

Plump, Juicy User
Spent about three hours talking to her between Church services tonight. Considering she and I are both very devout Christians, and have been together for over two years and have done the deed one whole time; I highly consider talking cheating. :\ If I was talking to someone else, she'd call it cheating real quick, however when she does it; she calls it nothing. I don't understand how just 2 1/2 weeks ago she was fully prepared to stay at my house for a short while after her parents told her she can't stay there anymore, how just 6 days ago she spoke the word "forever" to me after one of the worst weekends of my life, and then Tuesday we decide to go on "break" in order to focus on God, and now Saturday I find out she's leaving me for someone else.

This has happened in the past, but only in relationships that have lasted two weeks, not someone I have spent 12 hours nightly talking late on the phone to, sent hundreds of thousands of texts to everyday for the past year, committed the one sexual act I thought I'd never commit until marriage with, fully prepared to allow into my house, eat my food, for free just 2 1/2 weeks ago is capable of just dropping me, because I "beyond stressed her out, and she's tired of my crap" this weekend.

I've been giving everything I possibly have in this relationship for the past month, especially the last two weeks; however she still hasn't seen any of it. As if it were all in vain.

I couldn't properly respond to this in the GSD.
I see where he's coming from. If me and a woman aren't serious enough, I also won't let her eat my food for free.
She didn't leave him, she just found another guy that would take things slowly. They haven't even actually talked in person yet, just through facebook. Talking in person is where Satan finds new victims.
Only talking on facebook after knowing each other for a couple of months is pretty damn slow. At that pace they won't be sharing french fries for at least 4 years.
How can you find someone who'll take things slower than making you wait to eat free food a year after being together?!

I think he meant "Live at my house without needing to contribute" moreso than "Bitch buys her own shit til now"

HOW DO YOU NEED MORE TIME TO FOCUS ON GOD "Our Father, who Art Vandela--shit, need more Christ time"
I think he meant "Live at my house without needing to contribute" moreso than "Bitch buys her own shit til now"

Has no one ever heard of "Stay-at-Home Mom's"?

Yeah, yeah - having a child(ren) is indeed a full-time "job", but that shit don't pay bills. And "staying at home" isn't something you can exactly write down as a "past employer".
Hey, if the bitch wants to stay home, she can Expedite childcare questions for ChaCha

Not only does she take care of the kids, she tells a bunch of 14 year olds bored at school that she's the Champ
So wait, whats the point of not doing it anymore if you already been done did it?

May as well rock out 3 to 5 times a day after that
I remember that shit, Nick. What they didn't show was that those parents just have a really kinky sex life, and that's going to damage the kid FAR more than just plain arguing would.
Pretty sure he's been cheating on her with his teacher for 3 and a half hours everyday. Who's the fucking hypocrite now?

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