What if all of the TNA releases are a work?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my first time making a topic. I've searched the forum for this, and didn't find anyone else who posted this topic.

This is probably a long shot, but ever since Anderson got the opportunity to enter the Bound For Glory Series; I've thought about what would happen if he won. I pictured him becoming World Champion, and with that, starting a feud for control of Aces & 8s. When he became VP, it seemed like that was a nice setup for the eventual Power Struggle with Bully.

However, A&8s is not big enough to become two factions. However, with TNA releasing all of these stars, what if they are set to come back to form some other faction that will battle A&8's and be led by either Bully or Anderson. TNA has always had a thing for factions.

I know this is out there, and probably a crazy thought; but since I thought Anderson would win BFG, and then win the belt; it would kind of make sense for one or the other to have their own new faction.

What does everyone else think? I am really curious as to thoughts.
Tell me.

Why would it make sense for them to bring back a bunch of mid-carders at best and have them form a stable? How is it logical to release a bunch of low priority talent (and no, not a kayfabe firing like John Cena) and then just randomly bring them back to feud with A&8's? Why should people who are proven to be unhappy with TNA be suddenly brought back to work another day in a big storyline just recently after they have been released?

It makes no logical sense and I can't see how it will benefit TNA. It won't draw ratings though, I'm pretty sure about that. It might even make them drop.
I actually thought about what a great storyline it would be if the releases were a work. of course, TNA would probably just do that in order to split A&8s ala nWo Hollywood and nWo Wolfpack so that they could have a face faction. However, the consistently late paychecks suggest this is, at best, something that TNA can only turn into a work after they lower their costs and distance themselves from the dead weight on their roster. Even then, only a few names would be worth bringing back (D.O.C, who sucks but was one of the original reveals and Matt Morgan).
If there is a God, Anderson will never be World Champion again. Do we really need another in stable power struggle between heels? Has no one learned from the nWo or MEM, it never works.
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