What Exactly Is Dixie Carter Trying To Accomplish?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok, I know you all are expecting a bash thread, but it's not like that. I want TNA to succeed, but it's like they're intent on doing so much wrong.

First of all, I'd love to know what Dixie Carter is trying to accomplish. A mission statement beyond beating the WWE in ratings because that's all they seem as though they want to do. Not build a strong company or be the best wrestling promotion out there. Not even have big PPV buys. Just beat RAW in ratings. Take UFC for instance since we're talking rivals. WWE views them as a major threat. However not once has UFC beaten RAW or Smackdown in ratings. Their threat comes from PPV buys. I think if they managed to actually beat RAW one week, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves and would crumble even faster than normal.

Let's talk about the most legit, bonafied star/money-draw TNA's made: Samoa Joe circa '06. When they brought in Kurt Angle and put him up against Joe, they got their biggest buys ever. You'd think that would say something. They manage to give him his title a year too late and bury him. More recently, they get their second homegrown gift handed to them in Ken Anderson. I say second because he's only the second champ they've had that wasn't world champ somewhere else first. He's the second biggest merchandise seller behind Hardy. His title reign had two or three of the biggest ratings weeks consecutively in TNA history. So what do you do? Strip him of his title.

It's baffling.
This is one of those questions that can't be answered. I just think she's being brainwashed, or maybe she looked at Ted Turner and said, "His wrestling company died and he seems pretty well off still."

She then proceeded to take a half-decent company, grow a dick, take it, and force it into the ass of TNA. Raping it in the process, and then to top it all off she injected raw, unadulterated cancer cells into it by bringing in Hogan and Bischoff, and still allowing Russo to even work in wrestling.

I think she's trying to kill it quicker if anything.
Ok, I know you all are expecting a bash thread, but it's not like that. I want TNA to succeed, but it's like they're intent on doing so much wrong.

Call a spade a spade.

First of all, I'd love to know what Dixie Carter is trying to accomplish.

Increase the profitability of a company she already owns :shrug:

A mission statement beyond beating the WWE in ratings because that's all they seem as though they want to do.

No, they wanted to do that, now they are simply trying to build a larger audience.

Not build a strong company

You mean one that's profitable? Already done.

best wrestling promotion out there.

Subjective opinion.

Not even have big PPV buys.

The way you do that is by increasing your base audience ie. ratings.

Just beat RAW in ratings.

Tried, failed.

Take UFC for instance since we're talking rivals. WWE views them as a major threat. However not once has UFC beaten RAW or Smackdown in ratings. Their threat comes from PPV buys. I think if they managed to actually beat RAW one week, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves and would crumble even faster than normal.

UFC isn't an episodic television show with storylines(used loosely here) that needs to be watched to fully appreciate it. Apples and oranges.

Let's talk about the most legit, bonafied star/money-draw TNA's made: Samoa Joe circa '06. When they brought in Kurt Angle and put him up against Joe, they got their biggest buys ever. You'd think that would say something. They manage to give him his title a year too late and bury him. More recently, they get their second homegrown gift handed to them in Ken Anderson. I say second because he's only the second champ they've had that wasn't world champ somewhere else first. He's the second biggest merchandise seller behind Hardy. His title reign had two or three of the biggest ratings weeks consecutively in TNA history. So what do you do? Strip him of his title.

It's baffling.

While I agree TNA has fucked Anderson royally in favor of seemingly everything else, trying to draw a correlation to Anderson being champion and ratings increases don't hold much water when you go back and watch those episodes and realize he wasn't the focal point and his title reign came right in the middle of the "They" return and reveal.
Not knowing how much Dixie controls in the way of the decisions on camera, it's hard to say what her actual intent is.

The biggest problem is that they too focused on emulating Vince McMahon Sports Entertainment empire and not focused on creating a watchable wrestling program. They simply can't compete and should know better. Russo, Hogan, and Bischoff have all come up short fighting Vince, and have less resources to do so now. And if Dixie was somehow ignorant of that when hiring them, then when she saw where they were taking the company she should have had the sense to can them and find better people.

But she didn't which still begs the question. I agree with Heyman's assessment in that they don't seem to have a mission statement per se. There's no long term plan in what goes on with the program and it highly disjointed and uneven as a result. And everything they do is entirely reactionary and based on what McMahon does. You can't run this small a promotion this way, and everything they do to this end only points out how small TNA really is.

What is Dixie Carter's intent? I don't honestly think she knows. but as long as she doesn't change things and think the company's doing well from it's abysmal booking and hand me down stories it's not likely to change.
I can't really say for certain what their goal is. Back in 2005, my answer would be to become an alternative mainstream company from WWE. Now they have just become a complete diet version of WWE. Actually, let me take that back. They are the sugar free version of WCW. At least WCW died with a fact that they were near killing WWE, and created one of the biggest angles in wrestling history (NWO). TNA on the other hand - whilst having the X Divison - hasn't done anything to wow WWE or the wrestling world. The reason TNA won't get recognition is because they try too hard to be like WWE. If they focused on individuality. they might make a mark. But instead, no one gives them a chance because they are just a rehashed WCW at this point.
I can't really say for certain what their goal is. Back in 2005, my answer would be to become an alternative mainstream company from WWE. Now they have just become a complete diet version of WWE. Actually, let me take that back. They are the sugar free version of WCW. At least WCW died with a fact that they were near killing WWE, and created one of the biggest angles in wrestling history (NWO). TNA on the other hand - whilst having the X Divison - hasn't done anything to wow WWE or the wrestling world. The reason TNA won't get recognition is because they try too hard to be like WWE. If they focused on individuality. they might make a mark. But instead, no one gives them a chance because they are just a rehashed WCW at this point.

And you can't attempt to compete with a company as huge as the WWE with WCW era ideas that failed (or have certainly failed in TNA) or imitating current programming.

Yes, the NWO was crucial to WCW in the monday night wars, but were dying at the end of the WCW era from lack of direction and didn't really work when they tried it in the WWE, Rock and Austin segments aside. TNA can't afford to keep doing business like this.

I wish they weren't a sugar free WCW, but there you have it. Well said.
How about this ? Dixie is trying to grow her company ! How about that! These people that keep bashing Tna is just out of hand! So WWE is about storylines and ROH is about wrestling so Whats Tna About you ask? How about everything! Tna is a company trying to grow into what a Pro Wrestling company needs to be nowadays and that is, in Dixie's on words a Rope Opera!

And that's what Pro Wrestling is Now. But there's people out there that won't Realise what Pro Wrestling is Nowadays.

There're fans who want Tna to be what they used to be or like ROH! But fail to realise, this style of wrestling is dead! Where has this style of wrestling gotten Roh? And furthermore Spike T.V. doesn't want a product like that or they wouldn't put so much money into signing guys like Hogan and Bischoff!

I just laugh when people say Spike should drop TNA and pickup ROH! Really? What fans who say this don't realise is that TNA used to be ROH and spike signed them to replace the WWE and be like the WWE not like ROH! It's that simple!
How about this ? Dixie is trying to grow her company ! How about that! These people that keep bashing Tna is just out of hand! So WWE is about storylines and ROH is about wrestling so Whats Tna About you ask? How about everything! Tna is a company trying to grow into what a Pro Wrestling company needs to be nowadays and that is, in Dixie's on words a Rope Opera!

And that's what Pro Wrestling is Now. But there's people out there that won't Realise what Pro Wrestling is Nowadays.

There're fans who want Tna to be what they used to be or like ROH! But fail to realise, this style of wrestling is dead! Where has this style of wrestling gotten Roh? And furthermore Spike T.V. doesn't want a product like that or they wouldn't put so much money into signing guys like Hogan and Bischoff!

I just laugh when people say Spike should drop TNA and pickup ROH! Really? What fans who say this don't realise is that TNA used to be ROH and spike signed them to replace the WWE and be like the WWE not like ROH! It's that simple!

ROH hasn't gone anywhere like TNA because TNA was bought by Panda Energy. TNA already had a TV deal once before Spike anyway, it wasn't everywhere in the nation, but plenty of places have FSN. Yes they didn't have a TV deal for a while and were showing impact online, but they still had one.
And you can't attempt to compete with a company as huge as the WWE with WCW era ideas that failed (or have certainly failed in TNA) or imitating current programming.

Yes, the NWO was crucial to WCW in the monday night wars, but were dying at the end of the WCW era from lack of direction and didn't really work when they tried it in the WWE, Rock and Austin segments aside. TNA can't afford to keep doing business like this.

I wish they weren't a sugar free WCW, but there you have it. Well said.

My question to you is what are Hogan, Bischoff and Flair supposed to do? This is who they are! This is what they've always been! And have been successful! on and off screen, this is who their characters have always been!

It's like Phil Jackson winning Six Championships with the Bulls and going to the Lakers and scrapping what made him successful in the first place!Hogan wanted to take over the company so he does what he knows works to accomplish this! He's power hungry that's his character and he convinces another character who's power hungry Ric Flair to join him and Bischoff!

How is this so hard to understand?! I don't get it! I 've watch these two characters since I was seven years old and now I'm thirty five and their stripes hasn't changed! What should have been cool for all wrestling fans was these two power hungry characters finally coming together! This should have been the cool thing but for some reason fans like you guys have made this into a negative!

how much in control is Dixie Carter?
how much control(if any) does Spike have?
I've read before that Dixie puts a lot of stock into ratings. that if Impact drops .2(?) or more points she panics.
I think it's all about ratings for Dixie AND Spike. I wouldn't be surprised if Spike has input on what happens in TNA. Spike wants ratings to sell product during commercials.
how much control does Russo have? does he himself come up with what happens? or does he just write what other people have come up with?
What Dixie and TNA should have done was accept that they are going to be #2 for the forseeable no matter who they sign... Cena or Austin or Vince himself couldn't save the mess they have made...

WCW failed because people lost sight of the bigger picture in the race to be number 1... there IS room for 2 companies, there always was... one would be on top for a while, then the other... that meant that the business was healthy...

TNA had a major shot when they started getting WWE main eventers... but Dixie got seduced by Bischoff's "win at all costs" mentality and Hogan's faith in himself... Had the goal been in 3 years we are equal... in 5 we start winning... TNA would be well on the way to success with who they have got... but we all know if that's what Dixie wanted, they would have hired Heyman, not Bischoff and Hogan...
Dixie Carter clearly has no idea what she wants to accomplish. How on earth could a company plan their biggest angle of the year, too not even have said talent under lock and key. WWE will raid whenever they feel like it. Well known fact. Vince took Booker and Nash simply because he could. No other reason. Hulk Hogan is long past his days of being relevant. Ric Flair is a disgrace. The Hardys.....what can I say. Career suicide the pair of them. Anderson and Angle are the only two guys worth watching, and they are being diluited in shit booking and woeful storylines. I cant go on, makes me to angry
My question to you is what are Hogan, Bischoff and Flair supposed to do? This is who they are! This is what they've always been! And have been successful! on and off screen, this is who their characters have always been!

Repsonse: No one is arguing that these are the characters that made them who they are or that ultimately made them successful. But can you honestly tell me that these personas are helping the company they're in? Jarrett, Nash, Steiner and other ex WCW performers weren't power hungry enough so the solution is more power hungry old talent?

But once again, is any of this actually helping to grow the company, which goes back to the thread topic.

It's like Phil Jackson winning Six Championships with the Bulls and going to the Lakers and scrapping what made him successful in the first place!Hogan wanted to take over the company so he does what he knows works to accomplish this! He's power hungry that's his character and he convinces another character who's power hungry Ric Flair to join him and Bischoff!

Response: Once again, that helps Bischoff, Hogan, and Flair, but does not by osmosis automatically help the company. Frankly i can't imagine any of these performers being able to hold up for too many more years, so even if it did help, which we haven't established it has, it would be at best a short term solution.

How is this so hard to understand?! I don't get it! I 've watch these two characters since I was seven years old and now I'm thirty five and their stripes hasn't changed! What should have been cool for all wrestling fans was these two power hungry characters finally coming together! This should have been the cool thing but for some reason fans like you guys have made this into a negative!


Response: I'm 41 and have been watching wrestling most of my life, and no, not a single one of them have suddenly become virtuous altruists only interested in helping others. And that's sort of the the point. Are you making the case that because these guys have been around for as long as they have they should do whatever they want in a company regardless of how the company may suffer?

I also loved the original ECW, but don't think it gives Van Dam and others a free pass to not pay their dues, or help new talent get over. Nothing hogan, Flair, or Bishcoff are doing is getting the new talent over. AJ doesn't need to get over so he's hardly a good example.

My point is legends or not, Hogan, Bischoff and Flair have not automatically equaled TNA being better, and Russo's hand me down stories with them aren't helping the rest of the locker room. Did I enjoy Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff's Monday night wars? Sure but they're done and over with. I also loved the Rock coming back and putting his mic work on display for the world to see, but I have no illusions that he's not going to stay, despite his promise to the contrary. And when he's done, other newer talent will need to be able to carry the company into the future.

TNA is languishing as it is, and can't afford to linger in the past. Dixie needs to realize that.

Response: I'm 41 and have been watching wrestling most of my life, and no, not a single one of them have suddenly become virtuous altruists only interested in helping others. And that's sort of the the point. Are you making the case that because these guys have been around for as long as they have they should do whatever they want in a company regardless of how the company may suffer?

I also loved the original ECW, but don't think it gives Van Dam and others a free pass to not pay their dues, or help new talent get over. Nothing hogan, Flair, or Bishcoff are doing is getting the new talent over. AJ doesn't need to get over so he's hardly a good example.

My point is legends or not, Hogan, Bischoff and Flair have not automatically equaled TNA being better, and Russo's hand me down stories with them aren't helping the rest of the locker room. Did I enjoy Hogan, Flair, and Bischoff's Monday night wars? Sure but they're done and over with. I also loved the Rock coming back and putting his mic work on display for the world to see, but I have no illusions that he's not going to stay, despite his promise to the contrary. And when he's done, other newer talent will need to be able to carry the company into the future.

TNA is languishing as it is, and can't afford to linger in the past. Dixie needs to realize that.

And that's the storyline! Either get behind them or root against them! It's that simple and that's why Dixie winning her court case to get the company back is important! But people say they don't care about this storyline and all they're doing is being their characters!

And from all reports Hogan and Flair have done alot for the young talent in TNA see Aj Styles!
And that's the storyline! Either get behind them or root against them! It's that simple and that's why Dixie winning her court case to get the company back is important! But people say they don't care about this storyline and all they're doing is being their characters!

And from all reports Hogan and Flair have done alot for the young talent in TNA see Aj Styles!

This is why I brought up AJ Styles, to deal with this contention. AJ Styles was the face of TNA and a multiple time champion before either Hogan or any of the others arrived. He was already in the main event and didn't need a rub from them in this company.

The amount of TV time devoted to Hogan and such doesn't allow for much of the talent that doesn't see onscreen time an opportunity which doesn't help.

As for the storyline, why? Why should anyone care? As mentioned before, Flair got the send off of a lifetime which makes any such attempt to pass the torch here superfluous. And Hogan is hardly in shape to have another good match in him. This isn't about whether i have any nostalgia for these guys, this is about what it's doing to undercut other talent getting over. Name some other people that haven't come from WWE that have had main event or even more TV time as a result from Hogan, Bischoff or Flair. And once again, AJ doesn't count, he was champion many times before their arrival. Who else has it elevated that is TNA talent?

My main question remains: how is this helping the company?
I pretty much signed on tonight so I could green rep fxt tiger or whatever the hell his name is. He said exactly what I was going to, but he did it faster so I didn't have to write it. Thanks bub!

While I'm here though, I noticed a post by one of Wrestlezone Forum's less wreckless, more evenheaded posters, THTRobtaylor:

there IS room for 2 companies, there always was...

See, now there's a Forum topic; we don't need anymore of these stupid threads about how "Dixie's such a jackass" and such. I wonder if there is a room for two wrestling companies?

If TNA was an exact clone of the WWE, could they both be equally successful? I'd have to disagree with you my friend... the last 4 ppvs I've seen (that's as far back as I can remember) have not been worth the 50 bones IMO. I'd say with two wrestling companies producing todays current wrestling product, one would quickly pull ahead or they'd both implode at the same time. I doubt there's enough fans left from the days of the Monday Night Wars.

P.s. sorry to stray from the thread topic, but really I think we've all posted our opinions on one of the many "anti-TNA" threads by now.
I honestly believe Dixie herself wants TNA to be the best it possibly can be. I know however that she knows little about wrestling and assume she is getting very bad and probably often contradictory advice from Bitchoff and Hogs.

Also then it's like she wants to be boss but also wants to be everyone's best friend and it results in wrestlers coming to TV tapings stoned or worse.

TNA started off as this perfect promotion where nostalgic relatively big names competed for the heavyweight belt to draw the attention of established wrestling fans while fresh new talent wrestled in genuine competitive skill displays to give the promotion genuine credibility.

Personally IMO, separating TNA from the NWA was the worst thing to ever happen to it.
You know, what Dixie Carter is trying to do with TNA is making TNA some sort of middle ground between WWE and ROH. By that i mean is she is combining some of what works/worked with WWE and trying to make new stars with wrestlers that were on the independents. For me i like seeing wrestlers that were in WWE wrestle with guys that are not known yet with the mainstream audience. Take for example Steiner in his feud with Rob Terry, i'm not saying that Terry is a good wrestler and that a match between the two is going to be a classic but after seeing impact and hearing Terry talked like he did, it made me interested in what is going to happen between the two of them. So i like that Steiner is Willing to work with Terry
And that's the storyline! Either get behind them or root against them! It's that simple and that's why Dixie winning her court case to get the company back is important! But people say they don't care about this storyline and all they're doing is being their characters!

And from all reports Hogan and Flair have done alot for the young talent in TNA see Aj Styles!

This is why I brought up AJ Styles, to deal with this contention. AJ Styles was the face of TNA and a multiple time champion before either Hogan or any of the others arrived. He was already in the main event and didn't need a rub from them in this company.

The amount of TV time devoted to Hogan and such doesn't allow for much of the talent that doesn't see onscreen time an opportunity which doesn't help.

As for the storyline, why? Why should anyone care? As mentioned before, Flair got the send off of a lifetime which makes any such attempt to pass the torch here superfluous. And Hogan is hardly in shape to have another good match in him. This isn't about whether i have any nostalgia for these guys, this is about what it's doing to undercut other talent getting over. Name some other people that haven't come from WWE that have had main event or even more TV time as a result from Hogan, Bischoff or Flair. And once again, AJ doesn't count, he was champion many times before their arrival. Who else has it elevated that is TNA talent?

My main question remains: how is this helping the company?

My Question would be how is it hurting? They've gotten sponsors they probably couldn't have gotten without Hogan's name. And lets be real Flair is in TNA and while is there you might aswell use him. Huh?:shrug: Have him teach, give rubs or just let them see how he carries himself in the lockeroom! It's all positive.

And for one guy's like Crimson probably wouldn't have signed with Tna without a guy like Hogan! What about Beer Money getting over like a Champ lately? These guys are becoming stars in their own right at the moment! You can't deny that! Hogan doesn't wrestle and flair can still go even at his age and that just being honest.

You want change but you don't care about the storyline that's screams change even if it's Kayfabe! Let's not for get this is entertainment and I think alot of you forget this sometimes!
People actually still work for TNA? Oh, sorry, I forgot. Silly me. Just joking. But I'm with the group of people who believe Dixie Carter has little to zero idea what in the world she's doing. That being said, she's doing everything the WWE brass does, only in Dixie's case, she's doing it at like the lowest and most obvious and also the most goofiest of ways. The whole 3.3.11 "promo" proved that to the 300th power! Dixie is no Jim Crockett. She's no Bill Watts, she's no Verne Gange, and Verne wasn't too shabby. She's a nobody who somehow got a few bucks together to run a "raslin'" promotion and saw dollar signs yet no way of being able to continously produce said dollar signs. I used to want TBA, er ah, I mean, TNA to fail, I really did. Now, I just wish they'd get their stuff together and start making quality TV. If not, can it and get out while the sun is still somewhat shinning (is it still daylight outside for them anyway? Probably not). Dixie couldn't run the drive-thru windows at Burger King, let alone a wrestling promotion that is held with the dubious task of trying to compete with Vince and his Amazing Technicolor Wrestling Show (now in HD!). Dixie Carter can't even book HERSELF correctly with this whole "did she sign the wrong contract/was she dupped" storyline BS. Crap. Major FAIL. BUT...applying herself to just downright thieft in accordance to ripping off the 2.21.11 storyline is what makes Dixie Dixie. A no-knowing woman trying to play as if she's on top of her A game!
i highly doubt dixie is in it for anything else but building a profitable company that makes her richer. I highly doubt she had any interest in the wrestling industry and making the product better. Her rich ass parents who own Panda Energy threw her some money and she bought 71% of the company. The reason she cant compete with the McMahons is because they grew up around the business and actually have a passion for wrestling.
For everybody saying that her mission is to make a ton of money: of course it is. However, the best way to do that is to have a strong business plan, good ideas and the power to back those up.

I have no doubt Dixie's a hard worker. She's got drive. She just doesn't seem to want to do the homework it takes to not make silly decisions. Before I ever even tried to run a wrestling company, I'd have studied it backwards and forward.

I'd suggest she read The Death Of WCW book. It would change her life.
My Question would be how is it hurting? They've gotten sponsors they probably couldn't have gotten without Hogan's name. And lets be real Flair is in TNA and while is there you might aswell use him. Huh? Have him teach, give rubs or just let them see how he carries himself in the lockeroom! It's all positive.

And for one guy's like Crimson probably wouldn't have signed with Tna without a guy like Hogan! What about Beer Money getting over like a Champ lately? These guys are becoming stars in their own right at the moment! You can't deny that! Hogan doesn't wrestle and flair can still go even at his age and that just being honest.

You want change but you don't care about the storyline that's screams change even if it's Kayfabe! Let's not for get this is entertainment and I think alot of you forget this sometimes!

Who is this hurting? My opinion is the same as it was when this conversation started: TNA. You wish to argue that the storyline is about change and that we shouldn't forget that this is entertainment. The problem is while it appears to be entertaining you, it isn't entertaining me. I've seen this, I've seen most every permeation of what Hogan, Bischoff, Flair and crew have to offer. I'm not interested in it at all anymore. I analyze what I see as a problem, and someone disagrees in a forum. That's fine and I enjoy exchanging ideas.

But these are just opinions. I don't expect that anything I say will suddenly change the face of wrestling whether I believe they would benefit it or not. You enjoy what Hogan and crew are doing in TNA? Fine, have a blast, but you haven't made an argument for how they're helping, and saying that it can't hurt isn't helping to make your case.

Beer Money was successful as heels before Hogan and co. came into TNA. Both members of that team have been mainstays and have been rising in the ranks without the help of any of the people we've discussed. and really what is your argument that Crimson couldn't have come into TNA without hogan? Based on what? Who else is getting the main event rub you speak of that isn't already in the top spot, or was being pushed in that direction already? As for Flair, whether he can perform or not isn't the issue. Or really Hogan for that matter. It's about the time they take up that isn't giving other talent a chance to shine that isn't already in the main event.

Is that last opinion based in part on the WWE's youth movement? Certainly but it has merit, and with the depths of WWE/WCW/ECW talent in TNA they need to spend more time having these guys help develop and get over more of the new talent. That's simply my view on the subject.

I started my post in this thread discussing the issues with Hogan crew as it applied to the whole company and the decisions being made to compete with the WWE, which I don't see working or their participation as being beneficial. You still enjoy them and think they have something to contribute and that's fine. But we're not going to agree and your responses are not making your case.

Let it go.
It's the same thing as I've pointed out in other threads. The same guys that ran WCW into Vinny Mac's back pocket are trying the same methods that failed when they tried them before.

You can defend TNA all you want. I've defended them too. But think about who you're defending. I defended TNA because of the TNA name, and the talent that they possess. Not because of the 3 egos of doom. (Sorry, 4. I added Jarrett to that. 4 egos of doom.) A person can want the TNA product to succeed but be opposed to the decision makers that currently run the creative aspect. It's a totally plausible scenario.

They need to get a better writing staff. Period. Even if Russo/Bischoff/Hogan are doing what they know simply based on the fact that it is the only direction they know how to go in (because it's the last method they had concerning pro wrestling) doesn't excuse their actions. I noticed on the WWE Careers page on the website that they're advertising for a creative writer. The writer has to have extensive knowledge of the business as well as mandatory television writing experience in drama and comedy, etc. etc. It's the way to go. If you find someone who's been a passionate fan but is also a consummate professional and is in the television industry, then you have a better chance for success IMO.

Simply put, they have the talent. They have some marquee names. None of this is presently helping (as in growing interest in the product). As a fan, you're going to scream and argue until you're blue in the face. If you look at it objectively, you'll see it's true. Denial doesn't change things. What they don't have is cohesion, coherency, and structure. Argue all you want, it's obvious. And that's what they need to refine and fix before expanding.

Because if you keep plugging money into something w/out giving people a reason to grow w/you, the money will eventually stop. Panda Energy is a big company, and big companies don't want to put money into something that's not going to bring back in a decent sum. It doesn't matter if there's a little profit, they will want more. Or at least some respectable growth.

If they take TNA on the road, what happens if the storylines remain convoluted and/or outright stupid? (But WWE has stupid stories... True, yet their successes outweigh their misses. That's the point.) If it bombs, then you will have pumped millions of dollars into something that doesn't provide the return. Panda might not be noticing an awful lot now because they're probably dealing w/pocket change to them at the current time but if they hit the ATM and put a dent that doesn't come back even relatively close to what they took out, then they'll start taking notice. And we all know what follows when that happens, don't we?

TNA invasion angle, anyone?
I aksed this question when she decided to bring in Hogan, Flair and Bischoff into the company. I mean why did she need them at all ? What do they do for TNA, that they couldn't have accomplished without them ? I think if she had brought in Paul Heyman, she'd be much better off, provided she let him deal with his strengths which is booking and character development and didn't let him have anything to do with the financial side of it. I mean some of the choices they've made are promising. Fortune with Flair was a cool idea initially, but the whole Jeff Hardy as a heel champ was a little off. He was decent on the mike, and in his video recorded speeches but he looked totally out of shape in the ring. And that redesign of the belt was almost as bad as WWE's tag title redesign.

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