What has he done?

First off, just losing to an oppenent does not exactly mean that you put them over. As was said up above me about Jericho putting HHH over. That is just ridiculous.

As far as what HHH has actually done for the business, nothing significant comes to mind. I mean sure, he has had his fair share of great matches and title runs. He has given a few superstars the rub in Benoit, Batista, and is working now with Legacy, but he hasn't ever really done anything note worthy where one could say, "If it hadn't have been for HHH, we wouldn't be where we are today." That's ok, though. Not ever single main event wrestler is going to come along and revolutionize the industry like Hogan or Austin did. So what has HHH done? He has been a damn good performer for the WWE and he has helped to carry the business in a very slow time right now.

Same goes for 'Taker and HBK, two of my all time favorites, but if you ask me what have they done in the business of professional wrestling, I would have to say, nothing important. 'Taker and HBK are in the same boat as HHH. They have had their fair share of great matches and title runs, but there isn't a point in history where one could say, "If it wasn't for 'Taker and HBK, we wouldn't be where we are today." As far as people saying that 'Taker hasn't put anyone over, that is the biggest bullshit comment I have ever heard. 'Taker took horrible in ring performers like King Kong Bundy, Giant Gonzalez, Yokozuna, Kamala, and so on and made the fans give a shit about them. He is the pivital reason that Kane is even still around today. He made JBL the heel champion that he was. He brought Orton back from the brink. He made Khali huge when he first arrived. He made Kennedy huge on SD. He solidified Batista on SD. There are so many more that I can mention, but what is the point?

Everyone can't be like Austin or Hogan. I'm sorry!

That is all!
Really, a wrestler has "done something" if their name is recognized by a person on the street who does not watch wwe or watched wwf. I feel that they may have brought some fans into wrestling if they are popular. I know for a fact most people at my school know who Triple H is, therefore his popularity may have brought some fans into watching wwe.

But on a side note.... Am I the only one who feels Triple H matches are boring unless their are weapons involved?
What has Triple H really done for the business? If you look at his entire career up until now what has he done that you could directly give him credit for. Sure he has had some great matches and will be in the HOF. But look at Hogan.He made wrestling famous. Austin & Rock are the 2 biggest reasons the WWE won the Monday night wars. Michaels has done various things for the business. Im not talking about main eventing or holding titles ect. Creative makes u a 13 time champion. Today Triple H still hogs the main event even and doesn't job to younger talent. You can read that on the IWC almost everyday. So what do you think he has done for the industry?
O and dont hate on me im not bashing Trips here and putting him down.

You are bashing Triple H and putting him down. That is exactly what you are doing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Triple H deserves his spot. He is one of the best at what he does today. He does put people over... what do you call DX losing to The Legacy at Breaking Point. Don't give me the crap that Triple H didn't tap out. A loss is not a win. And that's exactly what it was. He has allowed The Legacy to look very good in the past few months, particularly Cody Rhodes who needed it more.

The recent match with MVP is one that has been referenced many times in regard to this. Triple H did nothing differently than what Cena, Batista, Orton and The Undertaker are guilty of doing... the Superman finish. Yet this one has stood out as making MVP look bad. How so? MVP took it to Triple H all match and made a rookie error against a veteran who took advantage of that one mistake and got the win from it. This is not making MVP look bad. MVP was the main aggressor. MVP handled himself very well in the ring with a main eventer.

HHH gave us DX... it was fantastic in it's first incarnation, when Shawn left. It could have fallen apart but he really stepped up his game. When X-Pac and the NAO joined it was one of the best groups ever seen in Wrestling. One of the best handled factions ever. No faction in WWE has ever come anywhere near to touching how good DX was.

And you mention The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin being the guys who made the WWE popular. Who we had to thank for the Attitude era? Do you forget who was the main heel for most of that period. Triple H. He provided the perfect foil for the good guys like The Rock and Stone Cold. Same again when Shawn Michaels returned. Same again with Cena... with Batista... With Orton. He was a fantastic heel and without him, WWE would have been very, very bland.

As for Matt Hardy being on the same level as Triple H? You must be joking. I am a fan of Matt but he has a very basic moveset, he doesn't control matches whilst also making them exciting like Triple H does. Nor can he handle the mic in the same way. They are miles apart.

This bandwagon is getting really stale now... no more threads on the subject. It's beyond redundant.
What has Triple H done for the business?

How about put John Cena over and legitimize him as a main eventer. JBL didn't do shit. Triple H could've easily used his creative control (or whatever you claim is the reason for the 13 World Titles), and went over Cena. But no, HHH made John Cena look like a beast. He didn't job to him once, he jobbed to Cena repeatedly and he didn't beat him until two and a half years later. And do I need to remind you of his creation of Batista and Randy Orton? Before Triple H and Flair, Batista was a mere bodyguard and Randy Orton was a midcarder. Fast foward from 2003 to 2005, and you have two guys who went from midcarders to main eventers. In 2006-2007, they helped carry their respective brands. And in 2009, they are headlining PPV's. And all of this from the guy who apparently never puts anyone over. Right. Don't give me that bullshit about how he never put anyone over, when clearly, he's done it for 3 guys.

And I swear, Triple H is one of the unsung heroes of the Attitude Era. When you think of a heel in that era, you think of Triple H. So don't say it was all Austin/Rock/Foley, because it wasn't.

So let's recap:

-He's put over and created three of the biggest stars of this era.

-Led two of the biggest factions of this decade.

-Is in the process of creating two more stars of the future.

-One of the best heels of the Attitude Era.

Well, I'd say he's done a damn lot.
What has Triple H really done for the business?
Triple H has done so much for the company actually. He has been a major player and was destined to be one before Stephanie McMahon.
If you look at his entire career up until now what has he done that you could directly give him credit for.
Well he certainly built Batista and Randy Orton into two of the top level stars of the company along with Cena who he put over. He also directly told Cena what he needed to improve when he first started.
Sure he has had some great matches and will be in the HOF.
You are right about this. Triple H has had some classic matches. Including ones with John Cena and Batista.
But look at Hogan.He made wrestling famous. Austin & Rock are the 2 biggest reasons the WWE won the Monday night wars.
Triple H was one of the main heels during the Attitude Era. Without him who would have helped to put over Stone Cold and the Rock while building himself too.
Michaels has done various things for the business. Im not talking about main eventing or holding titles ect. Creative makes u a 13 time champion.
This is where everyone starts to complain. Yes this may seem like the Triple H using Stephanie. Yes it may seem like Triple wants to pass Flair. But you know what. I am going to say Triple H has to much respect for Flair that if he can control his reigns he won't surpass Ric Flair.
Today Triple H still hogs the main event even and doesn't job to younger talent.
First off sure he spent half the year chasing Orton but look at what the man is doing now. He is helping to legitimize two young stars and build them into main eventers. Eventually Ted and Cody will be major players in this industry and if this feud goes the way it has been then Legacy will look even more legitimate then they do right now.
You can read that on the IWC almost everyday.
Yeah but you and I both know that half or a major part of the IWC are Smarks or fans that think they can run the business without knowing a single thing about it. So don't use the IWC to help legitimize the fact that you think Triple H is shit.
So what do you think he has done for the industry?
Well sir he has done quite a bit actually as I said. He has already built up 3 stars who are leaders in the modern era. He led two of the greatest factions of all time in DX and Evolution.
O and dont hate on me im not bashing Trips here and putting him down.

I'm not hating on you. I just think you are bashing Triple H and saying don't sh** on me. I'm not bashing him. I'm not badmouthing him. You are saying he has done nothing for the industry but yet he has done quite a bit. Could you imagine what the WWE would be like if Cena was a flop and released. Or if Orton and Batista never turned face and broke out into their own. Sure one's face turn was a failure and Triple H didn't legitimize him but he damn sure helped groom him for the main event.
You guys must be crazy.

Are you seriously telling me Taker/HBK havn't done anything for the business..???

Are we overlooking the top class matches they've had consistently over the decade or so that they've been there?


So has Triple H :S

In response to the topic, Triple H is the same as the Shawn Micheals, The Undertaker, John Cena and everyone else in the WWE. They didn't do much for the industry, lets face it, its hard to be a pioneer in a line of work that has existed...for as long as my grandad cares to remember.

If you can't bring anything new to the table all you can do is be good at your craft, thats the best legacy you can leave in wrestling these days and in my opionion, Triple H has done that.

Just My Opinion
What has he done? Not much. He'll always be the "Well he's not as good as..." guy, light years behind Austin/Hogan/Michaels/Rock/Hart/Angle and so on. No-one will be proclaiming him as a legend. To me he'll only ever be HBK's sidekick. HHH is Brutus Beefcake to Michaels Hogan, sums him up perfectly. The guy had potential up until around 99, at which point he got lazy and boring. I haven't enjoyed his work since and his shitfest of a match at Wrestlemania will go down as one of the worst main event matches ever.
For people to say that Triple H doesn't put wrestlers over im sorry but that is not true. Everyone says he puts over either John Cena Randy, Orton or Batista. But i don't see one person in this thread mention that Triple h has put over the secound biggest star that wwe has today in Jeff hardy he took triple h to some limits and almost won the title from triple h this time last year on several different ppv.

You can argue that The undertaker has helped him in that pushed somewhat but he has not really been taken seriously as a main eventer until Armageddon 2007.

Granted That triple h dose not put over wrestlers as much as Kane Undertaker Shawn Regal etc. But you can't say he doesn't put over wrestlers period cause that is plain false.
one word, fanbase. that somes up what he does, he is probably one of the last old school trained wrestlers i.e not a tough enough winner or brought up as a 2nd or 3rd gen wrestler, and the punishment he got for the 'curtain call' back in the 90's got him the respect from management/creative because he took it like a man. also theres the dx stuff merchandise etc one of the biggest factions in history.
Only reason HHH gets so much heat from you guys is because of who he is married to. Stephanie didnt make HHH. He first really started to rise to fame when he was dating Chyna as a matter of fact. Granted being married to her has helped but this guy is a great talent and deserves some credit. Being a main eventer and helping create new stars doesnt mean every guy you help to create has to be a main eventer. You guys have been blinded by McMahons current product that makes every non main event match seem like an unimportant joke. When wrestling is good the midcard is as exciting and good as the main event. So who all has HHH helped to make? Lets start with Road Dawg and Billy Gunn while not main eventers they were pretty big stars and important to the attitude era all the same. Chyna will definately take a place in wrestling history I even expect to see her in the Hall of fame if she ever kicks her drug problems after all she is the only woman to hold a male title in the WWE. I think she owes alot of it to walking out with Trips. He tried everything he could to make Shelton Benjamin. WWE did not bury Benjamin he has had a million chances to become a huge star and he always blows it because he has no charisma. He put over Hardy a million times on Raw back when Hardy was still just a tag team guy so I would like to think he had a hand in Hardy. Batista and Orton have already been mentioned but their is no way we have The Viper right now with HHH. Right now he is doing a real good job of opening the door for Cody and Ted. He also helped to make Benoit seem like main event material. I dont have his actual record in front of me but I am pretty sure HHH has a losing record at WM. As far as abusing his power, well he does, he should, and wouldnt you? Lets face it guys when Flair was on top he was the boss most of the time. Same can be said for Dusty Rhodes. Jerry Lawler got famous by booking himself in the main event. Every wrestler ever that was in position to do so makes himself the top dog. If you dont belive in yourself who will? People kill me with this anyway. When you are the top start you are going to make people whether you mean to or not. I constantly hear that Hogan never made anyone but that is only spouted by people who didnt really watch the show back then. A list of stars Hogan made lets see Pipper, Orndorff, Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior, Big Boss Man, Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd, Earthquake, and I will get flamed for this but the Undertaker. As far as Flair goes well that list is crazy. i will touch on a few so here goes. Sting, Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, pretty much every guy he ever stepped in the ring with. Stars make stars whether they want to or not. Stop hating on our buisness's great stars just because you dont personally like them.
The main problem I have with this is that, for the majority of his career, Triple H has played the bad guy. It's only within the last few years he's consistently been face... and he has made sure we know that he is not a nice guy and he could turn on the fans at any time. The problem I have is, through the 4 pages this thread has garnered, I keep seeing a reoccuring theme.

The original post started it. Saying Triple H didn't do anything for the WWE, citing The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin as example of those who have done something for the business. Other people have since followed suit, naming Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

So what we really have here is that Triple H hasn't really become a household name. It's interesting. How many people actually knew who Triple H was when he walked Mayweather out to the ring the other weekend? Probably not as many who would have know the others that I mentioned before. Is that what we mean by not doing anything for the business? Not being known outside of wrestling. Hell, add a fair few others to that list. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Kurt Angle, Goldberg, Eric Bischoff... I'd even dare to throw the McMahon family in there. Sure, to us collectively known as the IWC, these guys are all heroes and legends, if not now... they will be soon. Ask a random guy in the street.

Do a survey of 100 people. Say random wrestlers names to them and ask if they know them. They will know Hogan. The Rock. The Undertaker. Andre. They might know of Jerry Lawler. They might know Ric Flair. Snuka, Piper, Foley. Jericho.

How many people outside of wrestling know of Eddie Guerrero and the Guerrero family. or the Von Erichs? Or outside of Canada, how huge the Hart legacy actually is. It certainly doesn't transcend outside the continent. I've actually had a conversation with a friend about Sting and not one of the people with us knew anything about him. Sting is huge. Would we say the NWO did anything for wrestling? Ask them that... see if they know. See if they have heard the term 'Hollywood' Hogan... they're most likely to respond with 'Don't you mean Hulk?'

To dare to say Triple H has had no impact, implying in the process that he has had no meaning or purpose is simply ludicrous. So he might not be known outside the walls of the IWC as well as the famous ones. That means nothing. Triple H is right up there with those Spotlight Superstars.

One thing you should notice is that, for the majority of all these famous wrestlers... they spent the majority of their career as face.
The Undertaker... always cheered. In his 18 years in the company he's spent less than 2 years of it as a heel.
Hogan... a popular face from the 80's to the mid 90's... went to WCW and the media forgot him. No more movies. No more interviews in TV Guide. He went all Black and White and it was never recorded for anyone but the Wrestling fan.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. Face. The guy everyone wanted to be. Brought the fight to the mean and the greedy without hesitation. Could beat just about anyone on his day. Small heel turn, was still insanely popular. The 'What?' Chant is still used today. He was heel when he thought that one up.
The Rock. Loved so much as a heel he was forced to turn face. The People's Champion never a more appropriate nickname.

The only famous guy I can think of that wasn't a regular face is Andre the Giant... and the reason he was famous wasn't for his in ring ability.

Faces are the ones who get know. They are the images used on advertisements. They are the ones they want people to cheer. When was the last time you saw Randy Orton advertise a Gillete Razor? I know Chris Jericho does it... why I don't know... but he's the only heel that does. It is not in a heels interest to be seen smiling at babies and having fun in films. Hulk Hogan couldn't have been attacking Randy Savage from behind everyweek when Mr. Nanny was in cinema's could he? That wouldn't have looked good. What kid wants to see a jackass in a film?

Triple H is a fantastic heel. He provided a great foil for any face that faced him in the past 15 years and today he is passing on his knowledge and ability to two promising youngsters. The guy has given us a lot and will continue to give us more. I'm glad he is with Stephanie. It means he'll be here for a long long time to come!
HHH was the leader of DX when it was very much over and did very well with them. If he wasn't married to Stephanie he'd still have won the title a few times as he does have the look of a champion. He probably would be an upper mid-carder. Its impossible though to accurately speculate though as HHH may have earned his success on his own. To his credit he is able to get over as a heel and face.
Look there is always that one superstar that just make say omg. I believe to say that the undertaker not doing anything is the dumbest thing ever to even think about. Sure he hasn't held many world titles as he should but he sells ppv. He could have a hell of a match not even for a title. Not only that he brought some of the greatest matches to us like buried alive, casket match, AND DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY HELL IN A CELL. Then u have people like shawn michaels who also have great matches but for titles. The only good ones were against kurt angle and taker in my opinion. His claims to fame were matches he lost for crying out loud. I also want to know why the hell bigshow is in the wwe. He's as fat as he left and he isn't athletic(maybe ten years ago) and he has only held the wwe title only 2 times. Then we got guys like chris jericho who keep bragging about a title that no longer exists for petes sake. Until he started winning the world heavy weight title i finally stopped getting a headache. Now we have guys like ric flair who are just kings of wrestling. He has held a title in every company he has worked for. He hits people low, thumb to the eyes, cheap shots and everyone luvs him and if someone else does it fans boo. Who else can get applauses from people when cheating.
what has HHH done for the business? that is actually a very good question and i like the back and forth i am seeing on this subject. the truth about this is like it is in alot of things though, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. has HHH dome anything new and inventive? the only real answer is no, he hasnt. was he shawn michaels sidekick? i think anyone who has seen the original dx incarnation can safely say yes. but after shawn left HHH took the DX concept and ran with it, and not only did it bring him success, it brought success to everyone who was involved in it and gave the WWF an answer to the NWO. the DX "army" along with several other talented stars helped make wrestling "cool" again in the late 90's. at that point HHH could have sat back, and relaxed with his position, but he chose not to. he chose instead to become "The Game". he didnt stay in the safe persona he had, cracking jokes, being risque... even being "cool". he chose instead to become the intense heel. and he did it great. he sold tons of tickets, first as a heel that everyone wanted to see get his come uppance, then as the heel champ who everyone paid to see get his ass kicked and lose the title. his dedication to the business is evident in the injuries he has sustained and how he has driven himself to return to the ring. after the first quad injury, he could have said screw this man, this was too much, i cant keep putting my body thru this. I wouldnt have blamed him if he did , i dont think anyone could have. but he didnt, he came back . i remember seeing a ladder match between him and the rock, back when the rock wasnt "The Rock", but when he was a solid middle carder and that match stole the show. and i will even go so far as to say it was that match that really helped put rocky over, it showed heart for both men. now HHH could have retired, do an office job in Titan Towers, be a road agent. but he hasnt.... for the love of god why?... maybe the answer is that because he has done so much, and given so much, he feels a duty to give back and help the next group come along. you know HHH and Ric Flairs road stories and advice have helped Batista and Randy Ortons careers. And now him and Shawn are working with DiBiase and Rhodes, and i can imagine that both of those young men are greatful to be able to work angles with HHH and Michaels and get the opportunity to learn from them.
What has he done? Not much. He'll always be the "Well he's not as good as..." guy, light years behind Austin/Hogan/Michaels/Rock/Hart/Angle and so on. No-one will be proclaiming him as a legend. To me he'll only ever be HBK's sidekick. HHH is Brutus Beefcake to Michaels Hogan, sums him up perfectly. The guy had potential up until around 99, at which point he got lazy and boring. I haven't enjoyed his work since and his shitfest of a match at Wrestlemania will go down as one of the worst main event matches ever.

all i have to say is that this guy is a douchebag man .... i think we should list peoples IQs so we know whos post not to read i mean come ..... hhh to beefcake.... did your mom drop you when you were a kid i mean sheesh

as everyone has mentioned hhh was a big part of attitude era.... couldnt agree more. everyone in the attitude era is equally important they played off of each other (like wrestling should be ) but come on if you have to ask what triple h has done for the business youre a dumbass simple as that... come on people step it up now dont mmake yourselves look bad
You mean that unspectacular WM 18 match and that highly forgettable Hell in a Cell match. I'm sure that helped established HHH as being "back".

Kurt Angle was already over when he faced Taker three years ago. Angle was even past his prime when he faced Taker. Brock Lesnar was mainly put over by Hogan and the Rock and Taker just followed that. The Undertaker/Edge feud wasn't as great as everybody thinks it was and it didn't really help Edge one bit.

I hope you're not suggesting that HHH is the reason Benoit wasn't a top guy after his reign ended. Benoit was a career mid-carder before that reign and he was one after just like Eddie Guerrero.

Yes I am talking about that unspectacular match that HHH had at Wrestlemania 18 (which bears a striking resemblance to his unspectacular match HHH had with Orton at this past year's WM). HHH needed someone to do business for him and Jericho was the guy. Period.

yeah Kurt was over three years ago, but he needed help getting over 9 years ago and that's where the Undertaker came in (Suvivor Series 2000). Yeah Taker did follow in the league with Rock and Hogan putting over Brock, but he still did it, and had the best match out of his two contemporaries (Rock/Hogan).

The only one suggesting that HHH is the reason for Benoit's push is you. I'm simply stating a series of events that DID happen. Eddie Guerrero...Career Mid-carder:lmao: .

Look at the business in 96 when WCW was killing WWF, who held the damn company 2gether? HBK, he was the best champion they could have asked for at that time and delivered better than any champion in wrestling in the US during that time. Think about the state that company would have been in had he not been the champion (Personal demons aside). Bell to Bell, he was the best and had a knack of making sure every opponent he wnet in the ring with came out looking better than when they had went in (during his first reign).

Undertaker's level of professionalism, ability to work hurt, and willingness to work with all the monsters they through at him was also a contributing factor in that company surviving during those lean years.
Wow thanks for the responses guys. I guess we all have our opinions and some agree,some dont. And I think I got my answer. I dont doubt HHH's passion one bit and despite the question of this thread I dont deny what he has done in the ring. And I respect Trips for that. Today I cant stand him anymore but at one point he was my favourite. And I believe that he would still be where he is today regardless of his marriage to Stephanie. Im no wrestling genius I know that but I am a fan. Been watching for 15 years and I was just saying if I look back at his career nothing really stands out for me. Provided alot of things ive forgotten. And some of you raised some good points that did make me change my mind on some matters. Thanks.
What Triple h has done was give us someone new to hate that can be in the main event spotlight against The Rock or Stone Cold. What Triple H did was be one of the few guys who's willing to take bloody and dangerous spots with Cactus Jack. What Triple H has done is make Batista and Randy Orton's careers. What Triple H has done is sold his body to this business. Have any of you torn your ACL? Heck, when my knee cracks i bitch in pain, but he has had the same injury twice and came back and still got in that ring. Is he a spotlight fiend?? Hell yea.
But he paid his dues. Remember the MSG incident? He paid 4 that for almost a year before recieving any push. He showed he was loyal to WWE, and he got in. Then he slept his way to the top, whether it was love or power who cares, that's behind the curtains. He's put on great performances over the years, and he wants to be viewed as the best, and never wants to lose. As long as creative books him to win, he will!!
I personally can't stand him, John Cena, or Rey Mysterio cuz i know when they wrestle it's gonna be a win unless they get "screwed". I loathe invincible characters. But i will not forget what they have contributed to the business, cuz god knows if i get injured once in the ring, i'm saying f the fans, i'm done. It may be not be as big as Hogan's accomplishments, but he did much during the attitude era, i suggest you watch it over again.

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