What could soldify Chris Jericho as one of the Best heels ever!


Everybody Has A Price!
So I started thinking and i think that right know Chris Jericho is in the top 3 heels that the pro-wrestling industry has at the moment. He could even be in the top 10 best heels ever.

But then i started brainstorming and had a great idea on how WWE, if they take the chance, how they can make him One of The Best Heel this Industry has ever seen.

And so i came up with a way. Before i post what i think they could if they have the guts, i want to say by that no means am i a racist or condone racist behavior. But i really think this a great way to give him more heat than he already has.

I hope that this doesnt give me an infraction either because im not sure if what i will post is allowed.

So here we go:

At the beginning of a Smackdown episode we can have Shelton Benjamin come out and say that he is tired of being overlooked and that he has been with the WWE for sometime and has been loyal to them. It is time for him to get a main event push. He wants to prove that he is main event material by having a match with one of the main eventer's on SD!

Then we have Jericho come out and interrupt him saying that he is nothing but crap and he shouldn't be allowed to prove anything because he only deserves to be Jericho's Slave. If they are in the right city this will instantly cause him to be boo'ed heavily and could possibly start a riot.

Then we can have Jericho continue saying racist kind of things that are TV Appropriate.

Well. next we have shelton try to say something and jericho tells him to shut up because he is a piece of scum. Jericho says that he will have a match with him to only injure him and not force this people to have to watch you. again if they are in the right city, possibly shelton's hometown, he will be Booe's heavily.

So they have the match and when Jericho starts getting dominated he gets himself Dq'ed and starts beating Shelton with a chair. He will then continue beating him with various weapons to a bloody pulp. He will have beaten him so bad that he has to be taken out in a stretcher because he cant get himself to walk to the back.

Then we have later in the show Teddy long try to get an apology out of Jericho and Jericho will refuse and say that he thinks of Teddy as the same way he thinks of shelton, someone who should be working as a slave...because he is nothing but a piece of scum.

Then they can have this feud go one of two ways, either Jericho starts fighting different African-Americans...or he is forced to go up against stable of African-Americans...like the second coming of the nation of domination.

So what do you guys think?
Well I think this kind of thing would be too much of a ''big deal'' for the WWE to handle. Like remember the Muhammed Hassan character? the WWE build him as their biggest young heel but the screwed it up with some lame terrorist segment just two days after a real terrorist event. the result was that the WWE had to drop Hassan and the whole buildup.

I'm kind of a big fan of these ''eccentric'' segments. I think that the idea you've suggested could be a big hit. But I don't think it would work. Why? it's because you live in America( No offense intended). Many people are too stupid to get over themselves and consider this kind of thing just entertainement. People would get hurt or some sort of crap and the press would badmouth the WWE. So I don't think it would work, but I like the idea though.
Wow. I think a couple of things. First, I believe that this is the definition of cheap heat. Not only would it not make Chris Jericho the best heel ever, but it would absolutely lower him. If creative or Jericho couldn't find a better way to make him hated then by playing the race card, then that would be a sad day even for WWE uncreative standards. Jericho simply going from group to group to try and generate heat is a terrible idea. Since he has no more legends to go after, he's gonna go after minorities? Even if you take the blatant racism out of this it is still incredibly lame and overused. Jericho as a performer doesn't need the cheap heat that this would bring. Once he's done with the new nation of domination are they going to bring back the mexicools?
I mean no offense, but this is a terrible idea on almost every front.

As for the second poster, who thinks that "Why? it's because you live in America( No offense intended). Many people are too stupid to get over themselves and consider this kind of thing just entertainement." you only have to look at the news to see that not only is racism still prevalent in America, but it is still prevalent in the wwe! (hi michael hayes!) Simply put, the WWE on television is a white dominated company. This would be a terrible PR move due to the realities of the company that has racists in it and is simply overwhelmed by a white majority.
Wow. I think a couple of things. First, I believe that this is the definition of cheap heat. Not only would it not make Chris Jericho the best heel ever, but it would absolutely lower him. If creative or Jericho couldn't find a better way to make him hated then by playing the race card, then that would be a sad day even for WWE uncreative standards. Jericho simply going from group to group to try and generate heat is a terrible idea. Since he has no more legends to go after, he's gonna go after minorities? Even if you take the blatant racism out of this it is still incredibly lame and overused. Jericho as a performer doesn't need the cheap heat that this would bring. Once he's done with the new nation of domination are they going to bring back the mexicools?
I mean no offense, but this is a terrible idea on almost every front.

As for the second poster, who thinks that "Why? it's because you live in America( No offense intended). Many people are too stupid to get over themselves and consider this kind of thing just entertainement." you only have to look at the news to see that not only is racism still prevalent in America, but it is still prevalent in the wwe! (hi michael hayes!) Simply put, the WWE on television is a white dominated company. This would be a terrible PR move due to the realities of the company that has racists in it and is simply overwhelmed by a white majority.

Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

To answer the question, if Jericho wants to up his ante to be considered one of the "greatest heels of all time", then he and WWE really need to step up their game. Because what we've seen of him in this current character, is one of the most over-rated characters I have seen in WWE in ages. It should be no surprise though, that the only ones who are ranting and raving about "how good a heel" Jericho is, is ... you guessed it ... Y2J marks.

You could dress anyone in a suit on a weekly basis, come out each and every week, talk in a monotone voice, and call the audience "hypocrites" or "parasites" every single week, and tell the viewers that he is "the best wrestler in the world today" ... thus repeating the exact same bullet points weekly. I could get an Indy wrestler to do what he does. Sure an Indy wrestler certainly isn't going to wrestle as good as Y2J (most of them, anyway), but as far as portraying a character, this one that Jericho is currently playing is absolutely nothing special.

I get a chuckle to those that want to classify his current heel persona as one of the Greatest Heels of all Time. Comparing Chris Jericho to the Actual Greatest Heels of all Time, such as The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, Ravishing Rick Rude, The Honky Tonk Man, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, and others, I'm sorry to say, is a joke at this point.

I'm not saying it can't be done. But with what I have currently seen out of Jericho in comparing him to guys in the league of those names I mentioned, Jericho still has ways to go.
I see where you coming from with this storyline, but, I don't believe Jericho needs to be put in that kind of situation to become one of the greatest heels of all time. Not to mention, the WWE doesn't need that kind of negative press. As much as the media already looks at wrestling as F-grade entertainment anyway, this kind of storyline would draw negative press of a monstrous proportion, and I think it would probably cause Jericho, as a member of society, to recieve death threats and things of that nature.

However, thinking along those same lines, he needs to do that exact storyline that you said, except, not target black or minority entertainers. The storyline you mentioned was the same storyline he just got out of with the target being the Legends. Maybe he could target the Smackdown roster in general. Everyone knows, regardless if you admit it or not, that Raw is the supreme brand for WWE. With Jericho coming from Raw, he could target the Smackdown roster effectively. He could bring up the fact that everyone thinks Raw is the superior brand and then he could start taking out the Smackdown roster starting from the bottom. A couple of wins over Mysterio and Punk, along with some cheap victories over 'Taker, could definitely catapault him to Main Heel Status. After he would beat 'Taker, he would really need to turn up the heat and boast about those victories. Especially if they were "Dirty" victories and countout and DQ victories.
Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?

To answer the question, if Jericho wants to up his ante to be considered one of the "greatest heels of all time", then he and WWE really need to step up their game. Because what we've seen of him in this current character, is one of the most over-rated characters I have seen in WWE in ages. It should be no surprise though, that the only ones who are ranting and raving about "how good a heel" Jericho is, is ... you guessed it ... Y2J marks.

You could dress anyone in a suit on a weekly basis, come out each and every week, talk in a monotone voice, and call the audience "hypocrites" or "parasites" every single week, and tell the viewers that he is "the best wrestler in the world today" ... thus repeating the exact same bullet points weekly. I could get an Indy wrestler to do what he does. Sure an Indy wrestler certainly isn't going to wrestle as good as Y2J (most of them, anyway), but as far as portraying a character, this one that Jericho is currently playing is absolutely nothing special.

I get a chuckle to those that want to classify his current heel persona as one of the Greatest Heels of all Time. Comparing Chris Jericho to the Actual Greatest Heels of all Time, such as The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, Ravishing Rick Rude, The Honky Tonk Man, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, and others, I'm sorry to say, is a joke at this point.

I'm not saying it can't be done. But with what I have currently seen out of Jericho in comparing him to guys in the league of those names I mentioned, Jericho still has ways to go.

BTW, you COULD NOT dress anyone up in a suit and give the promos that Jericho gives and be as effective as he does it. Imagine CM Punk, Benjamin, or any other talent and get the same effect. Reason being is that there are very few wrestlers on the roster right now that have accomplished what Jericho has accomplished. Plus, his cocky attitude is unmatched by any other wrestler on the roster. I believe that MVP came out for the longest time in a suit and talked about how great he was. He drew heat, but not as big as the heat that Jericho drew for himself.

Now, is Jericho in the same league with some of the heels you mentioned. Yes. Is he in the league with all of the heels you mentioned? Not yet, but if he stays with his current angle, he will be. Rick Rude and The Honky Tonk Man, yes, he is there and possibly surpassed them. Ric Flair, Piper, Dibiase, Slaughter? Not yet, but getting there!
One some American's would get offended if they were of the same race.......cry me a river the worlds racist get over it. two this is not anything special no offense to your creative mind but the WWE just ran an angle similar a few years ago (anyone remember JBL vs Rey Rey and the mexican boarder patrol) Chris Jericho is an amazing wrestler so what if you think his gimmick is bland he sells it for all he is worth making it cheap by attacking black wrestlers is just eh he just got done taking out the legends i like the concept of him running down the smackdown roster and just being a total narcasist with a saperiority complex (spx2 anyone lol) the only way for anyone to have an amazing gimmick is if WWE and TNA merged as one has way to over the top gimmicks and the other throws ppl on tv without one.
BTW, you COULD NOT dress anyone up in a suit and give the promos that Jericho gives and be as effective as he does it. Imagine CM Punk, Benjamin, or any other talent and get the same effect. Reason being is that there are very few wrestlers on the roster right now that have accomplished what Jericho has accomplished. Plus, his cocky attitude is unmatched by any other wrestler on the roster. I believe that MVP came out for the longest time in a suit and talked about how great he was. He drew heat, but not as big as the heat that Jericho drew for himself.

The only reason Jericho was drawing any heat was because of him just turning heel and completely altering his character from what it was. If he would keep this same song and dance routine up that he does week in and week out currently, then I guarantee its going to get stale real fast. And frankly, I know a lot of people were getting fed up with the same repetitive promos he was doing with the Legends leading up to Mania, as well.

Other than that, the Heel coming out in a suit routine is extremely overdone and exhausted, as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't help that Jericho utters the exact same soundbites every single week. If he would alter his dialogue and get Creative to alter his promos (even though from what I understand, he scripts a great deal of them on his own), then his heel status would be far more respected than what it is.

Keep in mind that I blame WWE Creative more than I blame Jericho, for most of this stuff. They are ultimately the ones that decide character direction and personas. And I simply think this version of Chris Jericho they are giving us is extremely over-rated as a character.

I found Randy Orton to be a far more intriguing heel than Jericho was, when he was doing the psychotic gimmick. But WWE managed to fuck that up, too (no surprise there).

Now, is Jericho in the same league with some of the heels you mentioned. Yes. Is he in the league with all of the heels you mentioned? Not yet, but if he stays with his current angle, he will be. Rick Rude and The Honky Tonk Man, yes, he is there and possibly surpassed them. Ric Flair, Piper, Dibiase, Slaughter? Not yet, but getting there!

I couldn't disagree more. Jericho's character, in his current state, has clearly reached its pinnacle. He needs something else, if he has any hope of going up to someone like Dibiase's level.

However, quite frankly, I can say with utter certainty that Jericho will NEVER go up to Ric Flair, Dibiase, Slaughter, or Piper's level. And WWE knows this. Jericho is a very good upper midcarder and occasional Main Eventer, and that is all he will be known for.

The problem with Jericho is that he does not draw. Rather, he is "just there". Ratings do not go up when he is champion, nor when he is chasing the belt. He has zero influence on buyrates or attendance, either.

It doesn't matter if he is a Face or Heel. If he is around, ratings don't increase. If he leaves, there is no difference. Like I said, Chris Jericho is basically "just there".

Jericho has a huge Internet following. And I am mindful of that, when I post. It is a very opinionated bunch of people, that (forgive me for saying this) many of which are delusional on "how great" he really is, in the big scheme of things. To someone who is apathetic to basically every performer on the roster (as my signature says ... "no marking out for anyone" ) and looks at things from a neutral perspective, Jericho is definitely over-rated by his fanbase.

When he starts drawing and influencing business one way or another, you can get me to change my mind. Until then, I can only chalk his Internet support up to a vocal group of people, who in the thick of things, really don't have much influence over the WWE product, as a whole.
I am a massive Jericho mark and believe this current character is his best ever. I was a huge fan before this character but this change has made me an even bigger fan and I think his match at No Mercy last year was the match of the year.

That said, I agree that he is "just there." In the grand scheme of things, I believe he will be remembered as a (great) supporting character. Not a bad thing, either, as I do think he is great as what he does. But he is not the top name and I doubt he ever will be. He just doesn't draw when placed next to Rock, Austin, Cena, or Batista. I'm knocking him. I just don't think making him one of the best heels ever, in the opinion of the majority, is a realistic conversation at all.

Won't stop me from enjoying him one bit. It's just how it is.

Oh, and Sid... Don't generalize all supporters of his current character as Jericho marks. It hurts the entire conversation.
If Chris Jericho faced The Undertaker at Wreslemania 26 & broke his streak by cheating .............

He would get raped by the fans if they ever seen him afterwards ....lol
The only reason Jericho was drawing any heat was because of him just turning heel and completely altering his character from what it was. If he would keep this same song and dance routine up that he does week in and week out currently, then I guarantee its going to get stale real fast. And frankly, I know a lot of people were getting fed up with the same repetitive promos he was doing with the Legends leading up to Mania, as well.

How long has Jericho been a heel with this current gimmick? I'm pretty sure its been a while already and I have to disagree with you on any claim its growing stale, because its been quite effective.

Other than that, the Heel coming out in a suit routine is extremely overdone and exhausted, as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't help that Jericho utters the exact same soundbites every single week. If he would alter his dialogue and get Creative to alter his promos (even though from what I understand, he scripts a great deal of them on his own), then his heel status would be far more respected than what it is.

Keep in mind that I blame WWE Creative more than I blame Jericho, for most of this stuff. They are ultimately the ones that decide character direction and personas. And I simply think this version of Chris Jericho they are giving us is extremely over-rated as a character.

I think you're far too focused on what Jericho's wearing, which really doesn't matter in the least, and not enough on his actual gimmick here. I believe Jericho's doing a great job of playing his part and getting the reactions he's suppose to be getting, and the fact you (and anyone else) are reacting negatively to his character proves he's playing the part just fine. People do tune in to watch Jericho, and they do tune in to see him get beaten. I think the WWE has complete faith in Jericho and this new direction his characters been going, and I think thats easily seen by the feuds he's been in, the title reigns he's had, and the amount of television time he's been given.

However, quite frankly, I can say with utter certainty that Jericho will NEVER go up to Ric Flair, Dibiase, Slaughter, or Piper's level. And WWE knows this. Jericho is a very good upper midcarder and occasional Main Eventer, and that is all he will be known for.

I really think to judge Jericho's legacy as a heel you have to judge it by his entire career. He was a phenomenal heel in WCW and went from a relative no one to a house hold name based solely on ability and character as a heel in WCW, which got him into WWE when he switched companies and he's played a great heel throughout the different times he's done so in his entire career in WWE, including upto now. I think you're highly Under-rating Jericho and its a shame. Sgt. Slaughter was only over as a heel because of an Anti-American gimmick during a very tense time for the country in that aspect, I don't think that makes a great heel. It makes an easy one. I won't argue against Flair, Dibiase, or Piper who I would definitely put as three of the top heels of all time in wrestling.. but I still think Jericho has his place on that list and deserves far more credit then you're giving him.

The problem with Jericho is that he does not draw. Rather, he is "just there". Ratings do not go up when he is champion, nor when he is chasing the belt. He has zero influence on buyrates or attendance, either.

Who does draw? There's a very short list of people you could claim, and give proof of it, effect anything in terms of buyrates or attendance or that do or do not "draw". Name me a list of people the WWE would be effected in ratings or buyrates by if based on them being around. You don't find names like Hogan, Austin, or the Rock now a days that effect those things in any great significance, so to hold that against Jericho is ridiculous because you could say the same about basically everyone (aside from maybe Cena).

It doesn't matter if he is a Face or Heel. If he is around, ratings don't increase. If he leaves, there is no difference. Like I said, Chris Jericho is basically "just there".

As I said above, the same can be said about anyone on the entire WWE roster. Take away Edge, take away Orton, and the ratings will still remain the levels they've been for some time now. Unless you can prove with actual ratings and numbers otherwise its true about anyone in the WWE right about now.

And I really don't see how this is an argument anyway against Jericho as a great heel, since.. when did Dibiase raise the attendance figures, ratings, or buyrates? Yet there's no question he's one of the best heels ever. Its not just about the heel but the faces that heel has to work with, and the combination of the two is what draws. When Ric Flair came to the WWE in the early 90's did he lift up ratings, attendance figures, etc? Did he make a significant improvement from where the WWE was before or where they went after he was there? Yet he's one of the greatest heels of all time.
How long has Jericho been a heel with this current gimmick? I'm pretty sure its been a while already and I have to disagree with you on any claim its growing stale, because its been quite effective.

Obviously, this will be a scenario where it is to each their own, about what they find to be an intriguing heel. The type of character he is portraying simply doesn't appeal to me personally, however like I have also demonstrated, he doesn't draw in the big scheme of things, either.

I think you're far too focused on what Jericho's wearing, which really doesn't matter in the least, and not enough on his actual gimmick here. I believe Jericho's doing a great job of playing his part and getting the reactions he's suppose to be getting, and the fact you (and anyone else) are reacting negatively to his character proves he's playing the part just fine. People do tune in to watch Jericho, and they do tune in to see him get beaten. I think the WWE has complete faith in Jericho and this new direction his characters been going, and I think thats easily seen by the feuds he's been in, the title reigns he's had, and the amount of television time he's been given.

The only thing I will say is that if WWE had "complete faith" in Jericho as either a top face or a top heel, and if his fanbase think he is going to be one of the Greatest of All Time, then I need someone to explain to me why he has only headlined one Wrestlemania, that being 7 years ago, and hasn't been anywhere near the Main Event of a Mania since. Why has a younger guy like, like Randy Orton or John Cena for instance, Main Evented and been featured in more title matches than Chris Jericho? Jericho's been around longer than all of them. What is the excuse?

I really think to judge Jericho's legacy as a heel you have to judge it by his entire career. He was a phenomenal heel in WCW.

I am glad you brought this up, as I have been accused of being a Jericho hater by his fans, and that simply is not true.

I absolutely loved Chris Jericho as a Heel in WCW. That gimmick was absolutely phenomenal. He was creative. He was funny. As a matter of fact, I think his best Heel work has been not in WWE, but rather in WCW.

But the problem I have is with this particular character he is playing right now. It just does not click with me at all. I am not impressed with it. It isn't original. And I am simply bored with it. It does nothing for me, whatsoever.

I think you're highly Under-rating Jericho and its a shame.

There is a fine line between not liking Chris Jericho as a person ... and not liking a certain character he is playing. Right now, it is the later for me. I don't like this character at all. I know Jericho is capable of a lot better than this (although it isn't his fault, because he is stuck with whatever character Creative tells him to be). I have seen a lot better out of Jericho. That was why I said, I mostly blame WWE Creative for this particular persona.

And before we continue, it is not a problem of me "not getting" the gimmick. I get it. I get the gimmick 100%. Everything 100% opposite of the old Chris Jericho. However, if your gimmick is supposed to be "as exciting as watching paint dry" ... you are still essentially as "exciting as watching paint dry". It's a boring gimmick.

The biggest problems I have with the gimmick are in this order:

1) Monotone Voice- which puts me to sleep.
2) Repetitive sound bites-

"I am the best wrestler in the world today."
"You are all hypocrites."
"You are all parasites."
"I was the 2008 Superstar of the Year."

It is not hard to come out every single week and say the exact same soundbites over, and over, and over again. It isn't Creative. It isn't Original. And like I said, I know Jericho is better than this. Show me something.

3) The Business Suits- Heels in a business suit are completely over-done and exhausted these days. Vary the wardrobe and stand out from the Mr. McMahon's, the Triple H's, the Ric Flair's, the Batista's, the MVP's, the William Regal's. Be your own person.

Sgt. Slaughter was only over as a heel because of an Anti-American gimmick during a very tense time for the country in that aspect, I don't think that makes a great heel. It makes an easy one.

Very true, and I won't argue that.

Sgt. Slaughter received cheap heat. But so does Jericho in this day and age ... by dressing up in a suit (cheap heel tactic), and uttering the same soundbites on a weekly basis (Rick Rude- "What I'd like to have right now ...")

Slaughter did have two advantages, though. First and foremost was the Iraq War.

Secondly, he was a military character for his entire career, with wrestling, as well as the GI Joe character. Therefore, it wasn't like he was just ushered into a War gimmick out of nowhere. He simply became a traitor to his own country, and he got a ton of heat.

However, Slaughter's promos were absolutely intense. And that is what helped him sell the gimmick effectively ... unlike a Vladimir Kozlov, for instance, that simply expects to get heat simply by being a "Russian".

Slaughter portrayed that gimmick so effectively, he was receiving death threats during that time. That is why, like him or not for having a degree of cheap heat, he will go down as one of wrestling's greatest Heels, and will be remembered for being one of the WWE's most Despised Heels of all time.

Speaking of which, let's revisit one of his more intense promos he cut right before his title match with the Ultimate Warrior, in which he went on to win the title.

The match then follows. The heat in this match is off the charts. Seeing Slaughter get his ass kicked throughout the entire match, with Warrior tearing the Iraqi flag apart, then stuffing the pieces down Slaughter's throat, while throwing him from one side of the ring to the other .... this is truly one of the most memorable title matches of all time in the Hogan Era for the heat in this match.

Then, after all of that, the end where Slaughter actually wins the title, was just incredible. All the heat returned with the crowd chanting "Bullshit!! Bullshit!!" as Slaughter he pointed his finger saying "I told you! I told you I was going to be the World Wrestling Federation Champion!!'



Then, his victory celebration backstage.


I won't argue against Flair, Dibiase, or Piper who I would definitely put as three of the top heels of all time in wrestling.. but I still think Jericho has his place on that list and deserves far more credit then you're giving him.

Jericho is definitely never going to touch, or come anywhere near close to Flair, Dibiase, or Piper in terms of Heel Status. It just isn't going to happen. To be fair to him, it is a Hell of a lot harder to be a successful Heel in this day and age, then it was in the Era of Kayfabe. However, it is still possible. Jericho just has to find that nitch.

Randy Orton and WWE, found that nitch with his psycho character. They did something that hasn't been done in years, with a psychotic character, however that was truly the best version of any psychotic character WWE ever had. And they threw it all away. Mind boggling, and complete, utter, incompetence. Especially, with how difficult it is to be a successful Face or Heel in this day and age.

Jericho, I feel, has the potential to probably be in the Top 20 Heels of All Time. I wouldn't rank him in this list currently, but by the time he finishes his career, he could get there. He just has to work harder at it, and play ball with Creative to allow them to give him the push to get there.

Who does draw? There's a very short list of people you could claim, and give proof of it, effect anything in terms of buyrates or attendance or that do or do not "draw". Name me a list of people the WWE would be effected in ratings or buyrates by if based on them being around. You don't find names like Hogan, Austin, or the Rock now a days that effect those things in any great significance, so to hold that against Jericho is ridiculous because you could say the same about basically everyone (aside from maybe Cena).

I would say that Cena draws. There is no doubt about that, as evidenced by declining ratings when he left, and an increase in ratings when he returned.

I would say that Shawn Michaels draws.

However, the rest are sadly lumped all together by fans. Orton doesn't draw ... yet. To be fair to him, and as I've stated several times, WWE took away the one thing that would have helped him draw and flushed it down the toilet. If I were Orton, I would be fuming right now. Yeah, he may have the title, but his company completely ruined his character, which could have set him up for future success.

So, Jericho is not really a standout star, in terms of draw with the rest of the product. He's just lumped in with it. Although, you seem to realize this, since you said that "aside from Cena, who else really draws"?. I agree with you.

As I said above, the same can be said about anyone on the entire WWE roster. Take away Edge, take away Orton, and the ratings will still remain the levels they've been for some time now. Unless you can prove with actual ratings and numbers otherwise its true about anyone in the WWE right about now.

You could probably take away Edge, and you would see ratings go up. I think from what I've seen, the crowd is absolutely sick to death of seeing Edge as champion.

But I agree that you could take away Edge and take away Orton, and there would be little, if any effect, on the ratings and buyrates.

And I really don't see how this is an argument anyway against Jericho as a great heel, since.. when did Dibiase raise the attendance figures, ratings, or buyrates? Yet there's no question he's one of the best heels ever. Its not just about the heel but the faces that heel has to work with, and the combination of the two is what draws. When Ric Flair came to the WWE in the early 90's did he lift up ratings, attendance figures, etc? Did he make a significant improvement from where the WWE was before or where they went after he was there? Yet he's one of the greatest heels of all time.

You do bring up an excellent point with that paragraph. Flair is regarded as one of the best heels of all time, but he certainly didn't bring a whole horde of new business to the WWE back in 91-92. Talents like him and Dibiase did a great job, however, in supporting the draw of the company at the time, which of course was Hulk Hogan.

The problem is that Cena isn't the draw Hulk Hogan was. And Cena isn't the draw that Steve Austin was. And the heels he faces aren't big enough draws, to make up for it, to get people interested enough in their feuds with Cena.

However, if we are going to disregard his ability to draw in terms of Heel status, that means that he have to look at Creative direction, which is more subjective, as opposed to objective material like cold, hard data. If we look at the Creative of Jericho's character, I would have to rank it as pretty poor. Like I said, it's the same song and dance from him every single week, as it is right now. However, much of this is again, Creative's fault, for not writing him into compelling storylines. But that all goes back to them not doing so, because they know he doesn't draw. So their thought process is probably "why bother, if we know that this guy has proven time and time again that he can't draw?" I still place a lot of the blame on Creative for this, though, as perhaps he would draw, if they would have done a better job in the storywriting with his character, though.

Out of curiosity, I wonder what everyone's favorite wrestling historian, the Meltz, thinks of Jericho's potential to be in the Top 10 of Greatest Heels of All Time. My guess is that he probably doesn't think it's a possibility. However, he may agree with me, and think Top 20 is possible for Jericho. Right now, I would say that Jericho is definitely within the Top 30 Heels in WWE history, at least.
Slaughter was definetly a better heel than Jericho. I maen there are people that still cheer 4 him! he is kinda like john cena. By that i mean half of the fans like him and half dont. Chris should be a face. That way, when he finally turns heel again (if WWE dont screw it up) he mite get the desired effect and then may beacome a great heel. same goes 4 cena but vice-versa
I want to see a jericho/hardy feud. An intense personal one. Hardy has not had the theatrical rub from anyone. Jericho can help him. In doing so, can possibly make jericho a better heel.

Have jericho bitch about why Hardy is the #1 contender. He brings up his past life so on and so forth......

Let hardy win the WHC during their feud. Throw some gasoline on the fire, and let it explode!!! by that I mean have jericho cut a promo about how he brainwashed matt hardy into attacking jeff. Their can even be a video package showing with him manipulating matt. Have Jericho win the WHC from jeff.

Have jeff chase the title, with him always coming up short. Have some matches where jericho wins fairly, but barely. Have others where jeff is about to win, but jericho cheats to retain.

I think the that will create more heat for jericho because everyone loves jeff. it would be amazing.

What do you guys think????
I think the only way to make him one of the best heels ever is to make practically every1 hate him, which at the moment is a problem.

Lets look back to when jericho was a heel again his hbk fued.

When he was first starting to be heel he was getting barely any boos that happened for about 2-3 months. After his match with hbk at the great american bash was when he made his real heel turn (even though he was supposed to be a heel 2 months before.) after that match he was well a heel he was getting SOOO much more boos tham eva. Then he one the whc now THAT was when he was getting booed by practically everyone......... Except for the older fans ie attitude era fans like myself. Hes not getting booed like jbl was well is he? no hes not so i think the only way to get him to be one of the best heels ever is to get him booed by every1 including his attitude era fans which is pretty hard.

well you could have edge and y2j teaming for a little and start a stable. eventually take other smackdown bassically what evolution was doing. but at the end all of that jericho wins the whc of hardy (who beat edge.) after a 5 moth rein for hardy. edge comes out and celebrates with him 2 seconds later BOOM code breaker edge lying on the ground in pain and jericho laughing.Next Smackdown have jericho do a little promo and half way through the promo. edges old theme hits and out comes E & C turning edge face. And keeping jericho heel. That could get most of the people that are cheering for jericho all the time to cheer for edge. Make them have a match at summerslam and let jericho win in the process giving jericho more heat. Also make him injure christian so hes out for a little ( 1-2 months.) So after all of that most attitude era jericho fans will be on edges side and with all the heat he was already getting he could go down as one of wwe's best heels (well i hope xD)
Then we have Jericho come out and interrupt him saying that he is nothing but crap and he shouldn't be allowed to prove anything because he only deserves to be Jericho's Slave. If they are in the right city this will instantly cause him to be boo'ed heavily and could possibly start a riot.

Ugh. The rascism card. I thought everyone finally got that monkey off their back with Obama in the White House. This is a pathtic way to get cheap heat. HHH did it to Booker T, so I mean its not even original. You might not be rascist, but its not a good idea. It's not PG friendly and its not smart. Talk about tarnishing Jericho's career.

Then we can have Jericho continue saying racist kind of things that are TV Appropriate.

How can you say rascist things that are TV appropriate? Calling Shelton a slave is not appropriate. Having Shelton have blonde hair is SOOOO not appropriate.

So they have the match and when Jericho starts getting dominated he gets himself Dq'ed and starts beating Shelton with a chair. He will then continue beating him with various weapons to a bloody pulp. He will have beaten him so bad that he has to be taken out in a stretcher because he cant get himself to walk to the back.

I dont think this would solidify him as a great heel. I think in order for him to differentiate himself from the pack, being Orton and Edge, the two other great heels around him, he has to be restrained. He can't use violence, because thats what other heels do. He gets by on talent. He doesnt have to be sneaky, just controlled outbursts of talent and harsh reality.

Keep in mind that I blame WWE Creative more than I blame Jericho, for most of this stuff. They are ultimately the ones that decide character direction and personas. And I simply think this version of Chris Jericho they are giving us is extremely over-rated as a character.

You cant put all the blame solely on WWE's shoulders. I think a lot of how the character is perceived is due to the wrestler himself, and how Jericho delivers the lines is how you percieve him. Also, I thought Jericho had a lot of creative input in his character. I wouldnt blame WWE so much as I'd blame both Jericho and Creative. Sure blame creative, but dont be too hard on them.

I found Randy Orton to be a far more intriguing heel than Jericho was, when he was doing the psychotic gimmick. But WWE managed to fuck that up, too (no surprise there).

To be honest, I thought Edge around Summerslam last year was a better lunatic than Orton. Whereas Orton was coming into new territory, Edge had been strafing the line his whole career. About a month of scaring Vicki and being crazy was great television. He was hitting it out of the park in terms of promos. Ortons thing was scrapped because the IED thing was ridiculous and wasnt getting over. and it was ridiculous.

The problem with Jericho is that he does not draw. Rather, he is "just there". Ratings do not go up when he is champion, nor when he is chasing the belt. He has zero influence on buyrates or attendance, either.

I think we need to define the great heel's job here. You said it yourself that Flair was great as a heel, but didnt bring hordes of fans. He wasnt supposed to. Either are Edge, Orton or Jericho. What they are supposed to do is get hatred. Serious hatred. So people dont want to ever see them. So they get behind the faces fighting them. So they buy a PPV to see them lose. The faces are the ones that are supposed to get buyrates up. Cena should have the influence. But would Cena's influence go down if Jericho/Edge/Orton isnt there to support him? I dont think Khali vs Cena was that big a sell.

Right now, I would say that Jericho is definitely within the Top 30 Heels in WWE history, at least.

His career is still young. Keep your fingers crossed.

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