What do you think of my WM27 Dream Card/Predictions

I'm using the current roster but removing Hardy and Jericho since they'll likely be gone by Wrestlemania.


1) United States Championship Scramble Match: Evan Bourne(C) VS Kofi Kingston (Traded to Raw) VS Tyson Kidd VS Justin Gabriel VS R-Truth (HEEL)

Winner: Bourne

2) Christian VS Alberto Del Rio

Winner: Christian (He returns in February to feud with Del Rio after Rey Mysterio did the same thing earlier.)

3) Rey Mysterio & Kaval VS Cody Rhodes & Dolph Ziggler

Winners: Rhodes & Ziggler

4) Smackdown VS Raw: The Big Show VS Sheamus

Winner: Big Show

5) Submission Match: Bryan Danielson (Traded to Smackdown) VS Jack Swagger

Winner: Swagger (Great technical wrestling match.)

6) Miss Wrestlemania II Battle Royal

Winner: It doesn't matter. Melina, I guess.

7) John Morrison VS Wade Barrett (w/ The Nexus)

Winner: Morrison

8) Bobby Lashley VS Kane

Winner: Lashley

9) WWE Championship: The Miz(C) VS Randy Orton

Winner: Miz

10) World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk(C) VS Triple H VS Edge (RR Winner)

Winner: Edge (Both he and HHH go to Smackdown)

11) John Cena VS The Undertaker

Winner: 19-0 (No brainer IMO.)
Besides the fact you stole my avatar :) Not a bad card. Wrestlemania usually has 8 or 9 matches though. A lot of the matches were a little random for my taste. Not bad though.
You sir are incorrect seeing how Del Rio will be a world champion come Wrestlemania. Oh also Black Lesnar won't be back in the WWE just because the dirt sheets say so ;)
i loved it but you left out drew mcintyre. im pretty sure he will be in at wm how out you replace ziggler with him since their the tag champs and they can defend the titles their. you can add ziggler to the raw scramble instead of kidd because hes not ready to be at wm other than that i like it its good ill grey rep you haha
it sucks.

1. Too many trades. They generally don't do trades, and the Draft isn't until after Mania
2. Stupid turns. R-Truth heel? The guys one of the most over guys on RAW, why turn him?
3. Bobby Lashley? He ditched WWE and made a bit of a fit claiming racism (might be right), not to mention he wsan't really over that much. He's not coming back.
4. randomly thrown together Tag Teams. Kaval/Mysterio vs. 1/2 the tag champs and another wrestler? Why not Rhodes/McIntyre? And why would Kaval/Mysterio team?
5. no IC title match, OR Money In The Bank. If the US title is gonna be defended, then the IC likely would too, especially if there isn't a Money In The Bank.
So many people keep ruling Sheamus out of the main events just because he isn't champion at the moment. I think he'll be in the main event.
Doesn't look very entertaining which probably means you are on to something ...

Danielson-Swagger and Big Show-Sheamus are the only suggestions that appeal to me.
Thanks Angel, btw noah, nobody said you had to click on the thread. Unless you're looking for a confrontation, you could've just ignored it.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, guys. I'll try to respond in one big post lol.

Hamler: Thank you, but actually, WM26 had 10 matches, so I figure 1 more wouldn't be that different.

Pedro & WolfDemon: OK, maybe Lashley won't be back. I had to do something with Kane :rolleyes:

Crock: No comment.

Stormtrooper: I only had 1 trade with Kingston & Danielson. Truth will be a heel by WM, trust me. I left McIntyre off the card because I hated him but you're probably right about switching him with Ziggler. I have a storyline that after Rhodes & McIntyre lose the tag titles, they take out anger on the new guy (Kaval) and Mysterio helps him, forming a high-flyers tag team.

That 90's Kid: Sheamus isn't ready to headline. He's only been in 1 WM all together. Someday though...even though I hate him too.

Shattered Dreams: Thanks...I guess :p I thought those two match ideas would be interesting.

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