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What ex-WCW/nWo member will Hall & Nash debut at some point in the near future?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Most of us saw the backstage promo Nash and Hall cut regarding Team 3D jumping (X, Syxx, Whatever) Pac and literally leaving him a bloody mess (by the looks of the amount of blood, I'd presume he's at least in a coma, no? :)), but for those who didn't, Nash noted that he and Hall know The Band (aka the Wölfpac) are a "man down", and that they'd look to even the odds (this week?) by "getting someone" to fill in for Waltman.

Needless to say, I highly doubt anyone in the TNA locker room already will be getting the nod to step up and fill that void, so what ex-WCW/nWo member do you presume will be joining TNA soon? :lol:

Available candidates: Randy Savage, Virgil, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, Scott Steiner, Rowdy Roddy Piper, The Disciple, Dusty Rhodes, and more! :lmao:
Well, I'd have to say Scott Steiner. Scott hasn't been on TNA in quite some time and we really haven't heard any rumors lately regarding TNA signings of ex-nWo members.

If TNA was to align another person with the band, I believe it would be either Desmond Wolfe or Matt Morgan. Both are heels and both seem to be getting great pushes recently. Putting them with Nash and Hall would put them even more over.
well.. seeing as how Brian Adams died a few years ago.. i'm gonna say he will probably not be the man to replace Syxx :)

but anyway.. i was joking to a friend last week about that saying Konnan, just because he was part of the original Wolfpack for a short time before they split into the nWo Wolfpack
Well, I'd have to say Scott Steiner. Scott hasn't been on TNA in quite some time and we really haven't heard any rumors lately regarding TNA signings of ex-nWo members.

If TNA was to align another person with the band, I believe it would be either Desmond Wolfe or Matt Morgan. Both are heels and both seem to be getting great pushes recently. Putting them with Nash and Hall would put them even more over.

Steiner is a logical choice, IMO, which means he's not a possibility since TNA doesn't use logic in their stories. :D

Wolfe is somewhat of an open book at the moment (shocking he's not feuding with Pope still) and Morgan is already involved in at least two feuds – namely with Shannon Moore/Jesse Neal and Hernandez (technically speaking).
i can see scott steiner coming in here. he wasn't the biggest member of nwo, but still, he is the only ex nwo star tna have got that they can use.

imagine if it's sting....well i dont think it will be.
i wouldnt mind if they used jay lethal here to switch from the madness in old wwe to the macho that was with the nwo. I mean jay lethal is a good talent and funny gimic going right now all they need is a storyline to plug him in. Its a out of left field idea seeing i do only see scotty stiener as the only other guy right now that can work.

on the sting thing i believe it would work but they wouldnt add him in untill bound for glory mybe then bringing back the good wolpac that split from nwo hollywood
Well I wouldnt imagine it is going to be anyone newly signed because people would have heard about it. Lets be honest nothing is kept a secret these days.

I dont think it'll be Scott Steiner, last I heard he was in worse condition than Scott Hall a few years ago. I think it is very possible they will bring someone in who is already at TNA and it'll probably be somebody who is getting some sort of push or TV time at least. I dont see Desmond Wolfe in that kind of role. I dont think he would fit in with the other two. And besides, he is doing perfectly fine himself. Last time I checked he was running away with the fans voted for that Top 10 ranking system. Matt Morgan I highly doubt because he is already involved in his storylines as someone has already mentioned.

I hope it doesnt and I highly highly doubt it will but Hulk could be an option. I would hope not, the only up side of that would be Abyss hopefully not being involved in much anymore.

So I think it will probably be someone who is and has been in TNA for a while and will most likely be a heel. Although, Jay Lethal could cut some very amusing promos with Hall and Nash I would imagine.
i think it will be someone with in tna already one of the up and comers like maybe anderson i would like to see that and he could still go on to fued with pope but just joining the band or even possibly wolfe but he more or les is with flairs crew ummmm lets think here.....maybe they will negotiate with eric young and get him.i think it will go to someone who has nothing going for them right now and if they start recruting people into the band like in nwo it will give talent that has nithing going for them a reason to be on the show and alot of people will get air time because of it.But still people will talk shit about it even seeing how all original members are with tna and the minds who thought of it
Steiner would be the logical choice here but I heard that Steiner has had some major problems with TNA so don't be looking for him to come back to TNA anytime soon. I was looking at some of the old rosters and really there is no name that makes sense unless it's Buff Bagwell and I don't see him coming back. Luger can't wrestle anymore. Savage, well who knows about Savage? Therefore, it has to be someone on the current TNA roster. Here's one for you....what if it's Eric Young? Or Brother Runt to really stick it to Team 3D? Lots of possibilities here.
i couldn't see this spot being filled by Buff Bagwell without Scott Steiner. but maybe both could join up or just Big Poppa Pump by himself. that seems to be a favorite option so far on this thread.

i'd like it to be Lex Luger. i actually never liked him too much in WWE or WCW, but i'm all for second chances and redemption, so if he's got another run in him with these guys and he can still go, i'd be willing to give it a shot.

i doubt Randy Savage would allow himself to work with or for Hogan, but Lethal as Randy Savage could be super funny.

my vote and hope in the end though is that it's Piper. he could have incredible feuds with Flair and Hogan and he's gold on the mic and with getting heat from the crowd. plus he's just a favorite of mine from back in the day, so there's some sentimental value there too.
How could any of you forget Sting? The red and black facepaint Sting form the wolfpac in WcW. It wouldnt even be that hard to get him, he already hates the entire (face) locker room due to his heel status now. So he would a great choice, Plus his mind games were in the Wolfpac were some of the best i ever seen. Im not saying that sting in is the midcard for good but feuding with jarrett is not getting him anywhere. AT ALL. Send him into the wolfpac and let him destroy team 3D, Like he did to the nwo(hollywood version) back in 98, when slammed big show and hogan. It might or might not happen, but I'd love to see him Wear the red and black one more time before he leaves. Thats Who i think should be in.
I can't see Luger as a viable option. He had a spinal stroke in 2007 and was a quadriplegic for over a year because of it. When "The Wrestler" debuted, DDP noted that Luger was down to 170 pounds when he saw him. I read the same report that he's supposed to be in Orlando tonight, but I seriously doubt they're considering him as a legitimate wrestling option.
I think it may be Savage himself as just the other day Hogan was on the Stern show and mention that Randy was getting married in the near future. if you look anywhere on line that info can not be found, so mostlikely hulk has some inside current news on the Macho Man. Just remember these guys work this business for the money and nothing more, there is no better or bigger beef than hulk and randy which means it will draw money. So a good story line of Hall and Nash bringing in the Macho Man for help then have Hulk come out in a week or two and cut a promo on him would b e instant ratings!
I don´t really see Scott Steiner return. He just left few months ago plus he didnt he just get champion at some wrestling bussiness something like CWC not sure tho.

Furthermore I would love to see Bagwell return he would be a nice addition to the band. How ever what I am wondering about. What to do when Pac returns?:O
Well, in an interview with Slam! Wrestling, Scott Steiner had this to say about TNA (oh, and he is not a part of the TNA roster right now, which explains why those of you noting he hasn't been seen in a while haven't seen him in a while) :

While not too long ago, he had a deal with TNA, he's not exactly sure what went wrong. And he doesn't really want to talk about it.

What he doesn't like is the robotic mannerisms of many of wrestling's top performers.

"It pisses me off, the guys that they push to the forefront," he says. "They're basically puppets. It's an agent on a headset controlling everything."

So, I don't think Steiner is too happy with TNA and is not the logical choice. Sting is feuding (sort of) with Hogan and Jarett, so I do see him joining to 'stick it' to Hogan again. (Remember Hogan tried to get rid of Pac and Hall storyline wise).
Id personally love to see either bagwell or sting join even if its temparily. But the only logical choice i see happening is eric young helping nash since they "were" friends
heres a few names i didnt see mentioned.

Matt Morgan - Feuding with Neal, who is with 3d

Eric Young - I can see him filling in and then kicked out when pac returns

Hulk Hogan and Abyss - Hulk rejoining as a mouth piece, but bringing Abyss to wrestle

Kendrick - I can just see him as a member, it would also be a nice push and a chance to change his music lol

Or they can "pay off" a big guy such as Joe or Tomko....probably not

And my LOL moment of the post, bring in Kong to replace the love sponge(god what a ******ed name)
Since Nash was looking for a new name for The Band I'm gonna pretend he picks my suggestion and pick my guy that way. Eric Young will join and they will rename the band "The New World Elite". Sounds good to me. If it wasn't for the LAX rumor I'd pick Homicide. Lets face it. NWO is a gang and Homicide has a gang banger gimmick.

They got rid of Steiner the moment Hogan showed up so obviously they didn't want him around anymore. Konnan will never set foot in TNA again after their lawsuit. I could see Bischoff being the new member with the way TNA has been writing lately.
Wait, Hall and Nash teasing a 3rd man. If I took a wild guess I would say Hogan. But If I had to be serious it would be someone else already on the roster. Someone who is already heel maybe Tomko. Someone who isn't tied up with a story like Morgan is or already kinda tied down with the Flair lockdown team like Wolfe. If they add anyone into it at all. From what I remember last week they just kinda teased it and were not like "Next week, someone will be here".
It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Lex Luger be brought out as another member of The Band. It's not really that much of a stretch if you consider that Luger wouldn't be the first wrestler brought in after recovering from severe injuries. Hulk Hogan's got both knees replaced and a hip replacement, Kurt Angle has had his neck broken multiple times, Scott Steiner's back is said to be so bad that he can't bend properly to lace up his boots and can barely get out of a car.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that such problems are anywhere in the same league as Luger's spinal stroke, but TNA could work their way around it. If it does turn out to be Luger, TNA's going to have him there just because of his name, I highly doubt he's going to be taking any bumps. He might be giving them out, but he won't be taking them. If it turns out to be a Hogan heel turn by hooking back up with "The Boys", no big deal.

As for Scott Steiner, it was just a few days ago when he blasted both WWE and TNA. There's a possibility his TNA comments were a work, it's always possible, in order to keep fans from linking him with The Band.

I'm not getting any hopes built up, nor am I getting too excited about this yet. I've been let down far too many times by TNA hype for that. If it did turn out to be Randy Savage or someone along the same level, I'd probably mark out. If it turns out to be Steiner, Luger, Buff Bagwell or someone along those lines, I probably couldn't care less.
Okay, my pick would be Christopher Daniels! Bare with me... he's still on the website roster, he was released because he was on a guaranteed contract so he could be brought back on a pay-per-appearance. He would be an "outsider" looking for a contract like Hall and Waltman were, and he would be a great fit as a pissed off member of the band trying to get back at the company that fired him.

In addition to that, he could be the work horse in there matches, because if they brought another older wrestler their matches would become even worse.
You know its hard to guess on this. If this was any other time, I would say Jeff Jarret. But, he is wraped up with Sting, so that won't work. Someone said Abyss, and that is a strong possibility. Especially after reading a couple of weeks ago that there is a rumor that he will be turning heel soon. Now would be the moment to do so. Lex.....nope won't happen. He may be in Orlando, but the last time I saw him he was NOT Sexy Lexy anymore. He looked like he weighed as much as I do, and Im about 140. He just did not look healthy at all. It's an open market, it could be nobody for all we know. But....wouldn't it just be GREAT if its Shawn Micheals? I know, nope that won't happen. But even for just one night?
I would MTFO if Randy Savage returns. But I think its highly doubtful. Jay Lethal as Black Machismo would work for me too, I guess.

I wouldnt want it to be another older WCW/NWO guy tho. It needs to be someone that can still 'go' in the ring.

How about both Shelley & Sabin? Anything to get them on TV on a consistant basis would work for me!!!

Matt Morgan would be good- I just have a hard time believing the 'we' story-line is just goin to stop abruptly tho.

Heres my totally off the wall, crazy-ass suprise 'band addition' : Shawn Michaels

I know nobody thinks its possible. Shawn had many opportunities to jump ship from WWE, if he ever wanted to. But he never did- & nor do I think it will happen now. But Dixie did say that something BIG is gonna happen on Impact tonight. Theres nothing that would be bigger then that happening! NOTHING! Lighter schedule for Shawn to work around. MUCH less travel. THAT would be something- I'll tell ya!! Vince doesnt have "the clique" copywrited does he? It was never used as a on-air name- so im thinking NO.

EDIT: cenasux4life78 got the Michaels call in just before me. you musta posted just as I started typing.
If Shawn Michaels did turn up 3 things would go through my mind...

1. DAMN... TNA finally made the big move
2. DAMN... TNA will have to release more originals to pay for this
and finally 3. DAMN... I have to find Vince McMahon to tell him first and see his reaction

But then again it aint gonna happen.

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