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Week of 6/27/2011 - 7/3/2011 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.72.

Batista says he will not go to TNA, period.

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 27, 2011
Location: Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It’s Raw Roulette tonight, meaning Spin the Wheel Make the Deal for you old school WCW fans. In short it’s a lot of gimmick matches, determined by a likely rigged wheel. We’re building towards Punk vs. Cena at the PPV and also towards the MITB ladder match which is likely to see some qualifying matches tonight. Also Shawn Michaels is here tonight. Let’s get to it.

Booker T is operating the wheel.

Here’s Shawn to open things up. He says he promised he’d stay away but he can’t quite leave all this. He did it for 20 years and you can’t just stop cold turkey. Shawn is still the headline, the showstopper, the main event, Mr. Wrestlemania and now Mr. Hall of Fame. He insists he’s not the guest host but is just a guy that’s here. The last thing he’s going to do is tell you about a new show he has on the Outdoor Network which debuts tomorrow night at 11:30 PM. He’s not going to point out his Twitter which is listed on the screen.

Shawn is interrupted by Punk and Nexus minus Ryan who apparently was hurt over the weekend. Punk talks about how Shawn has an addictive personality and can’t stay away. He reminds us that he’s leaving on the 17th. He says he’s going to leave a winner, which Shawn says you might want to ask Cena about. After some more insults, Shawn gets a great line in by saying that the people cheer him because they know he’s better than Punk. Punk wants to know if that’s a challenge. Shawn says they’re not alike even though they have similarities. Shawn says they both have their own styles and Otunga’s head is kicked off.

An E-Mail says Punk has the first match tonight so let’s spin the wheel. Booker lists off some possible matches: on a pole, guest referee, cage, submission, pillow fight etc. We spin the wheel and it lands on a question mark. That means he has a mystery opponent, in the form of Kane who just happens to be standing next to the wheel. Shawn gets Sweet Shoulder Music to McGillicutty and here’s Kane.

Kane vs. CM Punk

The bell is after the break. Before we come back there’s a video about Mark Henry and then Henry putting Kane through the table last week is mentioned. I wonder if that’s hinting at what’s coming. They hit the floor with Kane totally dominating. Clothesline in the corner and a side slam get two. Punk manages to guillotine him on the top rope and a high kick puts Kane down.

Punk hammers away and tries to kick at the leg a bit, only for Kane to grab a chokeslam attempt. Punk escapes but Kane takes him down anyway. Top rope clothesline is broken up so Punk tries a superplex. That doesn’t work but Punk rolls to the floor to avoid the clothesline. Punk walks out for the countout at 4:16, saying that he doesn’t care which makes sense for him.

Sin Cara vs. Evan Bourne

This is the make up match from last week when they screwed up the voting thing. It’s also a roulette match with the stipulation of….something that is going to be determined after they get confused. They ring the bell with Justin Roberts still in the ring and before the wheel is spin. Even in some Daisy Dukes is with Booker and it’s no countout. They start on the mat until Cara speeds things up with his insane flying stuff.

They head to the floor and then roll back in almost at the same time. Bourne gets his double stomp to the chest for two. Handspring elbow misses and Bourne misses a jumping kick. Rana sends Bourne to the floor and Cara hits a HUGE suicide dive. The crowd is into this also. Bourne counters a spinning something into a headscissors to take over and we go back inside.

Cara avoids a dropkick and gets a rollup for two. La Magistral gets two for Cara. A spinning crossbody which wound up with Cara landing with his back on Bourne’s chest for two. Standing moonsault gets two for Evan. Shooting Star misses and Cara gets his spinning mat slam for the pin at 4:52.

Kofi gets to spin the wheel to determine what kind of match he has with Ziggler next. Vickie comes in to spin it for him and it’s Player’s Choice, meaning Kofi gets to pick the match. He goes with Vickie is barred from ringside.

Instead of qualifying matches we’re just going to be told who the participants in MITB are going to be. For Raw:

Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne. Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, Jack Swagger, Alex Riley, The Miz. No Dolph? Interesting.

Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler

Vickie tries to come out and is sent to the back. WWE really needs to find something else for these two to do. Dolph hits the floor almost immediately and tries to walk out like Punk did, only for Kofi to stop him and bring him back towards the ring. Dolph sends him into the post as we take a break.

Back with Dolph holding a chinlock. Fameasser gets two. Kofi reverses a half nelson slam into a small package for two. Slugout is won by Kingston but Ziggler gets a big boot up. D He throws Kofi into the ropes but Kofi bounces off the top and a sweet Trouble in Paradise ends this at 7:35.

Booker recaps the first hour with Maryse next to him. Alberto comes in and complains about having to face Show again. Alberto hits on Maryse, asking her to spin it for luck. The match is a steel cage match which gets a big reaction from the crowd. Maryse leaves when she sees that. "Tell me she didn't just spin that."

We get a clip of Henry slamming Show through the table at Capitol Punishment.

Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio

Pin, submission or escape here. Alberto runs for the wall almost immediately and that doesn’t work at all. Alberto gets a boot in but can’t really follow up. He gets a shot in to the knee and works it over which is the best strategy against Show here. And yeah there’s Henry. Show starts his comeback and chops away. Chokeslam is loaded up but Alberto kicks the knee out again.

Show goes down after some more kicks but as Del Rio tries to escape he gets chopped again. They go up on the corner and a superplex nearly breaks the ring. And here’s Henry to try to rip the door off. Thankfully it didn’t take as long as it did when he did it on Smackdown a few years ago. Henry comes in and beats up Big Show, allowing Del Rio to escape at 5:23.

Henry rams the door into Show who is against the wall of the cage, making it break and fall to the floor. Show gets laid out and Henry yells a lot. The cage breaking was cool.

We recap Kelly winning the title last week.

Nikki Bella vs. Kelly Kelly

Brie vs. Kelly at MITB. It’s a submission match. Oh sweet mercy help up. Nikki goes after the arm and grabs a Fujiwara Armbar. And never mind as Kelly reverses into a Boston Crab for the tap at 1:18. They beat Kelly down post match and Eve makes the save.

Video on Andy Levine winning Tough Enough. He talks about getting slapped and taking the Stunner after being hired. We see various people talking about how Andy is promising and all that jazz.

The wheel is spun for Rey’s match and it’s a tornado match. It’s him and Riley vs. Miz/Swagger with no tagging. Rey leaves and of all people Diamond Dallas Page pops up to push his WCW DVD. Drew McIntyre comes up and says the old guys are taking up his TV time. He says they have ten minutes to leave and walks into Sweet Chin Music. Shawn wants the DVD because he never watched WCW.

The Miz/Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio/Alex Riley

No tagging remember. Rey vs. Swagger and Miz vs. Riley are the pairings to start us off. Mysterio and Swagger stay in the ring and Riley gets beaten down. Miz and Swagger set up for a Doomsday Device but Miz gets crotched. Seated senton from the apron takes down Swagger and Riley gets a hiptoss from the top for two on Miz as we go to a break.

Back with Miz and Swagger beating down Riley as Rey is already down. Riley comes back and gets a rollup for two on Miz. Rey tries a springboard but jumps into a fireman’s carry into a gutbuster on Miz’s knee. Swagger and Riley fight to the floor and Miz tries s superplex but is knocked back to the mat. Seated senton hits and the returning Swagger is sent into Miz.

Riley pulls the ropes down to send Swagger to the floor. Big kick to Miz gets two for Rey. Another kick sets up the 619 but Swagger breaks it up. Riley gets a spinebuster to Swagger for what looked like three but Miz saved just in time. Reverse DDT gets two for Miz. Cactus Clothesline sends Riley and Miz to the floor as Swagger hits a big boot to Rey for a close two.

Gutwrench bomb is countered into the 619 which is countered into the ankle lock. They’re in the ropes but that doesn’t matter I guess. Riley makes the save and there’s the 619 position. Riley drills Swagger and then the 619 hits. Inverted (kind of) DDT sets up the top rope splash for the pin at 11:45.

Rey might have hurt his knee.

Quick video on Shawn’s new show.

Truth spins the wheel after checking for a conspiracy. Truth vs. Cena will be a tables match.

John Cena vs. R-Truth

Tables match here. Truth gets a right hand to start but walks into a suplex to give Cena the advantage. Table is loaded up but Truth beats Cena to it. Surfboard hold goes on by Truth as the fans are split on Cena again. Dropkick puts Truth down. AA is blocked into the suplex into a Stunner by Truth.

Truth sets up a table in the corner as Cena is getting up. A suplex into it is reversed though and both guys are down. Truth charges at Cena but goes over the top and they both hit the floor. Cena puts him into the steps and takes a table from the aisle to put in the ring. Apparently the one that was already in there isn’t to his liking. AA is loaded up but Punk comes out to move the table. Cena and Punk brawl and Truth manages to hit a shoulder block/spear to put Cena through the table to end it at 5:08. Punk is wearing an Austin shirt or a great imitation of one.

Post match Punk sits on the stage and says he doesn’t hate Cena. He even likes him more than most people in the back. Cena isn’t the best though, at least not in the ring. Punk says that Cena is only the best at kissing up to Cena. He’s even better than Hulk Hogan was at it. He’s not as good as Dwayne though but he’s close. Punk says he’s the best wrestler here and has been since day one when Paul Heyman saw something in him. He’s a Heyman guy, just like Brock Lesnar was and he left too. There are some named you never hear anymore.

Punk talks about how he’s tired about not being on souvenir cups or on the front of the program or in movies or on a show on USA or on Conan or Fallon even though he should be. He’s not even in the opening video of the WWE shows. Some fans are cheering and Punk says that’s a big problem with him leaving because they’re sipping out of the cups he’s not on. He’s winning the title and might defend it in New Japan or Ring of Honor. “Hi Colt Cabana.” Vince is a millionaire and not a billionaire because of the idiots he surrounds himself with.

Punk says that the company might be better off when Vince is dead because then the company is going to his idiot daughter and worthless son-in-law. He has a personal story about the bullying campaign and his mic is cut off, ticking him off before they cut the cameras and end the show. This was mind blowing stuff.

Kane b. CM Punk via countout
Sin Cara b. Evan Bourne – Headscissors into a mat slam
Kofi Kingston b. Dolph Ziggler – Trouble in Paradise
Alberto Del Rio b. Big Show – Del Rio escaped the cage
Kelly Kelly b. Nikki Bella – Boston Crab


Raw got a 3.1.

Date: June 28, 2011
Location: US Airways Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: William Regal, Todd Grisham

It’s another elimination week to get us down to the final two which will hopefully end soon after that. The final three are Darren Young, Conor O’Brian and Titus O’Neil. It seems like the competition is Titus’ to lose here but you never know with this show. That being said, I’d probably bet on O’Brian to win it because we all want to see him for another four months down the road right? Let’s get to it.

Here’s Darren Young who now has no pro as Chavo has left. Young says that Chavo quit because he couldn’t handle the fact that his rookie was better. Young points out how he’s faced Cena and main evented Summerslam this year which is something Chavo has never done. True actually.

O’Brian comes out to say that after tonight, Young is done. He promises utter destruction.

Darren Young vs. Conor O’Brian

They fight over a tieup to start and head to the floor. Hot crowd tonight too. Back inside and Conor takes over with a clothesline. A shoulder by O’Brian gets two. Young hits a neckbreaker on the apron and both guys are down as we take a break. Back with O’Brian escaping a cravate but getting thrown down for two. Off to a neck crank by Young which doesn’t last long.

Kozlov isn’t here tonight either apparently as he’s in Australia with the Raw roster. Chinlock doesn’t work long and O’Brian hits a slingshot to send Young into the corner. Young hits the ropes and gets his head kicked off by a big boot. That looked good. Regal brings up the point that these guys know each other way too well. Young hits Three Amigos to the biggest heat he’s gotten since he had a big yellow N on his chest. A Frog Splash ends this a few seconds later at 8:45.

Tatsu is at his shrine with his action figure again and Kidd comes up and breaks it. They have a match later but Yoshi jumps him and attacks him until he’s pulled off.

Tyson Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu

TYSON’S HAIR IS GONE! He cut that little thing off his head and it’s due to Bret pulling on it apparently. Yoshi is all ticked off and hammers away to start, sending Kidd to the floor. HARD chops in the corner and Kidd is in trouble. Kidd comes back, hitting what looked like a forearm off the middle rope. On the floor he hits a dropkick to send Yoshi into the steps as we take a break.

Back and we’re in a chinlock by Kidd. He works the arm and gets two off a hammerlock suplex. Big kick into the arm has Yoshi in agony. Fujiwara Armbar goes on which is becoming a very popular move anymore. Yoshi starts his comeback with his variety of kicks. Big kick gets a close two as the fans are into this again. They go up and Kidd is shoved off. He manages a dropkick to crotch Yoshi though and a top rope rana gets two. I would have bet on that being the ending. Rollup gets two for Yoshi. Another big kick finally ends Kidd at 9:20. Abrupt ending but rather good.

JTG is getting ready and here’s Horny in a trashcan which he’s able to walk in somehow. O’Neil comes up to stop an attack because he’s only trying to steal the gold jewelry because he’s a leprechaun. They get in an argument over what it’s made of. I give up.

Titus O’Neil vs. JTG

Maryse is on commentary here for no reason other than “she feels like it”. O’Neil throws him around as Regal and Maryse argue a bit. Horny has a note for Maryse and it’s in English apparently. It’s an old school style of do you love me? Circle one. We hear about the required height to date Maryse as JTG takes over a bit. Maryse is taking pictures as O’Neil fights back. JTG is sent to the floor and almost runs into Horny. He gets on the apron and poses at JTG. Back in the ring the Clash of the Titus ends this at 3:20.

Maryse rips up the letter post match.

Raw Rebound eats up some time. They only talk about the main event and the Punk promo though. That’s still awesome stuff, but it makes me think Cena wins clean at the PPV. Just parts of it here though instead of whole thing due to time. Most of the controversial stuff here is gone.

Grisham says that Punk has been suspended indefinitely and Vince might be on Raw.

Time for the elimination and thankfully O’Brian is gone. He asks Hunter (HHH I presume) for a chance to play the game.

But wait we’re not done yet because someone else is going to the finals. Derrick Bateman is back and Bryan is his pro again. What in the world? Why are they adding someone else NOW? Do they really want to extend this even further? I’m going to be at the show on August 2. There better be a new season by then.

Darren Young b. Conor O’Brian – Frog Splash
Yoshi Tatsu b. Tyson Kidd – High Kick
Titus O’Neil b. JTG – Clash of the Titus
Conor O’Brian was eliminated in 3rd place.


Top story: Trevor Murdoch may be done with wrestling. Secondary story: it’s a really slow news day.


Randy Savage died of a heart attack, not the crash itself. There was alcohol in his system but apparently that was not related to his death.

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 30, 2011
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

We continue the build towards Destination X tonight with another triple threat qualifying match. Other than that we’ll likely see more of Sting being insane and staring at Anderson. The show was a lot better last week than it’s been in awhile so hopefully they can keep that streak going tonight. Let’s get to it.

We have limited commercial interruption tonight.

We open with a recap of Sting being insane last week and attacking Bischoff and Abyss.

Hogan welcomes Steiner to Immortal and says he’ll be taking care of business tonight. Steiner leaves and Sting’s voice is heard. Hogan walks over to a monitor and sees the back of Sting’s head. Sting talks about how the monster isn’t under Terry’s bed because he’s right here. Sting turns around and has the full on Joker face paint. Hogan walks into the arena and here we go.

He gets a huge face pop as almost always. He’ll take care of Sting on his own time but right now wants to talk to someone else: Mr. Anderson. Hogan says that when Anderson faces Sting, he has two choices: he can join Immortal and have an army of monsters with him or he can go alone and lose everything. Anderson mocks him of course and says he won at Slammiversary on his own.

Hogan says he sees dollar signs with Anderson and says Anderson owes him one. This doesn’t sit well with the champ but we cut to the back with Sting destroying Immortal with the bat, saying that he wants to talk to Hogan. He looks at the camera and says “The only thing for sure about Sting is…oh forget it.” Lights go out in the arena and Sting is in the ring with the bat. He hits Hogan in the knee as Anderson runs. Sting looks at Hogan and says hang on a second so he can yell at Anderson some more. He names the July 14th show Midsummer Nightmare and then hits Hogan again, this time in the ribs.

Sting talks about being a Hogan mark for his entire career and starting his career in the Sports Arena when he was breaking in. Sting is completely insane here. He talks about the vitamins that Hogan used to take and says the Pythons are down to 21 inches. He grabs a bottle of them in the corner and takes some with Hulk, pouring them down his throat. There’s a Scorpion as Hogan is defenseless.

Here’s Immortal for the save as we talks some more. Ray says that their paths have never crossed and that changes tonight. He can’t stand a bully because all the do is run their mouth. Therefore tonight, it’s Sting vs….Scott Steiner. They get Hulk up and he says cut the music. Tonight he’s going to wipe the smile off Sting’s face. Long segment but it kept my attention throughout, which is always a good sign. Good stuff.

There were some BFG Series matches over the weekend. Here are the updated standings.

Crimson 17
Gunner 14
Matt Morgan 14
AJ Styles 14
James Storm 14
Rob Van Dam 7
Scott Steiner 7
Bully Ray 7
D’Angelo Dinero 0
Robert Roode 0
Devon 0
Samoa Joe 0

Gunner vs. AJ and Joe vs. D-Von tonight.

Bound For Glory Series: D-Von vs. Samoa Joe

The bell is after the break. Joe vs. Kaz at Destination X is confirmed. Joe grabs the Clutch almost immediately but D-Von gets the rope. D-Von hammers away but Joe gets a kick to the chest to take over. Knee drop hits and D-Von is in trouble. Spear by D-Von takes Joe down and here coems the former Dudley. Spinning back elbow sets up a Rock Bottom and a flying headbutt. Clothesline gets two.

Joe gets some boots up in the corner to break the momentum and hits a leg lariat off the middle rope. He lets go of the pin and goes for a leg bar instead which makes sense from the points perspective. When that doesn’t work he throws on a key lock but D-Von makes the ropes again. D-Von gets some right hands in but gets caught in a powerslam to set up a cross armbreaker. The fans are way into D-Von here. He comes off the middle rope but Joe gets a boot up to keep him down. Clutch doesn’t work and Joe walks into a spinebuster for the big upset at 6:14.

Pope is with D-Von’s kids and is excited over the win for his new friend.

Steiner comes into Immortal’s locker room and yells at Ray about life in general. Ray gives him his chain for the match with Sting later.

Kaz tells Joe that he’s better than this. They yell at each other and it’s implied that we’ll get a brawl later tonight.

We recap the X-Division Showcase stuff. Low Ki is back tonight, as is Matt Bentley and Jimmy Yang. Low Ki is more famous as Kaval. He and Yang were in the first ever TNA match I believe. Bentley is famous for having a cousin that you may have heard of: Shawn Michaels.

Matt Bentley vs. Jimmy Yang vs. Low Ki

Yang thinks he’s Elvis. If I remember right his original gimmick was part of a three man team called the Flying Elvises so that’s some continuity. Low Ki sends Yang flying and gets a big chant to start. Handspring elbow into a cross body gets two as we start very fast. Yang hits a cross body of his own before we get down to Low Ki vs. Bentley. They trade chops before a clothesline puts Low Ki on the floor.

Yang is back in but he’s all alone. He fires off a huge dive to knock Low Ki down and it’s a good thing he was there because otherwise Yang would have faceplanted. Yang throws on an armlock but gets caught in a crucifix for two. Spinwheel kick that looked awesome puts Low Ki down. Low Ki unleashes the kicks and there the Warrior’s Way to Yang. Big springboard spin kick gets two on Bentley.

Bentley gets a Stunner to Low Ki and a DDT to Yang at the same time. Superkick puts Low Ki down for two. Top rope cross body lands in a gutbuster and it’s Yang Time. It’s a corkscrew moonsault but Bentley moves out of the way. Not that it matters because he would have missed by two feet but whatever. Warrior’s Way ends Yang clean at 6:40.

Video on Ultimate X which still doesn’t have any competitors listed yet.

Madison Rayne is freaking out over her lip gloss missing. Winter and Angelina Love come up and Angelina is all fine now. Madison yells a lot and leaves. Winter says she should be champion and she'll get the title at Hardcore Justice. Angelina says she's glad someone finally appreciates her, in the form of Winter. The other life and past stuff isn't mentioned at all.

Back and we get some fan cam stuff of Joe beating up Kaz at a bar.

Hogan is taping his fist and says he’s going to get Sting tonight.

Winter/Angelina Love/Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James/Miss Tessmacher/Tara

Elimination rules here. Mickie and Winter start us off and Winter loses her belt quickly. Angelina comes in sans tag so I guess it’s lucha tagging rules, meaning you can come in whenever your partner hits the floor. Tessmacher hits what she calls the, and I’m not making this up, Asstastic on Winter. Basically it’s a Stinkface but much more fun to look at. She walks into a bridging suplex though and it’s 3-2. Madison and Love are in different corners for some reason.

Tara comes in and beats on Winter a bit, hitting the standing moonsault for two. Winter and Angelina hit a Botox Injection/Samoan Drop combo but Madison steals the pin. It’s 3-1 now but Mickie hits a spinning kick to Madison for the pin. Winter and Angelina don’t seem to mind it being 2-1. All those pins happened in less than 90 seconds or so. Angelina and Winter double team Mickey but mess up that same double team move as Angelina kicks Winter which gets two for Mickie.

Angelina tries that spinning backbreaker of hers but gets reversed into a jumping DDT attempt. Winter makes the save into a backbreaker of her own, allowing Angelina to hit the backbreaker on Mickie. Winter and Angelina argue over who gets the pin as Winter says it’s her turn now. Angelina isn’t thrilled with it and Mickie is back up and able to get a neckbreaker to end Angelina and get us down to one on one. Rollup with tights gets two for Winter. Jumping DDT ends Winter at 6:41 overall.

Gunner says he’ll take out AJ tonight.

Kendrick talks about his match with Abyss while Abyss reads from The Art Of War.

Time for the contract signing for the Destination X main event which is Styles vs. Daniels. AJ asks if Daniels is sure and Daniels signs up. Daniels says it won’t become personal and after the match he’ll shake his best friend’s hand. AJ signs and Taz says he doesn’t buy it. Everything looks to be ok but here’s Jerry Lynn of all people. He says he was part of the team that built the X-Division and the two guys seem to agree.

Here’s RVD who calls himself a pioneer and says he was X-Division before the X-Division. Lynn yells at him and Daniels says that if these are the two big matches, it could be the best PPV ever. They were all part of the X-Division movement apparently. I’d hardly call it a movement but whatever. Daniels proposes a match on Impact next week in the form of a four corners match which everyone agrees to.

AJ is leaving but Gunner jumps him. He sends AJ into the railing and we go into the ring. There goes the table for the contract signing and AJ hammers away. There’s a referee in ther ebut I don’t think this is a match. Certainly doesn’t appear to be. Apparently it is now though.

Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. Gunner

There’s a red carpet on the mat which is a rather weird look. AJ jumps him in the corner and hits a forearm. Gunner pounds away as this is more of a brawl. AJ takes over and gets a belly to back suplex to put Gunner down. Flying knee gets two. Pele sends Gunner to the apron and a dropkick puts him on the floor. There’s a big old dive over the top and everyone is down. Gunner gets a shot in and tries the F5 but AJ reverses and sets for the springboard forearm. Gunner gets a low blow in and the F5 ends this clean at 5:02.

Sting says it’s the wrong place and wrong time for Steiner.

Package on ODB vs. Velvet and all that jazz. Velvet says she’s used to being bullied so this is nothing new. She’s done being the runt of the litter and she’s not taking it anymore. How many hot chicks do you remember being bullied? Something doesn’t fit here.

Crimson vs. Roode next week.

Here’s Mexican America to complain. Hernandez is the president of the team apparently. Anarquia says that Hernandez is mad now and that’s not good. They should be in the BFG Series but Beer Money is in there instead. They’re the best tag team but they’re not in the series for some reason.

They’re interrupted by the British Invasion who say they’re foreigners also. We’ll ignore that only Sarita is a foreigner and she’s Canadian. The Brits are apparently faces now and want a match with Mexican America for the #1 contender spot. They want the girls, or “los prostitutos” left out of it though. Brawl starts and the Brits get beaten down. Rob Freaking Terry of all people comes out for the save.

Jeff Jarrett has a message from Mexico and is with Karen. They’re in the middle of Mexico City and Kren says they’ll have presents for everyone. They’ll be back in a few weeks apparently. So what was the point in sending him to Mexico if he can just come back?

Ray says that Steiner will take care of Sting tonight and tells Gunner they might as well hand him the world title. He has the rest of the night off apparently. Abyss is reading his book which Ray thinks is porn. He can’t find his mask and freaks out.

Scott Steiner vs. Sting

We do big match intros but Steiner jumps Joker Sting in the corner before they get through either name. Belly to belly gets two. Sting starts a comeback but Scott counters the Splash in the corner and goes for the Recliner. That gets reversed into the Scoprion but Scott gets the ropes. T-bone suplex puts Sting down but another charge misses and the Death Drop ends this at 4:40.

Sting goes for the makeup/paint but Ray makes the save. Anderson comes out for an ugly Mic Check on Sting and then leaves. Immortal beats Sting down and they call in Hogan for some big right hands. Of all people Kurt Angle makes the save. Didn’t see that one coming. Angle stares Hulk down to end the show.

D-Von b. Samoa Joe – Spinebuster
Low Ki b. Jimmy Yang and Matt Bentley – Warrior’s Way to Yang
Mickie James/Tara/Miss Tessmacher b. Angelina Love/Winter/Madison Rayne – Jumping DDT to Winter
Gunner b. AJ Styles – F5
Sting b. Scott Steiner – Scorpion Death Drop

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