what a jerk!......right?

I have hated Cena for YEARS...as a "SuperStar"...But to call John Cena as HIMSELF a jerk because he couldn't stick around for a picture or autograph is simply reprehensible! He just finished a weekend having most likely worked 3 house shows in different cities, and then worked for OVER 4 hours to film back-to-back RAW episodes...The dude showed up a lil late and had to look after the fans that EDUCATED their decisions to be there in time for wristbands...if there wasn't time for everyone else, I'm sorry, but that's just tough luck! Pro-wrestlers are entertainers, atheletes, and celebrities...but before all of that they are PEOPLE, just like you and me...After you finish travelling for 4 days, driving, flying, doing public appearances, sleeping, eating, training, doing meetings, and doing your job on top of it all, would you want to sign a freakin' autograph? Sorry dude, but fans like you sicken me...Love the business, love the characters, love the music, love all that you want to when it comes to what you see on TV and in the arenas...but beyond all that I have one thing to say to ya...GET A LIFE!!!
Haha PeoplesChamp88...Dude...Nothing personal bro...I was talking in generalities towards fans that treat the wrestlers as if they owe them something. I have had the priveledge of meeting EVERY one of my faves, from Bret Hart and Chris Jericho to Hacksaw Duggan and Hulk Hogan. I understand what its like to be a fan and want to meet your heroes...but I'd never take it personally if they had to jet for whatever reason...That's just how the ball rolls my man.
I have also never met Cena, and his is my second favorite wrestler (Behind Triple H and before Batista), But one thing I'm confused about...Why would People look on wwe.com before they went to the autograph signing after the event, expecialy if they told everyone their that Cena was signing autographs? Unless they told everyone prior.

I would like to buy the Dvd sometime, but i mean what? were they giving away wristbands to people who had bought the Dvd that day? considering 98% of the people probably came from Raw and have been there since probably the last 6 hours, why would they have bought the Dvd at that specific mall that day, and shouldn't their be some kind of sign up?

I agree, extreamly bad laziness of their part. And the lady who said they'd call the cops to force them out! I mean how bad was it? It couldn't have been that rowdy.

I hope your experince doesn't stop you from going to any other show or event.

Maybe you'll meet someone better in the WWE, I would personaly rather meet Triple H.
Thank you. you understand where I'm coming from. And no the crowds were not rowdy at all..they were filled with families with there kids. No I won't let them ruin my experience. I had a lot of fun great time. And yea I do wana see hhh more haha
Haha PeoplesChamp88...Dude...Nothing personal bro...I was talking in generalities towards fans that treat the wrestlers as if they owe them something. I have had the priveledge of meeting EVERY one of my faves, from Bret Hart and Chris Jericho to Hacksaw Duggan and Hulk Hogan. I understand what its like to be a fan and want to meet your heroes...but I'd never take it personally if they had to jet for whatever reason...That's just how the ball rolls my man.

I'm not offended...listen this was my lil thing to let my frustration out and that of the hundreds of fans that were waiting as well...as all of the other members have said, my and the other fans anger was misdirected. I understand that it happens but still I'm allowed to vent. I didn't think I had to like getting told to beat it or we will send the cops.
I totally understand...I just had to vent on the flip side of the coin I guess Ha Ha...C'est La Vie!
I have hated Cena for YEARS...as a "SuperStar"...But to call John Cena as HIMSELF a jerk because he couldn't stick around for a picture or autograph is simply reprehensible! He just finished a weekend having most likely worked 3 house shows in different cities, and then worked for OVER 4 hours to film back-to-back RAW episodes...The dude showed up a lil late and had to look after the fans that EDUCATED their decisions to be there in time for wristbands...if there wasn't time for everyone else, I'm sorry, but that's just tough luck! Pro-wrestlers are entertainers, atheletes, and celebrities...but before all of that they are PEOPLE, just like you and me...After you finish travelling for 4 days, driving, flying, doing public appearances, sleeping, eating, training, doing meetings, and doing your job on top of it all, would you want to sign a freakin' autograph? Sorry dude, but fans like you sicken me...Love the business, love the characters, love the music, love all that you want to when it comes to what you see on TV and in the arenas...but beyond all that I have one thing to say to ya...GET A LIFE!!!

An one other thing...I don't have a problem with there only being a certain amount of time..but I barely found out the day before that they were coming let alone hear he was going to do signings. I found out at the show he was going there as did many others? So its our fault that they announced it as if we could just go and meet him?
The 2 biggest jerks I have ever met are Randy Orton and beleive it or not Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Met Orton twice the very 1st time he came down from his room pushed past the fans and started screaming abuse at the hotel receptionist calling her a f*****g b***h because he hadnt got his wake up call. He followed this up wit f**k you repeatidly. Turned to the fans shouted very agressivley and sarcasticaly that he loves them and stormed out- and h was a babyface at the time!

2nd time he was with his dad and was signing anything that was put in front of him. His dad left just as I got to him and asked for an autograph. Randy told me no called me something and walked off. Someone asked for a picture and he flipped the bird at them and walked away. A freind of mine was told to f**k off by him once but when Triple H was around he was stopping for the fans no problem. I hear he has changed his ways nowadays since becoming a father etc but I have a long memory.

1st met Austin in 02 when he was still with Debra. She always walked behind him looking nervous. He practicaly pushed fans out of the way and when Debra stopped for an autograph he came and fetched her.

2 years later saw him again he too flipped the bird at fans wanting pictures- and he wasnt in character he was actually flipping them off. There was an incident where a small kid around 6/7 asked or an autograph as he was getting in a lift. Austin told him he'd come back. 2hrs later the kid gave up standing by the lift.

Rikishi, Billy Gunn, JBL, Jim Ross, Hardcore Holly and Mr Kenedy also get honourable mentions as miserable gits in real life. Although I did manage to get autographs off all in the end except Kennedy- but it was with great reluctance any of them bothered.

The nicest guys I have met are Cena who always stops for ages to talk and sign autographs, pose for pictures etc. Shawn Michaels is a really nice guy as well he's actually quite a funny guy and spent hours in the hotel lobby with fans, Eddie Guerrero always stopped but never really hung around to chat neither did Benoit whilst Chavo is really down to earth. Jamie Noble was a great guy whilst William Regal will chat to you forever if you get him on the subject of England. Eugene stayed in character constantley and was hilarious as a result, Big Show stops for absolutley anybody and is really nice and freindly. Gene Snitsky was also surprisingly nice and admitted hating the Kane/Lita storyline he got stuck with. Kane was very protective of his character whilst masked and would never stop and hid from cameras but now will stop for anyone and makes time to talk to you. Jericho is quiet but very freindly, A-Train/Albert was also really nice. Rico, Scotty Too Hotty, Maven, The Hurricane, Rosey, Trish Stratus, Molly Holly and Scott Hall are all really nice as well I could go on and on!

The 3 I was most happy to meet though were Kurt Angle who was smiling and chatting away happily with fan and stood for a picture with me, Brock Lesnar who some people have said is a jerk but I alwatys found op be really nice and The Undertaker who dosnt often do pictures but will sign anything you put in front of him. And is also a surprisingly funny guy!

Overall Id say most wrestlers are really nice to meet but the wwe security tend to ruin it I have lost count of how many times the securiy guard that looks like Virgil has pushed people away.
So this is my first thread and I'm hoping its the right area...I was at last nights double raw in san Jose and I gotta say it was very entertaining but that's for another thread and there will be another haha but back on topic..so during the live show they announced that john cena was going to be at a local mall after the two raws at midnight.now I'm not a huge cena fan however I respect his love for the buisness and hard work. My wife love him to so we decided to go see him try to get a picture and what not.

So after the raws we get there and there are separate lines but its not as crazy. So we are waiting getting pretty excited bout seeing him.I haven't met a superstar before so I was pumped. Its now been an hour and a half and cena finally shows up. By this time the lines are long and everyone is going crazy.

Then there is a camera crew that comes out but only records the other line. We are puzzled but not too upset. But then the other line starts going in. We find out that they had wristbands and get in first. We didn't find out til after that its because they bought 12 rounds. And we have to wait til they go in. Then the dagger.

Someone who works for wwe comes out and says John Cena says he can't see all of you so if you don't have a wristband you're not getting in. And if you don't leave the police will force you out". What the hell?

We waited just as long as they did yet because we didn't buy that movie we gotta leave? I asked her why they didn't announce that at the raw so that we didn't have to waste our time or gas.she says that its posted on wwe.com and if we didn't see it too bad. Too bad!?

Ok there were so many families with kids that waited forever and just wana see cena. Not people that would be all over wwe.com. But what bothered the hundreds of us was what about us?

We are all fans who spent money some lots of money-on his stuff. Yet because we didn't buy that move we don't matter? Everyone is in shock. My wife is pissed and says she like the miz now lol. But how can we just be pushed to side?

Hhh stayed after raw and said hi and stuff with everyone who came up to him. But not cena. It was sad to see the kids faces when they found out that they weren't allowed in because of cena.

So what I'm asking is are we right in hating on cena? Is he a jerk? I can't help but feel he really doesn't care about us as much as he leads on

That sucks for you, really does. Waiting for him and all that. Sucks. Sorry dude.

But that isn't in any way Cena's fault. Cena's a workhouse. You said so yourself, you respect his love for the business. He probably had a bus or plane to get to, so that he could make yet another appearance or house show somewhere. I'm sure if Cena could have stayed, he would have.

Dude, seriously? You think it was JOHN CENA who fucking set that up? John Cena has fuck all to do with schedules, and the shit you were talking about. As said, he most likely had to leave. The WWE spokes person merely just blamed it on him, just so HE himself didnt get his head torn off by all of the people in line. What in the fuck, people on these forums are going bonkers.... :disappointed:
Fucking Cena doesn't fucking care about his fucking fans how the fuck dare he fucking avoid fucking talking to you?

Or maybe the people who bought 12 rounds were all he could see, it seemed like it was more the security guy being a jerk by telling you he'd call the cops. Cena was in 12 rounds, so it makes sense for him to be doing the 12 rounds promo. Just calm, relax, write him an angry letter.

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