Watching people gamble is fun


Getting Noticed By Management
On the weekend I went on an adventure. To be specific it was my local soccer club's end of season trip and about 30 of us headed to Echuca (a country town in Australia) on Friday morning and proceeded to drink ourselves stupid.

Now despite what Nightmare will have you be we did not have an orgy. We did however, end up at one the local pubs continuing to drink ourselves stupid and have a flutter on the thoroughbreds. This was all well and good, I even had a go myself. But there was this one bloke; he was dressed in jeans and thongs (flip-flops to the uncultured) which is a complete fuck up in itself, along with a Cricket Australia tracksuit top that was clearly not authentic. So clearly he's a fuckwit.

Anyway, so old mate is walking around the pub. He looks at one of the tv screens, shakes his head, looks at the form guides pinned up around the pub, shakes his head and repeats until the main race is finished. Naturally, a few of us caught on to old mate's pattern and started to observe. Being insensitive pricks we laughed and cracked various jokes, most being about how he fits the stereotype of the guy that spends too much at the pub and beats his wife. Now I'm not condoning domestic violence but when somebody is a walking stereotype :lmao:

So if you are ever feeling shit about yourself. Find your local watering hole, find the fella who cant control his gambling and just think well fuck at least that isnt me.

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