What do you want to see in WWE for 2011 ?

Arkham Noir

With black birds following me
I couldn't find a thread like this anywhere so I'm going to start one.

The question is simple: What do you want to see from WWE in the coming year. Alot happened this year in WWE. We saw the return of Bret Hart, the departure of Shawn Micheals, the rise of Nexus, a youth movement commence ,and tons in between. What are your hopes for next year ?

My most prominent desire for the coming year is for the youth movement to keep its momentum going. It is doing well now, but that doesn't mean it is going to carry over into the new year (Kofi Kingston anyone?). WWE needs to keep letting new guys step up and begin to carry the company, because they are only just starting to make names for themselves. Sheamus,Morrison, Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Bryan; I want these guys to continue to progress and not be dropped.

The second thing I want to see is more incentive to buy pay-per-views. I only bought two pay-per-views this year, but I did enjoy them. Still, I want pay-per-view matches to have more significance and to have matches that I will enjoy watching, like Ziggler/Bryan. I'll pay money if these things become a standard for pay-per-views.
Shit, mo'fucker! I was planning on making this thread. Damn. You beat me to it...

Anyways, there are a good amount of things that I want to see out of 2011, but I think I'll stick to two of them.

1) Cena Heel Turn: Yes, believe it or not; This is exactly what I want to see. Don't get me wrong. I love John Cena. He's one of my favorite wrestlers to ever walk inside the squared circle. The problem, however, is that this face Cena that we have been experienced to, has pretty much done all he can do in it's current form. It's gotten to the point where it's the same thing over and over again with Cena. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining; I'm just saying that a Cena heel turn has been long over due. And I think it's about time we got to see Cena heel.

Alas, I digress. There are quite a bit of factors that prevent Cena's heel turn from coming; but even still, it doesn't hurt to say it. Cena's current form has been maxed out--here's to hoping Heel Cena is in the near future.

2) Alberto Del Rio as World Champion: This is something I have been waiting for since day one of the man's career. From the very beginning, the guy has been on nothing but fire and has really catipulted to the very top. Del Rio has what it takes to be in the main event scene and he most certainly has what it takes to be champion. This past week on TLC, I was litterally marking out for when Del-Rio had the oppurtunity to get the title. Del-Rio as champion is a dream come true for me. I hope to see it happen this year.

Honorable mentions include: Less PPVs (12 at best), MitB back at Wrestlemania, Merging of the titles, end of brand extention (while keeping both Raw and Smackdown), and best of all, for WWE to have another great year such as this one.
Same here,
I want to see the youth movement continue. Also if they can go more international as this year you saw them get Sheamus, Drew, Kofi, Barrett, Del Rio and more. Plus get real tag teams to come like the Major bros., the Usos, but no faction or stable for right now. Finish the Brand Extension.

This means Title Unification
I hope they keep the follow they keep.
WWE World Title - Main Event Status
WWE US Title - Mid-card Status
WWE Tag Team Titles - Newcomers or Jobbers
WWE Divas Title - Women

Mister Awsome beat me..LOL
I'm thinking if they want to make a major splash. Announce the first WWE Hall of Famer which should be Sting and have him start a program with The Undertaker. They could really build on Sting's first WWE appearance vs Undertaker's streak. Making of a great fued. I believe best choice for Undertaker's 2011 Wrestlemania opponent.
I'm thinking if they want to make a major splash. Announce the first WWE Hall of Famer which should be Sting and have him start a program with The Undertaker. They could really build on Sting's first WWE appearance vs Undertaker's streak. Making of a great fued. I believe best choice for Undertaker's 2011 Wrestlemania opponent.

While I am a fan of Sting, I would honestly never see Vince put Sting in a match with one of Vince's franchise guys. If he did, Sting wouldnt have a chance to win. This would go the same with if Sting ever faced Shawn Michaels. Vince loves the guys that have made him lots of money and Sting never made Vince a penny. Bad idea for Undertakers WM opponent. However, I do think that John Cena vs. Taker is long overdue and needs to happen. I do see that happening this year if Cena isnt involved in the main event.

Speaking of WM main events, there has been a lot of talk of merging the WWE and World titles, which is also long overdue. This instantly brings back credibility to the major title in the company (which I'll assume will be called WWE World Title). I could see this being a fatal four way, possibly two wrestlers from smackdown and raw, or something to that effect. I would imagine if Cena doesnt face Taker he will be in the match along with possibly Orton, Sheamus, or the Miz. Del Rio and Edge would be my picks for smackdown if they go this route. However, who knows what the WWE will do with this huge PPV. All I know is that there arent any matches announced yet and the potential to merge titles and brands again at Wrestlemania has me PUMPED for the potential.
John Morrison as WWE Champ. I like him and think that by the end of this coming year he will be WWE Champ or former WWE Champ.

Alberto Del Rio to win MITB. I have liked him since day one. I almost never watch smackdown, and as soon as I knew he debuted I had to check it out on youtube.

Make MITB be in mania only. I didn't really like how we had 3 people cashing in. I think 1 is good enough, 2 or 3 to me spells overkill.

Last thing is John Cena vs Undertaker at mania or Cena vs CM Punk at mania. With Cena losing of course to both. I like Cena, but Punk and Taker are my favorites. Plus they should have at least 20 minutes of time.

Also to have fewer matches at mania. I think this year had like 11 matches or something like that. It doesn't allow for other matches to have a lot of time. I think the Punk vs Mysterio match lasted around 7 minutes only.
2) Alberto Del Rio as World Champion: This is something I have been waiting for since day one of the man's career. From the very beginning, the guy has been on nothing but fire and has really catipulted to the very top. Del Rio has what it takes to be in the main event scene and he most certainly has what it takes to be champion. This past week on TLC, I was litterally marking out for when Del-Rio had the oppurtunity to get the title. Del-Rio as champion is a dream come true for me. I hope to see it happen this year.

I'm pretty sure you are going to get your wish, as WWE has put him in the TLC World Title match, and the commentators even mentioned on Tuesdays Smackdown that they can see Del Rio being champion sometime soon. Since its no secret Vince tells the commentators what to say, I'd say he's testing the waters on this and getting more hype for Del Rio. Definitely agree though because Del Rio is gold on the mic and is a heck of a great wrestler
Less of the brand split, I enjoy the shows with all the talent on them the best.

More 3 Hour RAW's and More Live Smackdown's! I think live shows are so much better than taped ones and I loved all the 3 hour additions of RAW.

Less PPVs, cut it back to Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Wrestlemania, Great American Bash, Summer Slam, Halloween Havoc, and Survivor Series. Then have some free TV PPV like live specials through out the year, like Night of Champions and Bragging Rights.

Unify the WWE and World titles to make the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Unify the Intercontinental and US titles to just have the IC title, create the WWE Television Championship and make it a must that it be defended each week on either RAW or Smackdown, and bring back the WWE World Lightweight Championship, I think that along with a TV title would really boost the work ethic and morale of the wrestlers.

A solid strong Tag Team division! I really miss great tag team wrestling!

Undertaker retirement match at WM27 against John Cena where Cena wins the new WWE World Heavyweight Championship and ends the Undertakers streak! Suck on that Cena Haters!
While I am a fan of Sting, I would honestly never see Vince put Sting in a match with one of Vince's franchise guys. If he did, Sting wouldnt have a chance to win. This would go the same with if Sting ever faced Shawn Michaels. Vince loves the guys that have made him lots of money and Sting never made Vince a penny. Bad idea for Undertakers WM opponent. However, I do think that John Cena vs. Taker is long overdue and needs to happen. I do see that happening this year if Cena isnt involved in the main event.

Speaking of WM main events, there has been a lot of talk of merging the WWE and World titles, which is also long overdue. This instantly brings back credibility to the major title in the company (which I'll assume will be called WWE World Title). I could see this being a fatal four way, possibly two wrestlers from smackdown and raw, or something to that effect. I would imagine if Cena doesnt face Taker he will be in the match along with possibly Orton, Sheamus, or the Miz. Del Rio and Edge would be my picks for smackdown if they go this route. However, who knows what the WWE will do with this huge PPV. All I know is that there arent any matches announced yet and the potential to merge titles and brands again at Wrestlemania has me PUMPED for the potential.

Agreed. John Cena vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 is LONG OVERDUE! In fact, Undertaker vs The Face of WWE at Wrestlemania is long overdue. Vince already gave Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, and Mark Henry to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania merely because he believed Taker could carry all those five lower mid-carders into legendary matches and gave them main event status (which failed and fell flat on its face, cause all their pushes went into oblivion) instead of franchise guys during their heyday like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Mankind, Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Owen Hart, and Brock Lesnar. Enough is enough. I don't want to see Undertaker in a low-profile match against Sheamus, Kane, or Barrett only to miss actual greats like Jericho or Cena in his streak.
First time posting so bear with me.
I think i would like to see more Indie Guys coming in. ROH, Dragons Gate, New Japan, even Chikara. They have amazing athletes and proformers. I know WWE has FCW, but that really is just a farm school, they put all the green guys in there. Id love to see guys like Jimmy Jacobs, Jon Moxley, Helios, Claudio Castagnoli, Hallowicked, The Colony, Tim Donst, Billy Roc, even the chick wrestlers Daizee Haze, Sara Del Rey, Naveah these great people work hard and love the fans they have, i think they'd be great in WWE.

Leave the PG era behind, I know everyone has said it. Im just saying it again. Bring back the blood in wrestling, when i hear extreme i think bodily harm with blood, not dropping chairs on a fully covered Wade, the only extreme thing about that was his ear drums popping.
to the guy who posted cena ending takers streak............. yea right i dont think vince is that stupid. takers THE legend in wwe and they would lose a massive fan base if wigger boy beat the dead man at mania but we all know taker isint gonna lose at wm. its just not gonna happen and if he was ever going to lose we wouldv seen shawn beat him earlier this year. We need alot less of wigger boy as hes getting real old or turn him heel this super cena shit where he rarley loses is annoying. The nexus was kool except they messed up the story line
If WWE 2011 is as good as 2010 then I will be happy with that being said I still have things I want to happen.

John Morrison Title Run: I love John Morrison and I love that he is finally getting a proper Main Event push. He has proven he can hang in the ring with main eventers in his feud with Sheamus having some amazing matches with a former WWE champion. He also proved he can hang on the mic this past monday by cutting a decent promo on the Miz, sure it was nothing amazing but it was solid and got the job done, if he can do that consistently with his promos and get over mainly on his in ring work then I think a title run for him this time next year is feasible.

HHH vs Edge feud: I have wanted to see this feud for a while now as it is one of the very few main event level feuds that hasn't happened extensively yet. They are both good on the mic and in the ring and are two of my favourite wrestlers, I see no reason why they couldn't have a great feud.

Punk vs Bryan 60 Minute Iron Man Match: Do I really need to explain my self here? This would just be an absolutely amazing match, do I really need any more reason than that?

At the end of the day is WWE continues to put on consistently good programming and none of these things come to fruition I'l still be happy.
Kofi Kingston, Main-Eventer: Plain and simple, and think he's ready. Just like Josh Matthews said on Smackdown, all he needs is a chance to push through the proverbial glass roof...give him the chance WWE, I have full confidence he's ready.

CM Punk re-established as a Main-Eventer: Seeing as how a feud with Cena seems to be starting up, this one doesn't seem to far off. Towards the later months of 2010, (unfortunately) all CM Punk was Big Show's bitch. Every turn they had someone from the S.E.S. jobbing to Big Show, and I think that really killed his momentum. Even before that he was just lingering around the mid-card of Smackdown, and that's above Punk at this point. Even though I would have preferred a rebound on Smackdown, RAW is a fresh start and I hope he will get back to the Main-Event spot that he deserves.

Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk, World Title fued: It's obvious I'm a mark for both of these guys (as seen by my sig), which is why I would love to see them in a feud for the World Title, preferably with Punk as the Champion. However, with them being on two different brands, it doesn't seem likely...I can still hope though :)

AJ Lee established in the Women's Division: I'll admit, Diva's wrestling these days are extremely boring, but I still have faith in a good match every now and then. With that being said, I really would like to see AJ get a spot on the main roster and start to build herself to one of the top spots in the Women's Division, maybe even win the title.

Honorable Mentions
: John Morrison Main-Event Push, successful debut for Seth Rollins (ie. not constantly jobbing like Kaval and formerly Bryan), keeping brands and Titles separate, better tag-team division, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
The things that I want to see in 2011 are Cm Punk going over cena at mania, Dolph Ziggler being elevated to the main event and possibly a Whc title reign, Randy Orton being booked into a personal feud (like the one with Trips in 2009) and I'd like to see 8 ppv's instead of 12.
In my opinion, WWE got off to a great start this year, then slowly fizzled out (aside from The Nexus), and are now back on the right track. There are a lot of things I'd like to see in 2011 (mostly within the Main Event/Championship picture), but these are probably the ones I want to see the most.

Recognition of the ECW & NWA World Heavyweight Championships: Some people might not think it really matters whether or not WWE recognizes these championships. But, hear me out: WWE has a lot of main-event talent, and a lot more "World Champions" than they let on. The last person to have won the ECW World Championship and have be recognized by WWE as a "World Champion" was Bobby Lashley, despite the fact that when John Morrison, CM Punk, and Chavo Guerrero won the belt, it was still named ECW World Championship. If I remember correctly, the name change occurred during Guerrero's reign. WWE is the ONLY entity that doesn't recognize anyone who held the title after Lashley vacated it as a "World Champion". Now, in terms of what is considered a world championship goes, there's been an unwritten code within all of professional wrestling for the past 15+ years or so to go by the rankings of PWI. The ECW Championship, despite being used as a mid-card belt, was ranked as a world champion, so it only seems fair that Christian, CM Punk, John Morrison, etc. get credit for being a World Champion during their reigns. Also, WWE only recognized Ric Flair as a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Christian's also held that Championship twice, and again, it only seems fair to mention his reign as NWA Champion.

Christian as WWE/World Champion: Honestly, this is long overdue. Christian is one of the best superstars on the main roster, both in the ring and on the mic. Sadly, he's still being punished for leaving to TNA. Despite being a four-time World Champion, Vince does not want him to be in the main event. Hell, he doesn't even recognize Christian's four world championship reigns, as a two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and ECW Champion. (WWE doesn't count ECW Championship reigns from 2007-2010 as World Title reigns) Christian is someone with the credibility to hold either the WWE Championship or the World Championship. He's also a fresh, new face to the Championship scene. Vince just needs to give him the chance.

John Morrison as WWE/World Champion: Here's another case of a former world champion not getting the rightful recognition. Morrison won the ECW World Championship at the very first Night of Champions event. He's definitely improved a lot since then, both in the ring and on the mic (granted, his mic skills need some more work, but still). I really think this is his year. As much as I'd like to see him come out on top of his WWE Championship feud with The Miz, it most likely won't happen. In which case, move him to SmackDown and have him win the World Championship. In any case, Morrison needs to win either the WWE Championship or the World Championship by the end of 2011.

Dolph Ziggler as WWE/World Champion: Dolph Ziggler has quickly become one of the best in the ring on the main roster. His matches with Daniel Bryan have been nothing short of amazing. Vince must agree, since their match at Bragging Rights was tied with The Undertaker v. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. Give him a chance, he's already bringing prestige back to the Intercontinental Championship. I think he'd be great holding the WWE/World Championship.

Daniel Bryan as WWE/World Champion: A four-time world champion, Bryan has the skills and credibility to be at the top of the WWE food chain. Those who have seen his matches on the independents know this, the WWE Universe knows this, and Vince knows this. Give him the belt this year.

Alberto Del Rio as WWE/World Champion: It's obvious Vince wants Del Rio as the WWE/World Champion this year. He's made mention to it via commentary and his having Creative combine his match with Edge's at TLC. He has the mic skills and the ring prowess to be a great champion. I think by the end of 2011, he will have won the championship at least once, if not twice.

Drew McIntyre as WWE/World Champion: Another man who Vince obviously wants to be a world champion. You don't just go around giving someone the nickname of "The Chosen One" and referring to him on-screen as "a future world champion" without knowing you're going to push him to that level soon.

Reinvigorated Divas Division: I might be one of the few people who actually enjoys Women's Wrestling. I think this is actually in action already, as Vince made a Divas Tables match at TLC, which lasted about 12 minutes (9 minutes longer than I was expecting). They've got Divas that CAN actually wrestle well: AJ, Naomi (it's no secret these ladies are both employed by WWE), Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, current WWE Divas Champion Natalya, Michelle McCool, Layla (she's definitely improved this year), Eve Torres, Tamina, Maryse, Melina. They also have Divas who have improved in the ring such as The Bellas, Alicia Fox, and Rosa Mendes. Give the Divas more screen time, and allow them to WRESTLE.

Reinvigorated Tag Team Division: I think Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov are the perfect WWE Tag Team Champions right now. They represent two things, in my opinion: the fact that Vince thinks Tag Team Wrestling is a joke, and the promise of the division. Both are actually decent workers, and have established themselves as a Tag Team. I just hope that the division doesn't go to waste.

Edge v. Triple H: Someone mentioned it earlier. This is a feud I've been waiting to see since Edge's return in 2004 during the time he feuded with Evolution (more specifically Randy Orton). It's a fresh idea, and I think both men can definitely bring out the best in each other. I'd actually like to see Hunter play the heel in this one. Although both play excellent heels (and I thoroughly enjoy both their heel characters), I feel that a face Edge could make this feud work better. Triple H is pretty stale as a heel, and a face Edge is something we've rarely seen.

CM Punk v. Randy Orton: It's obvious Punk will feud with Cena, probably until WrestleMania. In regards to the mystery person, I really don't think it's Cena, I (like most of the IWC and WWE U-verse) think it's Orton. Orton DID, after all, cost Punk his World Championship back in 2008. This would also be a great feud for Punk, and it would be something new to the table.

John Cena v. The Undertaker: This match needs to happen. Period. Cena will obviously feud with Punk (most likely until Mania). But, in the event that that feud gets cut short, Cena v. Taker at Mania will draw. It's something we've never seen (at Mania, at least). Most of the WWE Universe doesn't know that these two HAVE already feuded. Back in 2003, The Undertaker and John Cena actually had a match at Vengeance, which was really good, and (although I knew that ultimately Taker would win) there were times when I thought Cena might have the match won, especially after he kicked out of the Tombstone Piledriver. If Cena could hold his own against the Undertaker while still a mid-carder, imagine how that match would go today.
I know for a fact the Undertaker is never going to lose his wrestlemania streak, So it doen't matter if he faces John Cena, kane, Sheamus, or even wade Barret. I just want the Undertaker to perform an awsome match as he does every year.

John Cena
I would like to see him againt CM Punk , Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, and Doplh Ziggler i know most of them are on Smackdown but hey with the draft you never know

Mickie James
I Hope Mickie James comes back to WWE, She would save the Divas division a lot. We need better and stronger Divas. Unlike The bella Twins-The dont ever do nothing, Rosa Mendez - I dont think she has ever won a single match, Kelly kelly - Shes been in WWE for almost 4 years and she hasn't done nothing, Lame-Cool everybody knows Michelle McCool slept her way to the top so as Trish Stratus, and I know some of you want AJ to come to WWE but I doubt she is going to help the divas division get any stronger.

Alberto Del Rio
I want to see him as the WWE Champion or World Heavyweight Champion. I hope he goes on to the royal rumble and then win the royal rumble or goes on to the money in the bank match at wrestlemania and wins it and then cash it in the same night. I know we are going to see him as champion at least twice during the 2011.

The same as mickie james, WWE needs stronger and better divas.

Triple H
I would like to see him back as a heel but i would also like to see him finish with Sheamus and face C.M Punk

New Wrestlers/ old wrestlers
I would like to see More new/old wrestlers that actually help the business Unlike Mark Henry, Goldust, William Regal,Chavo, R-truth etc.

Hardcore title
I want to see this title back so bad. I liked every single hardcore title match back in the day.

Tag Teams
Better tag teams I like the Santino and Vladimir thing and I know WWE can keep doing better.

and last but not the least

Michael Cole
I want him to turn face again because if he keeps doing this heel thing I am going to have to punch him if i ever see him in person. lol
John Morision VS The Miz: Turn This Match Personal That Is What The WWE Is Laking Make It Personal and the history between them and promos that will make it a match of the year probably at mania

John Cena Vs Undertaker : if the undertaker is going to retire this year he could lose his last match where The Have A Atlanta Screw job where cena pins the undertaker and undertaker kicks out at 2 and a half and have the ref be knoct out and have Shawn micheals come out and cost undertaker the match and counts 3 and walks with cena and vince comes out and they could form a stable and have shemus the miz join and have hhh lead a resteince aganst his father in law and have a fued with hhh retiring and taking control of the company and a new age can begin

John Cena Vs Undertaker: Or Have the undertaker win and cena atack him after the match and turn heel
In my opinion, WWE got off to a great start this year, then slowly fizzled out (aside from The Nexus), and are now back on the right track. There are a lot of things I'd like to see in 2011 (mostly within the Main Event/Championship picture), but these are probably the ones I want to see the most.

Recognition of the ECW & NWA World Heavyweight Championships: Some people might not think it really matters whether or not WWE recognizes these championships. But, hear me out: WWE has a lot of main-event talent, and a lot more "World Champions" than they let on. The last person to have won the ECW World Championship and have be recognized by WWE as a "World Champion" was Bobby Lashley, despite the fact that when John Morrison, CM Punk, and Chavo Guerrero won the belt, it was still named ECW World Championship. If I remember correctly, the name change occurred during Guerrero's reign. WWE is the ONLY entity that doesn't recognize anyone who held the title after Lashley vacated it as a "World Champion". Now, in terms of what is considered a world championship goes, there's been an unwritten code within all of professional wrestling for the past 15+ years or so to go by the rankings of PWI. The ECW Championship, despite being used as a mid-card belt, was ranked as a world champion, so it only seems fair that Christian, CM Punk, John Morrison, etc. get credit for being a World Champion during their reigns. Also, WWE only recognized Ric Flair as a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Christian's also held that Championship twice, and again, it only seems fair to mention his reign as NWA Champion.

Christian as WWE/World Champion: Honestly, this is long overdue. Christian is one of the best superstars on the main roster, both in the ring and on the mic. Sadly, he's still being punished for leaving to TNA. Despite being a four-time World Champion, Vince does not want him to be in the main event. Hell, he doesn't even recognize Christian's four world championship reigns, as a two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and ECW Champion. (WWE doesn't count ECW Championship reigns from 2007-2010 as World Title reigns) Christian is someone with the credibility to hold either the WWE Championship or the World Championship. He's also a fresh, new face to the Championship scene. Vince just needs to give him the chance.

John Morrison as WWE/World Champion: Here's another case of a former world champion not getting the rightful recognition. Morrison won the ECW World Championship at the very first Night of Champions event. He's definitely improved a lot since then, both in the ring and on the mic (granted, his mic skills need some more work, but still). I really think this is his year. As much as I'd like to see him come out on top of his WWE Championship feud with The Miz, it most likely won't happen. In which case, move him to SmackDown and have him win the World Championship. In any case, Morrison needs to win either the WWE Championship or the World Championship by the end of 2011.

Dolph Ziggler as WWE/World Champion: Dolph Ziggler has quickly become one of the best in the ring on the main roster. His matches with Daniel Bryan have been nothing short of amazing. Vince must agree, since their match at Bragging Rights was tied with The Undertaker v. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. Give him a chance, he's already bringing prestige back to the Intercontinental Championship. I think he'd be great holding the WWE/World Championship.

Daniel Bryan as WWE/World Champion: A four-time world champion, Bryan has the skills and credibility to be at the top of the WWE food chain. Those who have seen his matches on the independents know this, the WWE Universe knows this, and Vince knows this. Give him the belt this year.

Alberto Del Rio as WWE/World Champion: It's obvious Vince wants Del Rio as the WWE/World Champion this year. He's made mention to it via commentary and his having Creative combine his match with Edge's at TLC. He has the mic skills and the ring prowess to be a great champion. I think by the end of 2011, he will have won the championship at least once, if not twice.

Drew McIntyre as WWE/World Champion: Another man who Vince obviously wants to be a world champion. You don't just go around giving someone the nickname of "The Chosen One" and referring to him on-screen as "a future world champion" without knowing you're going to push him to that level soon.

Reinvigorated Divas Division: I might be one of the few people who actually enjoys Women's Wrestling. I think this is actually in action already, as Vince made a Divas Tables match at TLC, which lasted about 12 minutes (9 minutes longer than I was expecting). They've got Divas that CAN actually wrestle well: AJ, Naomi (it's no secret these ladies are both employed by WWE), Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, current WWE Divas Champion Natalya, Michelle McCool, Layla (she's definitely improved this year), Eve Torres, Tamina, Maryse, Melina. They also have Divas who have improved in the ring such as The Bellas, Alicia Fox, and Rosa Mendes. Give the Divas more screen time, and allow them to WRESTLE.

Reinvigorated Tag Team Division: I think Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov are the perfect WWE Tag Team Champions right now. They represent two things, in my opinion: the fact that Vince thinks Tag Team Wrestling is a joke, and the promise of the division. Both are actually decent workers, and have established themselves as a Tag Team. I just hope that the division doesn't go to waste.

Edge v. Triple H: Someone mentioned it earlier. This is a feud I've been waiting to see since Edge's return in 2004 during the time he feuded with Evolution (more specifically Randy Orton). It's a fresh idea, and I think both men can definitely bring out the best in each other. I'd actually like to see Hunter play the heel in this one. Although both play excellent heels (and I thoroughly enjoy both their heel characters), I feel that a face Edge could make this feud work better. Triple H is pretty stale as a heel, and a face Edge is something we've rarely seen.

CM Punk v. Randy Orton: It's obvious Punk will feud with Cena, probably until WrestleMania. In regards to the mystery person, I really don't think it's Cena, I (like most of the IWC and WWE U-verse) think it's Orton. Orton DID, after all, cost Punk his World Championship back in 2008. This would also be a great feud for Punk, and it would be something new to the table.

John Cena v. The Undertaker: This match needs to happen. Period. Cena will obviously feud with Punk (most likely until Mania). But, in the event that that feud gets cut short, Cena v. Taker at Mania will draw. It's something we've never seen (at Mania, at least). Most of the WWE Universe doesn't know that these two HAVE already feuded. Back in 2003, The Undertaker and John Cena actually had a match at Vengeance, which was really good, and (although I knew that ultimately Taker would win) there were times when I thought Cena might have the match won, especially after he kicked out of the Tombstone Piledriver. If Cena could hold his own against the Undertaker while still a mid-carder, imagine how that match would go today.

Really Daniel Bryan as Champon? lol Really I think of him more of a mid-card wrestler he still needs a lot to go lets first give Morrison and The Miz some time to shine as champions. they both been in the business more.
Michael Cole
I want him to turn face again because if he keeps doing this heel thing I am going to have to punch him if i ever see him in person. lol

All that means is that he's gotten your attention and he's doing his job.

Really Daniel Bryan as Champon? lol Really I think of him more of a mid-card wrestler he still needs a lot to go lets first give Morrison and The Miz some time to shine as champions. they both been in the business more.

Really? Really? You're obviously a mark who doesn't know of wrestling outside of WWE, TNA, and MAYBE ROH. Do you HONESTLY believe that The Miz and John Morrison have been in the business longer? Both Morrison and The Miz debuted into the world of pro wrestling in 2003, while Daniel Bryan debuted in 1999, giving him FOUR YEARS over them. He's competed all over the world, and he became a four-time world champion before they were even considered as possible future main eventers.

With that said, if The MIZ can be champion, Bryan certainly can. Don't get me wrong, I like both Morrison and Miz, but hell, Bryan can out-wrestle almost anyone on the roster, INCLUDING Miz and Morrison.
Chritian Wining Royal Rumble : For Edge v Chritian at WM or even maybe have a Edge & Christian Double champions like Eddie & CB

Raw GM Reveals Himself: Needs to happen its getting t much now good at first but gone on way to long

HHH Return: But id like to see him return at RR but no in the RR match but in a Title picture cos i can see RR being Miz,Morrison,Sheamus so maybe HHH comes down and takes Sheamus out because do you really think HHH ego will let him miss WM .

Taker v Barret: Id like to see this Nexus attaking taker story line they have shown hints in advance. Also i think that Taker v Cena needs to happen in 2012 @ WM as his last match Retire on 20-0 .....

The Rock Return: The Rock makeing a return The Great One Deliverying some rock bottms then a People's Elbow. Hell here's a Storyline for you Nexus come out and do there normal we are nexus bullshit then If You Smell ... What The Rock Is Cooking Rock comes down and starts to take on nexus they start to outnumber him then Glass Shatters Austin comes down and They Destroy Nexus. One Can Dream lol
I'd say they need to do something that I don't think I've EVER seen WWE do, a one hour time limit draw in a world title match. Go back to the stuff that people haven't seen in a long time in a mainstream company. What's old is new again.

Here's is my sinerio;
Have SuperCena go on a SuperCena rampage, blowing through the "competition" (move all the the people who you still want to look good later down the line to SmackDown so they don't get eaten by the Cena Monster) and winning the title before WM27. Have all of his matches be quick and decisive, and have him in matches as much as possible. By June or July it will be just like his 06-07 title reign; no end in sight. Then take Daniel Bryan (who will hopefully have dropped the ladies man gimmick by then) still reigning as US champion. So at say Night of Champions (which should be a free tv special like Clash of the Chamipns used to be) they have a champion vs champion match with Bryan challenging Cena for the world title. Since Cena hasn't come even remotely close to losing since his "return" from being "fired" and none of his matches going beyond seven or eight minutes, everyone will assume that Bryan will be the next victim of the Cena Monster. Then comes the match and no matter what Cena does he can't seem to keep Vryan down, and actually Bryan is using his wrestling skills to keep Cena tied up is holds, working over one part of the body, maybe an arm or something. Twenty minutes go by. Thirty. Forty. At the 45 minute mark Cena is starting to look like he might actually lose, yet Bryan is still unable to lock in the Labell Lock to finish the match. Finally with just scouting over a minute left Bryan, tasting victory makes a mistake and gets caught in the AA, but when Cena goes to throw him over he over rotates, lands on his feet while still holding on to Cenas injured arm and is finally able to get him down on lock in the Labell Lock. Cena, unable to get to the ropes looks like he is going to have to tap, then the bell rings. After the ref, the timekeeper and the ring anouncer confer, it is announced that the time limit has expired, so Cena would still be the champion.
Foe the next few weeks Bryan should demand a rematch, saying that he had Cena beat, and that everyone knows it, even Cena. At this point Cena would come out and say that Bryan has a good point, so he would give Bryan ONE more match and it would take place at SummerSlam. Sometime between NOC and SS Bryan would Cena tap in a tag team match, proving that he COULD beat Cena. At SummerSlam after an epic back and forth match that would see Cena able to counter some of the stuff he fell victim to at NOC but once again the match would end in a time limit draw with Cena locked in the Labell Lock when the bell rings. After the match Cena would try to shake Bryan's hand only for a visibly irate Bryan to scream in Cena's face the he (Bryan) was "the best wrestler in the world!"
This would lead to months of back and forth with Bryan demanding another shot while proclaiming himself to be the best in the world and Cena saying that he had two shots and failed two times, and that if he really was the best in the world he would have won it the first time around. It would finally culminate with Bryan (who would have lost the US title shortly after SS due to snapping durring a title defense and refusing to stop delivering elbows to an unconcious opponent causing him to be stripped of the title) entering the Rumble at Number one, making it all the way to the final two before being eliminated when Cena walks down the ramp destracting him. In retaliation Bryan would cause Cena to lose the WWE Title the next month at Elimination Chamber. This would lead to a final showdown between the two at WM28, with no time-limit (as per the request of Bryan) and no DQ (as per the request of Cena). The final match should be short (compared the the last two) at about 20-30 minutes and should be very physical. It should end in a double turn, with Bryan locked into the STF yet refusing to submit Cena slips the arm across Bryan's throat and pulling back until Bryan, still refusing to tap, passes out. The announcers would be in shock that Cena would resort to such tactics to get a cheap win. Then after the match Cena would stand over an unconscious Bryan and mockingly calling himself the "Best in the World" before doing the you can't see me hand gesture and then spitting on Bryan and smugly walking out as the audience was in shock at what they had just seen.

End result;
Bryan is seen as a true main event talent and will be accepted as a World Champion When he wins it. Cena will be reinvented as a heel who shows that he never cared about the fans and the the last eight years had been a sham and now that he had the money, and the fame he didn't need them and that winning was all that mattered, not how he won. The time limit draw would mean something again and would be seen as a way to build a future champion up. And finally SuperCena would have met his Kryptonite and finally showed that he wasn't all powerful after all.
My wishlist for 2011 is:

John Cena Heel Turn - I dont dislike Cena, but he is really stale now. I think with WWE relaxing the shackles on certain areas of their programme then Cena could really prosper. We have seen the intensity in some of his beatdowns (Darren Young) and given a heel elemant he could be one of the baddest since Brock.

Decent opponent for Taker - - Cena, Goldberg, Brock have all been touted, cant see any of these stepping in the ring to face Taker. Cena the most realistic and I would love this to happen but he has entered a programme with Punk. I also like Wade Barret but Barret vs Taker at WM? Barrett has just lost to Orton and Cena. He has no credibility going into thsi fight. And please...NOT KANE!

A push for Jack Swagger - He is great in the ring, I also think he pulls off a good promo so why is he midcard? Smackdown needs some credible star power. Swagger could easily be one of the best in the business. Its sad to see him deteriorate into a glorified jobber.

WWE Draft after WM - Sheamus/Wade Barret/Ted Dibiase to Smackdown, Del Rio/Dolph Ziggler/Chris Masters to Raw. The Raw guys could benefit from been on the "weaker" show, The Smackdown guys could benefit from been on the "stronger" show.

Daniel Bryan vs Tyson Kidd at WM - I would love to see this match. Both are excellent performers.
Nobody freak, but Miz to be WWE champion. whether he holds it, or loses it and gets it back later, miz is my favorite wrestler since he split with jomo.
brand extension nevermore, gone
youth movement
1. Less pay-per-views per year: Gives more time to establish a great card. Pay per views shouldn't be used like he weekly shows are used. Longer better matches instead of more shorter ones.
2. Quite wasting time and give Alberto Del Rio the belt!!!: The potential for future hof is oozing off of him. I personally can't get enough. I only hope that the chances of him being pushed sooner won't be interrupted by Christian's return.
3. Merge the brands: This doesn't mean over use Cena and Orton either.
4. Push CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston and John Morrison to main event status: but not without giving them chances to have a killer match with Daniel Bryan.
5. Make Tyson Kidd cut his hair
6. Establish a better tag team division: I love Santino and Vlad but I want to see them take on TAG TEAMS, not just whom ever they decide to team Chavo up with this week.
7. For Daniel Bryan to drop the ladies man geek gimmick: he's better than this.
Ive heard some slight talk of this...but I would love to see an old school WCW Nitro in 2011. I thought the Old School Raw concept was really cool and I think it would be a great way to see WWE give a knod to WCW on the 10 year anniversary of its demise.

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