What do you think the entire WM26 Card will be (realistically)?


Well if this is spam gladly move it. But i feel this is something i should ask people on and i put it in the PPV section because it is at WM 26. So people answer with your own opinions and tell me if you think mine is likely of happening.

1.(womens champion)Mickie James vs Michelle McCool [WINNER: MICKIE JAMES]
2.MITB " Shelton(again lol) vs Evan Bourne vs Big Show vs Jack Swagger vs The Miz (will have lost his title to MVP by now) vs Kane vs Mark Henry vs Kofi Kingston
3. (unified tag champs) Cmpunk & Gallows vs Hart Dynasty [WINNERS: CMPUNK&GALLOWS]
4. (ecw champion)Christian vs William Regal [WINNER: WILLIAM REGAL]
5. Vince McMahon vs Bret Hart [VINCE WILL SCREW BRET SOMEHOW]
6. (world Heavyweight Champion) Chris jericho vs Edge[WINNER: EDGE]
7. Undertaker vs HBK vs HHH [WINNER:TAKER]
8. (WWE champion)Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase vs Cody Rhodes[WINNER: TED DIBIASE] [5 MINUTES AFTER (ted is tired) The miz' music hits and he comes in and cashes it in to beat ted dibiase] Making the final list of champions so:

ECW champion: William Regal
WWE champion: The Miz
WH Champion: Edge
Unified Tag champions: cm punk and luke gallows
Womens champion: mickie james
Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase

Batista vs. John Cena

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Bret Hart & Vince McMahon involved somehow)

Triple H vs. Sheamus

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

Money In The Bank ( MVP, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, R-Truth, Kane, Big Show, Kane, Jack Swagger, Shelton Benjamin and Christian)

John Morrison vs. The Miz
Here's a couple I would like to see.

Randy Orton vs Dibiase vs Rhodes: The loser must cane their own father

Edge vs Christian for ECW championship (not likely but here's to hoping)
Few intresting matches could possibly happen at this years WM. i think however definates appear to be :

WHC - Edge Vs Jericho - Jericho will win this at elimnation chamber, either having Edge help him win it just to get revenge or HBK screwing Undertaker.

WWE Title - Sheamus Vs HHH - Depending on IF HHH is injured, did look it at last nights rumble match. Cant see Orton here as he will be 3rd ME, see below.

Orton Vs Legacy - I see a handicap match coming along here. After seeing Ted stick up for Cody last night, it got me thinking this could be the outcome.

ECW - Christian Vs Regal - Only decent possible match.

HBK Vs Taker - Taker will want his revenge after HBK screws him out of his title at Elimination Chamber.

Unified Tag Titles - Punk + Gallows Vs ??? - Not really sure with this, but i think Punk and Gallows will be champs coming into this.

MITB - Usual suspects here, Evan Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Hardy, Rey, The Miz, Swagger, Morrison etc etc.

Womens - Mickie Vs Michelle ?

Now as noted i have left out Cena, i really dont see how he is going to fit into this years WM. Possibly somthing with Vince and Bret ? Miby Bret picking Cena and Vince picking someone like Vince Vs Trump ?

Winners :

Edge - Just because his comeback

HHH - Sheamus beating him on grandest stage of all ? Dont make me laugh

Orton i think - this has to be the hardest to choose from. Secure Ortons tweener status or give Legacy that push ? i really dont know im 50/50 here but i will say Orton.

Christian - hes ECWs heart and soul

Taker - the streak what more is left to say ?

Punk + Gallows - Punks on the best role of his career

The Miz - only person ready to step up to the next level IMO

Mickie James - Better for a WM point of view for face to win here

Cena - Dont know what he will be involved in, but whatever it is he will be the victor.
MITB - Kofi Kingston wins
Miss Wrestlemania - Mickie James wins
Punk & Gallows vs The Hart Dynasty (WWE Unified Tag Titles)
Randy Orton vs Ted DiBiase
John Cena vs Batista
Sheamus vs Triple H (WWE Title Match)
Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon (Street Fight)
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Chris Jericho vs Edge (World Heavyweight Title Match)
World title: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

WWE title: Triple H (c) vs. Shawn Michaels

Street fight: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

Undertaker vs. Sheamus

John Cena vs. Batista

Orton vs. Rhodes vs. DiBiase

ECW Title: Christian (c) vs. Vance Archer

Big Show vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Khali (garbage, I know, but I dunno where else to put em)

MITB: Evan Bourne vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre vs. MVP

Mask vs. Hair match: Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

Champion vs. Champion: Mickie James vs. Maryse
WWE Champion Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase
World Champion The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
ECW Champion Christian vs. William Regal
John Cena vs. Batista
Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool
CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
Money in the Bank: John Morrison vs. Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Finlay vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. Big Show vs. Shelton Benjamin
US Champion The Miz vs. MVP
heavyweigth champ jericho vs edge winner:edge womens champ micke vs mccool vs beth winner:mickie ic champ drew mcintyre vs kaval winner:kaval wwe champ HHH vs Sheamus winner:HHH taker vs hbk winner: undertaker MITB:miz,jomo,shelton,bourne,matt hardy,big show,mark henry,bryan danilson, winner:jomo screw the miz vince vs bret hart winner the hit man
I think it'll be:

Taker vs Cena
Orton vs Edge(world title)
Vince vs Bret
MITB: Benjamin, Morrison, Kofi, Kane, Henry, Swagger, Miz

No idea on the rest of the card.
Here's what i think could happen.....

MITB: Kofi vs Kane vs John Morrison vs Drew vs Sheamus vs Shelton (Obv) vs possibly Carilto and HBK !

Winner HBK

ECW : Christian vs Zack Ryder ( or some other ecw guy)

Winner : Christian

US title : Jack Swagger Vs MVP some sort of stipulation ....

Winner: MVP

Tag Titles: Hart Dynasty vs The Miz and Big Show

Winners: Mis and show

Hopefully: Cena vs The Rock

Winner: The rock

Batista vs rey: Stipulation involved

Winner: Rey

Bret vs Vince: Street Fight

Winner : Bret Hart

Ted vs Cody

Winner: Cody

WWE Title : Orton vs EDGE

Winner: Edge

WHC: Taker vs Y2J

Winner : Taker

HBK Cashes in MITB

HBK VS TAKER: DRAW?!?!?!?! ( I cant pick a winner )

I have loads of other ideas but that looks pretty bad ass i reckon :)
HHH v HBK (if HHH is not hurt)
Vince v Bret
Edge v Jericho WHC
Orton v Dibiase WWE
Taker v Cena
MITB (Miz, Drew, JoMo, Punk, Swagger, Carlito, Ziggler, Truth)
Christian v Shelton ECW
divas battle royal
Sheamus v Rey
Batista v Kofi
I agree with some of your predictions:

1. Mickie James vs Michelle McCook: Mickie wins
2. MITB: Benjamin, Miz, Kofi, Swagger, M Hardy, Big Show, Morrison, Kane: I do see Miz winning this.
3. I see Punk and Gallows getting tag belts. Punk and Gallows vs hart Dynasty: Winners Hart Dynasty.
4. ECW Title: William Regal vs Christian. I see Regal finally beating christian so that Christian can move on to smackdown.
5. Vince vs Brett Hart: Brett will win, and soon after will be Raw GM.
6. WH: Jericho will win title at Elimination Chamber: Jericho vs Edge: Edge wins
7. HBK vs HHH: HBK wins
8. Undertaker vs Cena: Undertaker wins
9. WWE Title: Orton vs Dibiase vs Rhodes: I do see Dibiase winning but I don't see Miz cashing in on this night. This is so that the Dibiase vs Orton feud can continue.
WWE Championship
Sheamus (c) vs Triple H

World Championship
Jericho (c) vs Edge

Undertaker vs Shawn Micheals

Orton vs Dibease or Rhodes

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon
(Or some type of match with representatives for the two)

ECW Championship
Christian vs Pre event Battle Royal winner ala WM 24 (I would even predict Kane again)

MITB Ladder Match
Kingston, MVP, Morrison, McIntyre, Bourne, Miz, Henry, Big Show

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio

Obviously, there are a couple of things that have to happen here for this card to take place. The biggest thing that I honestly think will happen is HBK will end up screwing The Undertake out of the WHC at Elimination Chamber. It can easily be seen due to HBK's obsession with the Undertaker and not only set's up that match, but easily sets up a crescendo to the Edge/Jericho story should Jericho win the belt.

I think at this point, having Sheamus lose before Wrestlemania would be a waste of his push and bury him. While I don't think he deserves it, the best choice right now is for Sheamus to defend the strap at Mania. Considering Triple H doesn't have a feud at this point, and only wants to be champion, I am sure he will win whatever number one contenders match they will have for Raw.

I think the Bret Hart/McMahon scenario goes without saying. They aren't really building Christian up on any major program right now, though I wouldn't be surprised to see him drop that strap before hand. If he does, don't expect to see an ECW title match at WM and I would throw Christian's name into the MITB. The only person who will definitely be on the card, but I can't think of a match for him yet is Batista. The easy booking would see him face off against Rey Mysterio, but that is becoming an old feud at this point. I predict that Mysterio will face CM Punk because Punk has garnered enough heat to warrant an actual match at the event rather then just being in another MITB match. Mysterio would be a good match for Punk's style.
After what happened a RR last night, I see WM26 shaping up to be:

Edge vs Y2J for WHC (Y2J wins WHC at EC PPV)
HHH vs Shamus for WWE Title
Orton vs Ted DeBiase vs Cody Rhodes (The End of Legacy)
Bret Hart vs Vince Machon
MITB (Christian, Kofi, Jack Swagger, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Evan Borne, Miz, and R Truth)
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk (Mask vs Hair)
Super Cena vs Batista (Raw vs Smackdown)
Beth Phenix vs Michelle McCool vs Mickie James (Womans Title)
HBK vs Undertaker (Streak vs Retirement for HBK?)

If WWE can book things correctly, then from now until WM26 it could all shape up to work out....
Ok Im gonna shake it up.

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Edge vs. Sheamus(c)
Winner: Edge

WHC Match: Taker(c) vs. HHH vs. HBK
Winner: Either HHH beating HBK or the opposite, but Taker wont be in the pin.

MITB Match: Bourne vs. Swagger vs. Ziggler vs. Kofi vs. Miz vs. Morrison vs. whoever else you want.
Winner: Miz or Morrison. I CANT DECIDE!!!

Orton vs. Rhodes vs. Dibiase
Winner: RHODES. There, I said it.

Fatal 4 way for IC TITLE: Punk vs. Rey vs. Jericho vs. Mcintyre(c)
Winner: Mcintyre (Imagine that rub)

Thats all I got. I wouldnt be surprised if all or none of these matches actually end up like this.

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