Doesn't Chris Masters need an impact finisher?

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
I'm watching Superstars and I'm thinking to myself that if Chris Masters is going to be pushed (which supposedly was going to start after RR) doesn't he need an impact finisher?

He beat Tyler Reks on Superstars, which if you watch the show, those 2 guys have been the ones who've had clear winning streaks for the most part. Maybe losing a tag match now and then, but in singles matches they've dominated Superstars. Since Masters beat Reks tonight, 1v1, it reminded me he was supposed to get a push.

Obviously a push for Masters would mean he'd "graduate" to Smackdown finally. He could start off by dominating some jobber heels and move up the ladder like a typical push. But wouldn't this be the perfect time then for him to debut an impact finisher?

I'm not saying his MasterLock isn't decent enough. Yes, it's just a full nelson, but a guy Masters' size it's believable that if he got a hold of you, you're not getting out of it. And he's pretty decent in the ring, especially for a larger guy. Some guys, like Alberto Del Rio, only have a submission finisher, but ADR has the mic skills to make up for it. He can make the crowd hate him with his mic skills. Masters doesn't seem to have any mic skills, so he's gotta do his speaking in the ring. A powerful guy does his speaking with powerful moves.

My first choice would be some variation of the powerbomb. Yes, it's used a lot, but look at it this way: Batista's gone, Undertaker's is rarely used, and Sheamus' is it's own unique version. The name alone says power. The only issue I see with that is you know the WWE would give it a stupid name like MasterBomb.

So what are your thoughts? Do you guys think he needs an impact finisher to go along with the MasterLock? What type of finisher would you choose?
I'm really hoping for a Chris Masters push. He has been reduced to a lowcarder status, some people would get lazy and not giving a damn anymore if you get majorly depushed like that, but Chris Masters is different, he has worked hard to improve the area that he gets criticized the most which is his in-ring work. Now he can definitely work a good match, he can sell well, and he actually tells a good story in the ring. It seems like he's really fighting his opponent instead of just simply hitting move after move. The Mastlock is a move that he needs. He can always use his Mastlock to get the crowd involved in the match.

The Master Lock may be more over than Chris himself, and that's a reason to keep the move. However, there's nothing wrong with adding on a bit. What I was thinking, Full Nelson Slam. Just put his opponent in a Master Lock and after about 5 seconds, he slams their ass. Chris could keep the move that has gotten him over in the past while adding a move to his arsenal that is very impactful and push worthy. Master Lock Slam?
I think he does need a secondary finisher, something that emphasises his strength and power. The Masterlock is a great move to have, and should definitely be retained but it is always good to have a 2nd finisher incase the 1st one doesnt get the job done or for the surprise element.

I think a powerbomb or something similar could work, or a slam where he presses the opponent above his head etc...something with a bit of an impact.

Perhaps a full nelson slam of some kind, where he could look like he is attempting the masterlock but instead lift the opponent up and then drive them down into the canvas. There will be ways of making this move stand out from other full nelson slams and making it a unique match-ending move for Masters.

He has such a great look, it is a shame that his in-ring work and mic skills have never been up to much, if he had even the slightest up-side Vince would push him to the moon. However, he HAS improved so maybe he will get his opportunity soon. His in-ring performances have surprised me recently, and he can sell pretty well. Infact, with some of the pushes we have seen over the years of no-talent muscle-heads I am surprised we have never seen Masters win a title belt.
Master deserves a lot of credit for the way he has applied himself since coming back. They've basically turned him into a jobber (he even lost clean to Caylen Croft a few months back - yes, Caylen Croft) but he has still been working his ass off every week on Superstars.

He is also a much much better wrestler than the guy who was flirting around the IC title scene a few years ago, and I think he works much better as a babyface. He has also got his entrance down to a T - he looks cool as hell when he comes to the ring.

Funny you should ask whether he needs an impact finisher. I was watching his match with Reks this morning and I thought EXACTLY the same thing. These guys put on an impressive 4 minute match (Reks has improved a lot too) and the Masterlock still looks pretty devastating, but if they are priming him for a little push then I think he need an impact finisher too - especially against more prominent heels. Plus the Masterlock imo is still a very heelish submission.

He hit a lovely samoan drop just before the finish. Maybe he could use varied version of this as a finisher - with a spin or something. That would be pretty cool!
Perhaps a full nelson slam of some kind, where he could look like he is attempting the masterlock but instead lift the opponent up and then drive them down into the canvas.

Sure, why not? He's already known for the Masterlock, so why not expand it by having him apply the hold and finish by driving the opponent face-first to the canvas, rather than just holding him in the full nelson until the guy wears down? Masters has the height and strength to hoist the guy off the canvas and smack him back down. I think it would look really effective and is a logical off-shoot to what he already does.
Three words: Pearl. River. Plunge.

The move that Ahmed Johnson used to do. Head between the legs, hook both arms (like the Pedigree) then you lift them up and throw them in the air, catching them and slamming them to the ground in a sit-down powerbomb. he could def pull it off with his physique and I haven't seen someone do this move in a long time. I say he gives this one a try.

I do agree, he needs something else. Also, I think a great way to start his push would be to bring back the Masterlock Challenge and have him do it to heels, maybe even get the Big Show in it, I used to love that.
Powerbomb sounds alright.He could also do the Dominator which I think he could make it look better then a Powerbomb.

I was gonna say Polish Hammer but then I remembered why he can only use it to the chest.
No the masterlock is alright with me it remind me of the oldschool day the golden age. You got holds like the sharpshooter,crossface,del rio lock are the submissions of today . So move like that and the figure4 me myself like seein the holds of yesterday so i say no...........
Me, myself would like to see him use a DVD. Not the video disk folks, a Death Valley Driver. He has the upper body power to pick up almost anyone, and it has huge impact. I'd love to see this or a Spinning Polish Hammer, like Ivan Putski and Tank Toland used to do. He is a big power fella, so giving him a huge strike or huge impact move would benefit him greatly.
Haha...I'm thinking Chris Masters should use something like a sit-out full nelson slam. I think that would look pretty cool. I haven't followed Chris Masters for a long time...not since his feud with Carlito. But, from what I saw in that match against Tyler Reks was a lot of improvement. He's much more smoother in executing his moves now. I also think adding moves like that Samoan drop and Sky High has significantly boosted his character instead of being a Mr. Wonderful rip-off. Whatever his impact finisher will be, if he'll use one at all or if he'll just stick with his Masterlock, I seriously hope he gets a push amounting to a title win. His potential is not dead.

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