was eddie gurrero really world championship material when he won the gold?

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....or was he just a good mid carder at the time. he without doubt grew into a true champ and looked like a main eventer when he lost the title but i dont he was big enough when he first won the gold.
do u?
I think at the time Eddie was a good choice. However he is one of those guys (like Benoit, Jericho, JBL, Mysterio etc) Who gets given the belt for whatever reason (no one else around, 10+ years of hard work, 'their time' etc) but will only ever hold the title once. If they do get it for a second time it will be as a quick transitional champ so they can drop it to someone else.
boon! said:
....or was he just a good mid carder at the time. he without doubt grew into a true champ and looked like a main eventer when he lost the title but i dont he was big enough when he first won the gold.
do u?

Neither was JBL (if you are meaning big enough as effectiveness as opposed to size) but sometimes people that don't deserve things get them and THEN prove that they deserve it. That's what happened with Eddie, JBL, or in the opinions of some Brock.
I was surprised at first when Eddie won the WWE title from Brock Lesnar, because for some reason I couldn’t picture him as World champion. However, Eddie proved that he deserved to be World champion.

Around the time that Hulk Hogan won his first WWE World title, a lot of people were criticizing Vince’s decision because Hogan didn’t fit the mold of the traditional World champion.

When Bret Hart won the WWE World title, I was skeptical because Bret had mainly built a reputation as a tag team champion; and despite his success with the IC title, I didn’t think Bret would’ve worked as World champion.

The point is, sometime it’s hard to judge whether someone deserved a World title until he has held it. (Keep in mind I used the word “sometimes” because there were definitely times when we knew someone deserved the World title in advance or someone who deserved it but never did won it).
I was suprised too but i liked Eddie once he won the belt too but when he was going for his match with Brock at NWO i didn't even think of what it would be like as Eddie as a champ but i liked it
I was shocked when Eddie beat Lesnar and that was when i thought Eddie to be a tag team wrestler or US title wrestler To me it was the best match i had seen since the Championship ladder match where it was Taker vs Hardy and overall i think Edddie deserved to be champ and i liked his run it was really fun and exciting especially when he auctioned Kurt Angle's "possesions"
eddie will always be missing ¡¡

VIVA LA RAZA ¡¡ hasta luego amigo
Eddie won the title because he was the hottest thing in wrestling at the time. Vince had nothing to loose by putting the title on him.
Eddie payed his dues. He had it all. Great in ring abilities, great mic work and all around charisma and the ability to be effective as both a heel and a face. His title was well deserved IMO.
eddie put on good matches he should of had the title years before he won it
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