What Exactly Is Dixie Carter Trying To Accomplish?

My Question would be how is it hurting? They've gotten sponsors they probably couldn't have gotten without Hogan's name. And lets be real Flair is in TNA and while is there you might aswell use him. Huh? Have him teach, give rubs or just let them see how he carries himself in the lockeroom! It's all positive.

And for one guy's like Crimson probably wouldn't have signed with Tna without a guy like Hogan! What about Beer Money getting over like a Champ lately? These guys are becoming stars in their own right at the moment! You can't deny that! Hogan doesn't wrestle and flair can still go even at his age and that just being honest.

You want change but you don't care about the storyline that's screams change even if it's Kayfabe! Let's not for get this is entertainment and I think alot of you forget this sometimes!

Who is this hurting? My opinion is the same as it was when this conversation started: TNA. You wish to argue that the storyline is about change and that we shouldn't forget that this is entertainment. The problem is while it appears to be entertaining you, it isn't entertaining me. I've seen this, I've seen most every permeation of what Hogan, Bischoff, Flair and crew have to offer. I'm not interested in it at all anymore. I analyze what I see as a problem, and someone disagrees in a forum. That's fine and I enjoy exchanging ideas.

But these are just opinions. I don't expect that anything I say will suddenly change the face of wrestling whether I believe they would benefit it or not. You enjoy what Hogan and crew are doing in TNA? Fine, have a blast, but you haven't made an argument for how they're helping, and saying that it can't hurt isn't helping to make your case.

Beer Money was successful as heels before Hogan and co. came into TNA. Both members of that team have been mainstays and have been rising in the ranks without the help of any of the people we've discussed. and really what is your argument that Crimson couldn't have come into TNA without hogan? Based on what? Who else is getting the main event rub you speak of that isn't already in the top spot, or was being pushed in that direction already? As for Flair, whether he can perform or not isn't the issue. Or really Hogan for that matter. It's about the time they take up that isn't giving other talent a chance to shine that isn't already in the main event.

Is that last opinion based in part on the WWE's youth movement? Certainly but it has merit, and with the depths of WWE/WCW/ECW talent in TNA they need to spend more time having these guys help develop and get over more of the new talent. That's simply my view on the subject.

I started my post in this thread discussing the issues with Hogan crew as it applied to the whole company and the decisions being made to compete with the WWE, which I don't see working or their participation as being beneficial. You still enjoy them and think they have something to contribute and that's fine. But we're not going to agree and your responses are not making your case.

Let it go.

The whole point of the Immortal storyline is to make stars,not only IWC stars but mainstream stars! That's why Immortal dominated for awhile so the faces can come back and take them out! And hopefully the fans will get behind the faces and if they do get behind the faces they will be willing to spend money and spend their time watching these faces beat the heels !

And that's how Immortal led by Hogan and Bischoff are helping TNA ! It's just that simple! They are not there just to hog all the TV time from the Tna originals dispite what some old TNA fans want to believe!

They are using their names to put over these guys as stars but there's people out there like seemingly you who think their there to hog the spotlight! And that just doesn't make any sense not at their ages! At some point people need to start giving these guys some credit. They've done some good things in the Pro Wrestling business not all the stuff they've done has been bad !

It Just Hasn't
Dixie Carter is trying to tap into a market that's dominated by one and only one company, the WWE. There are many potential wrestling fans out there that aren't interested in the product the WWE is offering at this time. Dixie saw that opening, saw the potential there, and had the financial resources to capitalize on it. I doubt she has much impact on the creative aspect, though she has the power to veto anything, she's most likely putting her trust in various "creative" minds, figuring they'll be able to write compelling television and get those potential fans to start watching, maybe even lure viewers over from the WWE. It has worked to an extent, but TNA seemingly plateaued with their fan base and ratings around 2007.

I will say this though, Dixie used to be the publicist for TNA and probably still concentrates on that and I think they do a pretty good job with public relations. Its really the creative side of things that's hindering the product.
The whole point of the Immortal storyline is to make stars,not only IWC stars but mainstream stars! That's why Immortal dominated for awhile so the faces can come back and take them out! And hopefully the fans will get behind the faces and if they do get behind the faces they will be willing to spend money and spend their time watching these faces beat the heels !

And that's how Immortal led by Hogan and Bischoff are helping TNA ! It's just that simple! They are not there just to hog all the TV time from the Tna originals dispite what some old TNA fans want to believe!

They are using their names to put over these guys as stars but there's people out there like seemingly you who think their there to hog the spotlight! And that just doesn't make any sense not at their ages! At some point people need to start giving these guys some credit. They've done some good things in the Pro Wrestling business not all the stuff they've done has been bad !

It Just Hasn't

Ok, check the last line of my post where it says let it go.

They're not putting over people that weren't being pushed or weren't already in the main event before they arrived, and whether they're there to hog up all the air time or not they are. I've said a few of these things already.

Are they using their names to help put TNA on the map as it were? Whether they think they are or not TNA was in it's current spot in wrestling before they got there. Pointless factions herded by big names were there before they arrived, and I see little evidence that simply because it's Hogan and company as opposed to Nash, Sting, and Booker who no doubt are an attempt from the company to bring more credibility to it were any more or less effective for the company or any more interesting in my view.

This isn't about being anti TNA, old TNA or any such silliness. It's about relying too heavily on older outside talent and not getting notably superior results while other talent that wasn't being pushed before this is still not getting the push it needs. All the while copying WWE programming badly, recycling old WCW stories and calling it a show.

You want to say their name credibility brings more viewers or more attention? I couldn't argue that one way or the other because I don't have TNA's numbers on the subject in front of me. Your sources are the same as mine, the shows themselves and the web. But I don't see it being as huge as your claims as making out and there little actual evidence to support it.

I don't care for the direction and you do.

So both sides of this are are opinion and speculation. Both sides have points, but neither agree. Sometimes that's the way a discussion ends.

One last time.

To simply answer the thread, it seems to me Dixie Carter is trying to accomplish anything, let alone something specific. I actually feel pretty bad for her. There are probably a number of things she is trying to accomplish. I'm sure the overall goal is just to take this company to the top of the mountain, WWE territory. We can see obviously enough that getting steady ratings and growing them are some of the main concerns here. She seems to be trying to build a solid roster of big names that don't need to be built in an attempt to make it easier somehow, but we've seen how that's went so far. She went out and got the biggest available names in the business to run the company to no avail, she's tried to take them to Monday nights, she's tried to give the Impact Zone itself a face lift, she's tried to make the show more interesting by acting out a power struggle between herself and Immortal, she's been trying to accomplish a lot. Like I said in the beginning though, from what I can tell at this point she is just trying to accomplish anything at all.

I think that this is a chick who got into a business she really knew nothing about, thinking she could use whatever experience she had before to make this company as big as the WWE, and thought it would be easy. Now she's finding out that it's not as easy as writing some big checks and talking a good game. Anyone can nit pick every little thing that has happened under her ownership but I'd be surprised if anyone doing the nit picking had any realistic answers to the woes of TNA. Just because it's wrestling, doesn't mean it's not like any other business on the planet. It takes strong organization, tight planning, a clear directive, and persistence to make any business successful. TNA is missing most of those things, and not just anyone can successfully run a business.
I would assume Dixie is trying to become the biggest wrestling company in the World. But as most people will know, in this day and age, that is virtually impossible. But I salute TNA and Dixie for the effort they make. I started watching TNA round about Bound For Glory 08. And they have a come a long, long, way in terms of awareness of their product since then. And the main reason for that is, you guessed it, Hulk Hogan. I'm not sure about everyone else but previous to January 2010, I don't really remember seeing many people discuss TNA? I think Dixie is doing everything in her power to make TNA the biggest company out there, I just don't think it's possible. She's hired some of the biggest names in the industry (Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam) along with some guys who are destined to be stars (Fortune, Mr Anderson, Pope, Morgan). But even a roster like that won't elevate you above the WWE. And I really don't know how you could become bigger than the WWE as wrestling company. If Dixie's target is the be the second biggest wrestling company in the World then she has succeeded. If you consider TNA and ROH started up at the same time, TNA have achieved a hell of a lot.
My question to you is what are Hogan, Bischoff and Flair supposed to do? This is who they are! This is what they've always been! And have been successful! on and off screen, this is who their characters have always been!

Above everything else, this is a question I would love to see answered sometime in the future. Whose idea was it to spend huge bucks to bring these two guys and their friends to TNA? The company's goal was obvious: to overtake WWE as the #1 wrestling company.....and to do it in a hurry.

But did Hogan and Bischoff sell themselves to TNA.....or was it the other way around? Did Terry Bollea meet with Dixie & Co. and go into his "Hulkster" act by saying: "Hire me and Eric, brother, and your ratings will shoot instantly to the sky! Whatcha gonna do when I wrap my 22-inch pythons around WWE's neck?"........and did TNA fall for it? Or did the company seek these guys out and convince them to come aboard the Good Ship Dixie-Cup?

Other forum members say correctly in this thread that the success of TNA rests on the establishing of good wrestling and solid programming, but with Hulk & Eric, the company obviously decided to launch their attack strictly through star power. The problem is that the star power was a quarter-century old.

Maybe Hogan still thinks it's 1985 (as far as his appeal), but TNA should have known better. Someday, maybe we'll hear what really brought about this travesty.
I have to wonder this - going back in time, what if Dixie and the folks who work in the backing company had taken all of the $$$ they dropped on Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair and instead made a move to acquire ROH? A lot of the TNA talents were ROH guys anyway. As with many others, I felt the TNA product 3 years ago was tremendous, when AMW broke up and James Storm / Chris Harris had those sick Falls Count Anywhere matches. And when James Mitchell was trying to control Abyss. And Eric Young had to be servant to Robert Roode and Traci Brooks. The vignette where EY went to buy condoms with Jeremy Borash, only to run into a drunk James Storm and Ms. Jackie, was hilarious.

I just wonder what would have been different. I've completely lost all interest in TNA now, for whatever reason.
i was watching youtube videos related to what Jim Cornette said about Dixie Carter and TNA, and saw there was a video what Dixie carter said to why she didn't fired Vince Russo. I was very surpise she said that Vince Russo knows what he is doing, he knows how to write a story and when some things don't make sense, and instead of pointing fingers at somebody who is responsible for create the storylines, they blame it on somebody else.

we all seen the dvd "Rise and Fall of WCW". You know how many times i watch it to understand why and what was Vince Russo doing in WCW. Now remember when he was in WWE Vince MacMahon had him in control, telling him what to do and what not to do. Goes to WCW nobody told him what was a good idea, they just assume a lot of ideas were good ideas. the fans are now familiar with the work of Vince Russo.

Dixie Carter can't see why the fans are upset because people like Vince Russo who has a reputation to continue to create dumb storylines thinking that its a good idea. Hogan and Bischoff, what do we know about them. we all know Russo, Hogan and Bischoff use to work together in WCW, but what are we seeing from Hogan and Bischoff right now. Dixie Carter just seem to be listening to the wrong people tellin her who to hire and what to do with the money

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