Week of 4/22/2013 - 4/28/2013


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Smackdown got a 1.9, the same as last week. Viewers were down though due to the coverage of the manhunt in Boston.

Monday Night Raw
Date: April 22, 2013
Location: 02 Arena, London, England
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

This is a taped episode from England, which usually makes for a less interesting show. The main event tonight is HELL NO/Undertaker vs. Shield in a very rare appearance by the Dead Man on the red show. Other than that we've got some issues with the roster as there's a house show in Wales at the same time this was taped, so a lot of people aren't here tonight. Let's get to it.

We open with recaps of the issues between Shield and HELL NO/Undertaker and Ryback and Cena.

Here's Heyman in the ring who says that he's acting as advocate for Brock Lesnar tonight. Everyone is wondering about what Brock did to 3MB last week but they're also wondering about Brock's challenge to HHH. Tonight we're going to get HHH's answer.....via e-mail as he's not here tonight. Heyman talks about how HHH is a coward....and here's HHH in the arena. Heyman says he got the e-mail but HHH says he was lying about not being here tonight. He says he accepts and there's a Pedigree to Heyman.

Jericho vs. Ziggler tonight.

R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

Cole shouts WHAT'S UP and kind of dances during the entrance. Cesaro yodels as his humiliating depush continues. Cesaro takes over to start with a forearm to the back of the head and a hard clothesline. The fans start an OLE chant as Cesaro hits a double stomp for two. Truth blocks a kick to the ribs and gets two off a front suplex. Little Jimmy hits a second later for the pin on Antonio at 2:19.

Shield arrives via helicopter. That's rather awesome.

Damien Sandow vs. Brodus Clay

Sandow takes Brodus to the corner as the fans chant for Cody's mustache. Brodus comes back with a slam and an elbow drop for two but Sandow hits a kind of Edge-O-Matic and the Wind-Up Elbow for two of his own. Off to a chinlock for a bit but Brodus fights up and hits a corner splash and the t-bone suplex. A Cody distraction lets Sandow roll up Brodus for the pin with a handful of trunks at 3:23.

We look at Dolph winning the title again before we see him hitting on the title in the back (I said that correctly). AJ comes up and they make fun of Kaitlyn before sending Langston away so they can make out. Vickie and Brad show up to interrupt and say that if Dolph loses tonight, Jericho is in the title match at the PPV, making it a fatal fourway.

We look at Punk walking out last week.

Shield is here and talks about how no one has made them rest in peace yet but now they're the judge, jury and executioner.

Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler

Non-title here. Jericho gets a quick rollup for two and puts on a headlock. Ziggler comes back with a headscissors on the mat but Jericho fights up and hits a quick dropkick. Dolph slides to the floor for a kiss from AJ but Jericho hits a suicide dive to take Ziggler out as we go to a break. Back with Jericho missing a charge into the corner and hitting his head on the post before falling to the floor.

Back in and Ziggler dances around a bit before gyrating his hips. Jericho reverses a neckbreaker into a backslide but gets clotheslined down almost immediately. Off to a reverse chinlock by Ziggler which transitions into a sleeper, only to have Jericho escape and speed things up. A top rope ax handle “connects” but Ziggler avoids the bulldog.

The Walls can't go on but an enziguri gets two for Jericho. Chris loads up the Lionsault but Big E. pops him in the head, giving Ziggler a near fall. Back to the sleeper by Dolph followed by a jumping DDT for two on Jericho. The fans of course do the Wave because they're apparently bored by the match. Jericho gets up first and hits a back elbow before getting in on the Wave as well.

The Lionsault hits knees though and the Fameasser gets two on Jericho. Ziggler sends him into the corner and goes up top, only to get crotched and superplexed down for two. The Codebreaker connects for a VERY delayed two as Dolph gets a foot on the rope. Jericho dropkicks Langston down and puts the Liontamer on Ziggler....but here's Fandango. Well at least his entrance as the fans go NUTS. The distraction lets Dolph hit the Zig Zag for the pin at 16:46.

We look at the end of Raw last week with Shield beating down Cena as Ryback watched. Ryback vs. Cena is official for the PPV.

Mick Foley is here and says that it's human nature for people to look in the mirror and blame someone else, much like Ryback is doing.

Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes

Tensai throws Cody around to start and drops him with a right hand to the face. A delayed double underhook suplex gets two for Tensai but Cody comes back with a neckbreaker and a front facelock. The Disaster Kick gets two and it's back to the front facelock for a bit. Tensai fights back and pounds away before hitting the rolling cannonball attack in the corner. Sandow gets on the apron for a distraction but gets crushed by Brodus. A Baldo Bomb puts Cody down and the running backsplash gets the pin at 3:34.

Bryan is freaking out because Undertaker isn't here yet and wants Kane to call him. Kane: “He's not the kind of guy to carry a cell phone.” Bryan wants a hug and to show Undertaker diagrams. Kane: “Whatever you do, DO NOT TRY TO GIVE HIM A HUG!” As they're talking someone jumps them but we only see one pair of boots.

We look at the main event of Smackdown with Big Show/Henry beating Orton/Sheamus when Show chokeslammed Orton.

Ryback asks Cena how it felt to be jumped by the Shield. Maybe he and Foley should have a discussion in the ring tonight.

Big E. Langston vs. Zack Ryder

This is exactly what you would expect: Ryder gets in a few shots but gets run over with a clothesline. The Big Ending ends this at 1:43.

Undertaker/HELL NO vs. Shield

Surprisingly enough Undertaker comes out first. Shield surrounds him and the fight is on, only to have HELL NO come out for the save. The brawl is on and we take a break before the bell. Bryan and Ambrose start with Dean getting his arm cranked on over and over. Kane comes in and does the same before it's off to Undertaker to a big pop. Taker works on the arm as well with some driving shoulders before having Old School broken up. Ambrose charges into a boot in the corner and now Old School connects for two more.

Back to Bryan who gets to fight Reigns. After a hard kick in the corner by Daniel it's off to Kane for an elbow drop for two. Shield finally uses the numbers game to get Kane down in the corner and pound away on him with everyone getting in a shot. Rollins comes in and goes up top, only to jump into an uppercut from Kane. Hot tag brings in Bryan who immediately speeds things up and moonsaults out of the corner.

A clothesline puts Rollins on his knees and there are the NO kicks to the chest and a big one to the head. Rollins is sent to the floor and there's the suicide dive to take him down. Back in and the missile dropkick puts Rollins into the corner but a running dropkick from Bryan misses. Back with Bryan being hit in the throat by Reigns for two. Off to Rollins as Bryan is in big trouble.

Rollins talks trash so Taker does the throat slit and has a bit of a fit on the apron. Bryan finally gets in a shot on Ambrose and it's hot tag to Taker. Ambrose gets the Snake Eyes into the big boot and legdrop (brother!) for two. Taker loads up the double chokeslam on Ambrose and Rollins but Reigns spears Taker down for two. Off to Kane for a chokeslam to Ambrose and there's another hot tag to Bryan. Daniel goes up but gets crotched by Reigns. Bryan still manages to launch the Swan Dive but only hits mat, allowing Ambrose to pin him at 18:58.

Foley is with Cena and says he's going out there tonight to confront Ryback. Cena gives him a chair to take with him just in case.

Fandango vs. William Regal

BIG ovation for both guys here. Regal signals for the dancing girl to call him. We start with a dance off and Regal takes over with some hard forearms to the face. They trade right hands but Fandango hits a quick Downward Spiral for the pin at 1:43. The dancing girl might be Summer Rae from NXT.

Post match Jericho jumps Fandango and dances with the girl.

Divas Battle Royal

AJ vs. Aksana vs. Naomi vs. Tamina Snuka vs. Layla

Kaitlyn is at ringside and the winner of this gets a title shot. The Bellas have been disqualified from this because of the Twin Magic last week. Tamina immediately superkicks AJ dow and she's out cold. Naomi and Layla clean house as AJ lays on the mat. Aksana is eliminated and Naomi hits a Rear View on Tamina. Snuka eliminates Naomi from the apron but Layla dropkicks her to the floor. It's Layla and AJ left but AJ is still out cold. Layla tries to lift the dead weight that is AJ but she pops up and kicks Layla out to win at 3:19.

Trailer for No One Lives, which is the latest WE Film staring Brodus Clay. By starring they likely mean featuring for about 18 seconds.

Here's Foley to call out Ryback. After the cheap pop here's the monster, now with a skull cap which makes him edgy I guess. Foley talks about how it used to be him standing against every monster and getting back up, but now he can't do that anymore. Foley shows Ryback the Shield beatdown of Cena last week in case he didn't see it in any of the three other times it's aired tonight. Ryback says he loved it so Foley wants to know what happened to the Ryback that debuted last year.

Foley says that it's inevitable that Ryback is going to be WWE Champion someday and he doesn't want it to be on a technicality. Ryback goes off on Foley for coming out here year after year and sticking his nose in everyone else's business when no one wants to hear it. Ryback knows what he's doing and he doesn't care about anyone anymore and only wants the title.

Foley pulls the chair back and Ryback slaps him before throwing the chair out. Cena runs out for the save.....and here's Shield. Cena immediately gets on the apron and Shield goes after Ryback, but Cena makes the save with a chair. They stare each other down and Cena hits the AA to end the show.

R-Truth b. Antonio Cesaro – Little Jimmy
Damien Sandow b. Brodus Clay – Rollup
Dolph Ziggler b. Chris Jericho – Zig Zag
Tensai b. Cody Rhodes – Backsplash
Big E. Langston b. Zack Ryder – Big Ending
Shield b. Undertaker/HELL NO – Ambrose pinned Bryan after a missed flying headbutt
Fandango b. William Regal – Downward Spiral
AJ won a battle royal by last eliminating Layla


Raw got a 3.1, roughly the same as last week.


Date: April 24, 2013
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tony Phillips, William Regal

If my memory is correct tonight we've got the Clash of the Champions, which means four title matches and I don't think anything else. We've got Maddox challenging Langston for the NXT Title, Kaitlyn defending against AJ Lee, Cesaro (no longer champion) defending against someone and Barrett defending against Bo Dallas. Hopefully the show isn't horrible like the last time it was mostly main roster guys. Let's get to it.

Dusty tells us the basic idea of the show.

Welcome Home.

US Title: Antonio Cesaro vs. Adrian Neville

A crawler tells us that this was taped several weeks ago. The fans of course chant USA with an Englishman challenging for the title. Cesaro says hey to the crowd and the fans shout him down. Antonio demands a standing ovation because he's the best US Champion in history. This would be before Cesaro was turned into a yodeler who lost clean to Zack Ryder on Raw. After some big match intros we're ready to go.

Neville grabs a quick rollup for two but Cesaro takes him down and messes with his hair. A rollup gets two for Adrian and it's off to a chinlock by the champion. That would be the US Champion as Neville is half of the NXT Tag Champions here. Neville fights up and sends Cesaro to the floor with a headscissors before a quick rollup gets two on Cesaro. A monkeyflip attempt is countered into a hot shot onto the top turnbuckle as we take a break.

Back with Antonio holding another chinlock and countering a sunset flip. The crowd was freaking out as he tried to fight it off too. Neville goes up but dives into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two and Cesaro is getting frustrated. Back to the chinlock but Neville fights up and sends Cesaro to the floor. A BIG top rope Asai Moonsault lays out Cesaro and a springboard missile dropkick gets two for Neville back inside.

Adrian hits a standing shooting star (described as “WHOA LOOK AT THAT” by Phillips) and a quick rana for two each. A moonsault into a tornado DDT gets two more and Neville loads up the corkscrew shooting star, only to be crotched down. The European Uppercut and Neutralizer retain the title for Cesaro at 8:00 shown of 11:00.

Divas Title: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn is defending. The fans chant YES at AJ before we get going. Kaitlyn runs her down to start but Kaitlyn shoves her into the corner to take over. Off to a Fujiwara Armbar by the challenger and she even throws in a Dolph Ziggler handstand. A hammerlock suplex puts Kiatlyn down and AJ is in full control. Kaitlyn gets in some right hands before rolling through a top rope cross body for two. A reverse DDT gets two on AJ but she sends Kaitlyn to the floor for an eight count. Back in and AJ puts on a sleeper followed by an enziguri for two. Kaitlyn pops up and spears AJ out of nowhere to retain at 5:06.

NXT Title: Big E. Langston vs. Brad Maddox

Maddox, the challenger, introduces himself at 295lbs. Langston throws Maddox around to start and runs him over for good measure. The Big Ending ends Brad at 1:16.

Post match Langston hits another Big Ending for a five count. Maddox's carcass rolls to the floor so Langston throws him back in for another Big Ending and five count.

We recap the history between Bo Dallas and Wade Barrett which started great and then stopped cold with no explanation.

Bo Dallas talks about Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Randy Savage being underdogs but winning the Intercontinental Title. Tonight it's about the Bo Barrage.

Chris Jericho will be here next week.

Intercontinental Title: Wade Barrett vs. Bo Dallas

Dallas gets a mixed reaction but the fans chant for him during Barrett's intro. After the intros that chant sounds a lot like “No More Bo.” Ouch. Dallas hits a hard forearm out of the corner to start and three straight rollups for two each. A dropkick sends Barrett to the floor and we take a break. Back with Barrett hitting a hard elbow and what looked like a shoulder block to put Bo down. The fans are almost entirely behind Barrett here.

A hard forearm to the head gets two for Barrett so he puts Dallas on the top rope and kicks him to the floor. Off to a bow and arrow hold by Wade (bends both arms back and puts a knee in the back) followed by the pumphandle slam for two. Barrett puts him in the ropes and hits the big boot to send Dallas back to the floor. This has been completely one sided since the break. Barrett suplexes him in from the apron and puts on a reverse chinlock (fans: “TAP! TAP! TAP!”) before charging into some boot in the corner.

Dallas drop toeholds him down into the corner and fires off some forearms for two. Another pumphandle is countered into a rollup for two for Bo but the tornado bulldog is countered. Winds of Change get two for the champion but the Bull Hammer misses. Tornado bulldog gets two but Barrett can't hit Wasteland. Bo tries to dive at Barrett but jumps into the Bull Hammer for the pin at 8:40 shown of 12:10.

Antonio Cesaro b. Adrian Neville – Neutralizer
Kaitlyn b. AJ Lee – Spear
Big E. Langston b. Brad Maddox – Big Ending
Wade Barrett b. Bo Dallas – Bull Hammer


The early buyrate for Wrestlemania is about 1.2 million, or the same as last year. Total revenue estimate for the show: $72 million. And THAT is why WWE is the king of the mountain.

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 25, 2013
Location: Kovalchick Complex, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz, Todd Keneley

We're live again in a city I've never heard of. After last week the main story is that AJ walked away while the Bikers beat down James Storm. That doesn't mean Styles has joined up with them but it does mean that the story must continue. Other than that it's hard to say what's coming because nothing of note seems to be continuing over to this week. At least we're live though. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap from last week with Ray saying he wanted to see Hulk face to face tonight.

The Bikers arrive and are met by security but Ray shouts his way past them.

Here's James Storm to open things up. He says he's still feeling the effects of the fight last week and here's Styles standing in the crowd. Storm says he isn't going to cry over spilled milk because he's a beer drinker. However, he does have something to say about the Aces and 8's who jumped him last week. If they want a fight, all they have to do is ask him. If any of them want a fight one on one, come see him.

Instead he gets Bad Influence who were also attacked by the bikers last week. Hogan may not have an answer to Aces and 8's, but the two of them do. The magic number to stop Aces and 8's is four, as in Fourtune. Kaz says AJ needs to stop looking like a Twilight vampire because they forgive him. He offers to reform Fourtune to fight the bikers but AJ doesn't move.

Storm doesn't seem interested so Kaz calls him irrelevant. The brawl is on and Storm gets beaten down and left laying after a low blow. Here come Aces and 8's and Anderson loads up a powerbomb through a table, but Joseph Park comes in for a save. He gets beaten down as well. AJ is still standing stoically as Knucks and Doc load up a double chokeslam on Park....but Bully calls them off. Instead it's a 3D through the table (kind of as Ray never got the Cutter correctly) and the bikers stand tall.

Post break Park is taken out on a stretcher and Aces and 8's are still in the ring. Ray talks about how no one can stop them and Hogan has until the end of the show to answer the challenge.

Tenay tells us that Hogan has left the building for no apparent reason.

We get a video on Mickie James beating Tessmacher to earn the title shot.

Taryn Terrell vs. Tara

Before the bell, Hogan is here so apparently he was off doing something. No Jesse with Tara here but she jumps Taryn to start. Terrell comes back with a jumping neckbreaker and some hair drags, only to be draped over the top rope to stop her cold. Tara sends her chest first into the buckle and slams Taryn face first into the mat a few times. Off to a bridging Indian Deathlock by Tara followed by some rollups for two.

Tara yells at referee ODB before choking Taryn in the air. A slingshot sends Taryn's throat into the bottom rope for two more but Tara misses the slingshot legdrop. Taryn goes up top but misses a cross body, allowing Tara to hit the spinning side slam for no cover. Tara loads up the shaky moonsault but gets rolled up for the pin at 6:36.

Robbie tries to fire up Jesse for his match later with Rob Terry. Once Jesse wins, he goes down in history with the great Bro's of all time: George Washington, Al Bundy and Oprah. Jesse says he doesn't need Robbie's help.

Rob Terry vs. Jesse Godderz

Terry runs over Jesse to start as I guess the battle of the Rob's is just continuing. Robbie E tries to distract Terry but Rob throws Jesse around by the throat. A second try at the distraction works a bit better and Jesse gets in some shots to the back and a dropkick. Jesse goes up but jumps into a powerslam for two as Robbie grabs the referee's feet. Jesse tries to jump Terry again but gets launched into Robbie instead. Back in and the big spinebuster gets the pin on Jesse at 2:55.

Bad Influence offers Roode a spot in Fourtune. He thinks about it and Aries is lurking behind a wall.

We look at the Full Metal Mayhem match from a few weeks ago. Apparently Hardy is considering walking away from wrestling due to his injuries in that match.

Chris Sabin is coming back from injury.

Tag Titles: Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez vs. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode

Before the match Aries talks to Roode in the back and asks if Fourtune is what Roode wants to do. If they were so awesome, why did they just break up so fast? If they're so great, why was Aries the one that beat him for the world title? Daniels has replaced Tenay on commentary for this match. Aries rides Chavo down to start and spins around on him, only to walk into a dropkick. Off to Hernandez for a splash for two on Roode before the delayed suplex puts Bobby down again.

SuperMex misses his running dive from the ramp and Roode pounds away. Off to Aries with the slingshot hilo followed by an Eddie dance for two. Roode comes back in for a Russian legsweep for two and here's Aries with a front facelock. Hernandez makes a comeback with Daniels blaming Aries for the mistakes and calling Roode a ring sergeant.

Chavo tries the Three Amigos but has to settle for a spinning DDT on Roode. Everything breaks down but a Kazarian distraction lets Roode hit the spinebuster, only to have Hernandez kick Bobby into the ropes, crotching Aries in the process. Kaz interferes again and Daniels sneaks in....and accidentally take out Roode. Chavo Frog Splashes Roode to retain at 8:55.

Matt Morgan says he'll explain his solution to TNA's problems in the ring and Hogan is invited.

We look at Hogan's mistakes over the last few weeks.

Here's Morgan in the ring to talk about Hogan's mistakes. It started with Ray being allowed into the Hogan family and then naming him #1 contender to the world title. Morgan talks about Sting and Hogan being best friends for twenty plus years (I laughed out loud) and causing Hardy to be stretchered out. Cue Hulk for the showdown.

The fans chant for Hogan as Morgan says Hulk is out of backup. Tonight the bikers are going to beat Hogan down so Morgan offers himself as the solution to Aces and 8's. He says that if Hulk gives him the chance, he'll Carbon Footprint Ray's head into the fifth row. However, there's a catch: Morgan has to get the title shot at Slammiversary. Hulk says he Matt had him believing but at the end of the day, Morgan has done too much to Hogan for give him his shot. Hogan: “I never heard Andre the Giant whining.” Uh Hulk.....where were you when Wrestlemania III was being set up?

Bully makes the Bikers swear to not interfere.

You can vote for who gets an X Title shot.

Knockouts Title: Mickie James vs. Velvet Sky

The fans are extra excited for some reason here. Feeling out process to start until Velvet (defending here) hits a kick to the back and a low dropkick for two. She seems to be favoring her recently injured knee though. The knee gives out in the middle of an Irish whip and Mickie gets a fast two count. A kneeling leg lock has Velvet in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Mickie still cranking on the knee but Sky uses the good leg to kick out of the corner. The champion's knee is suddenly FINE and she fights back with clotheslines and chops. A hard whip takes out the knee but Velvet hits a quick Russian legsweep for two. Mickie gets the same off the Thesz Press from the top and backdrops out of In Yo Face. The MickieDT is countered but the knee gives out again. Mickie dropkicks the knee....and is small packaged for the pin to keep the title on Velvet at 11:10. It's as quick as it sounds.

Bully Ray says he's finishing Hogan tonight.

Hulk is talking to Brooke and we get some bad acting from the daughter. Hulk promises he'll be right back and has to do this alone.

Here's Ray in the ring to list off everyone Aces and 8's have taken out. There's only Hogan left so get out here right now. Ray gets in Hogan's face and says Hogan fears him because Ray reminds Hulk of himself. Ray says they're both the last of a dying breed but Hulk says Hulkamania will never die.

The champ spits in Hogan's face so Hogan tears the shirt open and points the finger in Hulk's face. Ray points a finger in Hulk's face and the fight is on. Ray of course runs and says surround the ring. Hogan is in trouble but the lights go out and Sting appears for the save. The Bikers run away and the old guys stare each other down to end the show.

Taryn Terrell b. Tara – Rollup
Rob Terry b. Jesse Godderz – Spinebuster
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez b. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode – Frog Splash to Roode
Velvet Sky b. Mickie James – Small Package


Impact got a .99, up very slightly from last week.

Date: April 26, 2013
Location: O2 Arena, London, England
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, John Bradshaw Layfield

We're still in London and still in the 02 Arena for the blue WWE show. The main event tonight is a rare singles match on free TV for the Undertaker as he faces Dean Ambrose of the Shield. Other than that we've got Swagger vs. Del Rio in a No DQ match which should be good if it's anything like last week's match. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the six man tag from Raw where Shield beat Undertaker and HELL NO. We also hear a bit about the No DQ match tonight.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

No DQ as mentioned twice already. Del Rio starts fast and clotheslines Swagger out to the floor. A suicide dive takes Swagger down and Del Rio's seems to be fine. Alberto pulls out a kendo stick but gets whacked in the now injured knee with it. Del Rio blocks a shot to the chest but gets sent to the floor, down onto the knee. They slug it out in the aisle and Del Rio suplexes him onto the ramp.

Del Rio pulls out a ladder and launches a charging Swagger face first into it as we take a break. Back with Swagger holding a front facelock on Del Rio after gaining control with kendo stick shots during the break. A belly to belly suplex gets two for Jack and he gets a chair from ringside. Since he's a heel though, Swagger talks a lot of trash and gets caught by an enziguri on the apron. Del Rio pounds away but Jack takes out the knee to slow him down again.

Swagger wedges a chair between the top and middle rope, only to walk into the Codebreaker to the arm. Some clotheslines to Swagger set up the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, followed by some kendo stick shots to the back. For someone who uses an arm submission, Del Rio certainly works on the back a lot. A Backstabber gets two on Swagger but the armbreaker is countered. Del Rio settles for a low superkick for two but Swagger grabs the ankle lock from the mat. Del Rio rolls through into the armbreaker but Jack escapes and sends Alberto face first into the chair for two.

Jack knocks the chair to the floor and opts for the ladder instead, only to have Del Rio see-saw it into Jack's chin. Colter tries a cheap shot and the distraction is enough to let Swagger get a running ladder shot to Del Rio's face. The Vader Bomb hits knees and Del Rio puts on the armbreaker again. Colter slides in the kendo stick though and Swagger pounds away to break the hold. Jack beats on Alberto with the stick to escape, drops the ladder on his body and gets the pin off the gutwrench powerbomb at 11:00 shown of 13:30.

Layla vs. Aksana

Layla is her usual bubbly self again, so I guess the heel tease from a few weeks ago is added to the list of dropped angles. Aksana is sent to the apron where she poses, only to charge back in for some near falls. Layla gets caught by a running knee to the head for two before she starts working on Layla's hand. Aksana bends Layla's arm around the ropes and easily stops some martial arts from Layla. The British chick gets a running start and hooks a side roll after a bunch of flips for the pin on Aksana at 3:04.

Apparently the spinning side roll is called Infinity. They're naming glorified rollups now?

Video on the Divas show coming to E!

Video on Shield being awesome.

We get most of the six man tag match from Raw, as in over ten minutes of it.

Shield says justice prevailed on Monday when they broke the unbreakable. It's an injustice that HELL NO still has the tag belts but they won't be doing so for long. Ambrose wants to finish the job tonight against Undertaker. After tonight, Shield is going to be immortal instead of Undertaker.

Fandango vs. Justin Gabriel

Gabriel dances a bit to start and Fandango lunges at him. An armdrag and legsweep put Fandango down and the fans are singing the Fandango theme song. The fans keep getting louder as Fandango ties Gabriel up in the ropes for some forearms to the back of the head. Justin fires off some kicks including a nice spinning one to take Fandango down. He goes up top and dives into a knee to the ribs though, allowing Fandango to hit the spinning downward spiral and guillotine legdrop for the pin at 3:03.

Big Show vs. Sheamus

Before the match we recap Sheamus' issues with Mark Henry. Show shoves him down to start but Sheamus pounds away in the corner. Big Show will have none of that and fires off chops to Sheamus' chest while the Irishman is tied up in the ropes. They head to the floor with Show in control, but as they come back in Sheamus hits a shoulder to the ribs, followed by the forearms to the chest.

Back in and Sheamus charges into a side slam followed by a big elbow drop for two. Final Cut gets the same and Sheamus is having trouble breathing. Sheamus fires off some right hands but Show falls on him during a slam attempt for two. Big Show keeps him on the mat as the pace slows down a lot. A hard slap to Sheamus' chest sounds like it's ripping skin off as we take a break.

Back with Sheamus being sent shoulder first into the post and out tot he floor. Show sends him into the steps as this is still one sided for the most part. Sheamus makes it back in at 8 so Show sends him into the buckle. Off to a top wristlock but Sheamus fights up and hits a DDT to get himself a breather. They slug it out from their knees with Sheamus taking over and hitting some shoulder blocks.

The top rope shoulder puts Show down but Sheamus can't hit White Noise. Scratch that actually as he escapes the chokeslam and connects with White Noise before loading up the Brogue Kick. Show bails to the floor so Sheamus dives off the steps to take him out. Back in again and Sheamus loads up the top rope shoulder, but here's Henry to distract him, allowing Big Show to knock Sheamus out with the WMD for the pin at 10:52 shown of 13:52.

William Regal vs. Wade Barrett

Non-title here. Before the match, Barrett says there must be something to the idea of grave robberies in London since it's standing right there in the ring. Barrett pounds away to start but gets sent into the corner where Regal pounds away as well. The knee trembler misses though and it's the Bull Hammer from Barrett for the pin at 56 seconds.

We get the HHH/Heyman segment from Raw.

Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry

The World's Strongest Slam is attempted less than twenty seconds into the match but Orton slips over the back and pounds away with right hands. We head to the floor with Henry getting in some hard shots, only to head back inside and get stomped down. Henry runs Orton over again and beats him down in the corner but Randy comes back with clotheslines of his own. Orton covers but Henry kicks him out hard enough to have Randy land on his feet. The Elevated DDT puts Henry down but he rolls to the floor to avoid an RKO. Mark gets back in and walks into a Brogue Kick from an interfering Sheamus for the DQ at 4:19.

Orton gives Henry an RKO post match and doesn't seem mad at Sheamus at all.

We look at the end of Raw with Foley, Ryback and Cena.

Undertaker vs. Dean Ambrose

This is quite the rub for Ambrose. Apparently HELL NO isn't here tonight so Undertaker is on his own. Ambrose takes it to the corner to start which is about the dumbest thing you can do against undertaker. As expected, Taker launches Dean into the corner and pounds away before hitting the apron legdrop. Back in and Taker misses a big boot in the corner, crotching himself in the process.

Ambrose sends him to the floor and goes off on the big man before sending him into the apron. Back in and Dean pounds away even more with that cocky/psycho look on his face. After a quick two count, Dean pounds on Taker's jaw and yells about justice. He shouts a bit too much though and gets grabbed around the throat. Taker tries to run the ropes but gets caught with a running knee to the ribs. That gets him nowhere though as Taker snaps off a chokeslam but he has to fight off Shield. Ambrose grabs a DDT for a VERY close two but walks into the Hell's Gate for the tap out at 4:40.

Post match the Shield attacks but Taker actually fights them off since Ambrose is down. He loads up a chokeslam on Rollins on the floor but Reigns hits the big spear through the barricade. Ambrose hits him with a chair and shouts that Taker didn't beat him. Shield TripleBombs Taker through the table, presumably writing him off TV for the a long time.

Jack Swagger b. Alberto Del Rio – Gutwrench powerbomb
Layla b. Aksana – Infinity
Fandango b. Justin Gabriel – Guillotine legdrop
Big Show b. Sheamus – WMD
Wade Barrett b. William Regal – Bull Hammer
Mark Henry b. Randy Orton via DQ when Sheamus interfered
Undertaker b. Dean Ambrose – Hell's Gate




Apparently Cena has injured his Achilles in Europe. No word on how severe it is but he's wrestled since the injury.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
R-Truth b. Antonio Cesaro – Little Jimmy
Damien Sandow b. Brodus Clay – Rollup
Dolph Ziggler b. Chris Jericho – Zig Zag
Tensai b. Cody Rhodes – Backsplash
Big E. Langston b. Zack Ryder – Big Ending
Shield b. Undertaker/HELL NO – Ambrose pinned Bryan after a missed flying headbutt
Fandango b. William Regal – Downward Spiral
AJ won a battle royal by last eliminating Layla

Antonio Cesaro b. Adrian Neville – Neutralizer
Kaitlyn b. AJ Lee – Spear
Big E. Langston b. Brad Maddox – Big Ending
Wade Barrett b. Bo Dallas – Bull Hammer

Impact Wrestling
Taryn Terrell b. Tara – Rollup
Rob Terry b. Jesse Godderz – Spinebuster
Chavo Guerrero/Hernandez b. Austin Aries/Bobby Roode – Frog Splash to Roode
Velvet Sky b. Mickie James – Small Package

Jack Swagger b. Alberto Del Rio – Gutwrench powerbomb
Layla b. Aksana – Infinity
Fandango b. Justin Gabriel – Guillotine legdrop
Big Show b. Sheamus – WMD
Wade Barrett b. William Regal – Bull Hammer
Mark Henry b. Randy Orton via DQ when Sheamus interfered
Undertaker b. Dean Ambrose – Hell's Gate

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