WCW Region, Third Round: Dog Collar Match: (1) Steve Austin vs. (8) Mil Mascaras

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Steve Austin

  • Mil Mascaras

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the WCW Region. It is a dog collar match held in the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.


Rules: The wrestlers will be tied up by the necks with a ten foot steel chain. First pin or submission wins and use of the chain is legal.


#1. Steve Austin



#8. Mil Mascaras

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Assume the wrestlers are at full strength after their first two matches.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
If Austin is going to lose any match... it's going to be a Dog Collar match. Austin's one noticeable weakness is his neck. His neck injury via piledriver from Owen Hart nearly ended his career. Alas, Austin went on to be the biggest wrestler since Hogan in regards to ratings, selling merchandise, and tickets.

That being said, Austin can be had in this kind of match, and Mascaras is not exactly chopped liver.

I'll withhold my vote for now, but no one should be shocked at Austin losing this kind of match to a worthy foe.
Man fuck Mil Mascaras. For all of his accomplishments and legendary status, I cannot recall ever enjoying a single solitary match of his, and I've gone out of my way to watch a decent amount of them.

Austin is Austin. If there's a better professional wrestler in the modern era, I don't know them. Money, workrate, mic skills, resume, impact, he's at the top of the mountain for a reason. The Dog Collar stip should only help him out as he's won collar matches before and excels at hardcore brawls like these.

Mil has made a respectable run this year but it should end here.
Austin would have a bit more trouble in a dog collar match, but he would be able to get by with a win here. One of the biggest money makers ever in the most competitive time in wrestling. Austin is one of the best ever and goes on to the next round.
Awful draw for Mil Mascaras. He needed the ultimate submission more than anyone. Austin drew this match last year and the same tired arguments were made "LOL Austin has a broken neck so he'd auto lose." Same amount of bullshit applied to the "Andre and Hogan can't climb ladders" camp. The stip doesn't hinder Austin. He's a strong brawler and will whip the shit out of someone and then drag their ass across the ring. Simple.

Mascaras could ground Austin for a while, but unlike a LMS standing match he's tethered to Austin at all times. High risk moves would be limited and not as effective. The object is to hit your opponent hard and fast. Austin excels at that. Mascaras is more methodical. Not going to help him here.

And there's the "Austin is a bigger draw and would be booked to win anyway because he is/was the bigger star" aspect.
I can see why some would think a dog collar match would favor Mascaras based on Austin's neck but personally I would say it favors Austin as a dog collar match doesn't limit his arsenal like it does with Mascaras. Mascaras was a big draw but Austin was what all drawing power is measured by, arguably the biggest draw in the history of wrestling so he has Mascaras beat on that level and I would think Atlanta would favor Austin as well (I'm just saying I haven't heard of the significant Latino population in Atlanta before).

Mascaras would hang in there no question, but eventually the brawling of the Texas Rattlesnake would take him down. Austin wins.
I don't agree with the reasoning that Austin would be at a disadvantage because of his neck. Mascaras is at a disadvantage because he loses half his arsenal... and Mils was never a guy for the violent stuff like a chain.

Austin stomps a mudhole in his ass and wins this one.
I once voted for Vader over Austin in a dog collar match and used Austin's weak neck against him. This is a better draw for Austin. Limiting an opponent's distance and using the vicious and aggressive style in this kind of match works much better for Austin against Mascaras than it did against Vader. Mascaras would want to create distance and perhaps use the top rope and that will be difficult in this match. Austin also has more of a mean streak. Austin moves on.
Although Austin's main (possibly only) weakness is his surgically repaired neck, Mascaras also has a huge disadvantage in that being chained to Austin severely limits any high-flying offense he would try and use in this match.

Austin is tougher, more aggresive and more vicious than Mascararas, and would use the chain to his advantage far more than Mil would be able to. Austin's style of wrestling is more suited to this type of match and I have no doubt he'd get the victory here.
Mil Mascaras was a fucking asshole who constantly no sold his opponents offense and thought himself to be a much bigger deal than he really was. That isn't to say he wasn't a big deal, he is one of the few luchadores I can name, but he isn't Jesus incarnate like he thought himself to be. I could see him no selling and Austin just losing his shit and beating the piss out of Mil with the chain. No way does Austin not win this.

Plus Mil is sort of responsible for Alberto Del Rio being relevant, so double fuck him.
1997 Royal Rumble. Which entrant got the loudest pop? It was Mil Mascaras. He out popped Austin in 1997! I'm voting Mascaras because he doesn't deserve the wipeout this should be.
Austin is drinking milk.

I like milk with my cereal. I'm not sure if Steve Austin enjoys cereal but he's got a lot of milk which I'm sure he could share with me if I was running short on milk. I'm not sure what this Mil Mascaras does but he is wearing a mask. Probably has something to hide. I don't see any milk or pro milk material in his picture.

I'm voting Austin because he likes milk. I'm sure that helps with your physical ability and that would help with this match or whatever.
I voted Austin. Lee already used up the 1997 Royal Rumble argument, so there's not really an excuse to vote Mascaras, but as a challenge I will only speak about Austin's win in the context of the 1997 Royal Rumble match up.

In that match, Mascaras got in a tizzy at some of the other Mexican seat fillers in the match and eliminated himself from proceedings. This shows that he is an idiot, and idiots always lose dog collar matches by doing something stupid like getting the collar wrapped around their neck.
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