Best Heels Ever...Part Deux

There are two wrestlers who turned into some of the biggest faces ever but I could never cheer them because of my intense hate for them when they were heels. Those two were Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels. When I has about 6-10 years old Bret Hart was my hero and when these two feuded with him I was emotionally invested. Even after the hitman snapped and went after Austin I thought he was justified since Austin was a complete asshooe during the feud and deserved what he had coming. Same goes for HBK but also being ten years DX was too immature for me.
hey what about sergeant slaughter when he was an iraqi sympathizer? The man torched the flag for gods sake! EVERYBODY got pissed at that wrestling fan or not it was all over the media which i think earns him a spot in the great heels of all time. what do you think?:wwf:
I thought about giving Slaughter some love (or hate, as it were) but his stint as a heel really didn't last long enough to be considered one of the all-time greats, I don't think. That, and having met the guy a few times, he has been nothing but gracious, polite, and otherwise decent. Bob Remus is far too nice a guy a real life to make the heel aspect of his character stick.
hey what about sergeant slaughter when he was an iraqi sympathizer? The man torched the flag for gods sake! EVERYBODY got pissed at that wrestling fan or not it was all over the media which i think earns him a spot in the great heels of all time. what do you think?:wwf:

Slaughter was a good heel in a sense. It had to take him turning on America to do it. I literally thought people were going to kill him. I remember Hogan coming out at a PPV holding the American Flag. Oh god. It was ass whipping time. The fans absolutely hated Slaughter. But he had to resort to cheap heat to do it. Do I think he was a good heel? Yes I do. Do I think he was one of the best ever? Absolutely not. There are other heels leaps an bounds better than him. Plus his heel turn did not last long. But he did evoke a very hated reaction out of the crowd though.
I heard some people mention Jake Roberts. Its kinda funny, his heel turns were not that long, in WWE about 6 months. He was a heel when he first started, but nothing like when he did it in 91. Goldust was another heel, he did things that were unheard of, and disurbing, even though if that was today, it wouldn't be a big deal. What about Earthquake? What he did to Hogan was unbelievable, and even though it wasn't really Damian in the bag, when I saw him squash that bag when I was a kid, I think I cryed, because at that time, who knew? What about when Goldberg turned on Nash? It didn't last long, but that was heat. Bad News Brown was a great heel, as well as Ron Simmons as Farooq.
I heard some people mention Jake Roberts. Its kinda funny, his heel turns were not that long, in WWE about 6 months. He was a heel when he first started, but nothing like when he did it in 91.

Jake Roberts was a fantastic heel. With him it was all about psychology. Get inside the other opponents head, as well as the fans. I remember thinking that this dude was literally fucking insane. He was such a good heel.

Goldust was another heel, he did things that were unheard of, and disurbing, even though if that was today, it wouldn't be a big deal.
Goldust was a heel yes. I don't know if it was good heat or bad heat though. I just remember thinking this guy is doing a good job in his role, but would I really pay money to see him get his ass kicked. I instead usually turned the channel. But he was a decent heel yes.

What about Earthquake? What he did to Hogan was unbelievable, and even though it wasn't really Damian in the bag, when I saw him squash that bag when I was a kid, I think I cryed, because at that time, who knew?
A very decent heel. Not one of the best SHW heels, but a decent one. I would love to hear IC25's opinions on Earthquake. HE was getting great heat when he faced Hogan, and after what he did. But seriously. What heel couldnt get good heat when facing Hogan?

What about when Goldberg turned on Nash? It didn't last long, but that was heat.
Goldberg was not a very good heel at all. It was worse than Steve Austin's heel turn. It could've been epic. But WCW was dying and the people still wanted to cheer Goldberg. Therefore not making him an effective heel.

Bad News Brown was a great heel.

Yes, he was. A fucking legend if you ask me. Great midcard heel, who on a given night could have been a maineventer.

As well as Ron Simmons as Farooq.

Simmons was ok. I didnt really want to believe in him though because of that stupid ass helmet he wore. The Nation though were a great heel faction. I actually wish that they could get another Nation faction going. It would elevate some undercard wrestlers for sure.
Personally, I agree with million dollar man being one of the greatest heels ever. Since that's already been talked about though I won't say anymore on that. But I do think honorable mention needs to go to shawn michaels. And I don't mean during the time that DX was supposed to be heel. I mean from the moment he superkicked jannetty through the barbershop window.

Seriously, that guy had major heat after that. And I think you also have to mention his run as intercontinental champion, especially during the multiple times he feuded with razor ramon. He was so cocky, so arrogant, he danced and strutted on his way to the ring and while in the ring...and the crowds ate it up (and hated him for it). He also always managed to squeak by in title defenses...sometimes by outside interference by diesel, sometimes not, which made you keep watching because you wanted to finally see someone win the title from him.
Slaughter was a good heel in a sense. It had to take him turning on America to do it. I literally thought people were going to kill him. I remember Hogan coming out at a PPV holding the American Flag. Oh god. It was ass whipping time. The fans absolutely hated Slaughter. But he had to resort to cheap heat to do it. Do I think he was a good heel? Yes I do. Do I think he was one of the best ever? Absolutely not. There are other heels leaps an bounds better than him. Plus his heel turn did not last long. But he did evoke a very hated reaction out of the crowd though.

Slaughter might have had some dangerous heat, but business went down quite a bit in 1991 because of how tasteless and disgusted many of the fans were! But he was tremendous at getting heat. But it's good you feel the same way!

I heard some people mention Jake Roberts. Its kinda funny, his heel turns were not that long, in WWE about 6 months. He was a heel when he first started, but nothing like when he did it in 91. Goldust was another heel, he did things that were unheard of, and disurbing, even though if that was today, it wouldn't be a big deal. What about Earthquake? What he did to Hogan was unbelievable, and even though it wasn't really Damian in the bag, when I saw him squash that bag when I was a kid, I think I cryed, because at that time, who knew? What about when Goldberg turned on Nash? It didn't last long, but that was heat. Bad News Brown was a great heel, as well as Ron Simmons as Farooq.

Jake's heel turns were short, but very memorable. He made a better heel for half a year, than Khali, Snitsky, Kozlov & Masters could combined. Goldberg turning on Nash? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Russo trying to use shock value for all its worth, by turning the one guy, who the now minimal WCW public was willing to pay a dime to see, and turn him HEEL? Huh? Wha? Hogan's heel turn came at the perfect time, as fans were turning on him as it was, and he was in desperate need of career revival. Same thing with The Rock, he was gone for a while, fans thought he sold out, so he gave them a reason to hate him. I don't agree with Goldberg's turn, as he was the one guy in WCW still over like a mofo, and on a sidenote, while Austin may not have been at his peak during his 2001 heel turn, I too thought that was uneccesarry. I know some people enjoyed the skits he did in that run, and it gave birth to "What?", but for the most part, I didn't enjoy it.

I really enjoyed Bad News as a heel, I love his Stampede stuff even more than his WWF stuff, speaking of Stampede, Archie Gouldie & Makhan Singh were great heels as well.

Personally, I agree with million dollar man being one of the greatest heels ever. Since that's already been talked about though I won't say anymore on that. But I do think honorable mention needs to go to shawn michaels. And I don't mean during the time that DX was supposed to be heel. I mean from the moment he superkicked jannetty through the barbershop window.

Seriously, that guy had major heat after that. And I think you also have to mention his run as intercontinental champion, especially during the multiple times he feuded with razor ramon. He was so cocky, so arrogant, he danced and strutted on his way to the ring and while in the ring...and the crowds ate it up (and hated him for it). He also always managed to squeak by in title defenses...sometimes by outside interference by diesel, sometimes not, which made you keep watching because you wanted to finally see someone win the title from him.

I agree that Dibiase was amazing! I think that because, he became his character when he was performing. Nobody was thinking, "Oh hey, it's just some doofus playing a rich guy". So many characters today come off as tired, redundant and contrived, whereas you really believed Dibiase was this rich asshole throwing his money around. He was great at what he did. In a gimmick that would be considered cheap heat otherwise (see: Tiger Ali Singh, ripping off his schtick), Dibiase made people pay to see him get his ass handed to him by Hogan, Roberts, Savage or anyone. And that's what makes a great heel.

As for Shawn, I agree Shawn was a tremendously arrogant heel, and I even loved his heel schtick more in 1997, pre D-X, for about a few months before they made there faction official, Shawn played the role of egotistical unapologetic asshole so well. Mind you life imitates art.... But still, made for some awesome entertainment.

Now here are some of my picks....

Gorgeous George, the overly flamboyant, almost teetring on gay, George Wagner, encited fans everywhere with his snobby, arrogant walkabout, where you looked at him, and you just knew, this guy thought he was the shit, and better than you. And in post World War america, the man's man mentality of America, saw this prissy pretty boy come along in his femenine attire, and just really struck a raw nerve with everyone.

Superstar Billy Graham, the guy just oozed a natural charisma, and his attitude either got under your skin, or you loved him because he was so cool. Either way, people would pay to see him do his thing.

Killer Kowalski, sadly we hear a lot about him these days but not for reasons we'd like to. He just had such an evil snarl about him, he had the look of a vicious Killer, and had a voice that could be used to play a bad guy in 3 hour epic, he seemed just perfectly fit to be evil. He was just as vicious as his name suggests.

Ernie Ladd, the guy would rip his opponents up on the mic, with that deep Louisianan accent, and the fans would just get pissed, and think "Who the hell does this guy think he is?". The fact he was a monster of a man, and intimidating to the max, also got him over, and he could move quit well for a man his size. He went to territory after territory, and drew the ire of many fans.

Abdullah The Butcher & The Sheik, these two didn't have to say anything, they looked crazy, and they were crazy. They terrorized fans everywhere, by literally carving up there favourite babyfaces, they brought a new groundbreaking element to the term, "Violence" in wrestling.

Bruiser Brody, much like the previous two, he looked crazy, acted crazy, but he also could go on the mic as well. He was the guy you'd runaway from on the street, because you knew just by looking at him, he was going to do something to you. And didn't need a good reason either.

Stan Hansen, perhaps my favourite "southern" style heel. His legit toughness, and no holds barred approach, made him a feared heel, in the eyes of fans. Many would wonder, what's this guy going to do next, and who to?

The Freebirds, much like Superstar, these guys were categorized, as cool heels, they acted so arrogant, carefree and vicious, and bragged about what superstars they were, that it incited the fans because they knew who the real superstars were in there eyes, and it wasn't these guys. Be it JYD in Mid-South, or The Von Erichs in World Class,fans in quite a few territories, just wanted to see these cocky southerners, put in there place.

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, while many say Johnny was better, I gotta say, Greg was someone who you just couldn't stand. His whole schtick of building up an angle, was just comitting one hainous action, and that's all it took for people to get on is back.

The Iron Sheik, long before he was "King of the Shoot Interview" and Youtube's favourite son, he was perhaps the best foreign heel of his time. Just the sight of his flag waving, moustache wearing and persian club swinging just made the fans rabid. Playing off the emotions of a real life situation (the Iranian hostage crisis), paid off for this legit tough guy, the fact he was a REAL arab also helped, and when he got on the mic in that muffled accent, rambling about how much better his country was than America, fans would get pissed by the thousands. But again, this wasn't some cheap heat gimmick, because if it was, then he wouldn't have drawn attention with it, like he did. After great success travellin through some territories, (including THE Georgia, and THE Minnesota, hahaha), he of course is remembered greatly as the most famous transitional champion of all time, as both his win over Backlund, and loss to Hogan, were two very important moments in the annals of wrestling history.

Ric Flair & The 4 Horsemen, how could you have a list, and not have these guys in it? Heels is one of those many lists they will always be in. They had it all, they could do it all, and they could back up there words, as a matter of fact, they backed up there words so much, we couldn't wait to see them get there just desserts in the end. As well as being arrogant and snobbish, they were also vicious and maniacal, as well as smart and psychological. The fact they were using there power, to overpower the top babyfaces, really just made them all the more great as heels.

Rowdy Roddy Piper, he redefined the term Obnoxios heel. He also had an obnoxious, and outright annoying voice, that just pissed you off, everytime you heard him talk. Yet he was also funny, and while on the surface it looked like he wasn't taking things seriously, he knew what he was getting into, and Piper's feud with Hogan, is one of the most important feuds in wrestling history.

The Honky Tonk Man, he pretty much redefined the coward, he was just so annoying and ear bleeding, that you hated it everytime he cowarded away with that I-C Belt, and you just waited and waited, and hoped and hoped, that somebody would take it away from him.

The Road Warriors, you believed these two were bad, just by looking at them, and the fact they decimated opponents proved there point.

The Midnight Express, pretty much what you would expect to foil the great babyace team of the Rock N' Roll Express, these guys were your typical arrogant heels, but yet played there roles so well, when they spit in the face of all that there rivals stood for and did, it made them all the more hated.

The Hart Foundation, you could tell these two were jerks just by there pink tights. I mean, how arrogant do you have to be, to be men, and think you can just get away with it? Bret with his calm laid back demeanour, and Anvil with his outright crazyness, Bret's technician prowess, Anvil's powerhouse technique, the two were different, but in a way the same, they weren't afraid of shortcuts, and with the help of manager Jimmy Hart and crooked ref Danny Davis, found ways to always take those cuts to get the top.

Ravishing Rick Rude, he was flaunting himself towards our women, and making us men sick with his schtick, because he thought he was better than us. The sad thing was, a lot of us KNEW he was better than us, and it pissed us off greatly.

Mr. Perfect, even with that NAME you just didn't want to like this guy. And like Rude, we knew this guy pretty much was what he said he was, he had it all, he was a natural athlete, and had all the attirbutes we wanted a babyface to have, but this guy was also cocky in the way he presented his natural ablities, and we hated him for it.

The Macho Man, how do you put someone like him into words? No matter how hard I try, I never can. He was that great at what he did....

Vader, vicious and not afraid to show it, and speaking of afraid, after his attack on Sting, we were afraid to see what this guy was going to do next, a trait that would follow him his whole career, and was all the more affective when he actually did something.

Lord Steven/William Regal, pompous is probably too kind of a word, his gentlemen's gentlemen, and outright pretentious British accent, just made it all the more great, when this proper, almost royal man, got beat up by a babyface who was the complete opposite of who he was, and exactly who he wanted nothing to do with. He still pulls it off today.

Cactus Jack, crazy, psychotic, relentless, bitter, angry, and many words describe the best creation of Mick Foley. Even sometimes funny, it was never a dull moment with Jack, in the ring, out of the ring, or on the mic. You knew something outrageous was going to happen when he was around.

Owen Hart, he was bitter, jealous and even though the majority of us, wanted to see Bret beat him to a pulp, some could still understand his points, wether we agreed or not. The role of jealous sibling has just gone umatched (yes even by the McMahons), the fact him and Bret were real brothers, just made for some amazing raw emotion, that made him every bit believable.

"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, the top babyface of all time, turns into a diabolical and arrogant heel trying to ruin not only th careers, but the lives of his rivals, you don't get much more of a heel than that my friends.

"The Loose Cannon" Brian Pillman, again, how do you put someone like him into words?

Raven, see above defintion.

The Dudley Boys, they were just outright assholes, and found new insults and mocks, to jab us with every diffrent time. The insults and threats these guys made, weren't the same generic B.S. you'd see every week, I mean, these two have incited near riots at many ECW shows.

Goldust, he has to be one of the most complex heels of his time. Did we hate him because of who he was committing his gay-like actions towards, or because he was doing them in general? And did we hate him because he's a heel doing these things? Or do we hate him because we think he's gay?

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, he just did whatever he wanted, when he wanted to do it, and didn't feel the need to explain why. Sounds simple, but it worked. Worked so much, he ended up becoming one of the most famous wrestlers of all time, as a babyface.

Bret Hart, his heel turn was something fresh, something different, and opened the door for the WWF taking the new approaches they would just keep on taking in the Attitude Era. Again, Bret's gimmick as the pro-Canadian, American bashing heel, was something that fans everywhere took too, wether they loved him, or hated him, his heel turn was something original indeed, Bret was letting every kind of wrestlng fan in the world know how it was going to be. He was hated in the U.S., and loved everywhere else, he wasn't really a "bad guy" pre se, and he, along with Austin, changed the way fans thought about "Good Guys" and "Badguys", and that maybe that line just didn't exist anymore.

Chris Jericho, recently he has proven how vesatile he can be as a heel. For years, he's this hilarious overly obnoxious jerk, who bragged when he got his way, and cried when he didn't, and was also good at getting under the skin of his rivals. Lately he's has become a psychotic heel, driven by the obsession to do what it takes, to prove his point.

Vince McMahon, never before, or since, has the power hungry and authority preaching leader ever matched that of one Mr. McMahon. Comissioners and GM's come and go, but Vince McMahon is forever.

The Rock, we hated him for giving new meaning to the word, ego, but as the times were changing, many pro athletes in other sports, were also developing egos too, the Rock was just doing it in wrestling, and eventually, we realized he's hilarious, and started to embrace him. But during his 2003 run, it was as if he let stardom go to his head, and his ungreatfulness towards the fans, irritated us, but yet still made a lot of us long as he wasn't making fun of the city WE lived in.

Triple H, he was obsessed with getting to the top and would do anything it took to get there, and he did just that, and we hated him for it back in the day. He would always find creative ways to get out of jams, and when he was finally taken down a notch, we loved it. But it never took him long to get back up again, and we hated him even more.

Kurt Angle, his phony goody goody role model schtick was just outright hilarious, we were entertained by him, but still wanted to see him get beaten badly. We also realized he could really outwrestle anyone, and we would wait for someone to finally top him.

Edge, with the whole Matt Hardy drama under his belt, it makes us believe Edge is truly that mean, and that much of a jerk. And his nickname, the Ultimate Opprotunist, says it all. And he proves he is just that. Edge is a guy who just doesen't care, as long as he's wearing the gold, it's simple, but he plays that type of role better than anyone in the business today.
After The Dungeons list I had to really think hard about great heels.

But I came up with Andy Kaufman. I never really saw this whole thing played out, I lived in the Pacific Northwest at the time. But as I grew as a wrestling fan I became very aware of this feud. His work was great, portraying the arrogant, hollywood star that only wrestled women then switching it up on Letterman to the cowardly heel. I thought his work was great!

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