What happened to Archer and Hawkins push?!

Isaac Kaye

Professional Overseller
Only a couple of months ago, these two were on a ’30 day contract to make an impact’, which obviously paved way for their push on Smackdown and Superstars. They won two or three matches on Smackdown, one against MVP and Christian I think – which gave them a great rub.

On the 08.05.10 taping of Superstars they beat the Dudebusters (which was a really good match btw, these guys were working their asses off and taking some SERIOUS bumps!), and they cut a promo about ‘how they want gold’ and they will go and find the Hart Dynasty if they don’t come and find them etc etc.

Well I figured if they were prepared to give the mic to them on Superstars, then surely this meant that creative had some serious faith in them!? I mean when does anyone cut promos on Superstars? But then you’ve gotta ask yourself, why have this promo on Superstars at all?! Nobody watches Superstars! Surely have them speak on Smackdown?

Anyway, since that promo, they beat JTG and MVP but after that their push seems to have faded into obscurity. Twice jobbing to the Dudebusters and then losing a handicap match to the Big Show last week – a fairly damning indication that their push has come to a grinding halt.

So when did they lose faith in these guys? Personally I think they make a good team and have a decent chemistry in the ring. Archer can’t sell to save his life though, you wonder if he has a wrestling brain at all, but he works in his big man role to a large extent.

Maybe they just saw better options, ie, Rhodes and McIntyre, and were forced to rethink their booking of the belts with them being permanently unified. Still, this doesn’t explain why they are jobbing them to death after giving them a promo which indicated they were gonna get a title shot just over a month ago.

Anyone have any better explanations??
From what I've heard, only some people backstage were high on them, and the people that weren't were really, really low. To be honest, I don't really care either way. Sure, they're a fun (AND INTENNNNSSSSSEEEEEE) tag team, but the tag division is pretty much in shambles right now and honestly I doubt anyone who doesn't watch Superstars even remembers they or the Dudebusters exist.

Honestly I'd much prefer the Dudebusters to be pushed over the Gatecrashers. At least the Dudebusters are funny. Archer is just not very good and brings the whole Gatecrashers team down.

But hey, maybe this is just a temporary derailment of the push-train. Maybe eventually they'll build up some more, start appearing on the actual TV shows more, and eventually win the number one contendership. You never know.
I find it rather odd that we even considered them ever getting a push? They got a few victories here and there, primarily on Superstars if I remember correctly, and then they pretty much did nothing at all afterwards. That's hardly a push if you ask me.

But I'll play along. Let's say they got a push, I'd say it died down because they weren't too popular backstage. Or for that sake they weren't getting the reaction that WWE had even slightly expected they'd get within a matter of weeks. There's a lot of reasons that could be said to them not getting a push, or a push dying down. It's all something that goes on backstage in terms of decision, and we can't truly comment on it.
I think it was quite obviously a push. They were given heat to attack recognized Superstars like MVP and Christian on Smackdown even before they fought in a match. They put the whole 30 day clause in there to give them a chance to prove people wrong by getting a string of impressive victories, AND they were given the mic to challenge the unified tag team champs. In most cases this precedes a feud of some kind, and it makes little to no sense to give them the mic at all, if they are not gonna follow it up in some way by a storyline.

I don't personally think they are that impressive or indeed worthy of being on the top of the tag team division, but it does seems like creative lost faith in them very quickly after seemingly giving them a chance to have at least a title shot.
I blame the "Tramp Stamp" on Big Lance SORRY Vance

Damm stupid tattoo, ruining his push!!!

Seriously though, I thought they were ok, nothing special, just a decent low-card tag team, perfect for superstars but I think they need some improvement to be thought of as credible tag-team champions....but then do most teams in the WWE.
The Natural pretty much summed up my first thought. How can you take Vance Archer seriously as the enforcer of the group with that tattoo? He even gets made fun of by the fans.

But really, it's the tag team division. Do you really expect the WWE to do anything that makes a lot of sense with the tag division right now? They haven't paid attention to it for a long time now. People complained about DX holding the belts, but at this point that would be a major step up in comparison. I even noticed one time on Raw when The Hart Dynasty came out to the right WITHOUT the belts. WTF?!
I wanted to make a similar thread so ill just comment here. I really don't know why the wwe aren't pushing the gate crashers along with the dude busters. They just unified the titles and now need viable teams to compete for them. I think the first mistake was putting them on the very thrown together team of cody and drew, and taking them off of your one of there best true tag teams, The Hart Dynasty. At least the Gate Crashers and the Dude Busters are set teams which is what the tag titles need to become relevant again.

I'll be honest, I don't really like the Dude Busters but what they did to them 2 weeks ago was just wrong. They put them in skits with hornswoggle about the big move to Syfy throughout the show and then when the show airs this week, no Dude Busters to be seen. This show was the perfect opportunity for SD to highlight the tag teams they have. A 3 way tag match between the champs, Gate Crashers, and Dude Busters could have been great. Instead they job out Cody to Orton in a pointless match.

They also are doing the same thing to the Uso's on Raw. Gave them the push just like the Gate Crashers and now are put to the side to the comedy team of Santino and Kosloff. I guess if i want sensible tag team action im just going to have to stick to tna or roh.

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