
Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
Every time I watch TV I see those above the influence commercials where they show all these depressed people and then they say that smoking weed is bad. These commercials couldn't be more wrong.

First of all when you smoke weed you never become depressed. Whenever I smoke weed I either become really happy or sometimes it can make you focus more depending on what kind you're smoking.

Second, if weed is so bad then why can it be used in medical situations to cure people. And it's not like other medicines like Tylenol or something where people can take too many and get really sick. You're never going to hear on the news that somebody overdosed on weed.

These commercials need to focus on drugs that are actually harmful like crack, heroine, or pcp. Those drugs can fuck you up and I would never even think about doing those. Even cigarettes are worse then weed. Smoking cigarettes are harmful to your health and you can get addicted to them. People who smoke weed like to do it, but very few, if any are addicted.

Now I'm not saying that people should go out and smoke weed every day. But if you just do it once a week or maybe a few times on the weekend if you don't have to work, then I don't see what the big deal is about smoking weed.
Short term effects of weed aren't bad, it's the long term effects that really fuck you over. One of them is the loss of enjoyment of sex, which has been shown as weed can reduce the amount of sperm.. which obvs isn't about the enjoyment but sure does stop you having children. You could become addicted to it, obviously, that would have a huge effect on your finances. It's been shown to have huge mental effects on a person, plus behavioural issues. Plus, once you start messing with one drug, chances are you'll experiment with others.. which is not something you wanna be doing.
NO NO NO NO NO Weed makes you lose braincells and it alters youe state of mind. Either one of those things are good and that's why marijuana is illegal. The only people that should be able to smoke marijuana is the people who get medical marijuana. I understand that it helps some people who have medical problems live a normal life and it makes the pain in their body feel better and i'm ok with that. But most marijuana users are just people who are looking to get away from lifes problems. There's other ways to get away from problems. Play a video game , Listen to music , go to fucking sleep. People who use weed just to escape their problems is the reason i dont think it should be legal. Bottom line , The people who actualy need it get the medical kind and the people who dont need it shouldnt use it at all. It messes with your brain and obviously fucks you up.
NO NO NO NO NO Weed makes you lose braincells and it alters youe state of mind. Either one of those things are good and that's why marijuana is illegal. The only people that should be able to smoke marijuana is the people who get medical marijuana. I understand that it helps some people who have medical problems live a normal life and it makes the pain in their body feel better and i'm ok with that. But most marijuana users are just people who are looking to get away from lifes problems. There's other ways to get away from problems. Play a video game , Listen to music , go to fucking sleep. People who use weed just to escape their problems is the reason i dont think it should be legal. Bottom line , The people who actualy need it get the medical kind and the people who dont need it shouldnt use it at all. It messes with your brain and obviously fucks you up.

People also think smoking weed is cool. They're fucking losers. I know a group of my mates in college, proper druggies.. think they're the shit. Well, no, they're not. They're a bunch of losers who are gonna end up in hospital one day, ******s. Smoking weed can be done.. perhaps because of peer pressure, because people think they're cool if they're seen smoking weed, older than they should be if they're younger.
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People also think smoking weed is cool. They're fucking losers.

NO NO NO NO NO Weed makes you lose braincells and it alters youe state of mind.

I'm not talking about pot heads who smoke it every day, I just think that if you do it once in a while it's not that big of a deal. I'd rather see someone having fun and releaving stress by smoking weed rather then drinking. Drinking alters your state of mind a lot more then weed does. And when you drink there is a much greater possibility of going out and doing something stupid. When you smoke weed all you do is laugh about random shit and eat alot.
There is a stark difference between trying it once (or twice) and smoking it chronically. I know people from both ends of the spectrum, so I can vouch from personal experience and bias. One of my friends has often made the argument to me that "it's like a glass of wine at the end of the day," and I think that she may be right. The positive aspects of marijuana often include a stronger ability to focus and a relief of stress, plus the medicinal outcomes. The negatives aspects, of course, are well documented.

As with anything, I think moderation and control are the ways to go about it. If one smokes chronically, damage is bound to occur. Someone close to me has been smoking since he was in High School, and he has changed dramatically from those days. It's his outlet, his escape from not being able to handle life -- but he functions at an average rate, so I guess he isn't that doomed. It's just lame to have him around because he talks about the same shit over and over, he can't move on or past anything...

...and on the opposite end, someone close to me smokes at maybe the end of a stressful week or when she is going through something. Apparently, it sometimes helps to deal with the menstrual cramps. Not being a girl, I don't know, but that's what I hear.

I also think it depends highly on the quality of marijuana one buys and smokes, and the method of smoking. A friend of mine recently got some weed doused with PCP. Needless to say he was paranoid and tripping horribly. Also, rolling and toking out of a bowl makes the difference... something about the strength of it or something. I don't know.

I've never been one for marijuana or any other drugs save caffeine and alcohol. I drink coffee like a fiend and I am a social drinker when the occasion calls for it. To me, marijuana just doesn't appeal, and I also think that's a huge part of it. There are certain drugs for certain people, and certain needs. I think as long as one is responsible with the use, and there is no abuse, it's fine.

That is not the argument or case for harder drugs, however. Those need to be controlled and destroyed as quickly as possible. I believe, and my drug knowledge is limited, but while marijuana is (at least) natural, meth and co is not...? So the side-effects and effects the drugs produce are entirely different. So is the intent in use -- and again, that's what it breaks down to.

I think if the government makes it legal and taxes it, we could solve the budget problem. And it would take away from the taboo factor, so the numbers of users may drop. Or may increase.

It all stems from an emptiness we feel the need to fill. It isn't the right way to go about it, as it leads down a dangerous path, but sometimes those mistakes need to be made and lessons need to be learned (assumed they are).
I dabble every now and then, and the glass of wine analogy seems fitting. I have a job and a relationship. I'm starting a business.

When I was younger I smoked too much and lost motivation and stopped going to school. I still toke now and then, usually on a weekend, late at night, before bed. That's usually when a couple of guys I know smoke, so we meet up.

I don't think those above the influence commercials are right at all. Some people take it too far, and their anti-social behavior is not because of weed, it's because they aren't satisfied with their lives. People who use it as an escape just refuse to grow because they are relaxed and positive.

Weed makes everything seem better, therefore a shitty life seems livable. The occasional user just relaxes, makes sense of their day, or week, and goes to bed, after some late night taquitos.

That being said, if it puts your livelihood in danger, then you should avoid it all times. If you have kids, it's not a good thing. And just like other intoxicants, you probably shouldn't be driving. It does lower reaction time, and inhibit thought.

If you have to pass a drug test to support your family, then you should never smoke. The occasional good feeling is not worth having to work retail in some chain for $9 an hour when you can have a professional job earning more at parabolic rates.
Anyone that smokes weed should be ashamed of themselves. I hate drugs, minus caffeine and alcohol to an extent. I just don't see the appeal of smoking Weed. What does it accomplish? It makes you "feel happier". That's a fairly lame reason to insert a harmful drug into your body. Just because it's natural, doesn't mean it should be legal. Anyone that smokes it because they live a shitty life is too self obsessed. Think about people that have it much worse than you. Think about the poor people who basically have nothing to live on, yet you think your life is shit just because things don't go your way.

Nobody should need to turn to drugs in order to make their lives happier. If you have a problem with someone, don't sit in your room all night and smoke weed and feel sorry for yourself, get out there and do something about it in a good manner. Smoking weed because "it's cool", is even more lamer. Do you really think your cool because you smoke something that is going to fuck you up for life? I see them as ignorant people that are obviously stupid enough to think that.

Only the weak and the ignorant turn to drugs to solve their problems. Everyone has tough times, it's part of life. But only the strong and the brave are the ones who get through it without the aid of weed or any other drug for that matter. There's a reason why it's illegal, because it's obviously not good for the human body and can ruin someone's life. And don't give me this "its okay to have once a week crap", a harmful drug is still harmful, not matter how often it's taken.
I hate drugs, minus caffeine and alcohol to an extent. I just don't see the appeal of smoking Weed. What does it accomplish? It makes you "feel happier". That's a fairly lame reason to insert a harmful drug into your body.

Alcohol is a lot more harmful then weed is.
Nobody should need to turn to drugs in order to make their lives happier. If you have a problem with someone, don't sit in your room all night and smoke weed and feel sorry for yourself, get out there and do something about it in a good manner.

I don't smoke weed because I have a shitty life or because I have problems, I just do it every once in a while because it makes you feel good and it loosens you up. It's no different then going to the bar and drinking a few beers or taking a couple shots.

There's a reason why it's illegal, because it's obviously not good for the human body and can ruin someone's life.

That's only if you smoke it every day. Doing it once a week isn't going to ruin your life. Once again the effects of alcohol can ruin your life a lot easier.
There's a reason why it's illegal, because it's obviously not good for the human body and can ruin someone's life.

Aherm, I want to add this in. You do realize the entire reason that Weed was made illegal was because America declared a war on "drugs" and they were losing, badly, so they needed a "win". That's why Weed was made illegal, so the US Government could say they won in some form at the Drug war, and THAT'S why its actually being made legal for medical uses in many states. And don't give me that "its okay for them" crap, because its the same shit. Actual, those patients are probably getting better strands and getting even higher.
Big Sexy said:
Alcohol is a lot more harmful then weed is.
Alcohol doesnt make you lose brain cells , Marijuana does. Marijuana and beer both give you an altered state of mind. They're both addictive and both overall probably not good for your health. The only difference is that alcohol doesent make you lose brain cells.

don't smoke weed because I have a shitty life or because I have problems, I just do it every once in a while because it makes you feel good and it loosens you up. It's no different then going to the bar and drinking a few beers or taking a couple shots.

If you want to get your mind off things and feel better why dont you watch a movie or play a video game ? their's alot of good ways of relaxing that doesnt make you lose brain cells.

That's only if you smoke it every day. Doing it once a week isn't going to ruin your life. Once again the effects of alcohol can ruin your life a lot easier.

But smoking is once a week can lead to smoking it twice a week and twice a week can lead to smoking it any time you feel bad. Smoking it any time you feel bad can lead to smoking it every day so you will never feel bad. When that happens you're addicted to it and you sit on your ass all day doing nothing but smoking marijuana. Then you eventualy dont have any more money to get your weed and you cant get a job because you cant pass a drug test , So you start stealing things. After a while of stealing things you get caught and go to jail.............I can go on and on but you get the point.
There's only one reason why weed is illegal, and it's because anyone can grow it. Cannabis is probably the easiest plant in the world to grow. You can throw seeds anywhere and they'll come up. Anyone can grow it, and anyone can sell it. Now contrast with tobacco. Tobacco is hard to grow, needs lots of care, it's a rough process. So you need a big ass farm to grow it, and a lot of work. Thus, it can't be done by random man on the street - it can only be processed by mega farms and corporations, who sell it to stores, who sell it to people...with the government collecting massive taxes along the way. If weed were legal, anyone could just grow their own. No one would go to a store and buy it, because you could make your own easily. The government doesn't care what weed does to you. They really don't. They just want money, they can't make money of weed, so why should anyone else? That's the logic pattern they follow.

Anyway, should weed be illegal? No. Now look, smoking weed is a bad idea. In men, it'll harm your ability to produce sperm and make sex less fun and productive. In women, it'll hurt the eggs and cause bad problems for future kids. There is an addiction possibility, but it's less likely than getting addicted off tobacco or alcohol. It can lead to the development of anxiety, psychosis and depression, and clearly harms your general intelligence. There's also the gateway drop hypothesis, but I'm not sure I buy it. There's a big difference between smoking weed and smoking crack or taking heroin.

So anyway. You could also use a vaporizer, but they're mostly for medical use. If weed were legal, of course, they'd be much easier to get and would let recreational users get high without hurting themselves. Would be nice, eh?

Weed should be legal, because it's not the government's job to tell me what I can and cannot smoke. Really, it's not. If you want to smoke weed, by all means, do it. I could care less. The government has just gotten too damn big, trying to tell everyone what to do. So shove off, and let people smoke. Furthermore, if it was legal, vaporizers would be available for recreational users, and they'd be able to smoke without major side effects.

Another thing. Putting people in prison for dealing weed/smoking weed is tying up our police force, overcrowding the jails, and taking tax dollars away from worthwhile projects and putting into expanding jails and paying more cops. If weed was legal, there'd be less of a need for cops, and the cops we kept would be dealing with important thing. We'd have fewer and smaller jails to take care of, letting tax dollars work on better projects.

So, let's break it down.

Weed illegal - People lose civil right to decide, vaporizers not available to recreation users, causing more widespread health problems, too many cops not focusing on the right things, too many jails tying up tax money

Weed legal - People have the right to decide, vaporizers become available to recreational users, reducing health risks, fewer cops and fewer jails, saving money

Tell me which option sounds better to you.
Alcohol doesnt make you lose brain cells , Marijuana does

Actually you are completely wrong. No study has ever proven that weed kills brain cells. I'm sure if you smoked a lot every day then it might, but I don't do that. Also alcohol does kill brain cells so you are 0 for 2.
But smoking is once a week can lead to smoking it twice a week and twice a week can lead to smoking it any time you feel bad. Smoking it any time you feel bad can lead to smoking it every day so you will never feel bad.

That might be true for stupid people, but I have smoked weed for a while now and I still only do it every once in a while.
When that happens you're addicted to it and you sit on your ass all day doing nothing but smoking marijuana. Then you eventualy dont have any more money to get your weed and you cant get a job because you cant pass a drug test , So you start stealing things. After a while of stealing things you get caught and go to jail.

Damn homie you need to slow your roll. This isn't crack, it's marijuana and most people who smoke it don't end up like that. And I'm not saying you should smoke it if you are trying to get a job, or if you have to work a lot because then it could cause you to lose your job. But if you have some days off it's not that big of a deal to hit a blunt or smoke a bowl.

So anyway. You could also use a vaporizer, but they're mostly for medical use.

Vaporizes are amazing. My friend has one and smoking with it really helps bring out the positive health aspects of marijuana.
Anyone that smokes weed should be ashamed of themselves.
Gee, and I thought it was people who judge others that should be ashamed of themselves. Silly me.

I hate drugs, minus caffeine and alcohol to an extent.
So if you like the drug it's ok, but if you don't then the users should be ashamed of themselves? You are a judgmental hypocrite.
I just don't see the appeal of smoking Weed.

Then you should definitely talk shit to everyone who does.

What does it accomplish?

I think you can answer this on your own.

It makes you "feel happier".

What a bad reason to like something. Food makes people feel happier, and so does being with family. We should outlaw those too.
That's a fairly lame reason to insert a harmful drug into your body.
The only reason anything has died from weed is because it injested 60 joints in an hour. It was a monkey. And it suffocated.

Just because it's natural, doesn't mean it should be legal.
But chemicals that cause cancer, like sweet n low should be? In a free society you don't need a reason to make something legal. You do need a reason to make a law against something. Do you know what reason Harry J. Anslinger used to make weed illegal? Black jazz musicians liked it, smoked it, made awesome music that white people liked. Then those black guys had sex with white girls. That was deemed dangerous to society. In all reality, it wasn't weed that was deemed harmful, it was jazz. So, we should outlaw rock n' roll and the trombone, the true banes of society.

Anyone that smokes it because they live a shitty life is too self obsessed.
I use it to relax on weekends. I could drink some wine, but that could give me liver disease. Weed on the other hand, makes me want chips. I think I'll take chips over cirrhosis. But that's just me.

Think about people that have it much worse than you. Think about the poor people who basically have nothing to live on, yet you think your life is shit just because things don't go your way.

I do think about them when I do charity work for the Salvation Army, or when I donate to the children's hospital, or the MDA telethon. Come to think of it, I wouldn't be home to donate to MDA if I wasn't high.

Nobody should need to turn to drugs in order to make their lives happier.
Unless it's alcohol or caffeine, right?

If you have a problem with someone, don't sit in your room all night and smoke weed and feel sorry for yourself, get out there and do something about it in a good manner.
So getting high, lighting some candles and making sweet tender love to the woman I love is a bad thing? Wow, maybe I should go skateboard and skin my knees. Or go to a concert and feel crowded. Nah, I'll stay home, get high, play Tony Hawk, listen to a CD, and have sex. Sounds better to me.

Smoking weed because "it's cool", is even more lamer.
You're right. No one should do anything because it's cool. But what about if you just like it?
Do you really think your cool because you smoke something that is going to fuck you up for life?
And with my analyst job, my good relationship with my family, and stable finances I am fucked up how?
I see them as ignorant people that are obviously stupid enough to think that.

I don't think anyone sits around, sparks a doob and says, "Today, I am going to condemn myself to a life of Pizza Hut."

Only the weak and the ignorant turn to drugs to solve their problems.
If you feel this way, take every piece of music you own, and throw it out. Because the great ones got high when they had a problem, and then wrote or played what came to them. Eric Clapton is obviously weak, fucked up, broke, and empty. Either that, or he is having a three way with two models while snorting cocaine off of their nipples. For every Amy Whinehouse or Robert Downey Jr., there is an Eric Clapton, George Carlin, etc.

Everyone has tough times, it's part of life. But only the strong and the brave are the ones who get through it without the aid of weed or any other drug for that matter.
You're an idiot, weed is prescribed as medication. I'll go tell cancer patients that Rusty said they are weak and cowardly. You know, radiation and chemo usually make a person weak because it kills their appetite. Smoking a joint can usually make them hungry, which helps them fight through the side effects with some sustenance. That makes you heal faster.
There's a reason why it's illegal, because it's obviously not good for the human body and can ruin someone's life.
Or jazz music. Or because it's completely nontaxable. The government doesn't like people having fun unless they get a cut. And I am not some anti-government anarchist, I am a realist. There have been no long term side effects of pot discovered, except for a lowered sperm count, and since you don't want these people to reproduce, I think you can live with that. You cannot get cancer from weed. You don't even lose motivation. You just realize that the shit you had to do was never really that important.
And don't give me this "its okay to have once a week crap", a harmful drug is still harmful, not matter how often it's taken.

Right, I agree. Harmful drugs are terrible. Alcohol gives you liver disease. Alcohol is the only drug that has withdraw symptoms that become deadly. That's right, if an alcoholic quits cold turkey, he can die because the part of the brain it affects works harder when your sober, and it can overload, causing a brain hemorrhage. Not even heroin addicts can die from withdraw. But, hey, weed is bad, and according to you.

I hate drugs, minus caffeine and alcohol to an extent.

Wow, you got pwned.
Gee, and I thought it was people who judge others that should be ashamed of themselves. Silly me.

You're probably a nice guy, but I don't agree with your decision to smoke drugs.

So if you like the drug it's ok, but if you don't then the users should be ashamed of themselves? You are a judgmental hypocrite.

Caffeine is harmless. Alcohol is a different story, and I'm not pro alcohol either, by the way. People that get drunk every weekend just for the sake of it or because "it's cool" should be ashamed of themselves.

Then you should definitely talk shit to everyone who does.

You've yet to give me a good reason on why smoking weed is so great. That hungry stuff is a load of crap. It's a pathetic reason to smoke it.

I think you can answer this on your own.

No, I can't. Because it doesn't accomplish anything great, if your smoking it because you like it.

What a bad reason to like something. Food makes people feel happier, and so does being with family. We should outlaw those too.

Does food and seeing family have dangerous side effects? I think not. And didn't you say that you smoke it because it makes you feel happier? Now you're calling it a lame reason to like something, so now look who's the hypocrite.

The only reason anything has died from weed is because it injested 60 joints in an hour. It was a monkey. And it suffocated.

And you have this amazing ability to determine how many people have died from smoking it, do you?

But chemicals that cause cancer, like sweet n low should be? In a free society you don't need a reason to make something legal. You do need a reason to make a law against something. Do you know what reason Harry J. Anslinger used to make weed illegal? Black jazz musicians liked it, smoked it, made awesome music that white people liked. Then those black guys had sex with white girls. That was deemed dangerous to society. In all reality, it wasn't weed that was deemed harmful, it was jazz. So, we should outlaw rock n' roll and the trombone, the true banes of society.

I don't know how to reply to this, because jazz music has nothing to do with the topic we are discussing.

And any chemical that causes cancer shouldn't be legal.

I use it to relax on weekends. I could drink some wine, but that could give me liver disease. Weed on the other hand, makes me want chips. I think I'll take chips over cirrhosis. But that's just me.

So instead of seeing friends or having a good time, you use the illegal aid of weed to relax on weekends. I'm sure there are many other things that can help you to relax. Here are the short term effects of weed:

Short-term effects of marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety.These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with weed. A user may also experience dry mouth and throat.

That's from a proper health website, so it is legitimate. I'd say weed is more harmful than alcohol.

I do think about them when I do charity work for the Salvation Army, or when I donate to the children's hospital, or the MDA telethon. Come to think of it, I wouldn't be home to donate to MDA if I wasn't high.

You're missing the point here. I'm saying that you obviously think you don't have an "easy" life so you smoke weed to relax. Yet, these poor people have absolutely nothing. Meaning, they have it much worse than you, and you still think your life is so bad.

Unless it's alcohol or caffeine, right?

No, nobody should need to turn any drug to make their lives happier. And once again, caffeine is harmless.

So getting high, lighting some candles and making sweet tender love to the woman I love is a bad thing? Wow, maybe I should go skateboard and skin my knees. Or go to a concert and feel crowded. Nah, I'll stay home, get high, play Tony Hawk, listen to a CD, and have sex. Sounds better to me.

If your life is so interesting, why do you need to relax? Can't you do all that other stuff without smoking weed?

You're right. No one should do anything because it's cool. But what about if you just like it?

So if you like shooting or killing someone, it's fine is it? Weed is illegal, because it does have dangerous side effects. Alcohol isn't illegal yet for some unknown reason, apart from the amount of money the government makes off it.

And with my analyst job, my good relationship with my family, and stable finances I am fucked up how?

Then why do you need to relax and why do you need to smoke weed?

I don't think anyone sits around, sparks a doob and says, "Today, I am going to condemn myself to a life of Pizza Hut."

Why am I even bothering to reply to this post.

If you feel this way, take every piece of music you own, and throw it out. Because the great ones got high when they had a problem, and then wrote or played what came to them. Eric Clapton is obviously weak, fucked up, broke, and empty. Either that, or he is having a three way with two models while snorting cocaine off of their nipples. For every Amy Whinehouse or Robert Downey Jr., there is an Eric Clapton, George Carlin, etc.

Famous people that do drugs are very idiotic. They have it better than everyone else, yet they seem to always want more or want a better life. They can never be happy. So because famous people do it, people want to follow suit? Is that what your implying?

You're an idiot, weed is prescribed as medication. I'll go tell cancer patients that Rusty said they are weak and cowardly. You know, radiation and chemo usually make a person weak because it kills their appetite. Smoking a joint can usually make them hungry, which helps them fight through the side effects with some sustenance. That makes you heal faster.

You're missing my point once again. Smoking weed just because you like it or because it makes you hungrier is ridiculous. But if a doctor recommends it and allows a patient to use the drug to help get over their physical problems including cancer, then it's fine. See the difference? These people actually need it in order to survive, you obviously don't.

Or jazz music. Or because it's completely nontaxable. The government doesn't like people having fun unless they get a cut. And I am not some anti-government anarchist, I am a realist. There have been no long term side effects of pot discovered, except for a lowered sperm count, and since you don't want these people to reproduce, I think you can live with that. You cannot get cancer from weed. You don't even lose motivation. You just realize that the shit you had to do was never really that important.

Marijuana long term effects: Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.

There is no good reason to smoke weed for enjoyment purposes. And I do want people to reproduce so I don't want them smoking weed. You're not making much sense.

Right, I agree. Harmful drugs are terrible. Alcohol gives you liver disease. Alcohol is the only drug that has withdraw symptoms that become deadly. That's right, if an alcoholic quits cold turkey, he can die because the part of the brain it affects works harder when your sober, and it can overload, causing a brain hemorrhage. Not even heroin addicts can die from withdraw. But, hey, weed is bad, and according to you.

All "harmful" (notice that word?) drugs are bad for the human body. I am not a fan of alcohol and I am well aware of it's effects, but weed is obviously worse than alcohol. One beer doesn't make you have anxiety problems and severe loss of coordination, but weed does. Many beers can cause a problem, but in moderation, alcohol isn't very harmful.

Wow, you got pwned.

You may just want to rethink that comment.
What really bugs me is the people that say "oh! smoking weed is stupid and harmful" right before the walk into their local off-licence buy a pack of 20 for their trip down the pub.

Rusty said:
And you have this amazing ability to determine how many people have died from smoking it, do you?

There is no documented cases of people dying from smoking weed.

And any chemical that causes cancer shouldn't be legal.

Cutting breeze blocks can cause lung cancer, as can smoking both those should be illegal.

So instead of seeing friends or having a good time, you use the illegal aid of weed to relax on weekends. I'm sure there are many other things that can help you to relax. Here are the short term effects of weed:

You smoke weed with your friends, just like you have a few drinks with your friends. If you drink or smoke alone then maybe you are in trouble.

Short-term effects of marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety.These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with weed. A user may also experience dry mouth and throat.

I used to smoke weed quite a lot and I can solve hard sudoku puzzle's, a test conducted on fifth gear showed that a stoned man drove better than a sober one (not that I'd recommend it), weed if anything slow's your heart rate down and makes you less anxious.

That's from a proper health website, so it is legitimate. I'd say weed is more harmful than alcohol.

Not really because drunk people and their victims end up in hospital everynight. Whereas a weed smoker may experience a few mental health issue's if he smokes like an absolute motherfucker.

No, nobody should need to turn any drug to make their lives happier. And once again, caffeine is harmless.

Agreed, its fun though. Also too much caffeine can cause heart attacks.

All "harmful" (notice that word?) drugs are bad for the human body. I am not a fan of alcohol and I am well aware of it's effects, but weed is obviously worse than alcohol. One beer doesn't make you have anxiety problems and severe loss of coordination, but weed does. Many beers can cause a problem, but in moderation, alcohol isn't very harmful.

One joint doesnt cause anxiety and severe loss of concentration, in moderation weed isnt very harmful. Why is it illegal then? Oh yeah! because there is no money to be made from the government in weed.

Someone has 8 pints and someone else has 4 joints (why 4? because most recreational smokers couldnt smoke much more than 4), who is the least co-ordinated? Who is more likely to start trouble? Who is more likely to have long-term health issue's? On each case I refer you too the alchohol drinker.

CCS said:
Alcohol doesnt make you lose brain cells , Marijuana does. Marijuana and beer both give you an altered state of mind. They're both addictive and both overall probably not good for your health. The only difference is that alcohol doesent make you lose brain cells.

Alchohol doesnt make you lose braincells? Go out one night and get hit round the head with a 2x4 that's probably the amount of braincells you'd lose by drinking too much.

If you want to get your mind off things and feel better why dont you watch a movie or play a video game ? their's alot of good ways of relaxing that doesnt make you lose brain cells.

Havent you heard? Movies and videogames are a cause of violence, much like alchohol. Weed on the other hand makes one too placid to want to cause trouble.

But smoking is once a week can lead to smoking it twice a week and twice a week can lead to smoking it any time you feel bad. Smoking it any time you feel bad can lead to smoking it every day so you will never feel bad. When that happens you're addicted to it and you sit on your ass all day doing nothing but smoking marijuana. Then you eventualy dont have any more money to get your weed and you cant get a job because you cant pass a drug test , So you start stealing things. After a while of stealing things you get caught and go to jail.............I can go on and on but you get the point.

It's a fair point if a little extreme. If you cant stop smoking long enough to get a job then you are a pathetic individual. Still if you cant stop playing videogames long enough to get a job then you got something to worry about.
Most recreational weed smokers are no different too most recreational drinkers.

I would normally say, dont smoke weed because it's illegal at this point but I dont think that that is the debate is it?
I smoke weed everyday at least once a day and i'm a college student with about a 3.0 average. I feel there is nothing wrong with it and barley consider it a drug. I am willing to admit there are some adverse effects to smoking weed like a being lazy. But Scientific studies have proven that weed does not cause damage to the brain or the reproductive system. They only reasons this myths were created by scientists that used near lethal levels of thc in monkey. also weed is healthier then cigarettes because you can smoke out of bongs and vaps, they filter out most of the harmful carcinogens that cigarettes don't. also there is only one way to overdose on weed is to consume over 40,000 times as much weed as you need to get stoned. When people say weed is a gateway drug that is also incorrect in amsterdam where they legalized weed in 1970 cocaine and heroine use/arrests have decreased. I also find it interesting that weed is also used for medical purposes if something was harmful to the body why would it be used as a medicine. Also states like ny, co and many other have started to decriminalize weed it's only a matter of time before it's decriminalized in all of america. If alcohol is legal then there is not reason weed shouldnt legal.
If you want to regularly smoke it, it's your choice, but don't mind if I think of you as an idiot. And don't worry, I think of those who smoke and binge drink as idiots as well. Why? Because I see nothing good coming from putting chemicals like that into your body. You can throw all your scientific shit at me all you want. The 'best' reason I've heard for smoking it is 'it makes me happy'. Well then you need to go see a doctor if the only way you can be happy is by taking an illegal drug.

Oh, and smoke it anywhere near me, you'd be dead. Look, there's a way for it to kill you. Same with cigarettes, if you want to put the filthy things into your body, it's fine, but no one's doing it near me. And final point, it makes you fucking stink. And I mean awful, it makes me feel sick. Why you'd want to smell like that, I don't know.
Does food and seeing family have dangerous side effects?

okay now your just being naive food does have dangerous side effects. you know that obesity is the number 1 killer of people in america. and how do you become obese by eating a lot of food. seriously before you judge something like weed why not try it yourself. So at least you can use some actually facts and not some ends justify the means propaganda fed you by your elementary school D.A.R.E class. This does not mean i think everyone should smoke weed. I think it's important to know the actual facts before making a decision. and if after looking at the facts you decide to still not smoke weed more power too you but that shouldn't effect how i want to live my life for the time being.
seriously before you judge something like weed why not try it yourself. So at least you can use some actually facts and not some ends justify the means propaganda fed you by your elementary school D.A.R.E class. This does not mean i think everyone should smoke weed. I think it's important to know the actual facts before making a decision. and if after looking at the facts you decide to still not smoke weed more power too you but that shouldn't effect how i want to live my life for the time being.

No offence, but this is an incredibly stupid post. How does trying weed somehow educate people of the facts? I'd be more worried of losing brain cells than gaining some knowledge. The only possible outcome of my trying weed would be to 'get high', something I have no intention of wanting to do.
No offence, but this is an incredibly stupid post. How does trying weed somehow educate people of the facts? I'd be more worried of losing brain cells than gaining some knowledge. The only possible outcome of my trying weed would be to 'get high', something I have no intention of wanting to do.

I'm sorry i don't see how what i said was stupid and just because you say no offence doesn't make what you say not offensive . I never said you should smoke weed i don't care if you do or don't but i hate when people biasly bash something they have looked into or either try. It's like saying i hate cheese burghers without ever eating one. Personal before i first tried smoking weed i took what i learned from D.A.R.E and what i looked up on my own to make an educated decision. I would hope that everyone would do the same thing before giving something like weed such a bad wrap.
I'm sorry i don't see how what i said was stupid and just because you say no offence doesn't make what you say not offensive . I never said you should smoke weed i don't care if you do or don't but i hate when people biasly bash something they have looked into or either try. It's like saying i hate cheese burghers without ever eating one. Personal before i first tried smoking weed i took what i learned from D.A.R.E and what i looked up on my own to make an educated decision. I would hope that everyone would do the same thing before giving something like weed such a bad wrap.

Well you can take offence if you want, I can't be bothered pretending to care. It was a stupid post because all it did was say you'd 'learn the facts' if you tried weed. Now, if I said "Getting high is boring", without ever getting high, you would have a point. However, no one said anything similar. What was said is that people believe weed to have adverse affects. I'd like to know why smoking weed somehow makes you more knowledgeable of it's long term effects.
Well you can take offence if you want, I can't be bothered pretending to care. It was a stupid post because all it did was say you'd 'learn the facts' if you tried weed. Now, if I said "Getting high is boring", without ever getting high, you would have a point. However, no one said anything similar. What was said is that people believe weed to have adverse affects. I'd like to know why smoking weed somehow makes you more knowledgeable of it's long term effects.

i was being sarcastic about the no offense stuff it's kinda hard to detect online lol but i didn't proof read my first post. i didn't mean it to say smoke weed and learn. but before make claims that weed cause brain damage etc when there is scientific evidence refuting these claims i think you should look at the facts yourself. and if that still makes you not smoke weed, good for you. even if you don't do that and still don't smoke weed i don't care either buut it does not give you to look down upon or preach to someone who does.
i was being sarcastic about the no offense stuff it's kinda hard to detect online lol but i didn't proof read my first post. i didn't mean it to say smoke weed and learn. but before make claims that weed cause brain damage etc when there is scientific evidence refuting these claims i think you should look at the facts yourself. and if that still makes you not smoke weed, good for you. even if you don't do that and still don't smoke weed i don't care either buut it does not give you to look down upon or preach to someone who does.

I'm not saying weed causes Brain damage, I don't care enough to go and find out, and my post said nothing about that. My post said quite clearly it's up to someone if they want to smoke it. But see how this post made more sense? When you speak about scientific evidence, instead of saying "smoke weed and gain facts", it makes your post look better, whether I agree with it or not.

And I hardly call giving your opinion on weed in a thread titled weed is preaching.

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