed to be Punk's Modus Operandi; he simply never seemed satisfied with anything that the company was doing. For example, aside from part timers, Punk was alleged to be unsatisfied with how he was used and that he wasn't getting the "John Cena push." If true, then I'm not sure I can hold it against WWE for not giving him such a push because of all the, alleged, endless complaints about one thing or another and it's not as if Punk's ever really expressed any sort of real loyalty to the company. Cena's a company man through and through, and yes I know it's often seen as being "cool" or "edgy" to be someone that rages against the machine, somebody that's rebellious. The problem is that all these reports suggested that Punk was someone who was rebellious almost just for the sake of being rebellious. Over the next several months, sentiment turned against Punk in the eyes of a lot of people as all this info came out and it looked like he simply walked because WWE wouldn't give him what he wanted.

Here's the thing about Punk; I personally think that his confrontational personality we saw on television is part of who he is, it's an aspect of him that's jacked up for the sake of his character. At the same time, a lot of the CM Punk we see on television is an exaggerated version of who Phil Brooks is. As a result, that means that a lot of the "change" he stated he wanted over the past few years on television was a change that simply had one real "change" about it: CM Punk being on top as the brand new "face" of the company. He wanted to be the top guy, it's just as simple as that, yet, as indicated by reports, it doesn't seem like Punk had the sort of temperament, loyalty or work ethic that John Cena has demonstrated over the past decade.

I think that the only way for Punk to return to WWE would be on his own terms and WWE isn't going to give into those terms. Don't let yourself be confused; Punk didn't hold WWE "hostage" 3 years ago at Money in the Bank. His match with Cena wasn't a "shoot" in which he ultimately went into business for himself, won the title and left. That's not how professional wrestling works anymore because significant wrestling companies are corporations now. There are any number of legalities put into place to prevent wrestlers from going into business for themselves even if one of them tried. If Punk had gone down that road, WWE would have sued him for breach of contract and theft of WWE property, namely the WWE Championship, and they'd have had an air tight case.

Punk's terms, in my opinion, would be that he'd be the top guy and I highly doubt that's going to happen. Reportedly, he & WWE management aren't on great terms, a good number of the locker room now sees him as a guy who showed up, made a lot of money & left and Punk has no real leverage to make such a demand. In his absence, ratings in WWE haven't plummeted, fans have embraced the notion of Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose & Wyatt being heavily pushed; hell, fans were wanting to see Bryan pushed well before Punk left. In truth, Bryan being out injured has statistically shown that he's one of the few talents in years who's presence or lack of presence has had any significant impact on ratings.

If Punk came back as a part timer, there'd be no other way to view it other than it being hypocritical on his part, that's how a lot of fans would see it anyhow. I could see him eventually heading to TNA or ROH working on a reduced schedule for a lot of money where some fans would embrace him just for going there while others may not. I do think he'll come back to WWE at some point down the line, though I highly doubt it'll be on all the terms he would prefer.
I think that the only way for Punk to return to WWE would be on his own terms and WWE isn't going to give into those terms.

And if that's the case, one couldn't blame them. From what I've come to understand, Phil Brooks had a degree of creative control over his character after that Summer of 2011 rebellion of his....presuming it wasn't all a work.....and despite this, he wound up leaving anyway because he wasn't happy. Bully for him.

So, it could be his terms for coming back would be: "Do absolutely everything the way I want it done....and, golly gee, things will be just fine!"

If that's what he wants, I could certainly understand the company not wanting to go along with it. At the same time, if he suddenly decided he wanted back in, WWE would probably try to accommodate him due to all the clamor for him that's been generated since he left. For all we know, this conversation between Brooks and WWE might have taken place already ....has anyone considered that? He might have presented his demands for returning and the company found them so one-sided in his favor that they refused.

Personally, although I'd like to see Punk........and Kurt Angle.....perform in WWE again, there's a part of me that would love to see the McMahons tell them both to take a flying leap at the moon.
CM Punk has stated in recent interviews that he is indeed "retired" from pro wrestling. But when those bills start to add up you need to be doing something with yourself besides spending the money going to sporting events every week. Since then CM Punk has married AJ Lee (in real-life that is) with her working a full-time schedule with the WWE as the diva's champion. But sometimes I can but help to think, what if CM Punk DID come back to the WWE?

I just have one question for you. Why after what you said above would you think he is coming back?

Punk has said publicly that he is finished with wrestling. He made that pretty obvious in the manner in which he walked out and never came back. And it's been reported that he was pretty tight with money, his wife works so they probably have more than enough to pay the bills. That's an non issue. Tickets to sporting events can be got from friends or he could call himself and just ask for them, therefore not costing him any money.

Jack Hammer and I must read the same reports, because I've heard the same things about Punk. He rebelled against authority of almost all kinds, was full of complaints about almost everything that happened, in short was a total douche. He made it pretty clear he wanted the top spot at the biggest PPV of the year, and when he didn't get it, he threw his toys out of the pram, had a hissy fit and left. Yea pretty lost of a lot of respect for him after that little gesture.

It seemed to me that it was Punk's way or the highway, and he took it. I can't see the guys in the locker room being overjoyed at the thought of him returning, after he bailed on them. Reportedly HHH doesn't want him back either, so that's a huge hurdle to get over right there. He should have just stayed, worked out his contract and left gracefully, not turned it into the shitshow it became.

He won't come back on a part time basis, he has said he doesn't like them to begin with, and the WWE has moved on without him. It's about time the fans did as well.
The problem with comparing Bryan & Punk is that it's apples & oranges. In the case of Bryan, reportedly, Vince thought that he & all the members of Nexus did a fantastic job and had no issue with what happened. However, allegedly, a big sponsor of WWE at the time took issue with it and Bryan was let go. Personally, and I have no evidence to back this up as it's just a feeling, I'm not so sure that Bryan was ever legitimately let go in the sense that all ties were severed. I think it was more along the lines of them telling him "we're gonna take you off TV for a while, you can work some indie shows and we'll bring you back once the heat has died down." Internet fans were indeed outraged and were all over WWE like a cheap suit. Again, I don't see that Bryan had any legit heat with the company as he became WWE United States Champion less than 2 months after popping back up.

In CM Punk's case, however, the guy just flat out quit. He walked out, reportedly, about half an hour before the post Royal Rumble episode of Raw went on the air and hasn't been seen in WWE since. His contract officially expired sometime last month and, again, if reports are right, WWE doesn't really want him back at this time. I don't think there's any real sliver of hope left that this is some kind of work, it's gone on for much too long and sentiment for CM Punk among a lot of fans has dwindled.

We still don't even know what the 100% full story behind this is, and there's a good chance we never will. If Punk was unhappy and wanted to leave, I understand that he needed to do what he felt was best for himself. At the same time, the way he left was pretty unprofessional in my eyes and had me wondering if it was part of a calculated business move on his part in which he hoped that ratings would tank, resulting in him gaining leverage upon negotiating a more lucrative deal.

From what we've all read & heard about, Punk, allegedly, did complain about various part timers coming back. However, and again this is all based just on reports, complaining about one thing or another seemed to be Punk's Modus Operandi; he simply never seemed satisfied with anything that the company was doing. For example, aside from part timers, Punk was alleged to be unsatisfied with how he was used and that he wasn't getting the "John Cena push." If true, then I'm not sure I can hold it against WWE for not giving him such a push because of all the, alleged, endless complaints about one thing or another and it's not as if Punk's ever really expressed any sort of real loyalty to the company. Cena's a company man through and through, and yes I know it's often seen as being "cool" or "edgy" to be someone that rages against the machine, somebody that's rebellious. The problem is that all these reports suggested that Punk was someone who was rebellious almost just for the sake of being rebellious. Over the next several months, sentiment turned against Punk in the eyes of a lot of people as all this info came out and it looked like he simply walked because WWE wouldn't give him what he wanted.

Here's the thing about Punk; I personally think that his confrontational personality we saw on television is part of who he is, it's an aspect of him that's jacked up for the sake of his character. At the same time, a lot of the CM Punk we see on television is an exaggerated version of who Phil Brooks is. As a result, that means that a lot of the "change" he stated he wanted over the past few years on television was a change that simply had one real "change" about it: CM Punk being on top as the brand new "face" of the company. He wanted to be the top guy, it's just as simple as that, yet, as indicated by reports, it doesn't seem like Punk had the sort of temperament, loyalty or work ethic that John Cena has demonstrated over the past decade.

I think that the only way for Punk to return to WWE would be on his own terms and WWE isn't going to give into those terms. Don't let yourself be confused; Punk didn't hold WWE "hostage" 3 years ago at Money in the Bank. His match with Cena wasn't a "shoot" in which he ultimately went into business for himself, won the title and left. That's not how professional wrestling works anymore because significant wrestling companies are corporations now. There are any number of legalities put into place to prevent wrestlers from going into business for themselves even if one of them tried. If Punk had gone down that road, WWE would have sued him for breach of contract and theft of WWE property, namely the WWE Championship, and they'd have had an air tight case.

Punk's terms, in my opinion, would be that he'd be the top guy and I highly doubt that's going to happen. Reportedly, he & WWE management aren't on great terms, a good number of the locker room now sees him as a guy who showed up, made a lot of money & left and Punk has no real leverage to make such a demand. In his absence, ratings in WWE haven't plummeted, fans have embraced the notion of Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose & Wyatt being heavily pushed; hell, fans were wanting to see Bryan pushed well before Punk left. In truth, Bryan being out injured has statistically shown that he's one of the few talents in years who's presence or lack of presence has had any significant impact on ratings.

If Punk came back as a part timer, there'd be no other way to view it other than it being hypocritical on his part, that's how a lot of fans would see it anyhow. I could see him eventually heading to TNA or ROH working on a reduced schedule for a lot of money where some fans would embrace him just for going there while others may not. I do think he'll come back to WWE at some point down the line, though I highly doubt it'll be on all the terms he would prefer.

Some well thought out points here. All that's left is for Pedigree1 to get in here, copy-paste your thoughts and dumb it down to a few lazily written lines.

I think Punk is having way too much fun to go back to wrestling, at least anytime soon. He has a lot of his freedom back and has looked much healthier.

The way I honestly look at it is this: Punk has a lot of sides to his personality, a lot of hobbies. He was able to achieve a lot in WWE, and by the time he left, I think he wanted to explore some of his other hobbies without being committed to the machine. I also think that he didn't have enough passion left for wrestling to stick around, no matter if he was at the very top or not. It really just comes down to unhappiness, doesn't it?

The thing is, he seems to have an issue with part timers. If that is true, it lowers the chances of him coming back even more. If Punk somehow returns to a full time schedule, it might just be like it was before. It might end up once again with a creative disagreement.

I can see him possibly returning for a one-off reunion of sorts, perhaps a HOF induction. As for wrestling, I think he's done.
I don't understand the loyalty to Punk. He's a spoiled, petulant little girl who doesn't give two craps about YOU. Yeah, you, the guy who's paid to see him and bought all his DVDs and merch. He wants to be the face of the company and because he can't, he ran away. Randy Savage, Ric Flair, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are all legends, and all had to play second fiddle in WWE; never were any of them the public face of the company. Punk's egotistical narcissism is nauseating.

I enjoyed the guy's work, but I won't shed any tears if I never see him again. The crack has already been papered over with the ascension of the Shield guys.
firstly, what happened with Bryan and Punk is much different. for Punk, coming back will be on him, not the WWE. WWE would love to have him back (mainly Vince McMahon) while Bryan (at that time) was fired for choking Roberts with his tie. Punk just walked out and retired. now i dont expect Punk back (he said in an interview that he wanted to retire early), but if he does return, i'm sure the fans will give him a huge pop and forget what he did. As for Bryan when he returned, the internet community and wrestling fans in general were angry over it as they felt that Bryan was far too talented to not have a job in WWE and eventually WWE realized their mistake and hired him back. anyways if Punk did return to WWE, he would still be a fan favorite and he would likely quickly feud with a top heel in WWE.
I don't understand the loyalty to Punk. He's a spoiled, petulant little girl who doesn't give two craps about YOU. Yeah, you, the guy who's paid to see him and bought all his DVDs and merch. He wants to be the face of the company and because he can't, he ran away. Randy Savage, Ric Flair, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton are all legends, and all had to play second fiddle in WWE; never were any of them the public face of the company. Punk's egotistical narcissism is nauseating.

I enjoyed the guy's work, but I won't shed any tears if I never see him again. The crack has already been papered over with the ascension of the Shield guys.

From my point of view, it's not so much a loyalty to him as a person as it is a respect for what he's capable of in the ring. What you said about him could be true, but as a wrestler it would be a dream to see him face off with those guys.
14 months of build to give him his Mania moment. He doesn't have to win. At this point I say don't even give him the title. Punk is a multiple time world champ, and he's done everything but had his Mania moment.

Punk has has his share if Mania moments, TWO Money in the Banks?!

At the end of the day, Brookes will only come back to be the number one guy, and will pack his shit and run away again whenever he once again loses that mantle. Waste of everybody's time. I couldn't imagine anything worse as an employer, having such a high maintenance employee who needs constant reassurance that he's the best (even when he's not) and at the expense of people who are genuinely better.

Adios Punk. Hope you get plenty bored doing nothing.

(PS look forward to seeing a 45yro Punk crawl himself into a GFW ring when Jarrett promises he can be the top guy for about 5% of his WWE wage)
When Punk left,all the hoopla behind it left us all wondering.. Is it a Work? He will be back in June for Payback which was in Chi-Town.. But at the end of the Day,Punk did in fact quit.. The way he left,was not the best way he could have handled it.. Totally unprofessional IMO..

Punk always marched to his own drummer.. He could be seen as someone,who is a Brat,whines when something doesn't go his way and quits when it suits him.. Im not sure when he did quit what he thought would happen..

For a bit the audience chanted his name.. But as time went by it dwindled down,and at this point WWE doesn't want him back or at least I am led to believe that.. Could be argued that nothing was never ever good enough for him.. At this point,its all mute.. Punk Left,Quit,and left with his tail between his legs..
From my point of view, it's not so much a loyalty to him as a person as it is a respect for what he's capable of in the ring. What you said about him could be true, but as a wrestler it would be a dream to see him face off with those guys.

Personal feelings do bleed into entertainment. I mean, I won't be buying any Gary Glitter records. Obviously he's a more repellent character than Punk, but the point remains. See, I think Punk's notoriously rabid fanbase/flock are blind to what's going on. Punk is a petulant narcissist and renowned industry a**hole who cares only about himself, and who left his fans high and dry. Mid 90's Shawn Michaels is of higher character than Punk, in my opinion, because he never simply walked out on his fans despite being unhappy about playing second to Bret Hart.
Time changes many things.

We see pro athletes retire and unretire all the time. They retire and after 1-2 years get recharged and refocused and come back for another 1-2 year run.

If i were a betting man i bet Punk takes 1-2 years off and the wounds with the WWE heal slowly. He agrees to a 1-2 year contract and has one final go at it.

If he is a man of his word i could very well see him being a Chris Jericho type wrestler in his early forties. Come back for 3-6 months at a time (doing all the road shows) and putting young talent over.

CM Punk is only 35 years old. He can take a few years off and have a run at 37-39 and than do the Jericho thing for 5 years after that. His wife AJ is still young and this will give him time to travel with her.

Many things can happen but i highly doubt that we won't see CM Punk in a WWE ring again.

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