Week of 4/8/2013 - 4/14/2013


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.8.

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 8, 2013
Location: IZOD Center, East Rutherford, New Jersey
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield

It's the night after Mania and we have a new Raw champion as Cena pinned Rock after a somewhat lackluster match, giving Cena his 14th world title and his 4th title win at Mania alone. Other than that, HHH still has a job, Undertaker is still perfect at Wrestlemania, Shield is still undefeated and Del Rio retained the title. Tonight is usually a huge show with a big surprise, so let's get to it.

Here's Cena to open the show. We also get a Tweet from Rock saying that he tore his ab muscles off the bone last night. Cena says it should be everyone's dream to win in the main event of Mania, because you get the adulation, the respect and the cheers (of which he gets very few tonight). He says the fans have known him for ten years now and it seems they're angry tonight. Actually Cena is upset too because Wrestlemania is over.

However, it's the night after Wrestlemania which is when things happen. Last year he got beaten up by Lesnar but he's still here now. Maybe he'll do a little dance. Maybe with a kick. Maybe with a little shake. “Maybe even a little heel turn?” Anyway he says he's the champion and this is what he wants for a celebration: to defend the title. He doesn't care who it is...and here's Mark Henry.

Mark gets in Cena's face and says that he won his match too. The fans chant for Sexual Chocolate so Cena cracks a joke. Henry yells some more about Ryback so Cena cracks more jokes. Cena agrees to defend the title tonight against Henry but here's Booker T. He says Rock is #1 contender to the WWE Championship because Rock has a guaranteed rematch. Therefore, if Henry wants a shot, he has to beat Cena in a one on one match tonight. Henry promises to put Cena in the Hall of Pain.

Alberto vs. Colter/Swagger in a handicap match tonight.

Daniel Bryan vs. Big E. Langston

We get a Tweet from Shield saying that they're going to do something historic. Langston shoves Bryan down to start and hits a hard running charge into the corner to keep control. A delayed backdrop puts Bryan down and Langston pounds away in the corner. Bryan comes back with a bunch of kicks to the chest and a hard one to the head, but an AJ distraction lets Ziggler crotch Bryan. As Kane goes after Dolph, Big E. throws Daniel over the top and onto Kane for the save. Back inside and the Big Ending gets the pin on Bryan at 2:17.

Kurt Warner, former NFL quarterback, hosts a new reality show called The Moment on USA and is at Raw tonight.

Intercontinental Title: The Miz vs. Wade Barrett

Barrett is challenging after losing the title last night. Wade pounds away in the corner to start but Miz comes back with a left hand and a snap suplex for two. Off to a chinlock by the champion as the fans chant for Barrett. Wade escapes but gets caught in a quick sunset flip for two more and it's back to the chinlock. That's easily broken up as we now talk about the rugby player Barrett is named after. Wade comes back and sends Miz into the ropes for a neckbreaker to the apron as we take a break.

Back with Barrett getting a near fall off the Winds of Change. Miz rolls to the floor so Wade can drop an elbow off the apron for two. Off to a chinlock on the champion for a bit but Miz fights up and pounds away. A running knee and big boot put Barrett down but they botch the Reality Check (the backbreaker went fine but Wade fell down before the neckbreaker started).

The corner clothesline hits a bit better and Miz's short DDT gets two. Wasteland is escaped and Miz puts on the Figure Four, only to have Wade make the rope. Barrett comes back with a quick elbow and goes to the middle rope (since nothing has been done to his leg at all so far right?). Miz breaks it up but gets slammed into the top turnbuckle. Barrett hits the Bull Hammer and regains the title at 13:00.

Vickie and Maddox are arguing in the back when Sheamus comes in. He wants Big Show tonight but Brad says Sheamus will owe them one. Sheamus glares him down so Vickie says she'll give Sheamus the match.

Randy Orton comes up to Booker in the back and asks for a match with Big Show tonight. Booker says Sheamus has already gotten that match tonight but Orton says Booker is a GM and a Hall of Famer. This makes Booker overrule Vickie and give Orton the match instead.

Here are Colter and Swagger with Zeb asking for the fans' support for their handicap match up next against Del Rio. He wants the fans to chant USA when Del Rio comes out.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Zeb Colter/Jack Swagger

The heels have to tag and Jack starts. Not much of note to start until Swagger is sent to the floor. Del Rio hits a dive to send Swagger into the announce table and hits a running stomp for good measure. A cross body gets two on Swagger but Zeb gets in a cheap shot, allowing Swagger to take out the champ's knee.

The knee is worked on even more until Del Rio fights back and tries for the enziguri in the corner. It misses by six inches but thankfully Swagger doesn't sell it. They trade some standing switches and there's the Patriot Lock, but Del Rio rolls out quickly. Del Rio puts the armbreaker on over the top rope until a four count but is knocked into the barricade for good measure as we take a break.

Back with Jack hitting a belly to back suplex for two and cranking on the leg some more. Jack misses a charge into the corner and hits the post, allowing Alberto to make his comeback with some clotheslines and the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The backbreaker re-injures the champion's knee though and both guys are down again.

A hard kick to Swagger's head gets two but the armbreaker is countered into a belly to belly for two. Off to the Patriot Lock again but Alberto makes a rope. The hold goes on for the third time but Alberto pulls him into the armbreaker as he did last night. Jack taps at 11:06. Colter never tagged in

Post match Alberto has his leg looked at and HERE COMES ZIGGLER!

Smackdown World Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler

The place goes NUTS for Ziggler as he works on the leg and head of Alberto. The Fameasser hits for two but Ziggler misses a splash in the corner. The enziguri in the corner hits for a VERY close two and there's the armbreaker. Ziggler cranks on the bad knee to break the hold and the Zig Zag gives us a new champion at 2:15.

If that's not enough, here's Undertaker. He talks about dedicating the match to Paul Bearer...and here's Shield. They surround the ring and get on the apron but here's HELL NO for the save before there's any contact. As usual, Shield runs when the odds are even.

In the back, Ziggler says he's going to go show off his new title.

R-Truth/Santino Marella/Zack Ryder vs. 3MB

No one gets an entrance here. Truth and Heath start things off with Slater being slammed down. Santino comes in, thrusts his pelvis, gets hit once, and bails. Off to Zack vs. Mahal with Zack getting beaten down on the floor by a cheating McIntyre. Drew is legal now and hits a big boot to the jaw for no cover.

Off to Slater for some more beating before it's back to McIntyre for an armbar. A neckbreaker puts Drew down and there's the hot tag to Santino. He cleans house on Slater with his usual stuff but Mahal breaks up a near fall. Everything breaks down and the Cobra is enough to pin Slater at 3:30.

We look at Wrestlemania week.

Orton and Sheamus argue in the back. Sheamus says he has this and Orton isn't pleased.

Last night Big Show said he didn't turn on his partners but rather they turned on him. He tagged himself in and yeah, he saved the team from the TripleBomb. Then later on, Orton stole the tag which should have belonged to him because Orton had to take his thunder. No one is taking Show's thunder again. That's not the route he wants to take anymore. The only thing important to him anymore is himself.

Here's Sheamus to ask who wants to see him face Big Show. He calls out Vickie to make it official but here's Orton instead. Randy gets in Sheamus' face and says that Big Show is his tonight. He asks the fans who wants to see him beat up Big Show and the fans seem pretty split. The solution? TWITTER POLL!

Back from a break and Orton wins the poll 77-23. Before the match though, here are Booker and Vickie. Instead of Orton vs. Big Show, it's Orton vs. Sheamus and the winner gets Big Show instead.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

They shove each other to start and the fans do an OLE chant. Orton hits a snapmare but Sheamus avoids a knee drop. Sheamus hits a pair of knees for his own for two and starts working on the arm. Orton comes back with another knee to the chest as the match keeps going. Randy hooks a chinlock as the fans think a four minutes old match is boring.

Now Sheamus hooks a chinlock as the announcers talk about going to London in a few weeks. Now the fans chant for RVD and HBK. Orton stomps away as the match is completely ignored. The fans are now chanting for JBL as Sheamus gets two off the rolling fireman's carry. Sheamus goes up top and the fans chant for Lawler. Orton dropkicks Sheamus out of the air and now they're chanting Cole as we take a break.

Back with the fans chanting what sounded like DDP and then ECW as Sheamus makes a comeback. The Irish Curse hits for two as the crowd is doing the Wave. JBL: “I wish Michael would drown in it.” Sheamus hits his knee to the ribs and the forearms in the ropes as the fans start cheering along. A suplex brings Orton back in as Sheamus is smiling. Orton's backbreaker puts Sheamus as we get a Randy Savage chant.

The powerslam and t-bone suplex put Sheamus down as the HBK chant starts again. There's the Elevated DDT and Orton loads up the RKO, only to be shoved off into White Noise. The fans seem to be behind Randy. The Brogue Kick misses and here comes Big Show as I think everyone knew was about to happen. He throws Sheamus into the post, presumably ending the match at 15:10. Fans: “Thank you Big Show.”

Post match Show KO's Orton and hits a BIG spear on the floor. The fans chant FIRE RANDY as Orton is launched into the announce table. Show picks up the announcers' chairs and tries to throw them into the ring but only hits the ropes both times. Fans: “ONE MORE TIME!” Show walks away instead.

We recap Shield invading Undertaker's speech earlier.

Fandango vs. Kofi Kingston

The fans are still hot and it seems to be for Fandango. Fandango dances around Kofi before Kingston sends him into the corner. The fans are HUMMING FANDANGO'S THEME MUSIC. Not that it matters as Jericho runs in for the DQ at 1:30.

Post match Jericho destroys Fandango by whipping into whatever he can find. They head inside and there are the Walls of Jericho for good measure. Referees finally come out to break it up. A Codebreaker leaves Fandango laying. The referee declares Fandango the winner and from his back in agony, Fandango corrects his pronunciation. The crowd basically starts a dance party to Fandango's music.

Video on Cena's media appearances today.

We look at HHH getting his arm looked at. He's fine apparently.

Here's Heyman (crowd ERUPTS) in the back with something to say. His guys lost last night but it took HHH 23 minutes to beat Lesnar. Shawn and HHH aren't here because of the beatings they took last night at Lesnar's hands. Paul says Lesnar is ready for a fight TONIGHT. That isn't happening though, because Brock doesn't fight for free. Instead, Heyman wants to talk about Punk who is going to tell the fans how he feels.....next week.

Rhodes Scholars/Bellas vs. Funkadactyls/Tons of Funk

This was scheduled for last night but got bumped for time reasons. We're joined in progress after a break with Naomi hitting the Rear View on one of the Bellas. Off to Cody but Naomi hits a rana on him anyway. Tensai comes in and launches Cody into the corner before hitting a RUNNING FLIP DIVE into the corner. Cody hits a Disaster Kick to send Tensai into 619 position.

The Bellas smack their hips onto Tensai's head and the Wind-Up Elbow gets a BIG reaction. The hot tag brings in Brodus for his usual stuff and a kind of slide into a cover gets two. Everything breaks down and Sandow is crushed between the big men. A double splash ends Damien at 2:28.

We look at The Moment again.

John Cena vs. Mark Henry

Non-title here and if Henry wins, he gets a title shot at some point in the future. Cena ducks under Henry and dances a bit. He pounds on Henry but gets run over by a single shot from Mark. The fans are behind Henry of course. Mark pounds on Cena in the corner but misses a splash, allowing Cena to pound away. Henry rolls to the floor as we hear about Rock tearing his abdominal muscle off his pelvis bone in addition to having a hernia.

They go back to the announce table so here's a chant for the table. Henry loads up the announce table but Cena escapes the World's Strongest Slam. Mark rams him back first into the post but Cena sends him into the steps and slides back inside for the countout win at 3:29. Seriously that's it.

Post match Henry lays out Cena but Ryback makes the save. Ryback lays out Henry with a Meat Hook.....and turns to look at Cena. The fans chant YES but Ryback pulls Cena to his feet. Cena stares at him and Ryback nods. Cena poses on the ropes and Ryback does FEED ME MORE. Cena looks at Ryback.....AND THERE'S THE MEAT HOOK! Shell Shock to Cena ends the show and we've got a heel turn.

Big E. Langston b. Daniel Bryan – Big Ending
Wade Barrett b. The Miz – Bull Hammer
Alberto Del Rio b. Jack Swagger/Zeb Colter – Cross Armbreaker to Swagger
Dolph Ziggler b. Alberto Del Rio – Zig Zag
Zack Ryder/Santino Marella/R-Truth b. 3MB – Cobra to Slater
Sheamus b. Randy Orton via DQ when Big Show interfered
Fandango b. Kofi Kingston via DQ when Chris Jericho interfered
John Cena b. Mark Henry via countout


Raw got a 3.5, up from last week and up from last year's post-Wrestlemania show.


Date: April 10, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Brad Maddox

Things have changed a bit down in NXT now as Conor O'Brian has been vanquished by Big E. Langston, leaving us without a number one contender. On top of that we've still got Bo Dallas feuding with the Wyatt Family and Summer Rae feuding with Paige. Also if I remember correctly tonight is Regal vs. Ohno in the culmination of along simmering feud. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of Ohno vs. Regal, which is based on Regal training Ohno and Ohno wanting to have a bigger legacy than Regal. It's the classic teacher vs. student story and it still works to this day. Both guys have attacked the other at the announcers' desk in the past two weeks.

Percy Watson/Axl Keegan/Scott Dawson vs. Shield

That's quite an opener. Shield clears the ring before the bell and head to the floor to keep beating up their prey. We actually get a bell as Reigns is pounding on Dawson in the ring. Ambrose and Rollins both come in to beat on for dropkicks and it's Dean stomping away on Dawson. Scott finally slides away to bring in Keegan, who is immediately put in a surfboard by Ambrose with Rollins dropping a top rope knee onto Axl's chest. Reigns clears out the corner and Seth hits a standing Sliced Bread for the pin on Keegan at 2:17. Complete and total squash.

Dawson gets hit with the TripleBomb post match.

Shield talks about how awesome they are when Corey Graves pops up on screen. He says he doesn't believe in the Shield because NXT is his own personal wasteland. Next week, he want any one of them one on one. Rollins says next week Ambrose and Reigns can take the night off because he'll fight Graves on his own.

Summer Rae says she ran away last week because she left her curling iron on and didn't want to burn the building down. If she hadn't run back there, it would have been Paige's career burning down instead of the building.

Emma says she's like Lady Gaga and stops talking. She changes it to Madonna and the interviewer isn't sure what to think. The fans think Emma is a klutz but Emma thinks those crazy kids with their Macarena are confused. She trips as she leaves.

Bellas vs. Funkadactyls

During the entrances we get one of the problems with NXT being taped: this is described as a Wrestlemania rematch because of what happened there. This is a problem because the match that it's a rematch of didn't happen at Wrestlemania due to time constraints. Naomi and Brie start things off with Naomi being sent into the corner. She comes out with a standing Stinkface and the Rear View, showing off the extent of her offensive skills.

Off to Cameron for a double legdrop but Nikki breaks up the cover. The Bellas choke away on Cameron in the corner and it's off to a chinlock by Nikki. Cameron fights up and hits a quick neckbreaker to put both girls down. The hot tag brings in Naomi but the Bellas immediately take her down. The twins both wrap up one of Naomi's legs like they're setting up a Sharpshooter and roll her forward into a mat slam for the pin at 3:38.

Kassius Ohno is in the back in a William Regal REAL MAN'S MAN shirt, making him far more awesome than he ever has been before. Ohno talks about how he's watched everything there is to watch about Regal, but after tonight, no one is going to hear Regal's voice again.

In two weeks it's a Night of Champions with four title matches.

We look at Wrestlemania week.

Regal is ready for Ohno.

Next week it's Graves vs. Rollins in a lumberjack match.

Kassius Ohno vs. William Regal

They lock up to start with Regal shoving Ohno back. Brad's stupid joke of the week is to call Dawson Jerry every few moments. Back to the lockup until Regal takes over with an armbar. Ohno is taken to the mat by the arm as Regal cranks away even more. Now it's a hammerlock and after a drop toehold Ohno still can't get back up. Regal lets him back up and Ohno grabs a wristlock, only to be easily sent into the corner and stomped down by the old villain.

A forearm puts Ohno down as this has been one sided so far. Ohno finally gets in a shot to the ribs to send Regal to the floor. A baseball slide puts Regal into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Kassius getting two off something we didn't see and firing off some HARD kicks in the corner to Regal's head. Now it's a full nelson to stay on the neck and upper body of Regal. William uses a nice counter to escape and stomps on Kassius' fingers for good measure. He bends them back around the ropes as momentum changes again.

Regal stays on the arm and hand and drives some knees into Ohno's face. Ohno comes back with a hard kick to the head to take Regal down as the ear is hurt even more. Another kick crushes Regal's head against the post but Ohno can't hook his cravate hold. Kassius kicks Regal again for two but he still can't hook the Kassius Clutch. Off to a quick chinlock instead but Regal rolls out and hits a quick exploder suplex. His balance is WAY off though so he can't hook the Regal Stretch.

A belly to back suplex puts Regal on his head again for two more and Kassius is getting frustrated. William is getting all fired up and gets to his feet, only to have his head kicked off for two. Ohno loads up the rolling elbow but Regal nails him in the ribs to set up the Knee Trembler for the pin at 14:06 shown of 17:36.

Shield b. Axl Keegan/Scott Dawson/Percy Watson – Standing Sliced Bread to Keegan
The Bellas b. The Funkadactyls – Rolling mat slam to Naomi
William Regal b. Kassius Ohno – Knee Trembler


Impact Wrestling
Date: April 11, 2013
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Todd Keneley, Tazz

We're live again tonight and in the new location of Corpus Christi, Texas. This is the big live show that is more or less the PPV special of the month, featuring the Full Metal Mayhem (TLC) match between Hardy and Ray for the title, AJ vs. Storm and a few other major matches. This show was hyped up very well over the last few weeks and it should be awesome. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of AJ's dilemma of which side he should pick in the war between TNA and Aces and 8's. We also look at the other matches tonight, including Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell and Aries/Roode vs. Guerrero/Hernandez for the tag titles.

Hogan greets hardy.

We get an intro sequence which looks like opening credits.

Tag Titles: Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez vs. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries

Roode and Aries are defending and if they win, Chavo and Hernandez can never team again. This is also 2/3 falls. The challengers have a boxing legend whose name I couldn't catch here with them, carrying a Texas flag. The champions jump the challengers as they get the boxer a seat and the brawl is on fast. Roode sends Aries into the corner to dropkick Chavo, who stumbles into a a Roode spinebuster for the first fall at 35 seconds.

Aries immediately tries a Frog Splash on Chavo but only hits mat, letting Chavo hit a quick rollup to tie things up at 1:38. Aries pounds away on Chavo but it's Roode hitting a big slam for two. A slingshot hilo by Aries keeps Chavo in trouble and a Ted DiBiase fist drop gets two. Back to Roode who escapes a tornado DDT but gets caught by a Chavo dropkick. Hernandez is nowhere to be seen though as he was sent into the steps in the pre-match attack.

Actually scratch that as he's back up and gets the tag to clean house. A gorilla press puts Aries down and there's the big running charge down the ramp to jump back into the ring for a double clothesline to take the champions down. We take a break and come back with Aries diving off the top onto Hernandez for two. We get a long shot of the Spanish announcers as Roode hooks a quick chinlock followed by a necksnap, setting up a middle rope elbow to the back of Hernandez's neck by Aries.

Hernandez finally comes back with a double clothesline to put the champions down and there's the hot tag to Chavo. He comes in with a slingshot hilo to Roode and a headscissors sends Bobby to the outside. Chavo hits a big dive onto Aries and Roode for a near fall back inside. There are two Amigos to Aries and three of them for Roode. Aries breaks up the Frog Splash and Roode gets a rollup for two. Off to the Crossface on Chavo but Hernandez breaks it up. Hernandez tries another dive but takes out Chavo by mistake.

Roode only gets two from the mistake but there's a HARD dropkick in the corner from Aries. The spinebuster is countered into a DDT but Austin makes another save at two. Aries loads up a superplex but Hernandez pulls him off into Border Toss position. The champions have a double suplex countered and Chavo hits the Frog Splash onto Roode for the pin and the titles at 15:13.

Brooke Hogan shrugs off some sexual harassment from Joey Ryan and tells him he has a match tonight.

Aces and 8's arrive and they're actually on motorcycles for once.

Here's Joseph Park to discuss some business. He has issues with Aces and 8's and Bully Ray in particular. What Aces and 8's have been doing to TNA is nothing short of felonious and just mean, so it's time for justice to be served by Jeff Hardy tonight. Once Hardy wins the title though, it's not over. Park is a divorce lawyer and he has drawn up a writ of annulment for Brooke and Bully which will be filed soon.

Cue D-Von who takes the paper and rips it up. If Park has a problem with Ray, he has a problem with D-Von, so stay out of family business. D-Von goes to leave but sneaks up on Park and lays him out with a chain shot to the ribs.

We get a video package on Terrell vs. Kim.

Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim

ODB is guest referee. Taryn starts fast with a suplex for two and a monkey flip puts Gail down. Kim pulls her off the middle rope and stomps away before dropping Taryn with a forearm. Gail chokes awayo n the ropes but stops to get in ODB's face. A rollup gets two for Gail but she gets caught holding the tights. During the argument between Gail and ODB, Taryn gets a rollup of her own for the pin at 2:30.

The Gut Check judges talk about the match last week.

Magno gets the shot.

We look at AJ's issues and him walking out on TNA.

Hogan says he's nervous about getting the world title back but first up, it's AJ's time on the clock.

AJ has nothing to say to a TNA cameraman. Anderson brings him another vest.

Video on Hardy vs. Ray tonight.

Here's Hogan to call out AJ Styles for his decision. AJ comes out and Hulk gives him an ultimatum. Styles isn't pleased and says he doesn't react well to demands, but here's Storm to interrupt. James says he isn't here to deliver ultimatums or even to drink beer. Instead it's for a fight and they lock eyes, but here's Bad Influence. Kaz says they're here to mend fences and not throw fists. They see through everything going on here because they're both sexual and intellectual.

Thunderlips (Hogan) is trying to get AJ to join TNA, which is a good idea because Aces and 8's are destroying his company. Aces and 8's are smart to try to recruit TNA's best soldier of the last eleven years. Daniels says it's a bad idea for AJ to join either, because they'll just chew AJ up and spit him out. Therefore, AJ should join up with Bad Influence.

Daniels brings up Hogan and Dixie turning their backs on AJ and brags about all the world titles “they” won together. AJ gets annoyed and shakes a bit, but Storm gets in his face. Styles leaves the ring and looks at Bad Influence before walking away. Hogan begs again and makes Styles vs. Storm next week.

Joey Ryan vs. Rob Terry

Joey is scared to death and is immediately run over with chops and shoulder blocks. Two boots in the corner from Joey are easily blocked and it's a powerslam to plant him down. A fireman's carry into a spinebuster ends Ryan at 2:30. Total squash.

Brooke tells Hulk she has to be at ringside for the main event. Matt Morgan pops up and says that it's another Hogan mistake, like not making him #1 conteder at Lockdown. Morgan says that those mistakes will keep happening and then they'll all come crashing down on him.

It's time for Gut Check. Danny Davis isn't sure but eventually says no. Magno cuts a promo that is barely understandable as English isn't his first language. Pritchard says Magno isn't ready yet so it's no, which ends this.

Bully Ray makes Aces and 8's promise not to interfere tonight.

TNA World Title: Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy

This is Full Metal Mayhem which is TNA's version of TLC. Brooke Hogan is at ringside as well. Ray yells at his wife before the bell and Brooke looks irritated. Hardy hits a Twisting Stunner and Poetry in Motion to start and Ray is in early trouble. The challenger brings in a chair and cracks Ray over the back with it before bringing in the first ladder of the match. Jeff makes an early try for the belt but Ray tips the ladder over.

A mule kick staggers Ray but Bully backdrops Jeff onto the ramp to take over. Ray whips him in the back with the chain but Hardy still pops up to slug it out on top of the ladder. Hardy gets suplexed down off the ladder as we take a break. Back with Hardy getting off a table and blasting Ray on the ropes with a chair. Hardy turns a ladder upside down but can't superplex Ray onto it due to high levels of fat.

Instead Ray comes back with a front suplex to crush Hardy's ribs against the steel. Some chair shots to the legs keep Hardy in trouble and Ray brings in another ladder. The table is still set up in the ring. Ray shouts about beating up Hardy and then keeping the title then slapping Brooke around, but the distraction lets Jeff get in some shots of his own. Ray takes Hardy back down but goes to the floor to yell at Brooke for a LONG time. Brooke finally slaps him and here comes Hardy.

Jeff slams Ray into the steps and puts him on a table....which immediately breaks. Hardy goes all the way to the entrance of the arena to get a table but a Twist of Fate keeps Ray down. Jeff puts Ray on the table for a BIG Swanton to the floor and both guys are down. Hardy goes up the ladder in the ring but Taz hands Ray a hammer. Ray goes up the ladder but hits Hardy with his fist instead of the hammer. Jeff gets his hand on the belt but a hammer to the head knocks him off and through the table. Ray retains the title at 17:10.

Aces and 8's come in to celebrate to end the show.

Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez b. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries – Frog Splash to Roode
Taryn Terrell b. Gail Kim – Rollup
Rob Terry b. Joey Ryan – Fireman's carry into a spinebuster
Bully Ray b. Jeff Hardy – Ray pulled down the title belt


Impact got a .9, down 20% from last week.

Date: April 12, 2013
Location: TD Banknorth Garden Arena, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Josh Matthews, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole

It's the first show after Wrestlemania but more importantly it's the first show after Raw where Dolph Ziggler FINALLY cashed in the MITB case and won the world title from Del Rio. Therefore tonight is likely going to be dealing with the fallout from both that and Wrestlemania, which includes an appearance from HHH. Also, given the insanity of the crowd last Monday on Raw, it should be interesting to see how the crowd to night reacts to the show. Let's get to it.

The opening video is like a movie trailer with the focus on HHH returning to Smackdown to discuss the match with Lesnar at Wrestlemania. We'll also be talking about Ziggler cashing in the briefcase for the title of course.

Big E. Langston (with no music) opens the show by introducing us to the new World Heavyweight Champion, Dolph Ziggler. Langston can hold a note about as well as Ricardo can. Dolph talks about how he's the most physically gifted athlete anyone has ever seen and that's an understatement. He's been called the future and this championship proves that the future is now. Dolph heard 80,000 people at Wrestlemania cheering his name in a match he wasn't even in. His voice sounds really hoarse here. He didn't win the title because of the fans but rather in spite of them.

Cue Swagger and Colter with the latter congratulating Ziggler for being born in Ohio and living in Florida. However, since Swagger is the one who did the damage to Alberto which allowed Del Rio to take the title. Dolph points out the obvious: Swagger blew his chance at the title at Wrestlemania so go to the back of the line. Jack goes to the ring, looks at Langston, and steps down. Colter says Swagger deserves a title shot and they go to leave, but Dolph cuts the music and keeps talking about how awesome he is.

This brings out Del Rio with a bad limp so Dolph invites him to the ring for his rematch right now. Alberto instead congratulates Ziggler on winning the title because he did the same thing in 2011. When his ankle heals and he gets his rematch, he'll be getting the title back but until then, hasta la vista baby. Ziggler once again says cut the music because this is STILL his interview time. He's tired of being interrupted so the next person who comes out here will find out why he's the best in the world.

Cue Jericho to a big ovation with a big grin on his face. He asks Dolph to shut up because apparently Ziggler is crazy. Oh wait it's AJ that's crazy, which sends her into a bit of a fit. Jericho says he's the original showoff and says that he just came from Booker T's office. He talks about the Jerichoholics and the Dolphins (apparently Ziggler's fans) getting to see Ziggler's first match as champion against Y2J himself.

HELL NO vs. Prime Time Players

Non-title of course. Titus and Kane get things going with O'Neil taking him into the corner for an early advantage. Kane slugs him down and hits the top rope clothesline to take over. Young comes in but runs into the kicks of Bryan as everything breaks down. The NO Lock ends Titus at 1:39.

Shield pops up on screen and congratulates the champions on another win. Ambrose says they didn't back down on Raw but rather weren't ready to strike. Believe in the Shield.

Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett

Non-title. Barrett runs him over with a shoulder so Santino tries to nip up, only to crash down to the mat instead of landing on his feet. Barrett kicks him in the ribs and Marella fails another nip up. Off to a chinlock by Barrett followed by a good looking Winds of Change for two. Barrett loads up the Bull Hammer but Santino finally nips up and hits his usual finishing sequence, only to get kicked in the face when he tries the Cobra. Bull Hammer ends this at 2:24.

We look at Wrestlemania Week.

Sheamus comes in to see Booker and is mad about everything Booker did on Raw. They get in an argument when Orton pops in. He wants to know why they were put together in a match but Teddy says calm down and don't yell at him. Booker makes Orton/Sheamus vs. Big Show in a handicap match.

Funkadactyls/Kaitlyn vs. Tamina Snuka/Bella Twins

Kaitlyn and Tamina start things off and Kaitlyn spears down both Tamina and I think Brie within the first thirty seconds. Off to Naomi for a cross body on Nikki and a mostly botched headscissors. The Rear View slows Nikki down but Brie trips Naomi off the top. Everything breaks down and Nikki slams the back of Naomi's head onto the mat for the pin at 1:30.

Here's HHH for his first speech since beating Lesnar. He's in sunglasses here and says he told us he'd be back. HHH had told Lesnar they weren't going to fight but rather to war....and here's 3MB. Slater tells HHH to shut up because 3MB wants to get noticed, so they're here to jump on HHH. Before they can get in the ring here's Shield of all people. They pull 3MB off the apron and destroy the Band before starting to swarm HHH themselves. Before they can do anything though, here's HELL NO for the save. No contact made just like on Raw.

Big Show comes in to yell at Teddy and Booker so Teddy ducks out. Show accuses Booker of being biased against him and threatens to walk out because he doesn't have to do what Booker says. Booker says go ahead and walk if you want, because Booker is tired of hearing about this contract.

Randy Orton/Sheamus vs. Big Show

Orton's ribs are taped up. During the entrances we get a video on Sheamus vs. Orton from Raw which edits out all of the chants. Orton and Sheamus have an argument about who starts the match until it's finally Orton. Randy pounds away in the corner to start but walks into a side slam to change momentum.

Show stands on Orton's ribs and slams him down for good measure, only to miss a middle rope elbow. The hot tag brings in Sheamus to take Show down with some ax handles to the head. Show comes right back with a spear and a right hand to Orton's ribs. Orton comes back out of nowhere with an RKO and the Brogue Kick puts Show on the floor for the countout at 4:02.

Sheamus and Orton are in the back after a break and seem to be fine. Orton goes to get his ribs looked at while Sheamus says that he doesn't mind that it took two people to get revenge on Big Show. He says size doesn't matter in the WWE, so here's Mark Henry to run him over and say yeah it does matter.

Antonio Cesaro vs. Kofi Kingston

Non-title again. Cesaro overpowers him to start and fires off some forearms, only to get caught in a sunset flip for two. Cesaro hits the gutwrench suplex and the Yodeling Uppercut in the corner for two of his own. Off to a quick reverse chinlock but Kofi fights up and hits some fast chops to take over. Antonio throws Kofi into the air for the European Uppercut to change momentum again but Kofi hits the pendulum kick in the corner. A top rope cross body is caught in a powerslam, only for Kofi to slip down the back and hit Trouble in Paradise for the pin at 3:05. Antonio looked sleepy instead of out cold.

Video on the end of Raw.

We hear about Rock's injury during his Wrestlemania match.

Fandango comes out for the main event. Some fans sing the song but it's nowhere near Monday.

Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler

It's non-title again. Ziggler wears the belt backwards for a bit for his entrance and even JBL thinks that's disrespectful. Jericho hiptosses him down to start and the fans start singing Fandango's song. Ziggler sends Jericho into the corner and pounds away before charging into a boot from Jericho. Chris chokes away on the ropes but has to chase AJ off, allowing Dolph to hit a Fameasser for two.

We take a break and come back with Ziggler driving an elbow into Jericho's face. A neckbreaker gets two for the champion and we hit the chinlock. Jericho fights up and hits some shoulder blocks followed by a top rope shot to the head. Ziggler comes right back with a jumping DDT for two and both guys are down. Chris is up first and takes out Langston before getting two off a top rope cross body.

Dolph comes back with a great dropkick for two but the Zig Zag is blocked. The Walls don't work either but Jericho bulldogs Dolph down and gets two off the Lionsault. Fandango gets on the apron but gets caught by the springboard dropkick. Jericho blocks another Fameasser attempt but is sent into Langston who blasts him a rollup by Dolph for the pin at 7:37 shown of 11:07.

Post match Jericho goes after Dolph but Langston lays him out.

Fandango hits the legdrop on Jericho to end the show.

HELL NO b. Prime Time Players – NO Lock to O'Neal
Wade Barrett b. Santino Marella – Bull Hammer
Tamina Snuka/Bella Twins b. Funkadactyls/Kaitlyn – Mat slam to Naomi
Sheamus/Randy Orton b. Big Show via countout
Kofi Kingston b. Antonio Cesaro – Trouble in Paradise
Dolph Ziggler b. Chris Jericho – Rollup





Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Big E. Langston b. Daniel Bryan – Big Ending
Wade Barrett b. The Miz – Bull Hammer
Alberto Del Rio b. Jack Swagger/Zeb Colter – Cross Armbreaker to Swagger
Dolph Ziggler b. Alberto Del Rio – Zig Zag
Zack Ryder/Santino Marella/R-Truth b. 3MB – Cobra to Slater
Sheamus b. Randy Orton via DQ when Big Show interfered
Fandango b. Kofi Kingston via DQ when Chris Jericho interfered
John Cena b. Mark Henry via countout

Shield b. Axl Keegan/Scott Dawson/Percy Watson – Standing Sliced Bread to Keegan
The Bellas b. The Funkadactyls – Rolling mat slam to Naomi
William Regal b. Kassius Ohno – Knee Trembler

Impact Wrestling
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez b. Bobby Roode/Austin Aries – Frog Splash to Roode
Taryn Terrell b. Gail Kim – Rollup
Rob Terry b. Joey Ryan – Fireman's carry into a spinebuster
Bully Ray b. Jeff Hardy – Ray pulled down the title belt

HELL NO b. Prime Time Players – NO Lock to O'Neal
Wade Barrett b. Santino Marella – Bull Hammer
Tamina Snuka/Bella Twins b. Funkadactyls/Kaitlyn – Mat slam to Naomi
Sheamus/Randy Orton b. Big Show via countout
Kofi Kingston b. Antonio Cesaro – Trouble in Paradise
Dolph Ziggler b. Chris Jericho – Rollup

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