Is Triple H Done Winning Titles?

He's done. Triple H won't ever win a title again. The only time we'll see him in the ring is for some short feuds like what he did with Kevin Nash and what he's starting with Undertaker. It just wouldn't make any sense, to me, to put a title on him for a month, even if they lack stars. There are plenty of up-and-coming talents that could be better suited for a transitional championship reign, instead of Triple H -- and I think he knows that. He's more of an attraction now, and in that role, he just doesn't need to have gold around his waist. It's just unnecessary.

Triple H's name alone will be enough to carry his next few feuds, whenever they come. I think it would just be stupid to force him into the title picture. He can be in a good feud, away from the title, with a guy like Dolph Ziggler or someone of that ilk. A guy that could use a big name to add to his resume, a la Cody Rhodes and Booker T, is the perfect feud for someone in Triple H's position. I just don't see him being around titles ever again. If he was going to be a regular competitor again, he'd definitely win some gold, but he's done.

I mean, Undertaker has pulled this type of thing off before (winning titles), but I don't think Triple H will maintain his runs for long enough to get any gold. He'll be a short holdover feud for someone, which will make them look great, but nothing more. Honestly, I'll be surprised if he has more than 5 matches the rest of this year. I see one feud past this whole deal with Undertaker. I can see him doing the one feud a year for a few more years, but he's getting up there in age too. Soon enough, his time in the ring, in general, will be over. I don't see titles in Triple H's future.
i think triple HHH has come to the point where theres no real point for him to win the tittle, unless if he became a heel GM, or whatever he is. Where he would be so cheap he would award himself tittle shots when the champ just came from a huge and hard fought match.

At this point for his career, TRIPS is too big for the championship.
I came up with a probably theory for HHH Undertaker Mania situation, it probably won’t happen but what the hey here goes…
HHH won’t fight him, Undertaker needs to make HHH want to fight him, he can do this two ways.
1 Kidnap Steff, kill Vince rape Shane and end up having a Macabre wedding in the middle of the ring at Mania with Steff trussed up on a cross or crucifix a la Undertaker, completely out her mind on Drugs with Paul Bearer calling the shots. Hopefully this won’t happen obviously, they would never go for something this out there.
2. Undertaker needs to prove he still has it. Prove to HHH if you will, Maybe not prove as more as make HHH stop him. Make him realise that he still has and always will have it and can’t be put down as HHH puts it.
He comes on raw makes a Proclamation. One by One he will go through the Roster from now until Mania, no one is safe, anytime anywhere from the shadows and the darkness, just like times of old, kind of
So every Raw every Smackdown Superstars and even NXT taker takes people out, If everyone is now just money/business to HHH then Taker hurts him where it matters the most, by taking out Punk, Miz, Kingston, Jericho, Bryan even just one or two of these guys, will seriously effect HHH plans and cause him a lot of pain and misery.
HHH could still deny him the right to fight him, by bringing someone in for Taker at Wrestlemania, there open the Possibilities of things perceived as nonsense Sting, Brock.
Taking us past mania and a possible Summerslam match or next year’s Wrestlemania, with Taker being the protagonist to HHH management position. I’m sure there’s room for an on going character for Taker where he may start another Ministry like group, allowing him not to wrestle more than twice or even once a year.
I think he's done winning titles. The idea that he would get in the title hunt for business doesn't hold much water. The feud that headlined last night's PPV wasn't for a title. His feud with Undertaker last year, and likely this year, isn't for a title. The Rock/Cena at WM isn't for a title.

Not all of those are good examples but he doesn't need to chase the title to put on a good show. It's just my opinion but I don't think he wants to return to wrestling full time, and he can add something to the company in a program that doesn't require that.
Well, Brain... As you may or may not be aware, my favorite wrestler of all time is none other than "The Game." I was really hoping that if someone were to break Flair's record that it would be him. To answer your question, yes, I think Triple H is done winning titles. He's not even appearing in an in-ring capacity once a month these days and I think even he would think it would be silly to hold a title unless it was a one off kind of thing, and I find it hard to believe they'd try and stretch that to three more times.
I think he's done winning titles. The idea that he would get in the title hunt for business doesn't hold much water. The feud that headlined last night's PPV wasn't for a title. His feud with Undertaker last year, and likely this year, isn't for a title. The Rock/Cena at WM isn't for a title.

Not all of those are good examples but he doesn't need to chase the title to put on a good show. It's just my opinion but I don't think he wants to return to wrestling full time, and he can add something to the company in a program that doesn't require that.

It's obviously not for any right of contention to get back in to the title hunt, this match at Mania, is his way of saying goodbye to his wrestling career, and being more of a back stage coordinator for the business until Vince is ready to retire
and hand the reigns over to his son in law
If you were betting the house, you would say he has at least one more run with a World Title still in him. If Cena and Punk and Orton all went down with injuries at once, maybe he would come back to a full time schedule.

But seen as his days as a full time wrestler are indeed over, it is highly doubtful he will be the centrepiece of any storylines involving the WWE Championship or World Title. He doesnt need the title anymore, hes above it, as is Cena and Undertaker.
If it were anyone else in the position I would say they'd be done winning titles, but this is The Game we're talking about here. I don't think he's going to go on to break Flairs record but I could easily see a heel Trips using his power to get himself one more world title to his credit and give us an entertaining story. Back in the day I always assumed that he would make it but as the last year has gone by it's become apparent to me that it wont happen, as much as I would like that. It'll be Cena, I'd like to see Orton get there too and maybe in the end have more world title reigns than Cena but the guy who is going to break the streak is definitely John.
I feel I'm in the minority whenever questions about future World Title reigns for Triple H arise. While Triple H has certainly held numerous World Championships throughout his time in the WWE, it will never hurt for one more as long as he's able to make others look great in the process. There's no doubt in my mind, Triple is one of the top in ring workers in the WWE right now and if I had my choice, I would certainly utilize that. Triple H's matches have since become few and between and he really only steps inside the ring when necessary. That's when I feel Triple H could potentially win another Championship; whenever he'd needed. I certainly wouldn't mind Triple H holding the Championship only to lose it to someone like Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett or any other top star that can use a win over Triple H as their claim to greatness.

Is Triple H done for sure; maybe but I wouldn't be surprised if he stepped in to help out the roster in terms of making it look stronger. Having Triple H as you World Champion will force everyone who is anyone to get their shit together and step their game up. I believe that's needed for some of the WWE's current midcarders. I'm sure the WWE realizes this and have a way for Triple H to win another WWE Championship if he's needed. But like others have said, he's quietly slipping away from the limelight and that's something I'll have to deal with as a huge fan. Another WWE or World Heavyweight Championship reign is not out of the question by a long shot, but it certainly not a guarantee.
I remember during the build up to Triple H vs Taker 2 at WM27, H saying that there was really nothing left for him to accomplish outside of beating Taker.

With that I kind of figured he wouldn't chase after the title anymore, but as long as Flair has "16 time World Champion" attached to his name, I wouldn't put it past Triple H.

If he wins the title to help put a rising star over, then that's fine, but if its a typical "I'm the game, I'm Triple H, I have the title, blah blah blah" no thanks we've seen the Triple H show before, and its played out.
I feel I'm in the minority whenever questions about future World Title reigns for Triple H arise. While Triple H has certainly held numerous World Championships throughout his time in the WWE, it will never hurt for one more as long as he's able to make others look great in the process. There's no doubt in my mind, Triple is one of the top in ring workers in the WWE right now and if I had my choice, I would certainly utilize that. Triple H's matches have since become few and between and he really only steps inside the ring when necessary. That's when I feel Triple H could potentially win another Championship; whenever he'd needed. I certainly wouldn't mind Triple H holding the Championship only to lose it to someone like Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett or any other top star that can use a win over Triple H as their claim to greatness.

Is Triple H done for sure; maybe but I wouldn't be surprised if he stepped in to help out the roster in terms of making it look stronger. Having Triple H as you World Champion will force everyone who is anyone to get their shit together and step their game up. I believe that's needed for some of the WWE's current midcarders. I'm sure the WWE realizes this and have a way for Triple H to win another WWE Championship if he's needed. But like others have said, he's quietly slipping away from the limelight and that's something I'll have to deal with as a huge fan. Another WWE or World Heavyweight Championship reign is not out of the question by a long shot, but it certainly not a guarantee.

Actually it would hurt, the thing that I forgot was something that is most important and that is? Family, Need we forget that Triple H is a dad and that any kind of involvement to get back in to the ring. means missing out on the life of his kids!

take Shawn Michaels,

he retired because he missed so many years of his kids growing up, due to his grueling road schedule...I believe that once Steph had their first child it was decided, that the time was to be spent raising their daughter and not missing
out on the precious moments like so many other wrestlers have done with their kids
If I'm honest I can't see HHH winning anymore titles for the plain and simple fact that he doesn't need to, he had one of the biggest matches of the year at last years WM and he is back for more of the same this year with no title in sight.

There are not many stars left in the WWE who can carry a huge story line and can pull off match of the year contenders just because they really are that good! Undertaker is another one, don't get me wrong awesome champ but doesn't need it to build hype for him. John Cena is turning into another one. His match with The Rock is huge, and he is running with it! It says a lot about a superstar when they don't need anything but there opponent to get you drawn in!
He will be champion again.
Maybe in the future he would take the mcMahon role as evil chairman of the wwe and wint the title to build up a rivalry with a babyface. I think Trips will never really retire from in ring action. He probably will be wrestling a few matches here and then like McMahon used to do.
Triple H should be done winning championships, he should move over and let some of the young performers win the title.
HHH doesn't need them anymore unless like someone else said they need a top face in a hurry but I doubt that would happen. At this point in his career he should be just putting people over not burying them(CM Punk)
Yes I think he's done winning the titles. The man has had an awesome career n the list of achievements shows it.
But he is not THE GAME now, he is Hunter the COO of WWE. I miss his wrestling days but unfortunately he's done according to me.
Definitely. I cannot see HHH winning another belt. His role as board-member is his job. He will be barely wrestling anymore and I reckon he will only have 3/4 matches a year so won't have time to win a belt. This is fair, as HHH has had his chance in the main event and doesn't require nor deserve another title reign.
I think we WILL see Triple H as Champion again, and I think we should. He is not going to beat Naitch's record- that once looked a formality, but I think The Game can have at least one more short run with the title. He certainly deserves it.

While he is spending most of his time in an office role, Triple H is still in phenomenal shape, can talk better than anyone in the business and is more over than almost anyone on the roster. I do not think him winning the belt would be a bad thing at all, so what, he has to step away from the office for a while? Big deal!

Hunter wouldn't even need to wrestle singles on house shows, put him in tag matches most of the time or make an exception occasionally for one of the all-time greats. I think the positives of Triple H being champ far outweigh the negatives.

I have always preferred him as a heel and I think one day we will see him as a heel authority figure running the show, and what better time than to get the belt back for himself, using his goons to ensure he keeps it, while still being able to go in the ring. I think that would be absolutely awesome. Bring back the McMahon Helmsley regime, with the evil Triple H booking himself in the main event and screwing someone out of the title, getting a final well deserved run.

The feud could run until a Wrestlemania, and could be used to build up the next super-face as the man to de-throne the champion, and Triple H could drop the beld at 'Mania, putting over the next star and retiring with a great final match. If done right, then Triple H as champion again would be great.
I think Triple H will have one more title run and that will be it remember vkm was champion so no reason for The game not to be but once thats done he will slip back more and more behind the scenes - may be for nostalga The Rock vs Austin vs Triple H one last time

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