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What Do You Think Of The Big Show?

What Do You Think Of Big Show

  • Legendary

  • Great

  • Rubbish

  • Other (say in your post)

  • Alright

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Dark Match Winner
I would like to know what people think of Paul 'The Big Show' Wight jr.I think he is very good for a man his size,well back in the day.He could do moonsaults and all.Watch his matches from 1999 and you'll notice a BIG (no pun intended) difference.But what do you guys think of him? Is he Underrated? Is he overrated? Does he deserve one last World Title?
I think on the underrate - overrated list Big Show is just in the middle, he is in a pretty decent position, he doesn't need to be there to carry the world championships, he can do it, but it's not something he needs to do for him to go great, he's more of the upper mid-card guy who can carry both the mid-card and the main event.

On the list of things in the poll I would say that The Big Show is great, he has a great character that works very well with both his face side and his heel side, right now he's doing great as a face, he's entertaining, and he has great microphone work, something that shined through during his time with his feud with Jack Swagger.

The heel part of him is also great, because of his size and because of his dominating look he can easily play a heel in terms of looking terrifying and the dominator in terms of pushing around the faces in the ring, and making them look great when they beat him.

His side comes into advantage for him because he becomes the dominant guy that can EASILY put people over if they manage to dominate him, something a regular guy like Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels couldn't do, they had to have great matches to properly put someone over as opposed to a big guy being dominated which makes the opponent look strong.

About the world title reign, I'd say sure, I wouldn't say that I would have a problem giving the belt to Big Show, because he's a great act as a face right now, and definitely could run with the belt on Smackdown, but I also say he does not need to have a reign for me to enjoy him.
I think The Big Show is great. He has the size, the experience, and is a ton of fun to listen to on the mic. He has a real gift for comedy, and I greatly enjoy his work. He can be a credible world champion because of his size, but he can also give a big rub to anyone who defeats him for the same reason. He's at his perfect spot at this point in his career, putting young guys over while still being entertaining.
The Big Show does what he does quite well. He may not have the best matches but he always puts people over while still looking dominating in the process. He is good at being a face and a heel and his mic work has always been some of the best in the WWE. I wouldn't mind him getting another title run even if it is only for a month or two.
I think he is hindered by his size. He is just so damn big that for anyone outside of maybe Batista, Cena, and HHH to have a believable match hurts him. Especially if the WWE starts pushing smaller guys like Evan Bourne.
I put "alright" mainly because I don't think he's great. He's good - certainly, but I can't take him seriously enough. He puts on good matches for his size, but his size prohibits him from putting on great ones - that would be my problem.

He probably deserves a title run, but I wouldn't put him on the same level as other greats - like Rey Mysterio, Edge, Triple H - because personally I'm not that interested in him.
I think he gets kind of a bad rap, like a lot of the big guys in wrestling. Sure his matches aren't as exciting, especially not by the ROHbot's standards. But overall, he's a pretty entertaining Superstar. He can do it on the mic, I'd say he's probably one of the best. I'd assume he's probably up there with Cena, Orton, HHH, and so forth as one of the vets who probably get a little more creative control of what they say. He doesn't come off as robotic as a lot of the guys do these days.

His matches aren't always pretty, but sometimes the shit he does is entertaining. I'd probably rank him as Legendary, just by Ric Flair's opinion alone. I love you guys, but I take Flairs word over yours. :p
I voted 'alright' only because I find myself torn on the Big Show. He entertains me on the mic and his backstage segments are always great in my opinion.

Anyone remember when he was on a 'killing spree' just destroying other main-eventers such as Kurt Angle when he (off camera) chokeslammed him from the rafters leaving him in a pool of his own blood? Now that was legendary!

But he just bores the living shit out of me in the ring. All his matches seem to be him dominating while his opponent can only hit him with strikes due to his size. I can't really blame him for that since it's not his fault but I've just never been excited for a Big Show match.
He is alright, he isnt great, he is overweight and doesnt seem to have the motivation to lose the excess. Obviously he needs to have some on him for his character, but he needs to have a bit less i think or he'll need a bit of time off like he had in 2006- 2008.

His matches are repetitive and his mic work is ok so that is why i said alright. A man of his size cant really change his matches too much so his matches are understandable.
I wouldn't say that I would have a problem giving the belt to Big Show, because he's a great act as a face right now, and definitely could run with the belt on Smackdown,.

Not very bloody fast i'd say!!!

Ahem, joking aside, I think Show is ace. Back in the day he genuinely scared me with his size and power - i actually went a bit crazy when he and Lesner did the "ring collapse" spot too. Was pretty impressive.

Nowadays I find I prefer him as a face. I think his personality comes out a bit more and of course it's always nice to NOT see a big man as an all consuming monster

One thing I shall always remember him for, and i'll get laughed at no doubt - but I enjoyed it, was his feud with Kane several years back. I recall that (I think that it was the rubber match) everyone was expecting these two powerhouses to go toe to toe, eye to eye and mash each other up. whereas they pulled a neat swerve and put on a display of "big man technical wrestling". The crowd hated it "booooring" chants echoing around the arena, but I found it quite funny, and you could tell that the atheletes themselves were giggling to themselves at putting one over on the crowd.

Anyway so yeah, I think he's pretty cool - doesn't need a belt per say to do a good job, and due to his size, he will always be a credible threat in any match. Mind you, I thought he oversold his ankle injury like a Shakespeare ham on SD! the other day!!

Character wise I think he currently carries smackdown relatively well. I wouldn't personally enjoy a title reign from him, but I think he could handle another. He's been in the business a long time so I can't see him continuing for much longer as he is already getting more and more sluggish.

I voted alright because ring skills wise, like i said, he's sluggish. He sells moves well at times, and still has the powerful essence to put himself over well. However he just bores me at the moment, and I can't see him getting any more exciting or energetic. His current fued with Swagger has bored me already and I can't see it ending since last weeks anklelock disqualification angle.

So overall, I think he's generally not a bad wrestler or character but I think he's just losing excitement and I can't see him around much longer.

- Also, did anyone notice how smackdown's main event at over the limit was repeated as the opening match last week, and was STILL boring.
I think Big Show is okay. I never thought of him as anything great, but I never thought the opposite either. He was just there with his stature being his main and obvious attraction. He doesn't need to hold any titles this stage in his career. I mean, who can say they've been WWE Champion, WCW Champion and ECW Champion? That's a special claim to hold. However, outside of the ring he seems like a really fun/nice guy. I do agree that on the mic he is comedic. I just wish he'd use the choke slam more than that KO punch though. Overall, he's had his moments...more good than bad.
I think Big Show is great for his size, he can wrestle he proves that time again, and he can get over very well as a heel and face, which is a good skill and his charisma in the ring and on the mic is some of the best. The fact he's in a good position with in WWE at the moment makes him valuable on Smackdown.
Big Show has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I like the giants, they're spectacles as they are, and it's always believable when they have their way in the ring. Big Show is one of the best big men in history too. I enjoy his matches, I enjoy his promos, and I don't mind him heel or face, he pulls off both well. I think the tag title runs he's had recently were both great as he basically carried both teams and it made him look like the force he really is. I was hoping that he would win the Fatal Four Way match and win the title, apparently they thought Rey Mysterio was a better choice since he sells the masks and other merchandise. To me it was the logical outcome for Big Show to win, he's a giant, none of them could realistically beat him, so show that truth and give the title a credible champion to hold it. In other words I am dying for a Big Show title reign. I know he doesn't need it but I don't see any reason not to have him be the face champion on SmackDown.
The Big Show is a guy who will never get anywhere in the WWE, it is that simple.

I met him in London a couple of months ago and since then, I have been such a mark for him. I consistently hope that he wins his matches and I honestly thought that he would have won the match at Fatal 4 Way. However, it was not to be and I think that the WWE missed a step with him. When he was in WCW, he really was one of the most dominating people in all of wrestling. Hell, he even feuded with Hulk Hogan and took the title from him at one point, I seem to recall.

However, he has lost his way in the WWE and whilst I wouldn’t go so far as to call him just another big man, he has definitely lost that spark that made him the Giant. I think he is completely underrated and I would love to see him actually do something worthwhile. On Smackdown, he seemed to be getting really over before the Fatal 4 Way match but he seems to have lost that again, when he didn’t win it. He probably is still the most dominating person on the Smackdown roster right now and I would love to see him recapture the Championship and actually have a good run with it but I don’t realistically think that will happen any time soon.

His booking has been a shambles recently and I would go so far as to say that they don’t care about the Big Show. Just when he is starting to get over on one alignment, they quickly flip flop him to the other alignment and he loses his way again. The fans lose their interest and what’s more, the Big Show loses all of the momentum that he had generated and needs to start again. I have no idea what it is that is holding him back on Smackdown but as long as it persists, he wont account to much, I am sorry to say.
He could easily be called a Legend...i think he can..

He is really good..he has stuck with wrestling for a long time..well 15 years i think although he took some time off...

Big Show to me, just like Ferbs said..he doesn't need a title around him to show everyone what he can do..you can see what he can do by looking at him...face or heel he can perform in the ring..and can be a big threat to opponents...

Back in his WCW days called Giant..he was a f'in monster..and scary at times..he got a deserving title run in WCW i think it was in 1996..and he's held the wwe title 2 times i think..but both short reigns..but again..he doesn't need any reigns as of right now...

Would I like to see him have another world title run??
Why not..he deserves to hold the world heavyweight title once more...

He's a great guy and defo future HoF'er...
As overrated as overrated comes. Giant hasn't been legitimately relevant for damn near a decade if you ask me –*back to his time in WCW. He's quite pathetic on the mic and considering how much weight he's gained since the late 90's/early 2000's, his ring-work has taken a significant decrease as well.

Total channel-changer/fast-forward for me personally.

Big Show with a World Championship would be equally as awful because of how poor of a performer he is now. I'd sooner give it to Kane than to Big Show if you want to put a title on the shoulder of a guy who can actually still go at a believable pace.
Personally, I don't think the Big Show is overrated, for his age, and the current shape he's in, he does well enough to get by. He was a good attraction for the WWE back when he first debuted, but over the years he's been involved in somewhat nothing feuds aside from the odd championship here and there. He's become relevant again since tagging with Jericho and now he's main eventing on Smackdown which is good for him, because otherwise he goes back to being a nothing in the midcard or just a random monster heel who looks dominant twice a year.

I am entertained by his work, but I know he's nearing the end of the road, and it may soon be time for retirement for Show. There is not much else he can do in the WWE or do for the WWE as far as viewership or ratings. But one of the things I've liked about Show is you never see an article about him getting into trouble backstage or complaining about his role in the company, so obviously he loves what he does and realizes his role, which is a very good thing.
I think Big Show is fine for what he is. He isn't a world title quality worker, but that's fine since he hasn't won a world title in years. He isn't the most entertaining guy on the roster, but that isn't really his purpose. What he is though is the largest athlete in the world, a solid worker and someone who is over with the fans as both a face and a heel.

He is someone who is useful to WWE because they can use him whenever or wherever they need him. He has enough credibility to challenge for the world title, like recently with Swagger, and he is a good enough worker to put in a tag team with somebody, like the Miz or Jericho. I don't particularly like his work anymore, but it's not as though I hate it either. So, to match an answer in the poll, I'd say he is alright.
I love the Big Show.When he's a face,he works wonders with the crowd and just seems like a fun guy to hang around.He's been in the WWE for over a decade and is a cornerstone of the company.He can be a world champion,monster hell,or tool around with guest hosts.He has as much versatility as he has girth.
Personally I think the Big Show is great. He is a professional in and out of the ring. He is decent on the mic and brings humor as well as an imposing stature to the ring. He sells well concidering he has to make much smaller opponants look good. Face it , the man is like Andre , the only way your beating him is if he lets you! He might not be the best wrestler but he is entertaining and has had a solid run in the business. He can make a legitimate looking champion at anytime just due to his size and reputation. Someday when he goes into the HOF he will obtain Legendary status.

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