What do you hate most with todays crowd/fans?

What do you hate most with todays crowd/fans?

  • The crowd don't love the stars, they want to be the star of the show. Takeover/hijack.

  • PG kids who like Cena or like to write tittymaster Ambrose on a meme. Kids ruining it.

  • Too smarky, it's not casual fans but mostly IWC nerds in the crowd overanalyzing everything.

  • The product suck so bad, the crowd will do it as well if the product is bad.

  • They only scream for catchphrases like puppets - more then someone winning a match.

  • Other

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What do you hate most with todays crowd/fans?

You can vote on multiple choices.

I agree with this:
"Back in the day the crowd loved the stars in the show, today the crowd wants to be the star of the show."

1. The crowd don't love the stars, they want to be the star of the show. Takeover/hijack.

2. PG kids mostly. It's just kids who like Cena or like to write tittymaster Ambrose on a meme. Kids ruining it.

3. Too smarky, it's not casual fans but mostly IWC nerds in the crowd overanalyzing everything.

4. The product suck so bad, the crowd will do it as well if the product is bad.

5. They only scream for catchphrases like puppets - more then someone actually winning a match

6. Other.
Smarky crowds can be the absolute worst, they can be downright annoying. Some of them are of the opinion "I paid my money, I'll behave however I want" and can ruin the show for others. Some smarks flat out defy logic. What I mean by that is there are some fans who do nothing but rag on the product, whether it's WWE, TNA, ROH or whomever, yet they continue to tune in to watch their TV programs, order their ppvs and pay to go to house shows. It's something I've never understood: if you don't like what you're seeing, why not spend your time and especially your money on something else?

Some examples that spring to mind are Chicago and New York smarks. In Chicago, even though it's been close to a year since CM Punk walked out of WWE, they still chant for him. Even though information has come out that doesn't make Punk seem all that sympathetic, at least not nearly as much as he initially seemed, they'll still chant. They know he isn't coming back, they know that he doesn't give crap how loud they chant, they still do it just to make noise. They wanna be the "stars" of the show rather than suspend disbelief.

The best example of a smarky New York crowd was at last year's HOF ceremony when they were booing a Make A Wish video presentation. I don't know if it's mostly because Cena was out there or if they were just booing in general. I thought it showed a complete lack of class and total disrespect. It's one thing to voice displeasure over something you're not into, but there are times and places for that. In my opinion, it's not during a presentation of a charity organization featuring footage of sick and/or dying children, some of whom won't live long enough to get out of elementary school.
I hate Indy fans that want every vanilla midget in ROH to win the wwe title and headline WM. I hate this idea that veteran wrestlers HAVE to lose to younger talent. I hate the idea that a younger (kinda) guy has to win the wwe tiltle in the main event of WM every year (DB, Reigns). I hate that 90% of fantasy booking on this site includes NXT wrestlers having huge matches at WM. I hate the CM Punk chants. The smarky fans are the worst though.

I could honestly go on and on
"Too smarky, it's not casual fans but mostly IWC nerds in the crowd overanalyzing everything."

This is priceless. An "IWC nerd" is on here overanalyzing the fans, and one of the criticisms is that they overanalyze everything. :lmao:
I hate the constant bandwagon hopping in today's fans. So many people don't make up their own opinion on something, they just go with what's popular. I hate that so many people just go against what the WWE is doing just to seem edgy and smart. The people that hate on Reigns or Bryan or Cena just because it's the "cool" thing to do. I hate that. Make up your own damn mind, stop trying to be a little rebel.

I also dislike the CM Punk chants. He's been gone for a while, he's not coming back any time soon. The WWE did everything they could to get him back, he quit, they didn't fire him. I think it's disrespectful to the wrestlers. Even if it's some Diva who has no business in a ring, they're out there busting their asses and giving it their best and people are just dumping all over it. It must be so upsetting for them.
My only problem with fans are the very vocal and very small minority of fans that want to ruin the show for everyone. As Jack-Hammer said, the "I paid my money, I can do what I want" crowd. They are quite possibly the worst people to be fans of any sport or any event possible. It's like buying tickets to see the Foo Fighters, but they already announced that it's a concert where they only play their new record and no classic hits BEFORE you bought tickets, then getting to the show, and trying to spark up boos and chants for 30 Seconds to Mars because the Foo Fighters won't listen to you when you demand their old hits. And then doing THE SAME THING EVERY MONDAY NIGHT.
I don't like the CM Punk chants or the random JBL or Michael Cole chants during a Divas match. Even if the divas are putting on a decent segment, the crowd just waits for their moment to chant some random wrestler to be funny. It's alright sometimes, like the Raw after Mania or something, but I don't care for it every single raw, especially when you got a couple wrestlers in the ring working hard.

Edit: And it's not always necessarily a divas segment, but it often is.
Smarky crowds for sure.

It's one thing to boo and cheer whoever you want. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's another thing to act like a jackass and try and hijack the show, so you can make yourself the center of attention. The CM Punk chants, and another example that sticks out is the Raw crowd the night after Wrestlemania 29.

And the "I paid for my ticket, so I can do whatever I want" argument is horseshit. I go to the movie theater on a weekly basis, and I pay for my tickets, so does that give me the right to turn my ringer on loud and talk out loud during the movie? No. Imagine if I watched a movie with Samuel L. Jackson, and I tried to start a "Jules Winnfield" chant in the theater. That's foolish, and you can say the same thing about smarky fans.
I was at a house show in Toronto last night and the crowd was pretty good. The heels got boo'd out of the building and the faces got cheered. I was quite proud of them.

When AJ Lee came out for her match with Paige, there was a few CM Punk chants but they quickly died away when no one else joined in. Cena and Ambrose blew the roof off the place as usual, even Sheamus got a great reaction.

The funniest thing I've ever heard happened though. During the Ambrose match the crowd at the back of the floor starting chanting something. It took a few minutes for me to figure out what it was but I was in tears when I finally got it. My son turned to me and said what are they saying and I couldn't answer him right away. The crowd in front of them were standing up and about 20 rows on the floor at the back where chanting "Let's all sit down". Never heard that before, it was hysterical.

I find house shows have the best crowds, and only on TV do you get a lot of assholes. I'm thinking it might be because they think someone at home can hear them, so they yell as loud as they can. So it's not, did you see me mom, more like did you hear me mom. Idiots.
This is an easy one for me. It is fans shouting 'what?!' during promos. It wasn't funny when it started, it's not funny now and it is so disrespectful to the performer who is doing their thing in the ring. Shut up and actually pay attention to the show you paid money to go and watch instead of shouting at the end of every sentence
I don't hate anything about fans.. Hating a group of people for no good reason is so ignorant.. I just choose to ignore them and i do it very well..
I can't say I hate what fans do. I can say I hate that people on the internet criticize other people on the internet for how they feel. I believe paying fans should be able to do whatever they want as long as it isn't harming anyone. Chants don't harm people. Unless they're sensitive little punks. But anyways to the clowns that compare it with booing and chanting at a movie theater, get real you're not supposed to boo or cheer anything at a movie theater. Sit down be quiet and respect people around you. At wrestling events you are encouraged to participate and interact so its fine
The one thing that truly gets me about the current day WWE crowd is that they are not passionate about the product. You can say all you want that they would be passionate if the product didn't suck so much or it's up to WWE to entice passion in the fans, but it's quite obvious to me that half the fans are children who ONLY care about John Cena and entertainment such as a wrestling bunny... The other half have their select few guys whether it be Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins, etc. and contribute by shitting on the rest of the performers.

I was recently watching an old 1999 RAW from Toronto and the crowd was probably the craziest and loudest crowd I have ever witnessed on a TV program, not just WWE. They popped for all the babyfaces and booed all the heels heavily, they played along during a promo but were respectful enough to let the performer get his point across, and they were PASSIONATE about every single segment whether it included Stone Cold or The Headbangers. This imo is one of the reasons the AE was looked back on so fondly, the crowd really loved their wrestling. Now they just don't care.
I hate Indy fans that want every vanilla midget in ROH to win the wwe title and headline WM. I hate this idea that veteran wrestlers HAVE to lose to younger talent. I hate the idea that a younger (kinda) guy has to win the wwe tiltle in the main event of WM every year (DB, Reigns).
I hate wrestling fans who use the term "vanilla midget" when convenient, to disparage any worker who is on the small side who they aren't a fan of. I hate Kevin Nash for coining the term because he was jealous that he saw the writing on the wall with small higher quality workers getting over better with crowds(amongst thousands of other reasons that I hate him).

Now for a "WM" history lesson:
In the last ten Manias, there have been ten instances of a wrestler entering the event without the WWE or World title, and leaving as champ. Here's the list: Bryan, Cena, Sheamus, Cena, Cena, Taker, Taker, Rey, Cena, Batista.

Now that's a list of too young, overpushed, and undersized indy darlings if I've ever seen one. :rolleyes:
I hate that 90% of fantasy booking on this site includes NXT wrestlers having huge matches at WM.
I don't think anyone is calling for Neville or Zayn to co-main event Mania in 2015. But if they are please show me where and prove me wrong. Speaking of that, I hate people who over exaggerate the opinions of the fans they don't agree with just to enhance their whiny argument.

And wanting to see exceptional workers like Zayn, Neville, and the new crop of international signees like KENTA and Devitt get on the WM card to improve the quality of the undercard is a bad thing?
The smarky fans are the worst though.
I hate people who use the term "smarky" to feel like a better wrestling fan.
I could honestly go on and on
So could I.

And more specific to the topic...
As long as the fans show up to the show, react to what's being presented, and don't just sit on their hands, who gives a fuck? Seriously??
The one thing that truly gets me about the current day WWE crowd is that they are not passionate about the product. You can say all you want that they would be passionate if the product didn't suck so much or it's up to WWE to entice passion in the fans, but it's quite obvious to me that half the fans are children who ONLY care about John Cena and entertainment such as a wrestling bunny... The other half have their select few guys whether it be Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins, etc. and contribute by shitting on the rest of the performers.

I was recently watching an old 1999 RAW from Toronto and the crowd was probably the craziest and loudest crowd I have ever witnessed on a TV program, not just WWE. They popped for all the babyfaces and booed all the heels heavily, they played along during a promo but were respectful enough to let the performer get his point across, and they were PASSIONATE about every single segment whether it included Stone Cold or The Headbangers. This imo is one of the reasons the AE was looked back on so fondly, the crowd really loved their wrestling. Now they just don't care.

Awww Toronto crowds are great. The only time we cheer the heels is if they are Canadian. We love our Canadian wrestlers. Whenever RAW shows up at the ACC, you are guaranteed one hell of a reaction.
Exactly its the smarky assholes that really make going to an event not enjoyable.. Those who Boo Cena just to boo him are the ones who get on my nerves the most.. If you really have a dislike for someone,then by all means boo em.. Like last year in NY During the HOF ceremony..

People actually boo'd the Make-A-Wish what kind of sick twisted fuck would do that? If i was in charge of the ceremony i would have stopped it right there,demand to know who boo'd that confiscate their WM tickets as well as throw them out of the ceremony. Too boo Dying children regardless if Cena is being the presenter or not,is disgraceful.

Even when Mark Henry comes out,the chants of Sexual Chocolate. They think their being funny by doing that,but really their ruining it for others to enjoy the show.. So many examples i could give
I don't really try to hate more so I just get annoyed by fans. Especially the fans who push the wrestler they like as if they're the greatest in the world and when you give your opinion you end up wrong. It is an opinion, how the hell is it wrong? Beats me I guess.

Another thing I dislike is the "what" thing. It was cool when Austin did it but now it has played it's part an it can ruin a promo. But I digress, it is what it is.
For annoying wrestling fans overall it has to the IWC, Not all but alot of them I have witnessed on various internet sites seem to be for example any wrestler over 30 is way too old and you must be ******ed if you disagree with them and they all seem to stick together The kind of fan that just makes you embaressed to admit to non wrestling fans that you enjoy watching wrestling.
As for the actual crowd I wasn't a fan of the What or we want puppies chants I thought was disrespectful.
Personally it is that the crowd just goes with whatever wwe wants them to do. Sure, you get some cases like the "Albert" chants when Tensai returned but those are few and far between. Take Daniel Bryan - sure they booed Batista and Mysterio at the Rumble but that's it. They kept watching the product, cheering when Cena came out, booed Batista when they turned him heel instead of just ignoring him, etc. It sounds cheesy but back in the Attitude Era, they had no choice but to listen to the fans or else the fans let them know. Now you get the odd thing here or there but otherwise most fans just go with whatever wwe wants and then we hear things like "it isn't that bad" which is a far cry from "it was awesome".
At live shows it's the obnoxious people who ruin it for the people around them. Especially if those around them include kids. I've never really understood the point of that. Boo and cheer whoever you want. Make noise. Cool. Don't be an asshole about things. Especially with kids around.

If I'm watching Raw or whatever show it's dead crowds that bug the fuck out of me. Mainly when there's actually a good match on. At least clap or something. I'd rather take a "smarky" crowd over a dead crowd.
I hate wrestling fans who use the term "vanilla midget" when convenient, to disparage any worker who is on the small side who they aren't a fan of. I hate Kevin Nash for coining the term because he was jealous that he saw the writing on the wall with small higher quality workers getting over better with crowds(amongst thousands of other reasons that I hate him).

Now for a "WM" history lesson:
In the last ten Manias, there have been ten instances of a wrestler entering the event without the WWE or World title, and leaving as champ. Here's the list: Bryan, Cena, Sheamus, Cena, Cena, Taker, Taker, Rey, Cena, Batista.

Now that's a list of too young, overpushed, and undersized indy darlings if I've ever seen one. :rolleyes:

I don't think anyone is calling for Neville or Zayn to co-main event Mania in 2015. But if they are please show me where and prove me wrong. Speaking of that, I hate people who over exaggerate the opinions of the fans they don't agree with just to enhance their whiny argument.

And wanting to see exceptional workers like Zayn, Neville, and the new crop of international signees like KENTA and Devitt get on the WM card to improve the quality of the undercard is a bad thing?

I hate people who use the term "smarky" to feel like a better wrestling fan.

So could I.

And more specific to the topic...
As long as the fans show up to the show, react to what's being presented, and don't just sit on their hands, who gives a fuck? Seriously??

I see that I have hurt your feelings. I apologize. Seriously dude, just answer the question. My opinion is my opinion. I dont agree with Devitt, Zayn, and Kenta being anything special either. They are the same Indy guys that suck at everything but putting on matches. The WWE already has people that are one dimensional. Zayn isnt terrible but he isn't anything special either. I used vanilla midget as a joke btw. I'm not going to show you anything, do your own research. Ascension winning tag titles at Mania/Charlotte winning the divas title is two of the more popular fantasy bookings and it literally takes like 2 seconds to find a post suggesting one of these matches.

Next time just answer the question instead of trying to start an argument while exposing yourself as one of the smarky fans that multiple people on here have stated that they dont like. Feel like a better wrestling fan? Lol I guess guy.

I'm also not even sure what that whole "wm lesson" had to do with my post. I was referring to how instead of DB main evening again people want to see Reigns main event. Than next year they will want another first timer like Rollins, so that nobody ever can build their name up because a new guy wins the title at Mania every year. That has nothing to do with Indy wrestlers. At least understand what I'm saying before you rant about it.
I'm not going to show you anything, do your own research. Ascension winning tag titles at Mania/Charlotte winning the divas title is two of the more popular fantasy bookings and it literally takes like 2 seconds to find a post suggesting one of these matches.

Considering that The Ascension have been dragging their feet in NXT and are desperately ready for a call-up and a step-up in competition against the main roster(after they finish putting Itami and Balor over, rightfully of course)...

And considering that Charlotte has grown by leaps and bounds at an astonishing pace and is nothing short of fantastic now and will be very ready for the main roster soon...

And considering Mania is still months away and the current nicely built Divas belt storyline will have had time to play out by then, as well as the "Dust Brothers" having had time to really show if their reign is going to ultimately work by then...

And considering how little the Tag Titles and Divas Title actually mean in the grand scheme of things, especially in light of the Mania card...

Both The Ascension and/or Charlotte winning their respective division's gold at Mania doesn't sound like a bad idea at all, thanks for proposing it! You're smarter than I thought, I apologize for some of my earlier borderline vitriol. ;)
oh man where do I start? The disinterest in Divas matches, WWE crowds could learn everything from the NXT crowd because they're into EVERY divas match and chant and cheer for the divas. The CM Punk chants when AJ Lee is out. The Raw crowd last week had the nerve to chant "We want AJ!" over Brie's match and then when AJ was out there they chanted "CM PUNK! CM PUNK! CM PUNK!" over her match.

Also, STOP CHANTING FOR THE FUCKING ANNOUNCERS. It annoys me when they start "JBL! JBL! JBL!" on anyone's matches. They're not the focus! They pick retired wrestlers for color commentary for a reason, THEY'RE RETIRED. leave the chanting for their entrances before the show starts and leave it at that. It hurts the people in the ring because it makes them look like they can't get over with the crowd and that's what ruins careers.

At least the "PG Kids" are into the people in the ring. I've never seen a kid in the crowd chant someone's old gimmick at them, or chant for someone that's not in the company, or chant for an announcer. They chant for their faves, even the Divas. Kids aren't the problems, it's the smarky adults that think they know everything and that beg to be catered to to the point of "hijacking" the show. Even though they usually trot out veterans that can manipulate crowds even when they're filled with smarks.
My #1 problem with the fans today is their lack of respect for veteran talent. They want the younger guys to win 100% of their matches, and the older guys to lose 100% of their matches. Every new star who comes along is "the best thing ever", and anyone who debuted more than a few years ago is a "washed up has-been". I feel the over-pushing of young talent is hurting the business more than it's helping it. A slow build is the way to lay the foundation for the future, not shoving rockets up all the young stars' asses and shooting them straight to the top.

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