A faction that goes through other companies?


I saw a thread talking about which of the current 3 factions do u like better; Shield(wwey, A&8's(tna), or SCUM(roh).

I haave thought of this idea before but now I'm making a thread about it.

What if, instead of the faction per company, how about a faction that crossed paths with all three companies.

Imagine all the sudden at WM during shield vs justice league aces and 8s show up and help the shield.

Or u can make a whole new group. It dosent have to be shield A8 or Scum.

What do u think of a faction going through more companies than just one.
I saw a thread talking about which of the current 3 factions do u like better; Shield(wwey, A&8's(tna), or SCUM(roh).

I haave thought of this idea before but now I'm making a thread about it.

What if, instead of the faction per company, how about a faction that crossed paths with all three companies.

Imagine all the sudden at WM during shield vs justice league aces and 8s show up and help the shield.

Or u can make a whole new group. It dosent have to be shield A8 or Scum.

What do u think of a faction going through more companies than just one.

I think it's highly unlikely, but a very cool idea that would bolster the business as a whole if it were to happen. Coordinating something like this is the obvious stumbling block, as even if ROH and TNA were on board, I doubt WWE would want to play ball with a couple of televised indy feds.

If, in this make believe fantasy of ours, it were to happen right about now-ish, I would really think it cool for The Shield, A&8's, and Scum to reveal some common bond or common leader (Jim Cornette immediately springs forth to mind). They could rally behind The Shield's announced cause of fighting injustice, and use the part-timers, old-timers, and nepotism as examples. Naturally, they'd have some new name for the entire faction, and I don't think it would be hard to top any of the three names currently in use.

Cool idea, not gonna happen, but it's fun to dream.
*IF* it could happen it would be epic.

Anything that enables any of the big(ish) 3 companies to work together would be incredible to pull off.

Look at the attention Senshi/Low-Ki got for saying 'Total Non-Stop Action' in the ring on NXT a couple of years back. Or Anderson's faultless Triple H impression on Impact around the same time... Or the crowd reaction when John Cena said to Mcmahon that there were other people he could work for "Brother!".

Of course, it was implied in the original appearances of the NWO...

Imagine the reaction if Matt Hardy turned on SCUM and got a beatdown only for Jeff to make the save... I'm not a fan of Hardy's, but even I would mark out a little for that. If Angle had a run complaining about people using his moves and then popped up at a PPV to interfere in a Jack Swagger match...

It would have to be used sparingly, and kept really subtle most of the time...

You could have an angle where someone, say CM Punk has a stipulation that no WWE superstar can tag with them in an upcoming Tag Title match, and he brings along Luke Gallows, the possibilities would be enormous. You could do it at a specific time of year, have a (kayfabe) explanation that it's a contractual-legal thing.

Or build to an epic crossover PPV.

I agree with Dr. Imagine how many people would be online discussing the Segment of Raw with Ambrose & Rollins talking to a couple of mystery figures that look a lot like Devon and Ray... And then an Impact spot where Corino in the crowd distracts and Aces and Eights opponent. It would be huge, but getting the collaboration between the feds, as well as the angles right would be CRAZY.
It's an interesting idea, but it will NEVER happen. Ever.

The thought of seeing Aces & Eights show up at a WWE event or The Shield at a TNA event is cool to think about, there's no chance in hell of it ever happening though. Vince most likely wouldn't support the idea of one of his stables appearing at a rival federation's event whatsoever or for them to receive more exposure by getting to show up at his events. That would be helping his competition, regardless of how small of a threat they currently are. Now, if it COULD happen, then yes it would be really cool. If for instances The Shield and Aces & Eights joined forces and caused chaos between all three federations. I don't watch ROH so I really can't comment on the SCUM faction. The wrestlers from outside of WWE would benefit from participating on a much larger stage and as for the WWE wrestlers who would be involved in this, it would be cool seeing WWE names at events of other federations. Interesting idea on paper, but the odds of it ever happening are next to nothing.
While I agree with you Dagger, a lot of people said this could never happen:


(For the non-geeks, it's the cover to Justice League Vs Avengers, a comic rumoured and talked about for 40 years before it happened. Everyone thought it could never happen as DC and Marvel are big rivals.)

In the world of wrestling it would be MUCH harder to arrange... These are real people, with real contracts, not just characters. But 'never' is a long, long time.

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