What Do You Hate In Wrestling?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What Do You Hate In Wrestling? Give reason's.

I hate when they have Arm Wrestling angle's. I just dont see the point. I'm sure the first ever arm wrestling angle was very innovative. But since the first one they've always been the same.

Also see test's of strength.

Long winded promo's. I hate it when a promo goes past 15 minute's. If they go longer than that then there just rambling. That's the only positive of Batista. He does'nt take up too much mic time.

Gimmick's that wont go anywhere. WWE has a habit of giving wrestler's gimmick's just because it's not been done before. If they have'nt got a proper gimmick for the wrestler dont bother.

I also hate big man mentality's. People might be in awe of somebody's size but I also think wrestling would draw just as well if it was based entirely on wrestling.
I hate contract signings.

Well I don't hate all of them.... some of them are well done. But you know they're just going to trash talk each other and someone's going to take a big bump, they're pretty predictable.

Like I said, sometimes they're good for furthering angles... other times they're just a glorified in ring promo.
I agree Contract signings are getting so overused now,before they were reserved for only the real big feuds and were not all the same take Austin HHH contract signing when he faked signing his name just to smash Austin in some more,but recently they have all been the same two men sign,two men talk trash one man ends up on his ass usally with the table up in the air.

Other thing's I hate in wrestling are

Arm Wrestling Matche's,I just don't see the point of these as they are all the same and all very boring
Chop War,yeah ok it looks good but honestly for me it just adds to the fakeness of wrestling one man chops then he just stands their waiting for a return...LIKE WTF

And for a while I hated Champion Torunaments but that was only becaue a few years back not so much now the smackdown brand couldn't sneeze without having a tournament to see who it would be doing it
To be fair I did like the Trump contract signing... that's a situation where it's fairly necessary to hold a contract signing. It's a big feud with big people involved, it helps generate buzz.

But there shouldn't be one for like a Batista/taker match, for instance... that would just be unecessary.
I hate the diva contests,and also the kiss my ass segments,and the eugene gimmick,funny they get away with it.
I hate story lines that obviously aren't going anywhere. and also gimmicks that are meaningless. and when the push someone over and over again when they obviously don't need it.
i hate how most of the time
titles cant be won by D.Q. it is
so dumb if u lose the match
u should lose the title same with countout
I can't stand the Kiss my Ass Club. I also hate when a heel champion loses the match by DQ but keeps the belt
I hate the breakdown of logic with some of the things that have been done. Here are some fine examples of this:

1. During the WCW Invasion, they actually had a Titantron graphic ready. How spontaneous is that? For how to do this type of thing correctly, see Scott Hall's entrance into WCW during the middle of a match. THAT was cool. No music, no announcement. He just came through the crowd and screwed up the show. THAT was a little slice of reality TV.

2. Horribly telegraphed promos in which the general manager or authority figure announces a match because of an apparent situation in the ring (people fighting or talking smack)...but we all can tell what the match is going to be from a mile away. No surprise. No intrigue. Just telegraphed stupidity for the average ******** in the audience. Insulting and just plain dumb. See this last week's Smackdown main event.

3. Selective ending changes due to video tape. Sometimes, instead of the usual screwjob ending where someone gets a fall by holding the ropes or hooking tights, the referee will be notified by someone in the back (i.e. another ref or authority figure) and the match will be ordered to restart. Other times, the match will just go down in the books. Now we all know that video tape machines are running through numerous points in the arena and EVERYONE in back can see. It's like they think that no one back there even notices when something up in the ring is happening and that everyone in the back is just playing Monopoly or some shit.

4. Predictable match endings. These are the worst. I can't stand the same boring Superman routine where a guy makes the comeback and always wins via a kickout and then performing his own finisher when you can see it coming from a mile away. This crap worked for me when I was five and Hulkamania was running wild in its original incarnation, but I'm not five anymore...and this crap sucks!

5. Non-title matches featuring champions. London and Kendrick. Benoit. These are some of the latest fine examples of champions fighting in their standard element (L & K in a tag team match against Douche and Dumbino, and Benoit against MVP in a singles encounter) but not defending their title?!? What kind of $hit is that? Why even put a belt on them?

6. Storyline changes that go against continuity. Christian and Edge being "brothers" for so long and then being split apart only to be referred to as a tag team down the line. Kane's situation with being in hiding and being "horribly burned" until 1997. Only to be subjected to the Katie Vick storyline (stupid in and of itself) which completely ruins continuity in Kane's character. Also, Kane having his mask taken off to reveal that he isn't really scarred...just a homely fellow?!? This crap sucks.

6. Repetitive DQ/Schmoz finishes. This devalues the spirit of competition that all wrestling should have. I don't want to watch a match that in the end is pointless because nobody gets a win. Somebody needs to be pinned or submit because that's what I pay to see...not this other crap where someone doesn't want to do the job and a damn run-in always takes place (thanks NWO!).

7. Squash matches that feature "Superstars" doing the light-speed job. This takes the value of the roster and flushes a majority of it down the toilet. It also makes it seem that much more implausible when said jobber gets a big push and starts to get some wins. This is one of the worst by-products of the nineties wrestling boom.

8. Short matches featuring talent that can definitely work longer. The average attention-span for a wrestling fan these days is microscopic compared to what it was years back. They only wait for the signature spots and aren't even interested in watching an actual match most times.

9. Redundant cliches in mic work. Randy Orton has been the posterboy for this as of recent. Every time someone threatens him he always replies with: "Well, we'll have to see, won't we?" That's the best comeback you can find?!? The youngest Champion in company history and that's it? Pathetic. I'm also glad that most of the wrestlers have phased out using the phrase "sick and tired." That one was so overused in the eighties and nineties that it nearly enacted a kill reflex in my brain.

9. Overly rehearsed mic work. You can tell typically when someone has their stuff spoonfed to them and doesn't have a remotely creative, on-the-fly, bone in their body. That's why a majority of the talent in the major companies these days has trouble speaking on their own. This is why they have to rely on Austin to come back and rock the mic every year or so.

10. One dimensional gimmicks. Stuff like Cryme Tyme, The Highlanders, Eugene, The Boogeyman, Abyss, Burchill's pirate gimmick, Kane, and The Undertaker's gimmicks all leave a rotten taste in my mouth. Very hollow, and not much dimension to the characters. As much as the novelty is there the first couple of times, the gimmick runs out of steam quickly and they're all left back at square one fishing for pops from a non-receptive audience. Thankfully for Abyss, he was saddled with Mitchell, who is a genius on the mic.

Anyhoo, these are all I can think of right now. If I can think of some more, I'll probably list them. Good thread.
-I hate when wrestlers with no talent get pushed down my throat to the point of suffocation *cough*, Batista & Cena, *cough*
-I hate matches that end in a countout
-I hate the women's division in the WWE. There are a few women left that can actually wrestle but they rarely get the chance to do so.
-I HATE the extreme expose. I want to rip my own eyes out of my head every blessed week.
I hate worthless talentless Divas sucking up air time.
I hate the WWE booking staff for burying people with actual in ring ability
I hate Writers that get bored with gimmicks that they created after one month.
I hate Stephanie McMahons influence on the company.
I hate WWECW for ****ing the name of ECW into a childish company.

I hate angles that are started, but never finished or explained, (G-TV anyone?)
I hate when guys like Randy Orton apply a headlock for 2 straight minutes.
I hate when guys like Khali only hit chops during their matches.
I hate when guys like Batista stall and have no fluid actions going on during their match.
A comment on the headlock thing... It's a necessary evil in wrestling. not only does it draw heat towards the wrestlers that need it... but it's a rest hold.

When you're wrestling a long match and you're a guy that might not be able to go 20-30 minutes with a guy who's 25-26 (i.e. Orton), you need a moment to catch your breath. Situations that can allow you to accomplish this is leaving the ring in frustration and rest holds, such as the headlock.

And it's not like it doesn't have a point in terms of storytelling in the ring. You're "wearing your opponent down"... cutting off the circulation, air supply, whatever. it makes sense.

When it's used at the beginning of a match two it draws heat and it plays with the ring psychology towards the other wrestler. it's the most basic move in all of pro wrestling. If you get stuck in it consistently towards the beginning of a match when you're still fresh and on your wits, it gets frustrating... that plays a big part in in-ring psychology and ring storytelling.

But I can understand why you don't like it and can get annoying at times. But like I said it's a necessary evil.
^Prax, I agree with you on all your points, but Orton is obessed with dragging out a headlock in matches that only 6 or 7 minutes. That is just evil and definately not necessary.
Lol I never really noticed that. I'll try to pay more attention next Orton match.

Well... you have to admit. it gets him heel heat, right? :D
ya the headlock is necessary, but boy, Orton milks that thing as long as he can
Surprising for someone who's supposed to have all this talent.. why do you think he milks it so much? Laziness?
no I think alot of it has to do with building heat The company still doesn't believe he is over enough? I 'm not sure but If there is one thing about orton you cannot knock it is his in ring work and effort he gives in every match
The thing you can knock Orton for is his attitude problem. He constantly gets into pissing contest with various people backstage. Orton has made his opinion known publically on who he thinks should, or shouldn't be backstage. Hell he even told Trish she didn't belong. This is a woman that has been in the locker room for at least 3 years before Orton came along. Orton is a cocky arrogant bastard taht thinks just because he is 3rd Generation that he has a free pass to do what he wants.

The rest holds i'm not sure. It maybe simply they are planning outa long sequence of moves, or simply put, he doesn't have anything else better to do. Again, Orton is a helluva talent, but his attitude and desire are the big question marks on him.
I hate angles that are started, but never finished or explained, (G-TV anyone?)

Dear lord I haven't thought about G-TV in years! lol I remember that, right, so there was just some random camera guy going around backstage taping important moments in storylines. lol, Anybody remember that woman in black that used to interfere in Raven's matches when he first debuted? Don't remember them ever telling us who she was either.

And I too hate writers who have little toys they play with for a month and then forget about forever (Cryme Tyme anyone? They used to be on TV every single week and usually in a match too, now the only time we ever see them is when they're randomly chillin' with Eugene)
I dont question his desire his bad attitude is well documented though I have n't heard about any problems since his suspension well except the steriod thing but he wasn't the only one I m not trying to kiss up to orton or anything Im just stating facts that I know I think he proves his desire in the quality of his matches I mean does anyone remember him ever having a terrible match? But all that said his attitude is his problem for the sake of wwe and him more importantly hopefully he s gotten better about his attitude it seems like he has but according to some people backstage it han't so who knows
I totally agree with the angles that are left un finished or angles that change every week (teddy long /vickie guerrero stoeyline)
i hate the way commentators, cole does it especially, when for example someone is hit in the back with a chair, its obviously the back, the whole back and nothing but the back, and the commentator goes, 'oh what a hit to the head with the chair' i just feel like saying, open your fucking eyes and say what you see, it isnt that hard you dumb ass
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