What Can The WWE Do With Them?-Chris Masters

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
This is a new "series" that I am going to be starting where I examine superstars that the WWE sees as nobodies, and talk about how the WWE can repackage them. Today, I look at "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters.

Chris Masters came to the WWE back in 2005, and was seen as a threat to any title. He had an unbreakable submission maneuver in The Masterlock, and was alright in the ring. In his first few months in the WWE, he was notably involved in a feud with Shawn Michaels. This feud brought out the best in Masters, and after the feud, was seen as a viable contender. In late 2005, Masters became the first person to ever make John Cena lose consciousness after Cena was unable to break The Masterlock. With Masters now being seen as a threat, he was put into the Elimination Chamber match at New Years Revolution 2006. While he didnt win the match, he showed why he belonged. After this however, Masters was paired with Carlito in a feud for the Tag Titles against Kane and Big Show. At Wrestlemania 22, Masters and Carlito lost to Kane and Big Show, in a failed attempt to win the Tag Team Titles. He then had a brief feud with Carlito. After a momentary feud for the Intercontinental Championship, Masters was suspended for violating the WWE Wellness Policy.

During the 2007 WWE Draft, Masters was drafted over to Smackdown. Even then, the announcers played it off as if he was a "big guy." However, after a brief rivalry with Chuck Palumbo, Masters was once again suspended for failing the Wellness Policy. Just a few days later, he was released.

He then spent two years on the independent circuit with various promotions. In July of 2009, Masters returned to the WWE when he faced MVP. The match was ruled a Double Count-Out after Masters refused to break the Masterlock on MVP while they were both outside the ring. He was seen a few more times on TV after that before he was reduced to a comedic jobber working in guest host segments doing a "dance" with his Pectoral Muscles. In the 2009 Supplemental Draft, he was drafted to Smackdown again. He appeared a few times on the blue brand, but now is nowhere to be found.

Here is how I would repackage him:

I would send Masters down to FCW like Shad Gaspard to gain heat with the fans. After a few months down there, once he gains enough heat with the FCW crowds, I would bring him back up to Smackdown, wanting revenge for not being used properly. I would them have him feud with the Intercontinental Champion on Smackdown for a few months with some back and forth title changes. After that, I would have him go after the World Heavyweight Championship. While he wouldn't have to win it, I certainly feel that this could repackage him into the "big superstar" that he once was.

What are your thoughts on this? How would you repackage Chris Masters, or would you repackage him at all?
I agree send him down till Hes over enough for the main roster. Right now hes a jobber. I dont get how the Wwe can send someone from a threat to any title and reduce them to a jobber. Jobbers in genral are a waste of talent. How can they really elevate someone if they never win a match? But thats a totally different matter.
I agree send him down till Hes over enough for the main roster. Right now hes a jobber. I dont get how the Wwe can send someone from a threat to any title and reduce them to a jobber. Jobbers in genral are a waste of talent. How can they really elevate someone if they never win a match? But thats a totally different matter.
He failed the wellness policy twice the WWE tends to put the breaks on people who do that(jeff hardy being a exception)Hell MVP was on his way to another US title reign until that whole "i love weed" thing came out.

The WWE can't be seen as rewarding people who dont meet their standards and yes they did with Hardy and it bit them in the ass.

As for Masters im wondering if he's fallen too far into the comedy jobber bracket to climb back up, i know whenever i see him i see that horrible Jerry Springer segment with Eve.

One other thing i do beleive its 3 strikes on the wellness policy right im not sure the WWE will risk any major push with him being that if he fails again they have to release him.
I'd just future endeavor him to be quite honest. I've always just thought he was just another muscle head who has no future and he doesn't. He's so horrible his gig now is wiggling his man boobs.
I have to agree with Matyy256. WWE just needs to get rid of him. Never had potential, never will, he is just a waste of space.
To be quite honest, I was pondering on doing a thread series such as this the other day and I was going to start off with Chris Masters too. Guess you beat me to Stinger.

Anyways, on to the topic at hand here. I would not repackage Chris Masters at all. I would just build off his physique and his original gimmick. Instead of caring about his looks, he would focus on his strength. I would do various tests of strength with him first, possibly with Mark Henry, to show he is as strong, if not stronger then " The World's Strongest Man ". After beating Mark Henry in competition I would have him cut a promo saying he's improved the Masterlock and now it is truly unbreakable, then have him demonstrate.

The change in the Masterlock would be instead of standing, he would lock in a leg scissors and and wrench on their neck/shoulder area with his arms, and cut off circulation and breathing with the leg scissors around the midsection. Also, his other finisher would be a powerbomb, not necessarily like the Batista Bomb, but more like the Last Ride, to show his strength by slamming them down hard to the mat.

After a few weeks of dominance, I would throw him into a midcard title feud, where he would go on to win the belt and continue to show his dominance until one day he says he has nowhere to go in the midcard now, he's done everything he can, and then he can elevate to the main event and be a credible challenger as either a face or heel by way of his dominant character and his credibility being restored to his finisher and his gimmick.
I love Chris Masters. He has a killer look, is entertaining to me in the ring, and is young. He's just fun to watch. He doesn't need to be repackaged or turned at all. He needs to work on being a face, and with the Masterlock he has the tools to do just that. The Masterlock can be built up as a truly devastating submission that ALWAYS ends matches. This could lead to some good psychology-filled contests where Masters works on his opponent in order to cinch the hold in. Fans always go wild for submissions. It worked for Daniel Bryan.

After building him up as a strong, good-looking face, he can go for a midcard title. I definitely think he has what it takes to be a strong IC or US Champion.
I don't think they should send him to FCW to gain heat...he is a face isn't he??

He should get sent their to wok on his mic skills...i hardly hear him..im guessing he lets his man-boobs do the talking for him..lol..

He is a good wrestler and has a terrific body as well..all he needs is to improve on his mic skills and you've got a repackaged dominating face for the Smackdown brand...
Masters has that build that the wwe drools over. heres what i'll do: put him in the smackdown mitb ladder match at the next ppv nd have him win it. bring in abe washington to be his manager 2gain heat, we all know that guy is a heat magnet. then let masters immediately challenge the ultimate underdog, what better way 2get more heat than 2bully the kids' #2 superhero, rey mysterio. smackdown could do with a new main eventer with a killer look
I don't think I would turn Chris masters into a heel mainly based on the fact that he could become a moderate face. We seen after his face turn that he started gaining fan support little by little, but the WWE never ran with it and opted to continue the Pectoral Dance gimmick. How can you take a guy seriously when he tries to intimidate you by flexing his pec muscles?

Give him a moderate face push on Smackdown where he is confronted by Dolph Ziggler and tease a match between the two. Have a small feud between the two and culminate everything in a submission match. The age old tale of the Sleeper Hold vs the Full Nelson. That would reestablish some credibility to The Masterlock and some credibility to Chris Masters.
I think he should be put in a feud with Cody based on the whole 'Dashing' gimmick.They could be in a rivalry over who's better looking,they could even get divas involved in it.After that feud he should be pretty over with fans then after a year or so he could go for WHC depending on who's holding it.It would be better if the champion is a younger talent.

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