Week of 6/20/2011 - 6/26/2011 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Alex Riley might have a bad bicep but we’re not sure.

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 20, 2011
Location: 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, Booker T

It’s another three hour Raw coming off a rather weak PPV last night in the form of Capitol Punishment. It’s Power to the People tonight which more or less means Viewer’s Choice, as the fans are going to pick the matches and the participants in them. This was rather interesting last year so maybe we’ve got a winner on our hands. Let’s get to it.

You’re going to get three options and you text in your selection of A, B or C.

Here’s Punk to open the show. Last night he promised the most honest act in WWE history. He sits down in the middle of the ring and says that he wouldn’t trust the people with the content of this show. After all, they choose to live in Baltimore, Maryland. Punk says they can’t pick what he’s going to do tonight. He’s the best wrestler (his word) in the world and he’s beaten Cena and Mysterio within the last week.

Wins and losses still mean something and they mean he’s the #1 contender. It’s not a debate or argument. Based on what he’s done, it’s fact. He wants the GM to send an E-Mail and make it official. He’s not going anywhere until he’s named #1 contender to the WWE Championship of the World (spoken like Road Dogg used to say it). The GM says he’ll take the demands under consideration but right now Punk needs to leave the ring.

Punk seems annoyed and there’s another E-Mail, with the GM saying it more emphatically this time. Punk says no and makes snow angels minus the snow. Another E-Mail says he was going to be named #1 contender later but since Punk disrespected him it’s Punk vs. Alberto for the spot later. Punk says he’s used to people making bad decisions but Alberto has one big win which was last night. Another E-Mail makes it a triple threat with Rey added in. Punk is limping as he leaves.

First vote: Who does Brie Bella defend the title against?

Kelly Kelly
Beth Phoenix

Back with the results:

Eve: 11%
Kelly Kelly: 53%
Beth Phoenix: 36%

Divas Title: Brie Bella vs. Kelly Kelly

Cole mistakenly says Kelly is a former champion. Brie runs early on and Nikki teases interference, allowing Brie to get in a shot and take over. Off to the chinlock with Kelly in trouble. Kelly starts her comeback but gets caught in a neckbreaker for two. Kelly tries a victory roll out of the corner but Brie reverses ala Owen Hart. That gets reversed as well though into another victory roll position and Kelly wins the title at 3:02.

Lawler does a quick interview post match and Kelly starts crying as she says power to the people.

Video on Bourne who can jump a lot.

Second Vote: Who does Evan Bourne face?

Jack Swagger
Mason Ryan
Sin Cara

Results say:

Jack Swagger: 19%
Mason Ryan: 51%
Sin Cara: 30%

Evan Bourne vs. Mason Ryan

Kind of surprised by that actually. Ryan stalks him to start but Bourne can’t get a single thing going. The fans chant something that sounds like Batista as he uses a lot of offense like Big Dave. Bourne gets a dropkick in and Ryan shrugs it off. A pair of backbreakers set up a fallaway slam and have Bourne barely able to fight back at all.

Ryan puts him on the apron where Evan is able to get some kicks in. Jumping knee in the corner has Ryan in trouble…and never mind as he gets an easy gorilla press slam to take over again. And then Ryan screws up by putting Bourne on the top rope in Shooting Star position. That misses and Bourne gets an ugly small package for two. Bourne goes up again but jumps into a Side Effect for the pin at 4:06.

Third vote: Pick Kane vs. Mark Henry’s stipulation.

Body Slam Challenge
Arm Wrestling
Over the Top Challenge

Raw Roulette is back next week.

Mark Henry vs. Kane

Pre match Henry says when people mess with him, they get punished, just like Big Show last night. There are two differences between Show and Henry. When Show walks the Earth, the Earth shakes. When Henry walks the Earth, the people shake. Isn’t that one difference? Bigger isn’t better in this case. The results are up next.

The people say:

Body Slam Challenge: 13%
Arm Wrestling: 52%
Over the Top Challenge: 35%

Uh….ok then. If you’ve ever seen an arm wrestling match on a wrestling show, you know what’s going on here. After a bunch of stalling we get going. Henry drills Kane once he was in trouble for the DQ. They brawl a bit and Henry hits him with the table. Henry takes him to the floor and hits the World’s Strongest Slam through the table like he did to Big Show last night.

Truth is up next.

Here’s R-Truth to complain about how the conspiracy is still going strong. He says that it wasn’t the computer that got him last night. It was Little Jimmy. And the Big Jimmy too. He got got by Little Jimmy! Cue Christian of all people who goes on his usual thing about how the people made him face Orton five days after winning the title. The setbacks are due to the people, not him.

Last night though it was due to the bad refereeing. We get a shot from last night with Christian having his foot under the ropes. He actually does have a point in that one. Christian demands that justice be served. He only needs one more shot. Truth asks how many chances he’s had. That’s not the point though. At least Christian has been champion. Last night Truth got got by Little Jimmy! Christian: “Who is Little Jimmy?” Truth goes into his “the Little Jimmys want me to be a good R-Truth” thing but here’s Miz to interrupt again.

Miz says that he’s the only one that has a chance to complain because there was a partisan referee last night. Christian makes fun of Miz because he was the only one not in a title match. This turns into a bizarre three way yelling match of them shouting REALLY, RANDY, RILEY and ultimately JIMMY at each other back and forth. This was hilarious in the weird way. Teddy Long breaks it up and says that tonight it’s a six man main event with these three against Cena, Orton and Riley with the people picking the stipulations.

Fourth vote: Pick the stipulations for Kingston vs. Ziggler for the US Title.

2/3 falls
Vickie barred from ringside

The results say:

2/3 falls: 51%
Vickie barred from ringside: 31%
Submission: 18%

US Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston

2/3 falls here then. Kofi is rather aggressive to start us off, taking over with relative ease. He kicks Dolph to the floor and then stays all aggressive on him with punches and chokes. Kofi misses a dive though and it’s time for a break. Back and it’s 1-0 Dolph who got the fall using the Zig Zag during the break. Dolph uses chinlocks and an armbar to keep his advantage. Nice dropkick by the champion.

Fameasser gets two. Dolph keeps hammering away but Kofi gets the SOS out of nowhere to make it 1-1. Neckbreaker takes over for Dolph again and it’s back to the chinlock. Kofi hits a slingshot to send Dolph into the post ala Hennig and takes over with strikes. Double stomp gets two. Dolph grabs a rollup with tights for two. Kofi goes up and hits something similar to Delirious’ Shadows Over Hell for two.

Dolph hits the floor and grabs the belt but it misses Kofi. Trouble in Paradise hits but they’re on the floor. Back in that gets two as Dolph puts his fingers on the rope. They kind of messed it up as Dolph grabbed the rope a half second late but it was called anyway. Dolph tries to run again and this time gets a shot with the microphone for the DQ at 12:35.

Cole rants about the people having the power tonight due to Austin and we get a clip of that being decided last week. The computer being destroyed was kind of funny.

Fifth Vote
: Pick the stipulations for the triple threat.

Falls Count Anywhere

Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

Alberto says that what happened to Show and Ricardo was destiny, not bad luck. Him winning tonight is also destiny. The results and the other entrances are next.

No DQ: 23%
Falls Count Anywhere: 66%
Submission: 11%

Rey grabs rollups on both guys to start us off. Standard triple threat style here with one guy being down while the other two do their thing. We head to the floor with Punk hitting a powerbomb for two on Alberto. Seated senton off the apron gets two on Punk. Back and Rey takes over on Punk getting some covers off a headscissors. Alberto takes Rey down and it’s heel vs. heel for awhile.

GTS doesn’t work but Alberto gets his Codebreaker to the arm for two. Rey comes back in and gets a rana on Alberto to set up the 619. Punk is put in the same position but he catches Rey in the GTS. Alberto breaks that up and Punk kicks him in the head for two. Tower of Doom spot sees Alberto powerbomb Punk who suplexes Rey. Covers get two on both guys.

Del Rio takes over but misses a charge, ramming his shoulder into the post. Rey sets for a dive on him but Punk breaks it up. A charging Punk eats feet and Rey hits something like a Swanton before immediately popping up and hitting a suicide dive to take Alberto out. Rey gets a seated senton for two. They go to the corner and Rey is knocked into the cross armbreaker. Punk drops a leg on Alberto to break it up and get two. Rey takes Alberto down and hits the springboard splash. Punk pops back in and sends Rey into the post so he can steal the pin on Alberto at 11:35.

Punk talks about his honesty thing. He’ll win the title on July 17 at Money in the Bank. That day is also significant due to it being the day his contract expires. He’s leaving after it and he’s taking the title with him. That’s a new one.

Sixth vote: Pick the stipulation for Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan.

Paper Bag Match
No Count Out
Collegiate Rules Match

Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes

Paper Bag Match: 43%
No Count Out: 51%
Collegiate Rules Match: 6%

Not exactly the best set of options here. Bryan kicks him to the floor almost immediately and gets a suplex onto the ramp. It’s just no count out, not hardcore/falls count anywhere mind you. Back in the ring a missile dropkick gets two. Cody gets a sick looking Beautiful Disaster kick for two. Bryan almost gets the LeBell Lock but gets caught in a slingshot instead. Small package gets two but Bryan reverses into one of his own for the pin at 2:40. Nothing of note here but it wasn’t bad.

LeBell Lock goes on Cody post match but DiBiase comes in for the double beatdown. There’s an Alabama Slam to Bryan and Cross Rhodes followed by the bagging.

Seventh vote: Vickie Guerrero will have a dance contest with who?

Michael Cole
Jerry Lawler
Booker T

Before the results we recap the show so far.

Vickie says she’ll win, talking about how she used to have a bunch of dancing experience, including exotic with the stage name of peaches. She even quotes Sable with the men who came to see me line. Striker has to dance with her for some reason. She kisses him and I think he liked it. Or maybe hated it. Leaning more towards hated it.

Here are the results of the poll.

Michael Cole: 47%
Jerry Lawler: 39%
Booker T: 14%

Well sure why not. Cole has way too much fun doing this, even throwing in the Worm (kind of) and the Spinarooni (about as good as you would expect). Oddly enough Cole gets a better reaction and wins the thing. Vickie slaps the taste out of his mouth post match.

Eighth vote: The stipulations for the main event.

One Fall to A Finish
20 Minute Time Limit
Elimination Match

Gee I wonder which it’ll be.

Christian/R-Truth/The Miz vs. John Cena/Randy Orton/Alex Riley

One Fall to A Finish: 15%
20 Minute Time Limit: 6%
Elimination Match: 79%

The bell is after the break. Miz vs. Cena start us off which goes nowhere for the most part. Off to Orton and Christian as we keep our brand representation balanced. They keep hammering on Orton’s head to play up the concussion aspect. Truth throws on a chinlock and Randy can’t make a rope for a good while. A suplex gets him out of it though but Christian blocks the tag.

Killswitch and RKO both are countered and a reverse DDT gets two. Spear is caught in a powerslam and it’s hot tag to Riley. Riley actually cleans some house on all three guys and escapes the Killswitch. He almost gets the inverted DDT on Miz and Christian but gets caught in a double team. Cena comes in and the distraction allows Miz to get the Skull Crushing Finale to go up 3-2 and we take a break.

Back with Orton being covered for two by Miz off a move we didn’t see. Orton gets a shot in and it’s off to Cena. Here’s the finishing sequence on Miz but the AA is blocked. Neckbreaker gets two for Miz. Running clothesline in the corner hits and Miz goes up. He misses a double axe but jumps into the STF. Truth makes the save though and everything breaks down for a bit.

Everyone gets a shot or two in on Cena until it’s off to Truth. Sitout gordbuster gets two. Cena gets a fisherman’s suplex to break the momentum and it seems like they mess something up as Cena lays there like a foot from Orton for about ten seconds but he never makes it. Off to Miz who walks into the AA to make it 2-2. Truth comes in and throws on a chinlock for a bit.

Off to Christian who misses a top rope splash/headbutt to put both guys down. Double tags bring in Truth and Orton. Powerslam to the nutjob and Orton goes all psycho. Elevated DDT hits. Christian breaks up the RKO and Truth misses an axe kick. RKO gets us down to the Super Best Friends vs. Christian. Orton walks into a spear and Christian pins him. He walks into the AA but grabs the rope to escape. The sore loser known as Randy Orton hits an RKO, allowing the STF to end Christian at 20:00.

Kelly Kelly b. Brie Bella – Victory Roll
Mason Ryan b. Evan Bourne – Sit Out Rock Bottom
Kane b. Mark Henry in an arm wrestling match via DQ when Henry punched Kane
Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler – Kingston won the third fall by DQ when Ziggler hit him with the microphone
Daniel Bryan b. Cody Rhodes – Small Package
Randy Orton/John Cena/Alex Riley b. R-Truth/Christian/The Miz – STF to Christian


Raw got a 3.1 overall, 3.3 for the regular two hours.

Date: June 21, 2011
Location: Giant Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Todd Grisham, William Regal

It’s week whatever here (It’s week whatever here) and there are no signs of us getting done with this show yet. We have three people left in the forms of O’Brian, O’Neil and Young. Other than that there isn’t much else going on here, which to be fair can be said nearly every week around here. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of Lucky Cannon’s stuff over the course of the season. I think this is the same video we opened last week with. Cannon kind of reminds me of Kelso from That 70’s Show. At least they’re not airing the wrong episode because there’s the elimination from last week.

They’re still wild, but after being on this season for this long can you still classify them as young?

There’s another elimination next week.

Here’s Horny with Titus to open the show. Apparently the small one has some business with Maryse. And here she is to at least make the show more fun to look at. Horny mumbles a lot and Titus translates. Apparently Horny has a surprise for her and has her hold her hand out. He puts a box in her hand and it’s a ring pop. I haven’t had one of those in years. She insults him for it because she’s not nice anymore. The ring is thrown in his face and she leaves him all upset.

And of all people here’s Zack Ryder. He was the pro for Titus on NXT Season 2. Decent reaction but not exactly the explosion that you would expect from what you read about him online. The tall people compared Ryder and Horny’s merits as Pros and Ryder threatens to fist pump Titus’ face. Striker makes the obvious main event.

Vladimir Kozlov/Yoshi Tatsu/Conor O’Brian vs. Chavo Guerrero/JTG/Darren Young

Regal goes into another rant about JTG, saying he’s been waking up half an hour earlier so he can hate him that much longer every day. Young and O’Brian start us off. This is about as riveting as you would expect them to be if you’ve watched their matches all season. Conor runs him off after awhile and here’s Chavo. Regal apparently had Chavo’s first match in WCW.

Conor is holding his arm kind of funny after a bit so here’s Yoshi to fight JTG. Regal talks about losing a bet about Cannon last week but not having any money due to the women he has to pay for. Koz comes in and cleans some house. Powerslam gets two for Kozlov as Regal praises him. Vlad cleans house and Conor helps out a bit as we take a break. Back with Vlad getting two on Chavo off a powerslam.

The rookies beat on each other for a bit with the main work being on the knee of O’Brian. Off to JTG and this goes on way too long. They’ve been working on his knee for five minutes now. Everyone gets in a lot of time on it with JTG on it at the moment. Conor gets some shots in but Chavo gets a drop toehold to take him right back down.

After about eight minutes of O’Brian getting beaten on (seriously) it’s close enough to a tag to bring in Yoshi. He cleans house and hits a spin kick to take JTG down. Shining Wizard gets one as everything breaks down. Koz gets a pretty nice double suplex on Chavo and Young to send them to the floor. And never mind as Tatsu kicks JTG’s head off for the pin at 15:20.

We’re told that the votes messed up last night and Sin Cara actually should have faced Bourne. That explains a few things. They’ll have a match on Raw to make up for it.

Raw Rebound is about the Punk segment last night.

Tyson Kidd is talking to Lucky Cannon on the phone and says there won’t be a recount. He says he has to go because he comes up on I guess you would call it a shrine in a locker with candles and all that jazz. There’s a Yoshi Tatsu action figure in the middle and Yoshi comes up, saying not to touch it. Kidd leaves and Yoshi puts a Hershey bar in front of it (huge pop. Remember the town they’re in) and bows to it. I have no idea what to say to that.

Titus O’Neil vs. Zack Ryder

Regal has a quick thing about Ryder also: his old partner Dave Taylor had a hand in training Ryder. Ryder charges straight at him which gets him beaten up. Grisham actually mentions the Youtube show and the Internet Championship. Titus gets a headlock on for awhile and then runs Ryder over. Horny bites Ryder on the license plate on his tights, allowing O’Neil to get a school boy for two as we take a break.

Back with Ryder taking over after a knee lift. He chokes away a lot as I guess he’s still a heel on TV. They need to pick one or the other, because he’s constantly changing back and forth. Off to the chinlock as Regal points out that Horny is the only person that keeps Titus going. Ryder gets a running facewash in the corner which has a proper name that I can’t think of. It only gets two and it’s back to the chinlock. They get back up and here’s the comeback for Titus. Ryder hits the floor and goes after Horny, prompting a brief bit on the floor. Back in, O’Neil walks into the Rough Ryder for the pin at 8:30.

Yoshi Tatsu/Vladimir Kozlov/Conor O’Brian b. Darren Young/JTG/Chavo Guerrero – High Kick to JTG
Zack Ryder b. Titus O’Neil – Rough Ryder


Nothing today as usual on Wednesday.


Impact Wrestling
Date: June 23, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

It’s likely another show building towards Destination X here which means we’ll probably get another triple threat with guys brought in. That’s a cool idea as it lets you see guys you usually wouldn’t see having some pretty fun matches. Other than that, probably some more stuff about the Bound For Glory Series, which is still a long way off from the final goal. Anyway let’s get to it.

We open with clips of last week’s two big moments in the form of the Jarrett/Angle parking lot fight and Sting going all psycho on Hogan.

And here’s Jarrett again who wants to be part of the Bound For Glory Series (which he says hasn’t started yet for some reason). Eric says no because of the Network and says Jarrett needs to go to Mexico. Actually this past Saturday he won the AAA World Title so this fits rather well. Eric says Jeff needs to lead the Immortal takeover of Mexico. Wonder how long Jeff will be gone.

Here’s Eric in the arena and he wants to talk to Sting. Here’s the Scorpion enthusiast himself. Eric wants to know why Sting thought he could get away with what he tried to do to Hogan last week on Eric’s show. Eric yells at Sting a lot and then Sting goes into an almost Doink voice, saying Eric hurt his feelings and cursed at him. Sting is playing up the psycho side here, saying he’s going to snap Eric’s neck. He calls Eric a con artist and says that Bischoff is a virus that has infected Hogan but that’s going to change.

Eric says that’ll never happen because it’ll always be Hogan and Bischoff. Sting is going to have to change because of Bischoff though. He may have a rematch on the 14th but Eric can change that. Tonight it’s Sting vs. Abyss and on the line is….nothing apparently. Sting goes back into his Jim Carrey voice here and says that it’s Eric rather than Sting who has a price to pay. Sting hits him in the corner and more or less struts around the ring. Death Drop leaves Bischoff laying. He gets the makeup treatment and the Scorpion as we go to a break with the hold still on.

Apparently there have been some BFG Series matches on house shows, including Gunner pinning AJ clean. Morgan, AJ, RVD, Gunner and Scott Steiner all have seven points and everyone else has zero.

Bound For Glory Series: Scott Steiner vs. Bully Ray

This has the potential to be pretty cool or a trainwreck. This is your big slugout that you would expect here. Ray controls to start but misses a splash in the corner. Steiner takes over with some solid shots and hits the pushups after the elbow. Ray gets a boot up in the corner to shift the momentum again and three covers off a right hand. Ray rams in the forearm smashes in a crossface style and loads up the Bubba Bomb. Steiner escapes the full nelson though to a big face chant.

Steiner comes back with the suplexes and there goes the referee. Overhead belly to belly puts Ray down and it’s time for the Recliner. No referee though, even though it’s that horrid submission of his. At least pull back on the thing Scott. Ray taps but there’s no referee. Scott goes to check on him instead of keeping the hold on until he gets back, allowing Ray to find a chain to hit Steiner in the throat with a chain for the pin at 5:55.

Bischoff tells Gunner and Abyss to take care of Sting when Anderson comes in. Anderson gets yelled at for not helping Bischoff and Eric says he won the title for Sting for him. Anderson says he was having a burger during the attack. Eric yells at Anderson and says come over to Immortal and Anderson stands there. Eric says think about it and isn’t happy at all.

Steiner is looking for Ray in the back.

Zema Ion, more commonly known as Shiima Xion of various indy companies, is in an X Division Showcase match tonight.

Miss Tessmacher/Velvet Sky vs. Jackie Moore/ODB

Velvet says this was supposed to be no holds barred but they can’t do that because their opponents aren’t under contract or something. Ok apparently it is no holds barred. They start in the aisle and it’s a big brawl. Apparently this is before the bell. Velvet and ODB get in the ring as we go to a break before a bell rings.

Back and I guess the bell rang during the break. Jackie is hammering on Tessmacher but Miss manages to break free, only for Velvet to not be there. ODB hammers on her a bit but Tessmacher gets a spear of all things to break through and get the tag. Velvet cleans house and everything breaks down. The referee gets taken down again and Jackie kicks Velvet between the legs for the pin at 3:50 shown.

Federico Palacios is also in the X Division match tonight. He’s more known as Azrieal.

Tara has Madison at the PPV and Madison comes up to yell at her. Madison gets rammed into the wall and Tara tells her to never touch her again.

Roode still isn’t cleared to wrestle even though he’s in the BFG Series.

Steiner storms into the Immortal locker room and swings a chain around. He’s freaking again. Ray says Steiner would have done the same thing. Ray offers Steiner a spot in Immortal. Steiner throws the chain again and says he’ll think about it.

Bound For Glory Series: Crimson/Matt Morgan vs. Beer Money

Roode vs. Crimson start us off and I guess Roode’s arm is fine now. He hits the Hennig neck snap but Crimson runs him down with ease. Roode is holding his arm now and Storm tags himself in. Off to Morgan who can’t hit the elbows in the corner. Codebreaker and a neckbreaker combine for two for Storm. Discus lariat gets two for Morgan, setting up the elbows in the corner and the tag off to Crimson.

Next week it’s AJ vs. Gunner. Crimson beats on Storm for awhile until Storm hits a Backstabber to bring in Roode. Morgan is in also and the shoulder looks better. Carbon Footprint misses in the corner and Roode goes after the leg. Forearm puts Morgan down but he jumps into a chokeslam attempt. Roode goes for a Fujiwara Armbar out of a counter but it’s broken up by Crimson.

Double suplex puts the red guy down and there’s the shout. For once though they get caught, in this instance by a double clothesline from Morgan. Roode gets a Blockbuster but his arm is hurt again. Storm gets tossed to the floor by Roode onto Crimson but walks into the Carbon Footprint for the pin at 6:15. I think only Morgan gets the points but it’s not really clear.

Yeah only Morgan gets points.

Abyss says he follows Sun-Tzu and Bischoff. Tonight Bischoff told him to take out Sting so that’s what he’ll do.

Eric Young is looking for another TV Star, apparently Popeye.

Here’s AJ to talk about Destination X. He has an idea for a match at the X-Division PPV. AJ says he’ll be at that show because the X-Division is his roots. He lists off some of the great X guys over the years….and here’s Joe. He says that AJ was the pioneer but it didn’t get taken seriously until Joe got here. AJ is the heart of the division but Joe gave the division its balls. Since there needs to be the third guy to make this complete, here’s Daniels to the Fourtune music. Daniels suggests AJ vs. himself and it’s accepted. No Joe? Apparently not.

Kaz isn’t thrilled with what Daniels just did. Daniels leaves and Joe pops up, making fun of Fourtune. Kaz says stay out of it and gets beaten up. Joe drilling him and walking away is great.

Dakota Darsow, the last guy in the X match, is the son of Barry Darsow, more commonly known as Smash or Repo Man.

Federico Palacios vs. Dakota Darsow vs. Zema Ion

Darsow is sent to the floor quickly as we actually get a graphic saying who is in what color. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in a wrestling match. Ion gets a DDT on Palacios for two. More fast paced stuff here but less high flying than last week. Just as I say that Ion hits a missile dropkick to Darsow to send him to the floor. Palacios is very fast. Darsow pops back in and takes both guys down to take over again.

Palacios hits a huge suicide dive onto Darsow and Zema mosly misses a corkscrew plancha, mostly landing on the head of Palacios with his feet. That looked sick. Back in the ring Darsow hits a moonsault but Palacios hits a double stomp to the back of Darsow to break it up. Superplex is broken up and Darsow kicks Ion on the top. Zema knocks him off the top and a 450 ends this at 4:42.

RVD says he wants to be at the X-Division PPV and Jerry Lynn comes in. Lynn says they were both X-Division before there was one and then leaves.

Winter vs. Mickie James

This is a street fight and it already was going on in the back when we came back from a break. Winter is dominating and whips Mickie with a leather belt. They head out to the stage where Mickie gets the belt away from her. Thesz Press off part of the set takes over for Micke and they roll down the ramp. Mickie hits a rana on the floor and Winter is in trouble. Into the ring and Mickie hits a missile dropkick, but here’s Angelina to hit her backbreaker. It’s behind the referee’s back but it’s a street fight so it’s not like it would have mattered anyway. That gets the pin at 4:40 shown. Angelina is smiling post match.

Abyss vs. Sting

Non-title of course here. This actually gets big match intros but Sting jumps Abyss before his intro. Sting manages to run Abyss over with a shoulder block which is a rare sight. They head to the floor off a Sting clothesline and Abyss takes over. He throws on an armbar which is kind of a weird choice but it doesn’t last long enough to think about it.

Sting gets a running start but runs into the chokeslam for two. Abyss picks up the Art of War book and hits Sting with it for a not DQ. And there’s a barbed wire glove. Sting avoids it for a bit and hits the Splash in the corner. Death Drop hits for two. Sting gets the glove and pops Abyss in the head with it to draw blood for the DQ at 5:30.

Post match Sting hits Abyss like 5 times as Anderson comes out for a staredown to end the show.

Bully Ray b. Scott Steiner – Ray pinned Steiner after a chain shot to the throat
Jackie/ODB b. Velvet Sky/Miss Tessmacher – Jackie pinned Sky after a low blow
Crimson/Matt Morgan b. Beer Money – Carbon Footprint to Roode
Zema Ion b. Dakota Darsow and Federico Palacios – 450 Splash to Darsow
Winter b. Mickie James – Pin after a backbreaker from Angelina Love
Abyss b. Sting via DQ when Sting hit Abyss with a barbed wire glove

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