We all grew up

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
Well im going to try and get people thinking ..key word..try
Everyone other post seems to say what is wrong with the wwe and why do people hate it and all this bla bla bla im tired of it. You don't like it change the channel but you do like it and you keep watching so stop crying please.
The reason I think people don't love it as much as they use to is simple....
Everyone has grown up!
When we were kids we didn't care about the skills of wrestling . We didn't notice really. When i was about 10 years old that's when i started to realize it was fake but i still loved it and still do.
One example..when i was younger did i realize how bad the warrior was NO. did you when you where 6 years old..i don't think so but you decide for your self.
As we got older we pick threw everything in wrestling with a fine tooth pick and go after every detail that we can instead of just sitting back and enjoying the show.
Another example of us growing up is possibly the star wars effect.
We grow up with the original 3 right..
Now we got misa ja ja binks.wtf
But when we where younger we had hogan to grow up to and watch. Now..we have cena.
Hogan and cena lets see it
what is really different with them?
Hogan moves..punch .closeline. body slam and leg drop that's all i really remember him doing
Cena five moves-You cant c me..."how is this really different from hulking up..i mean hogan looks like he's going on roid rage when he does this"
Attitude adjuster..little better then a leg drop
Don't tell me Cena cant do any other moves that hogan can do
Both have young fans. Hogan is older so he has older fans.
IMO i think wrestling these days are better then they use to be.

I hope i was able the get you people seeing what i was thinking if not im sorry some times its hard to get what im thinking into words but i tryed
For me it's not that "i've grown up". It's the IWC, ruins it for me. Yes the very thing im apart of, But it's not because I read spoilers or backstage news.

The only time I take a negative stance on wrestling, Is when I take part in LD's, Or when some harshly critises a wrestler that I like. When these happen I tend to pick apart every little thing, Instead of doing what I normally. Suspending my disbelief, When im not on WZ, And watching wresting, I'm like a child watching it. Thinking it's real, And while im watching it, Nothing else matters.

I'll give an example. At Extreme rules, I was onto it bad, So bad that when Jeff Hardy tied up Edge in the ladder I almost cried. I was so depressed that I got up from my chair, And went to turn off the TV, As my finger approached the switch, The music suddenly changes. It's CM Punk! I start squealing like an 8 year old girl walking past Zac Efron. Would that have happened if I was online? Probably not.
I am still fully capable of suspending my belief when I watch the shows. I still mark out when I see Cena and Jeff Hardy just like my little brothers do. I know what you mean man, but the IWC just loves to pick apart every aspect of the product. Most of these people are 14 year old kids who think they know what good wrestling is but really have no clue. You can't please everyone and luckily the WWE doesn't aim their product at these people.
The IWC doesnt really bother me, if it did I wouldnt be wasting my Sunday's in this place, well I say wasting, more to do with a lack of anything better to do.

If they say that The Rock or Warrior were crap wrestlers because they werent technically gifted I couldnt really care less. It's their opinion, just because they are horribly wrong doesnt mean they cant think it, or type it on the internet.

As far as growing up, I never did that either, I still reckon Ultimate Warrior was awesome, to this day. I still couldnt care less about how many moves a guy know's, just entertain me. I still cheer the faces over the heels, I cant help it, I am a mark for the good guys in the end.

Wrestling's like an on/off thing for me anyway, it's why I think it should have season's, because the only time I am inclined to watch it is during the winter when there isnt as much to do outside. I dont enjoy it much at the moment (except for the odd TNA program) but six months down the line and I'll probably be a fan all over again.
I haven't grown up at all. I watch the show as if everything happening is real. I mark out for everything and anything. It's 'fake', but it's real. When I'm watching it I'm not thinking about how a character is being developed or booked, or why Vince allows heels to cheat and win. I'm thinking about how much I hate those heels for cheating and winning. I hate the heels and love the faces. Now, obviously, I have heels I like and faces I don't, but when I'm watching it that doesn't matter. I want the faces to beat the heels, because it's like a superhero thing - the bad guy can't win.
I must admit that since I have began reading reviews online that is hyas started to affect the way I watch wrestling. Sometimes I question the booking and get upset when certain guys get the push I think they should! But when I actually watching, unless the show is completey boring or something truly ridiculous happens, I enjoy it!
The problem with wrestling is...well...um...there are none. The only difference is the way we as fans look at it. If you critique the product even to the smallest detail, then of course it's not going to be as enjoyable as it was when we were all younger marking out for the rock calling rikishi a "thong wearing fatty" (i still crack up when i hear it lol). What the fans need to do is stop bitching about all the politics that go on and HHH sleeping with the boss's daughter and the older wrestlers not putting over the younger stars and just watch the damn show. i'll probalby get some heat from this post, but quite frankly i don't care.
Yea, what he said. if you look for crap, you will find crap. if you watch a cena match for the repetitive end, you will be dissapointed in the product. if you watch for entertainment, you will enjoy it
I don't think it is so much the fact that I grew up but the fact that I started finding sites like this and rags with marks and smarks and everything else that just kind of ruined it for me and made me more critical. I still remember watching in amazement the months leading up to Wrestlemania 3 and being so enthralled in the entire fantasy world that it created that I sometimes wish that I could go back to those times and I would've never found these rags and sits because I think I still would have some of that enthrallment and mysticism.

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