What does Obamacare mean for me?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was on twitter today and saw a lot of stuff trending about supreme court, cnn, fox news etc so I turned on the news and it seems that Obamacare is going to be upheld?

I have no idea what this means. Do we now have socialized healthcare and everyone gets healthcare now?

I'm in my 20s, have no job, and no form of income so do I automatically get healthcare? Or do I have to pay for it?

Anyway, I'm really excited about this, good job Obama! I know it's not automatic as the news is saying it goes into effect in 2014, but it's cool to know I will have healthcare by then and for free! But it sounds too good to be true, so can anyone just clear that up for me?
Not sure if anybody can say what it really means at this point. I heard a couple years ago that it's a pretty big bill. I doubt anyone's finished reading it yet.
Socialized healthcare means that is just another mandate that forces ones who work their ass off all day are required by law (less freedom) to take a portion of their money out to something they do not want to opt in to. Do you think the government pays for this alone? No. We are trillions of dollars in debt and this is just another lump to add to the pile of debt that the American citizens have to pay off in a form of slavery- and that our next generation will inherit. Even if the economy was in great shape, it would still be a bad idea. What people don't see is that this is an entity FORCING us to do something. Another thing is that there will be less competition between insurance companies, due to citizens only being able to select companies within the state of residences. This will destroy the open market even more. It's funny how people think we will still have great doctors. No, eventually we will have poor quality doctors and the lines will be very slow.

My big question is, would anyone truly trade the little freedom they now have for for this shit?


Here is a post I found by Vizfact. This sums it up pretty decently.

Your employer would no longer be compelled to get you the best price for health insurance, they lose that freedom. In fact, they are better off dropping you and leaving you to state run health care anyway, its a money saver for the big corporations if they decide against being health care providers, and choose to stick to their core businesses.

The Government forces you to buy a product that you may not be able to afford, or, may not want. Government force is always bad. Ever hear of Nazi Germany, or USSR – Russia? Although most Americans tend to be ignorant, history isn’t.

The government has a bad record of managing the public trust. Yes, you would be giving these idiots access to your medical records, and control over your health care. They can’t even manage their own damn budget.

Obamacare is constitutionally illegal, no doubt about it, we just have to hope the Supreme Court rules on the side of the legal filter known as the US Constitution.

Expect death panels for the elderly. If we allow the federal government to ration health care, which is what will happen under Obamacare, those likely to die due to inevitable aging won’t get treatment in favor of those likely to live longer, and pay into the system. They would be a bad investment. Even worse, the government may decide to spend all the illegally pilfered funds on the elderly, which would be a waste, which government is good at. Lose, Lose, either way. No way in hell they get it right, no way in hell. Mark my words on quote me on that one.

Government will decide which medical procedures are acceptable for investment, the hell with the patient.

People who pay for the government healthcare plan may not get it if it’s rationed out. In other words, you are guaranteed not to get what you pay for and will receive less care than you are already overpaying for, but at a higher price. Why? Because your pool is expanding to help cover people who have no intention of paying for it.

Its an unprecedented power grab by the government. You lose the freedom to choose if you want health care or not. Not matter how warm and fuzzy it feels, it would only be the beginning of the last stages of the fall of the American people, to their government, which was never intended.

Americans will be one step closer to serving the government, which thrives on the backs of the poor.

Its pure socialism. In America. Who would have thought…

Prices have already skyrocketed, good grief. Obamacare hasn’t even been implemented yet..
Socialized healthcare means that is just another mandate that forces ones who work their ass off all day are required by law (less freedom) to take a portion of their money out to support people who feed off the system. Do you think the government pays for this alone? No. We are trillions of dollars in debt and this is just another lump to add to the pile of debt that the American citizens have to pay off in a form of slavery- and that our next generation will inherit. Even if the economy was in great shape, it would still be a bad idea. What people don't see is that this is an entity FORCING us to do something. Another thing is that there will be less competition between insurance companies, due to citizens only being able to select companies within the state of residences. This will destroy the open market even more. It's funny how people think we will still have great doctors. No, eventually we will have poor quality doctors and the lines will be very slow.

My big question is, would anyone truly trade their freedom for security?

"It's amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people is compassion. Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness.

People need to be fed, medicated, educated, clothed, and sheltered, and if we're compassionate we'll help them, but you get no moral credit for forcing other people to do what you think is right. There is great joy in helping people, but no joy in doing it at gunpoint."

One solution to helping the needy... Private charities that the government does not put one finger in.

OH NO! A DEBT THAT IS NEVER GOING TO BE CALLED IN IS A BIT HIGHER! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BECAUSE.......BECAUSE.......wait why is this such a huge deal? Every country owes every country a fortune but no major country is psycho/stupid enough to call it in because it would cripple the world economy. It's a conservative scare tactic that means very little, especially when they scream that we can't raise a tax to help pay for any of the debt, even though that's the #1 way to bring in money to a government.
Well if you want to get rid of the debt here, you have to get rid of the Federal Reserve and great more currency competition. Btw, Klunder I kind of effed up that post and edited it. Sorry haha.
Well if you want to get rid of the debt here, you have to get rid of the Federal Reserve and great more currency competition. Btw, Klunder I kind of effed up that post and edited it. Sorry haha.

Or we could have rich people actually pay a tax and stop having these massive wars bleeding our budget dry. It amazes me how the economy was fine under Clinton, then Bush came in, we started two wars and cut taxes, and all of a sudden the economy tanks. It's like we cut income and increased spending and now we have this massive debt.

Gee, it's almost like it's way simpler than you're making it out to be.
Also, reducing funding for almost all government programs, cutting departments and privatizing them would also cut numbers and get the government off of our back. Also, in economics.. Remember, these are numbers. The process of the economics is simple, but everything in between makes it seem complicated.

For everyone's information, rich people do pay taxes. And in fact, the better part of the 1% who actually do their business in right without hurting citizens have 50% sucked from them.

Hopefully the full audit of the Federal Reserve bill will pass. It passed the house voice vote, but I doubt it will go the whole 9 yards.
Also, reducing funding for almost all government programs, cutting departments and privatizing them would also cut numbers and get the government off of our back. Also, in economics.. Remember, these are numbers. The process of the economics is simple, but everything in between makes it seem complicated.

For everyone's information, rich people do pay taxes. And in fact, the better part of the 1% who actually do their business in right without hurting citizens have 50% sucked from them.

Hopefully the full audit of the Federal Reserve bill will pass. It passed the house voice vote, but I doubt it will go the whole 9 yards.

No. Cutting funding for programs that don't work. The answer of cutting everything evenly is ******ed.
I'm willing to give up this so-called freedom I never really cared or thought about before if it means Americans will be taken care of without having to go bankrupt or die.
Socialized healthcare means that is just another mandate that forces ones who work their ass off all day are required by law (less freedom) to take a portion of their money out to something they do not want to opt in to. Do you think the government pays for this alone? No. We are trillions of dollars in debt and this is just another lump to add to the pile of debt that the American citizens have to pay off in a form of slavery- and that our next generation will inherit. Even if the economy was in great shape, it would still be a bad idea. What people don't see is that this is an entity FORCING us to do something. Another thing is that there will be less competition between insurance companies, due to citizens only being able to select companies within the state of residences. This will destroy the open market even more. It's funny how people think we will still have great doctors. No, eventually we will have poor quality doctors and the lines will be very slow.

My big question is, would anyone truly trade the little freedom they now have for for this shit?


Here is a post I found by Vizfact. This sums it up pretty decently.
Alt, right? Didn't we have use to have some right wing twit in here putting on airs of intellectualism while Barbosa and Gelgarin tore him up? Or did I imagine that?
It always amuses me that most of the people who bitch about taxes never realize that they don't even really pay taxes. 50% of the country paid ZERO income tax last year. Sure, if you're working the government takes part of your check. Then when you get your W2s you get ALL of it back. If you're married, have kids, or both, you get a lot more than you paid back.

You watch Fox News and think what they're saying applies to you, it doesn't. These tax increases are helping you.
No one is being forced into anything. You've a few choices now. Choose to purchase medical insurance —be it private or public, grouped or individual. Or choose to opt out of medical insurance and simply pay $95 a year or up to 1% of your yearly income, whichever is greater. That said, people who earn more but still have low incomes will get tax credits to offset their insurance costs. Therefore, when you, and others like you, inevitably need some form of healthcare everyone else won't have to foot the bill entirely. It's all just part of the social contract of taking care of each other.
Actually you ARE essentially being FORCED to buy something. IF you don't sign up for ANY healthcare you will be taxed for it. That was struck down but is being billed as a tax now. Kinda like Car Insurance.
Actually you're either buying ins. or you're not. You can decide to buy medical insurance or pay a tax. Or, like many Americans already do every April 15th, you can choose to not pay and deal with the ramifications that follow. Or like some others, choose to relocate –to Canada for example:rolleyes:. The point is, everything has a resulting consequence. There exists no freedom from effect.
Actually you're either buying ins. or you're not. You can decide to buy medical insurance or pay a tax. Or, like many Americans already do every April 15th, you can choose to not pay and deal with the ramifications that follow. Or like some others, choose to relocate –to Canada for example:rolleyes:. The point is, everything has a resulting consequence. There exists no freedom from effect.

You just said my point for me. Thank you buddy!
Actually you're either buying ins. or you're not. You can decide to buy medical insurance or pay a tax. Or, like many Americans already do every April 15th, you can choose to not pay and deal with the ramifications that follow. Or like some others, choose to relocate –to Canada for example:rolleyes:. The point is, everything has a resulting consequence. There exists no freedom from effect.

I think it's so funny how so many people were so upset about universal healthcare being passed in America they were threatening to move to Canada.
It always amuses me that most of the people who bitch about taxes never realize that they don't even really pay taxes. 50% of the country paid ZERO income tax last year. Sure, if you're working the government takes part of your check. Then when you get your W2s you get ALL of it back. If you're married, have kids, or both, you get a lot more than you paid back.

You watch Fox News and think what they're saying applies to you, it doesn't. These tax increases are helping you.

I can't stand Fox News! They've always been telling me that a person who makes 100,000 dollars pays half that in taxes (unless they live in Fla were there is no state income tax) and they only make a lot of it back if they are able to claim it (kids, house etc) Anyone ever heard of a $50,000 tax return?
Our taxes pay the cops, firefighters, construction workers etc ... our taxers pay that stuff (so we don't get that back for the most part) and this bill will raise those taxes.

Also, if u don't have healthcare in a couple years, you will be penalized $695($95 the first year) and from there on out it depends on inflation.
I think it's so funny how so many people were so upset about universal healthcare being passed in America they were threatening to move to Canada.

Btw, people are so adamant about not having universal healthcare because they are cold hearted sons of bitches like yourself.

The world works the same way as this forum does Mr. "this is just the internet" (which consumes most of yours as well as everyone elses, life.)

I'm in here for 19 months( with no reprieve) for posting a fucking youtube video in the cage. Contacted you numerous times before and after I was banned looking to make sure I wasn't banned or could be unbanned, yet you were worth a fucking shit.

Anyway, your from a debaters league as is most of congress where it matters more who is the better arguer then who is right, and thats why this world as well as this forum, and as well as most things people can think of, FUCKING SUCK.
Atleast, Klunderbunker has a reason to dislike me (and once you've "slighted" him, there seems to be no way back) in that I called him Captain fat fuck (and such) many times. But I didn't even say shit about you Sly. Your stubborn mind just didn't want me out of the prison for whatever reason (no reason.)

Anyway, I guess I'm venting, but I just find you guys to be very hypocritical. Your both very caring and kind when you have your "polictical caps" on but it doesn't seem to be your actual nature at all. One proof is that I've been the most active prisoner this site has ever had and look at the treatment I've been given. You even say yourself you haven't paid attention to anything I've done (even after 19 months) and you use to say others were more active then me. Not sure what kind of games your playing, but listen, enjoy playing those games your playing.

Btw, have you cheated on your wife yet, Sly?

The truth is, and you know it, you're a scum bag and you're a sexual deviant as well. You will eventually cheat on your wife and that part is inevitable. Your just a piece of trash human being and there is nothing that can change that.

As for KB, he is and will always be a huge nerd that has a thirst for power. He's cursed with kankles ... nothing else more I can say.

Anyway, I think you fake ass loving human beings should let my ass out of here. I want to be a pretend lib as well, living in the middle of the fucking country as you guys.
Why? You been watching stand up comedy lately?
No, because Canada already has universal health care. That's why it is funny for people to move from the USA to Canada.

Btw, people are so adamant about not having universal healthcare because they are cold hearted sons of bitches like yourself.
I'm glad the healthcare bill stood up. :shrug:

The world works the same way as this forum does Mr. "this is just the internet" (which consumes most of yours as well as everyone elses, life.)

You've been in here for how long now? And you're going to tell me how much time I put into this place?

I'm in here for 19 months( with no reprieve) for posting a fucking youtube video in the cage. Contacted you numerous times before and after I was banned looking to make sure I wasn't banned or could be unbanned, yet you were worth a fucking shit.
You're in here because I took mercy upon you. I told you MONTHS, if not a year, ago you weren't getting out. Aside from the initial period where I was going to play a prank on you and decided not to, I've never once given you any type of hope you were getting out.

I told you from nearly the beginning you aren't getting out of here. So no, I don't really care how you feel about it.

Atleast, Klunderbunker has a reason to dislike me (and once you've "slighted" him, there seems to be no way back) in that I called him Captain fat fuck (and such) many times.
Hmm, and to think he isn't interested in letting you out. Who knew? :rolleyes:

But I didn't even say shit about you Sly. Your stubborn mind just didn't want me out of the prison for whatever reason (no reason.)
Because you don't even deserve to be here in the first place. You're only here because I was nice enough not to ban you again (like I originally planned to) after I decided I didn't want to do my little prank anymore.

You were banned. Permanently. I brought you back and you're here now. Permanently.

Anyway, I guess I'm venting
And not sounding very bright while doing this. I expect an apology when you've calmed down.

but I just find you guys to be very hypocritical. Your both very caring and kind when you have your "polictical caps" on but it doesn't seem to be your actual nature at all.
It very much is my nature. That's why you're here, and not banned right now.

But you have to understand, I'm a very caring and kind person, unless you do something to ruin it. In your case, you acted like a raging jackass, and then broke a perma ban rule. Why should I be lenient on someone like that?

You caused all of this, and now you're trying to blame me for it. Step up and be a man, and admit this is ALL of your own doing. From you acting like a jackass to you posting a video which violates our rules, all of this happened because of the choices you made. Don't try and blame KB and myself for what you did. That's what children do.

One proof is that I've been the most active prisoner this site has ever had and look at the treatment I've been given.
And what treatment is that? I told you flat out you were never getting out of here. I didn't lead you on in any way once I decided not to go through with the prank. I haven't said a cross word to you, haven't deleted your posts, none of that.

What treatment are you talking about?

You even say yourself you haven't paid attention to anything I've done (even after 19 months) and you use to say others were more active then me.
They were. :shrug:

You can't go on a minor posting spree, and then not post for 2 months and think you are being active. Which is what you had done when I said that.

Not sure what kind of games your playing, but listen, enjoy playing those games your playing.
As I've said numerous times in this post now, I'm not playing any games, I told you flat out a long time ago you weren't getting out. Perhaps you didn't think I was serious, but once again, that's your fault, not mine.

Btw, have you cheated on your wife yet, Sly? The truth is, and you know it, you're a scum bag and you're a sexual deviant as well. You will eventually cheat on your wife and that part is inevitable. Your just a piece of trash human being and there is nothing that can change that.

Says the person whining about being "locked" in an Internet forum after being told he was never getting out.

nothing else more I can say.
If only you had gone with that philosophy before your little rant.

Anyway, I think you fake ass loving human beings should let my ass out of here. I want to be a pretend lib as well, living in the middle of the fucking country as you guys.
Yes, you have acted like an ass in these last two posts. A shame really, as I was almost garnering the slightest bit of forum respect for you. Hell, I'm even posting in a thread you created, when was the last time I did that? Then you had to throw a temper tantrum like a little child, whining because apparently you didn't believe me when I told you that you were not getting out.

You only re-affirmed my decision to let you stay in here.
Did anyone else find the idea that Jenks is only here because Sly is such a benevolent being to be ridiculous? To recap, brings him back solely to amuse his boredom and toy with him. Decides/forgets to re-ban him when a different shiny idiot catches his attention. Proclaims his greatness.

Cut the bullshit. The sad thing is that the prison actually worked and Sly was too caught up in his persona to do the right thing and now it is just pointless again.

Why can you toy with Jenks but he can't come back at you? Especially if you steadfastly claim it makes no difference what he does.

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