Well, Chaps, It's Time


2-Time WZCW Mayhem Champion
Time for me to pack it in.

No, there were no arguments or big flame wars that are causing me to leave in a huff. It's more just a general feeling of apathy regarding this forum, and wrestling as a whole, now that I think about it. It's actually a bit strange for me now that I've realized this.

I mean, Sully finally got his idiotic ass banned not too long ago, and I just flat out didn't care. An older me would've at least made a joke, and yet, nothing. And shattered dreams got his ass handed to him by the admins for once because of his general stupidity, and I didn't even crack a smile. I normally would've rubbed it in his face, but now, it just doesn't matter to me.

That, and I haven't actually watched RAW in a month. And considering that was the one wrestling show I was consistently watching, I think that's a sign that I'm losing interest in this business.

Don't get me wrong, I still like it. I still go to Wrestlecrap once a week and if I actually sat down to watch a PPV, I'm sure I'd still enjoy it. I just don't view it with the same enthusiasm as I once did. So that should be enough to say that I should just go.

Maybe I'll come back in the future, maybe I won't. I wouldn't put money on it happening, though.

I'd like to thank everyone for putting up with me, as well as letting me join in the fun with WZCW. Remember me as the stupid Power Rangers fan that you all consider me to be.

Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.
You are a special kind of idiot but I guess if you stopped watching RAW regularly you are smarter than I ever gave you credit for. Don't get too excited though. That just means you likely can tie your shoes by yourself.

Aren't you glad you got that one final wave of attention from the posters before leaving?

(Why do posters feel the need to provide us with an exit speech before leaving the forum? If you "don't care" about it anymore, why take the time to post this?)

Eh, maybe I'm just being an ass hole again.

Aren't you glad you got that one final wave of attention from the posters before leaving?

(Why do posters feel the need to provide us with an exit speech before leaving the forum? If you "don't care" about it anymore, why take the time to post this?)

Eh, maybe I'm just being an ass hole again.


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