What has happened to Zack Ryder?


Dark Match Winner
I thought Zack Ryder was popular for a while there. What exactly caused Zack Ryder to not be used properly on television? Is there something he did that caused him to lose credibility? Does he have a drug problem or something? Enlighten some one.
Well....he sucks for one thing. He also has a inflated ego that made him think he was more popular than he really was.
The Zack Ryder Carachter took off extremely well because of the IWC without them he was always going to be a basic mid carder, WWE seemed to see a great opportunity to capitalise on his popularity with the fans and made him something bigger than he should be which ment his demise was inimate and back to the mid card level. I thought he worked well and was quite a good Carachter but obviously his in ring ability must not of been good enough. His gimmick also got and still is boring now. His chance has gone now and I think he is just there to be a jobber.
Simply put, he's just not that good.

WWE used him plenty when he was at his height of popularity, and we all saw his popularity face as he was overexposed. While his shtick worked well on scripted, rehearsed, and most importantly well edited YouTube videos...TV, not so much.

It's awesome the way he used the Internet to get himself over, don't get me wrong, but in the end it may have been the worst thing that could've happened to him. If they could've built him up slowly and let him find his proper place in the mid card, maybe he could've carved out a Santino type role. But getting so over, so much more over than he shoud've been, and then having his credibility destroyed when people realized he wasn't as good as they thought...it's tough to recover from something like that, unfortunately.
You gotta give Ryder this much credit,he has done the most given to him.. Trying to market himself,that in itself is very creative.. But at the end of the day,Zack just simply isn't really all that good.. Not really good in the ring,comes off as preppy college kid.. That gimmick died several years ago.. He has made the most of his abilities and should be very thankful,that he held a mid-card title..

There is a difference here,Ryder thinking where he wants to be,and the WWE thinking where ryder should be.. He just simply has peaked and probably be involved in squash matches.. A simple WOO WOO and maybe a boot-ski is really all,that zack will offer us from now on
Zack Ryder was a fluke in my opinion. I don't really believe in bashing superstars unless they're a real nuisance, but Ryder never had that factor to make it to the top. Some people may disagree with me, but his jobbing on RAW is better than what a lot other jobbers recieve. Lets name all the lesser jobbers (at least in my opinion) who are better than Ryder:

Tyson Kidd
Justin Gabriel
Alex Riley

Hey, for all the Ryder fans, at least Long Island Iced Z made it farther than his teammate ... whats his name? Curt Hawkins or something.

All jokes aside, Ryder just might not have what it takes to succeed. He can try it out in Jarrett's new promotion.
It's like what Triple H said a few weeks ago. Fans are always looking for the next thing to cheer. It was Ryder, people stopped cheering for him and then he fell back down the card. I won't say he sucked I really enjoyed his ECW championship match against Christian but that's the only match of his that I can remember besides the Johnny Lauranitis tag team match. Basically it's nothing he did it's that his "fans" stopped supporting him because IMO they never really cared in the first place they were just looking for something to cheer.
To be honest, he was popular and then suddenly Vince and Co. killed him off and that was that. If they had just ran with it, who knows what would have happened with him. But that is what they tend to do. Give wrestlers a push and then suddenly pull the rug out from under them. It has happened to so many wrestlers over the years.
It's like what Triple H said a few weeks ago. Fans are always looking for the next thing to cheer. It was Ryder, people stopped cheering for him and then he fell back down the card. I won't say he sucked I really enjoyed his ECW championship match against Christian but that's the only match of his that I can remember besides the Johnny Lauranitis tag team match. Basically it's nothing he did it's that his "fans" stopped supporting him because IMO they never really cared in the first place they were just looking for something to cheer.

I don't believe people stopped cheering for him. To be honest, he was popular and then suddenly Vince and Co. killed him off and that was that. Remember the feud with him Cena and Eve Torres? They buried Zack and that was it. Back to the depths of nothing. If they had just continued to run with it, who knows what would have happened with him. But that is what they tend to do. Give wrestlers a push and then suddenly pull the rug out from under them. It has happened to so many wrestlers over the years.
The Zack/Eve/Cena whatever had one purpose, to re-establish Monster Kane as a bad-ass that would require Super Cena to stop. That love triangle, if you want to call it that, was terrible and needed to be squashed.
Honestly Ryder is just not that good. Maybe a heel turn will make him fresh but he is lanny poffo of this generation.
What happened to Ryder? Oh, let me tell you. He went from being a cheesy nobody, to being flavor of the month, to being a jobber to being irrelevant, and yesterday he went back to being a jobber.
I don't believe people stopped cheering for him. To be honest, he was popular and then suddenly Vince and Co. killed him off and that was that. Remember the feud with him Cena and Eve Torres? They buried Zack and that was it. Back to the depths of nothing. If they had just continued to run with it, who knows what would have happened with him. But that is what they tend to do. Give wrestlers a push and then suddenly pull the rug out from under them. It has happened to so many wrestlers over the years.

That's basically it. Everyone's so quick to say that he failed but they disregard that he was written and booked as a failure. The only failure would be the creative team's usage of him...and honestly, I think it was a conscience decsion. If they wanted to continue pushing Ryder, they wouldn't have written him out of any feuds or major angles. The crowd did their part by chanting We Want Ryder during key matches and popping for him when his music played. The first few months of 2012 were proof that he was over with the live crowd. Sadly, they also chose to end his popularity by killing his momentum around the same time.

Zack Ryder didn't fail. If anything, he managed to show his appeal, worth, and likability with such a lousy gimmick.

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